Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 658: The two lost

I didn't know that countries would once again use Obamar, who was thinking of their own spacecraft, and wanted to speed up the research so that they could catch up with the Mars transformation plan and get a share of the pie, but the more eager they are, the less progress there is.

At the secret base in Citi State, scientists hurriedly shouted around the dean.

"Dean, I really can't do it anymore, you can find someone else, and you have to give the engine modification plan today. You treat me as a god."

"Dean, are you mentally retarded? Can technology improve overnight?"

"I didn't expect that in order to make up for your own mistakes, Dean, let us work day and night, and your heart aches."


The dean of the base sweating profusely said: "Calm down, everyone, I don't want to give you such a heavy task, but this is required by the above, I can't help it, everyone should do their best."

"It can only be this way". Hearing that it was the task requested above, the scientists replied sadly.

The scientists who returned to their jobs were thinking hard about the transformation plan. There was no word on the drawing, and it was still white and new. Obviously, they did not think of a good way to transform the spacecraft.

"If I could have Zhang Yu's incomparable brain, it would be great." Scientists secretly thought with envy.

In the barren universe, the spaceship fleet directly smashed the small meteorites and flew to Mars. The farther away from the sun, the lower the brightness. Some huge meteorite piles can block the sunlight and make the starry sky dark.

The ten spaceships shining with lights are as small as fireflies in the universe, while human beings are like dust in the universe. The vast universe contains all life and non-life.

In the main spacecraft control room, Zhang Yu asked: "Xiaowen, how long will it take to get to Mars?"

"Three days". Xiaowen replied.

"Speed ​​up." Zhang Yu ordered.

"Yes". Xiaowen replied, turning on the spacecraft's strongest power, and the spacecraft flew to Mars at high speed.

In the space far away from the spaceship fleet, Tang Yan and Song Bao, who control the Gundam robot, soon became bored. After all, the scenery in the space is monotonous, and the surroundings are very dim, and there is nothing to look at.

Song Bao yawned and said, "Sister Yan, or let's go back. Flying like this is so boring."

"No, I must follow, and you are not allowed to go." Tang Yanqiang cheered up and replied.

"Why can't I leave?" Song Bao asked depressedly.

"You are gone, if I have an accident, do you feel good about it?" Tang Yan asked back.

"Sorry." Song Bao replied without even thinking about it.

"That's not it." Tang Yan smiled.

"Anyway, I got a routine." Song Bao, who had reacted, was full of frustration.

The Gundam robot is only 60 meters high, and its flying speed is too far from that of the spacecraft. There are countless meteorites in the universe, with a diameter of more than 60 meters. Tang Yan and Song Bao have dodged countless such meteorites and are exhausted. .

The two people whose brains were exhausted slowed down. Song Bao suggested, "Sister Yan, take a break, or I'm afraid we will be exhausted before we get to Mars."

"Then take a break." Hearing Song Bao's words, Tang Yan borrowed the po and said the donkey.

The two quickly found a huge meteorite flying to Mars, lay on it directly, and fixed themselves. The gravity-free universe was not fixed. After falling asleep, they didn't know it would drift there.

The exhausted two quickly fell asleep. The huge meteorite was lightly hit by a small meteorite during the flight, and then the huge meteorite trembled and changed the direction of flight, but the two sleeping people didn't know it.

"Boom." The meteorite that changed its direction was hit by another meteorite and changed its direction again. The sleeping Tang Yan and Song Bao were taken by the giant meteorite in an unknown direction, away from Mars.

A particularly exhausted person can sleep for about twelve hours. After Tang Yan and Song Bao slowly regained consciousness in the universe, they only felt that they were full of energy, but they were overwhelmed just by looking at their surroundings.

"Damn, where is this?" Looking at the dim surroundings, Song Bao exclaimed, bewildered.

Tang Yan, who was fully awake, opened the star map in a panic, and found that the two of them not only were far away from the Martian route, but also came into a meteorite pile, and the huge meteorite still in flight was crashing into another. Meteorite.

When Song Bao saw this, his pupils shrank, and he shouted in horror: "Sister Yan, run away, she is about to hit a meteorite."

"what". Hearing this, Tang Yan immediately looked in front of the giant meteorite, and immediately activated the Gundam robot and flew off the surface of the meteorite.

"Rumble rumbling." Under the silent impact, two huge meteorites shattered. Tang Yan and Song Bao could make up for the strength and sound of the impact. Fortunately, they woke up early, otherwise they would definitely be crushed.

Song Bao, who was afraid of it, said with trepidation, "Sister Yan, let's get out of here."

"Okay, let's go". Tang Yan agreed with the reply.

The two of them walked through the meteorite pile. After flying for a long time, they still did not fly out of the meteorite pile. This made the two of them start to fear. They knew that they must be lost. There was a maze in the meteorite pile.

"What should we do now". Song Bao asked in a panic.

"Try again, can't give up". Tang Yan clenched his teeth and insisted.

"Ok". Song Bao nodded and turned back, following Tang Yan's side, afraid of losing.

The two wandering in the meteorite maze did not notice that the meteorite pile was moving. If they could not get out early, the two of them would be taken by the moving meteorite pile to an unknown place.

But with a huge number of meteorite piles, a maze larger than the earth was built. How could it be so easy to escape? Tang Yan and Song Bao regret it at this moment. They knew that they shouldn’t look down on the universe. Of potentially dangerous.

If someone stands guard during a break, there will be no such accidents. It is the fault of inexperience and arrogance.

Tang Yan and Song Bao, who were flying like blind flies, repeated the action of flying. Song Bao inadvertently saw that on the virtual screen, only 50% of the energy remained, and Song Bao hurriedly stopped Tang Yandao. .

"Sister Yan, you can't waste energy anymore, otherwise, if the energy runs out, we will be frozen to death by the cold cosmic temperature."

"Then do it now." Tang Yan asked without a clue.

"Why don't you ask Brother Yu for help." Song Bao suggested.

"No, then Brother Yu will laugh at us, and seeing that we have caused him trouble again this time, Brother Yu will not take us out in the future. Do you want to stay on the moon for the rest of your life." Tang Yan analyzed.

"I don't want to, but". Song Bao wanted to persuade him again. After all, life is more important, but Tang Yan interrupted his next words.

"Just don't want to, let's think of other ways." Tang Yan ordered.

Helpless Song Bao answered, "Okay."

The two looked at the same meteorites and wanted to find the gaps. Just when the two watched carefully, a bright light suddenly penetrated in from the outside, and the two looked in the direction of the light and instantly found the gaps.

"Hurry up, there is a gap." Tang Yan shouted in ecstasy.

The two Gundam robots flying at extreme speed flew away from the gap, but the moving meteorite quickly filled the gap again, the light disappeared, and the two people who had fainted, flew randomly in the meteorite pile.

"Damn it, I just got out so close." Tang Yan yelled heartily.

"Look again, if the light reappears, I might be able to get out sooner." Song Bao suggested.

"Row". Tang Yan nodded and began to observe carefully.

Luck is a mysterious thing. When you pay attention to it, it is like a shy child, hiding in hiding. Inadvertently, it appears in a hurry and then slips away. The two people who have been observing for a long time have not seen the light again. appear.

Tang Yan, who didn't want to just admit defeat, forced Song Bao not to ask for help. Then the two of them froze in the meteorite pile. Until the seventh day, Tang Yan, who had run out of ammunition and had no bath, gave up. She can't stand the sour smell.

"Seek help." Tang Yan said to Song Bao sullenly.

"Really, then I'm asking for help." Song Bao had never seen such a fickle woman, and asked repeatedly, otherwise Tang Yan would regret it later and would not hate himself to death.

"Seek help, I surrendered, I really want to take a bath." Tang Yan said depressed.

"---". Song Bao also gave in to Tang Yan. He didn't expect that the proud Tang Yan would actually lose because he couldn't take a bath. It's just crazy. Wouldn't it be better to ask for help early? Why do you have to make it like this?

Just when Song Bao asked for help, the meteorite pile suddenly dispersed, and a vast universe appeared in front of the two of them. Unknowingly, the two of them crossed the asteroid ring and came to Jupiter.

Song Bao from the circle asked, "Are you still asking for help?"

"Please help me, we are all out, OK? By the way, do you know where this is and how to get to Mars." After Tang Yan scolded the ignorant Song Bao, he looked around and asked with a bewildered face.

After looking around at Song Bao, he saw the big red spot annual ring-shaped sign on Jupiter, and he knew it was Jupiter. His face changed a lot and said: "We have gone too far, and we have to go back to get to Mars."

"go back". Seeing the endless asteroid belts behind him, Tang Yan was dumbfounded, and if he took a detour, it would take an astonishing amount of time, he might starve to death halfway, and Tang Yan gave up decisively.

"Why don't you go around and ask for help." Song Bao suggested cautiously.

"This is the only way to go, just as a tourist." Tang Yan pouted and replied with a depressed face.

Two Gundam robots came to Jupiter enthusiastically. On Jupiter, formed by gaseous liquid, it has no solid surface and belongs to a gaseous planet. Its magnetic field strength is fourteen times that of the Earth, and it is a huge water ball.

Under the sun's rays, Jupiter reflected a brighter light, and the misty clouds obstructed the scenery inside Jupiter. Song Bao suggested: "Why don't you go in and take a look."

"Danger is not". Tang Yan hesitated.

"It shouldn't be dangerous." Song Bao was uncertain. ,, .. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (the two lost in Chapter 658), and open the bookshelf next time Can be seen! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (