Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 883: The sensation caused by the elves

Zhang Yu and others, who returned to Mars from the Magic Continent, quickly forgot the wreckage of the King Kong Robot. They did not know that the King Kong Robot was not only found by the natives of the Magic Continent, but also by the goblin clan who knows best how to modify weapons.

At the moment when the goblin leader Hai Bolun saw the King Kong robot, countless transformation ideas rushed into his heart. He couldn't wait to start the transformation. He smiled and shouted: "Hurry up and move the iron golem in."

"Yes". The members of the goblin clan responded.

On the sacred mountain of the ancient forest, the blind-eyed steel rhinoceros, the holy beast, is waiting for the Phoenix-winged tiger and the Titan elephant to return, but waiting from the left to the right, there are no two holy beasts. There is a steel rhino with a bad feeling in my heart. , Muttered to himself.

"No, they are so strong, how could they die".

The steel rhino, who was blind and couldn't go anywhere, waited for a few days, but did not find the Phoenix-winged tiger and the Titan elephant to return. Finally, they realized that something must have happened to them. Thinking of this, the steel rhino was mixed with joy and sorrow.

The happy thing is that there are no monsters to **** the fountain of life with me, but the sad thing is that I am blind. If there is a powerful monster or the human being who snatched the fountain of life from the fountain of life next time, it will be finished. Up.

"What to do, I can't just sit back and wait for death." Steel Rhino thought flusteredly.

On Mars, Zhang Yu, who walked out of the wormhole in the Xingyue Robot Factory, was filled with the squeaking sounds of elves. The elves who came to take refuge were all wearing cool grass skirts and low-cut straw clothes.

Everything that came into the eyes of Zhang Yu, Song Bao and the others was snow-white and snow-white skin. Song Bao's eyes were wide open, and his saliva was about to flow out. Zhang Yu coughed, turning everyone's attention away, and said.

"Now your territory is safe. Do you want to go home now or go back in a few days later."

After hearing the words, the Queen of the Moon Elf said, "We will go back in a few days. Since we have all come to your site, we must visit it."

The Queen of Nature, Hathaway, smiled and said, "Yes, I am very curious about your organization."

The members of the natural elves and the moon elves all chirping with bright eyes.

"Listen to Sister Shi Xi, they have a lot of fun and delicious things here."

"Really, you have to go and see it."


Seeing that the elves couldn't wait to go out to visit, Zhang Yu, in order to prevent unnecessary sensation, had to tell Shi Xi and others: "Take care of those elves, don't let them be frightened by the enthusiastic Xingyue Institution residents."

"is teacher". Shi Xi and others responded.

"I also want to go home to reunite with my family, so please do it yourself." Zhang Yu said goodbye.

"Goodbye". Shouted the elves waving their arms.

After Zhang Yu left, the elves immediately surrounded Shi Xi and others, chirping and asking.

"Sister Shi Xi, let's set off quickly."

"I can't wait to take a look outside."


The Queen of Nature, Hathaway, smiled and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Well, let's go shopping now." Shi Xi waved a big hand, beckoning the elves to follow, and walked towards the street.

In the first villa of Xingyue Agency, Zhang Yue’s safe return made Zhang Qiang and Zhao Yan happy to put it away. Zhao Yan embraced her granddaughter with an open eyebrow, and kissed Zhang Yue’s little cheeks, making her granddaughter "chuckle". laugh.

Zhang Qiang suddenly asked: "That's right, where's Xiaoyu".

"He has something to do now, and he will be back soon." Yanyan didn't want the two elders to worry about it, so she avoided the importance and treated it lightly.

"Really, what's important, it's better than a family reunion." Zhang Qiang was dissatisfied.

Zhang Yue, who has already recovered his body, possesses Zhang Yu’s natural mind power. Although the quantity and quality are not as good as Zhang Yu, as long as he keeps on exercising, it will increase. Zhang Yue, who still doesn’t know how to control mind power, suddenly flies. Up.

The granddaughter in her arms flew away suddenly, Zhao Yan raised her head in disbelief, looked at Zhang Yue who was crawling in the air, and screamed: "My granddaughter".

"how come". Zhang Qiang was also frightened. He was afraid that Zhang Yue would fall. He hurriedly came under the granddaughter, opened his hand, and was ready to catch the granddaughter.

"Gluck giggled."

Zhang Yue, who was flying in the air, rang out and laughed, crawling up and down in the air, having fun.

"Baby, come down, mother hug." Angela's pretty face was full of panic, and she opened her hand to coax.

"Gluck". Zhang Yue crawled around the villa, not listening to Angela at all.

The helpless Yanyan everyone had no choice but to say all the good things to Zhang Yue. They wanted Zhang Yue to come down and play with Zhang Yue with the eagle catching the chicks. The hall suddenly became very lively, and everyone was chasing the air. Zhang Yue,

Zhao Yan, who was full of anxiety, asked: "What's the matter, how did my granddaughter become like this?"

"Mom, this is Brother Yu's talent to read, and your granddaughter also has this talent." Yanyan explained.

"It turned out to be like this, but letting Yueyue fly in the air is no way. What if you fall." Zhao Yan worried.

"Coax Yueyue down and try it." Zhang Qiang suggested.

After hearing the words, everyone hurriedly shouted to Zhang Yue in the air.

"Yueyue, come here quickly."

"Yueyue, come down."


"Gluck". Zhang Yue, who had a good time, turned his head and crawled away, and the helpless crowd followed closely.


The door of the villa suddenly opened, and Zhang Yu walked in and found all his family members panicked. His daughter, laughing in the air, was kicked all over the sofa, tables and chairs, and the hall was messy.

"Yue Yue". Zhang Yu shouted to the daughter in the air.

"Baba". Zhang Yue in the air heard Zhang Yu's voice, turned his head to look at the door, cheered, flew over and threw himself into Zhang Yu's arms, his small head kept arching Zhang Yu's chest.

"You are not allowed to be naughty in the future, you know". Zhang Yu held his daughter cautiously and smiled.

"Baba". Zhang Yue could only say these two words, yelling repeatedly.

Everyone in the hall saw that Zhang Yue was safe, and was suddenly tired on the sofa. Angela saw that her daughter listened to Zhang Yu so much, so clingy to Zhang Yu, and ignored her, suddenly became jealous.

An angry Angela came to Zhang Yu's side, hugged her daughter and said, "Trickler, I hurt you for nothing."

"Baba". Zhang Yue struggled and wanted to return to Zhang Yu's arms.

Angela was jealous and said: "Call Mom, and let you go back to Dad."

"Baba". Zhang Yue cried dimly with tears.

"Let me hug you". Zhang Yu felt relieved when he saw it, and took his daughter back into his arms.

Angela was very upset, and said depressed: "Husband, why does my daughter only call you, but not me".

"It should be because, when my daughter was still in your stomach, I used my mental power to communicate with my daughter. At that time, I told her that I was her father, and then she remembered it." Zhang Yu analyzed.

"Ah, then you should try to let your daughter call me with your mental power." Angela's eyes lit up.

"No way, link mental power, change the title without changing people, when the time comes, my daughter will only call me mother, when she gets older, she will naturally call you, don't be anxious." Zhang Yu shook his head and refused.

"Oh". Angela said glumly.

Zhang Qiang went up and slapped Zhang Yu's shoulder vigorously and said: "Yueyue, you have done a good job, you deserve to be my son."

"His dad, don't put gold on your face. His son has today. It is his own hard work." Zhao Yan on the side smiled.

"Can't you please make me happy?" Zhang Qiang said embarrassedly.

"Leave him alone, Xiaoyu, please tell me about the Magic Continent." Zhao Yan curiously asked.

"Okay". Zhang Yu smiled, and talked about the adventures on the magical continent.

At the same time, on the streets of Xingyue Institution, the citizens of Xingyue Institution were all stunned when the elves appeared. They kept wiping their eyelids. After opening them again, the citizens were shocked that their eyes were about to fall. .

The elves with stunning looks made the male citizens shout hysterically.

"Elf, it's really an elf."

"It's so beautiful, so beautiful."

"Damn, why I got married so early, I'm not reconciled".

"We must find an elf to be a wife."


The female citizens compared their beauty with the elves, and immediately became envy and envy, and gritted their teeth.

"God, why use elves to hit me".

"I'm not alive."

"Impossible, this is just an illusion, I am the most beautiful woman."


In a suburban garden villa, an otaku was drunk in a virtual game world. Suddenly, the otaku’s friend called the otaku and said, “Hey, there are real elves on the street. You will regret it if you don’t see it. Go whatever you want".

"Elves". The otaku said in shock.

After recovering, the otaku hurriedly left the virtual world, rushed out of the house, and rushed to the Xingyue Institution City. The otaku living in the virtual world heard the elves in the fantasy world appear, but how could they miss it.

In the classroom of the school, the adolescent students were full of energy. When the news of the elves spread here, all the students became very excited, skipped class and ran out of the school. When the teacher came to the classroom, only the girls were left. in.

"What about boys". The teacher asked dumbfounded.

"Teacher, boys, they all went to see the elves." The jealous girls replied with a smile, wanting the teacher to punish the boys who were blind.

"What, I didn't see me when I went to see the elf, unforgivable." The male teacher resented.

"---". The female classmates were dumbfounded.

On the official website of Xingyue Agency, the pictures of the elves appeared here, detonating all the netizens who dived, the sensational netizens, incoherently posted.

"There are really elves, goddesses of my dreams, haha, I will pursue them now".

"No way, I have fallen in love with elves, I found myself in love".

"Help, my soul is gone."

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