Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 895: National Evolution

Animal experiments have allowed tens of thousands of guinea pigs to evolve into evolutionary mice. Each guinea mouse has grown to the size of a dog, and its wisdom has become even more amazing. It actually knows how to please Shi Xi and others, and Shi Xi and others cannot bear to destroy The test product is out.

"If you like it, just keep it, but you can't let it out. Otherwise, the amazingly fertile mice will turn Mars into the king of mice, but you can let them out in the future." Zhang Yu reminded.

"why". Shi Xi and others were puzzled.

"I want to evolve all life on Mars. By then, isn't it interesting?" Zhang Yu smiled excitedly.

"Teacher, if animals have also evolved, aren't they becoming more dangerous? What if something goes wrong? Think twice." Shi Xi was shocked and discouraged.

Perfectly evolved animals will definitely give birth to wisdom. By that time, monsters will become reality. Why don't Shi Xi and others worry? If animals are unwilling to be ruled by humans and riots occur, the fun will be great.

"Yes, teacher, think about it again." Xu Bo suggested.

"What are you worried about? Are you worried that humans are inferior to animals? Or are you afraid that humans will be surpassed by animals. You must know the greatest advantages of humans, but wisdom and a sense of crisis can motivate everyone to work hard, right?" Zhang Yu asked rhetorically.

"This". Shi Xi and others looked at each other.

"I have decided, you can measure the fountain of life. I want to give the citizens of Xingyue Institution a sense of crisis." Zhang Yu resolutely ordered.

"Yes". Shi Xi and others, who couldn't stop Zhang Yu, agreed.

In the machine room of the second-level underground production line, Shi Xi and others used the production line for the production of evolution potions to transform it into a production line for the production of the fountain of life. In the huge crusher, a large amount of magic herbs were put into it.

The crushed herbs are extracted into essences, mixed together according to a specific ratio, and thoroughly stirred and mixed by a mixer. The dark green fountain of life drips into the container from the end of the production line.

There was a strong fragrance of medicine in the air, which refreshed people's spirits, as if they had inhaled a stimulant. Shi Xi and the others hurriedly fled the machine room of the production line, otherwise they were too excited and something would happen.

In the corridor, Shi Xi, who took a deep breath of fresh air, said with fear: "Even Yuxiang has such a powerful power, it's amazing."

"The fountain of life is almost complete. Would you like to inform the teacher?" Xu Bo asked.

"Alright, then let me know." Shi Xi and others responded.

Upon receiving the notice, Zhang Yu rushed from the laboratory to the production workshop on the second basement floor, and joined Shi Xi and others. The group walked into the workshop again, and Zhang Yu suddenly became ecstatic. .

"This taste is too overbearing." Zhang Yu said, clutching his nose.

"It feels so comfortable." The little elf in Zhang Yu's hair flew like he was drunk.

Zhang Yu caught the flying elf Nian Nian, put it back in his jacket pocket, and said, "Everyone, leave the workshop first."

Back in the corridor, Zhang Yu raised the smart wristband and said: "Xiaowen, let the robot bottle the Fountain of Life".

"Yes". Wisdom Xiaowen responded.

"By the way, how is the kiwi fruit production situation?" Zhang Yu suddenly thought of the strange vine and asked.

"Under the care of the plant guardian-small saplings, the growth is very good, and all the kiwis needed by the citizens of Xingyue Institution have been born, and the kiwis are stored in a sealed warehouse." Zhi Nao Xiaowen reported.

"Send a notice to the citizens of Xingyue Institution to accept evolution in the hospital tomorrow morning. Shi Xi, you seize the time and produce more fountains of life. I have great use." Zhang Yu couldn't wait to say.

"Yes". Wisdom Xiaowen responded.

"Yes". Shi Xi and others responded.

On the official website of Xingyue Institution, a notice attracted all the attention of the citizens of Xingyue Institution. The content of the notice stunned the netizens of Xingyue Institution and other institutions after reading the notice.

[Notice: Early tomorrow morning, all citizens of Xingyue Institution, please go to the nearest hospital and accept perfect evolution. After perfect evolution, human beings can greatly increase their vitality, can easily live to about 150 years old, can continue to evolve, and be born exclusively The super powers and other benefits.

Note that His Majesty Zhang Yu will help all the animals on Mars to evolve perfectly in a week. Those who don’t want to lag behind the animals, please hurry up, otherwise, you will not even be as good as animals in the future].

Netizens were shocked and replies frantically.

"I have long envied your Majesty's ability to have superpowers, now it is finally our turn, hahaha".

"Super power, super power".

"I want to be invisible and see all the beauties."

"Go upstairs and die, I want to read mind, so that no one can deceive me, and can do what he likes to beautiful women, so that I am a friend of women."

"Upstairs is dirty, I want space superpowers, so that I don't have to walk every day, I can reach where I want to go, perfect."


Netizens from Citi Agency: "It's not fair. I also want to evolve perfectly. I also want superpowers. Dr. Zhang Yu, if you do, let me participate. You can treat me as an animal on Mars. Yeah, I don't mind."

Netizen of the Willing Organization: "Go upstairs, Dr. Zhang Yu, take me with you, you can do whatever you want."

Geely organization netizen: "God, you are too partial. Why are there no benefits to our people on earth? I am no longer alive. I want to reincarnate as a citizen of Xingyue Institution. Don't stop me from any of you, let me die. ".

Goose screw netizen: "I hate you, Dr. Zhang Yu, compared with you, we people on earth are simply beggars. What do you want? Even life is so hard. When will it be our turn to evolve perfectly? ".

"Hahahaha, little ones, let's go one step ahead and see the wonderful world of superpowers, you guys take a good look." Xingyue Netizens showed off their posts.

"roll". Netizens from various organizations who envy and hate, replied furiously.

On the earth, in the No. 1 leadership residence of the Citi Agency, all the officials of the Citi Agency gathered in the boss’s office. The boss Kantner had a gloomy face and exuded cold resentment. He was very sorry to the scientists of his institution. Resentful.

Seeing that Dr. Zhang Yu has researched even the product of perfect evolution, but his own scientists, even a low-level evolution potion, can't develop it, how the difference between heaven and earth is not annoying.

"You tell me, can we buy the perfect evolution potion from Xingyue Organization". Condner's boss asked worriedly.

"difficult". The think tank shook his head.

"Yes, Xingyue Organization is not even willing to sell us advanced evolution potions, let alone perfect evolution potions, unless we prescribe conditions that Dr. Zhang Yu can't refuse, maybe it can." General Hams sighed.

Citi agency officials analyzed.

"What do we have that Dr. Yu Zhang doesn't have."

"There may have been before, but now Dr. Zhang Yu owns the Star Gate and has more things than us."

"Perhaps you can buy advanced evolution potions. After all, they all have perfect evolution potions, and advanced evolution potions are not needed."

"Should we use advanced evolution potions that others don't use?"


Even the advanced evolution potion that Zhang Yu no longer needs is a good thing for them, so the boss of Condner was moved and ordered: "Then talk to Dr. Zhang Yu and the others. It is best to receive it at a low price. Advanced Evolution Potion".

"Yes". The officials responded.

Goose screw the big organization, the boss of Milovich is itchy in his heart, can't hate to mobilize all the troops to **** the perfect evolution potion, but his reason lets him know that he can't beat the Xingyue organization, so he can only pity himself.

"Why is there no one among our scientists who can compare with others? Is there really such a big gap?"

"---". The officials were silent.

On the night of the Xingyue Institution, the excited citizens were insomnia. All they were thinking about was tomorrow morning, accepting the perfect evolution, and tossing about in bed until midnight, and then fell asleep in a daze, and then for a while, heaven. It lights up.

"Get up."

In all the residential areas of Xingyue Institution, the shouts of citizens sounded.

It was dark, and the crowds rushed towards the hospital, and soon the lawn outside the hospital was crowded. Excited citizens talked about chatting and farting. The breakfast shop owners pushed the breakfast car with bright eyes. Shouting at the hospital door.

"Fragrant bread, rice rolls, fried noodles, fried noodles".

After the breakfast was sold, the boss left the breakfast car directly and entered the line. It was simply a win for people and money. The queue was full of black lines. Among the early citizens, there were many in nightgowns.

At the same time, in the headquarters building of Xingyue Organization, Zhang Yu’s family, friends and relatives, as well as Xingyue Organization officials, all gathered in the lobby, waiting to accept the perfect evolution. Waiting for someone’s family.

A bottle of the fountain of life, coupled with an orange-sized kiwi fruit, has produced a wonderful evolution in the human body. The last restriction in the gene lock is opened, and then life enters the advanced world.

The people who have completed the evolution all feel the strong sense of joy in the body, just like every cell in the body is cheering, and everyone who has become the first-level evolutionary said with ecstasy.

"What a wonderful feeling."

"Super power, why is there no movement?"


Zhang Yu explained: "The superpower is lurking in your body. Only when you feel it will it wake up, and then you will be able to become a second-level evolutionary."

"It turned out to be like this." Everyone suddenly realized.

After evolution, Zhang Qiang, who turned from middle age to youth, also grew younger. He patted his son Zhang Yu's shoulder with his palm and said, "Yes, we don't look like two brothers."

"bored". Everyone said indifferently.

On the girl's side, Zhao Yan, who turned from a woman to a beautiful woman, pulled Yanyan and the four girls and asked, "Look at me, am I young?"

"Hmm". Yanyan and other female mad nodded. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technological empire txt download address: city’s technological empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 895 National Evolution) reading record, which can be viewed next time when you open the bookshelf To! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (