Technological Hegemony

Chapter 84: One vs seventeen!

The photoresist was put into actual combat and launched overnight under the auspices of Tang Boyun. Luo Jia and Zhang Dongning were also very fortunate to be invited to visit the workshop.

换 Then they put on white dust suits and stood under the huge exhaust fan.

The fan blows a roar, sweeping the whole body up and down thoroughly to ensure that a grain of dust cannot be brought into the workshop.

Then Luo Jia entered the semiconductor chip production line from another sealed glass door.

I feel a bit like the biochemical crisis, the parasol company's virus laboratory, very nervous, and very exciting.

SMIC's workshop has many large-scale equipment and strong industrial atmosphere.

Nikon, Canon, ASML, Applied Materials, Colin R & D, Tokyo Electronics, all imported machines in the workshop.

Most of the machines and the manufacturers that manufacture them have never been heard by ordinary people. However, it is the giants in these professional fields that dominate the top technology and equipment in the global technology industry.

Luo Jiaxin felt with regret. In the field of semiconductor manufacturing, the concentration of giants is beyond imagination. There is almost no participation of Chinese enterprises. We are not even followers of advanced technology. We have not really gotten started.

Want to know where China's science and technology industry has the biggest gap with foreign countries, a look at SMIC's workshop will make it clear.

Regardless, Luo Jia is very excited to be able to enter the world's most advanced semiconductor factory.

But the testing process is very boring, clean up, do masking, lithography, clean up, then ion implantation, clean up a third time, and start etching ...

I stood in the workshop for a few hours, and Luo Jia witnessed the complete manufacturing process of the chip for the first time. It was also a rare experience.

SMIC's semiconductor technology is not the strongest in the world. If it is a TSMC or Intel factory, its complexity is even more complicated.

Uh ...

实验 After the experiment went through the entire process and a complete semiconductor chip was manufactured, SMIC fell into cheers.

实 After the actual measurement, the photoresist brought by Luo Jia is not inferior to the current top-level products in the world, and even slightly brighter.

Luo Jia and Zhang Dongning ate breakfast at SMIC's staff restaurant. Numerous people around them were talking excitedly, and Luo Jia and his Star Technology were naturally the focus of everyone's discussion.

"When can you officially supply?" Tang Boyun asked with a bun, excited.

Luo Luojia calculated in his heart, "Small-scale supply can be completed by the end of this month, the completion of the ramp-up of production capacity, the official large-scale supply, wait until the middle of next month."

博 Tang Boyun nodded slightly. Industrial production has its objectivity. Personnel and mechanical equipment must run in before they can finally release their full capacity.

"It's only one month, we can afford to wait!" Tang Boyun laughed. "After all, we have waited for many years for domestic products to complete the import substitution. It's not a bad day or two. Would you like to contact your domestic counterparts? "

Luo Luojia said with a smile, "That is naturally the best. When you endorse the product, colleagues from the Ministry of Commerce will have more confidence when they talk."

博 Tang Boyun didn't take it for granted, "Should, leave this to me. I will call the boss of the company one by one and tell them the good news."

"Photoresist is an important basic material for the semiconductor industry. Your technological breakthroughs must be recorded in history in the future!"

Luo Luojia shrugged, "The basic R & D is very laborious, but the profit is not high, and even if it is successful, there is nothing compelling."

"A while ago my father asked me what I was doing. I said I was engaged in photoresist. My father frowned and said," Aren't you a technology company? Why do you make glue? "

After hearing this, Tang Boyun and Zhang Dongning almost laughed.

I can't help but think about it, and I feel sad.

Ordinary people in the basic materials of the technology industry do not understand or care about it. Luo Jia engages in wireless charging of energy waves. Once the product comes out, the world boils for it, and the photoresist is the value of a few people in the industry.

Luo Luojia and his Xingchen Technology, as a private company, are willing to invest heavily in basic materials projects, which is really rare.

Tang Boyun said with a smile, "It ’s true that there isn't any reputation for basic materials, but money can still be made. In this regard, I know very well that once your photoresist project is fully produced, it will immediately become another cash cow of Star Technology. , Can make a lot of money, you don't have to be cheap and sell well. "

Luo Luojia smiled and said nothing.

No need to conceal, business investment is to get returns, the greater the investment, the more returns.

Luo Luojia is not engaged in charity. Is it a fool to have money and not make money? The photoresist made by Xingchen Chemical will not be more expensive than imported, but it will never be cheap.

According to the current development speed and staffing of Xingchen Technology, money will never be enough. After all, in the high-tech field, any action means investment in astronomy.

Uh ...

Tokyo, Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.

Mr. Takeda Kumaichi, the president, received a description of the latest report from the China Headquarters a few hours ago.

In this note, Huaxia Headquarters got amazing news.

Xingchen Technology's subsidiary in Qidong, Xingchen Chemical, has completed the research and development of photoresist and is in full swing into production.

Also, they are negotiating with many domestic display companies and semiconductor companies, and are ready to become new suppliers.

"It's Star Technology again!" Takeda Bear frowned, muttering in a low voice.

In just half a year, Xingchen Technology has risen like a rocket. It has completed system optimization, optics, wireless charging, and display. Four major projects have severely hit the technology monopoly system led by Japan, South Korea, and the United States.

Gin Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. is also one of the companies that have been severely impacted. Their products in the LCD field are declining across the board, and they have reached the point of completely exiting the market.

Takeda Tianxiong hated Xingchen Technology and hated his teeth.

Now, Xingchen Technology has inserted their black hands into the field of chemistry.

Photoresist is one of Shin-Etsu's most profitable projects. If it is also replaced by Xingchen Technology, it will bring them a heavy blow.

Secretary-General Tanibe stepped in and came in, standing beside Takeda Kumaichi, waiting for the president's instructions. He was very nervous, and he was afraid that the president would be furious.

But Hasebe quietly observed and found that a smile appeared on the corner of President Takeda's mouth. At this time, he even laughed?

Hasebe is sincerely confused, but dare not ask inquiries.

"Henggu Jun." Takeda Kumaichi said, "What do you think is our biggest advantage in the field of photoresist?"

Hasebe thought for a while, "It should be a cooperative relationship. Our club was established in 1926, has a long history and strong strength. Since the world has a semiconductor industry and a photoresist, we have always been the largest in this field. One of our suppliers, our customers have great confidence in our products. "

Takeda Kuma shook his head, "Naive! The reason why Huaxia customers buy our products is not out of so-called trust, but because they have no choice."

"Now, there is a local Chinese company that produces first-class photoresist of the same level. They have no reason to continue to cooperate with us."

Hasebe is sincerely afraid that the company has withdrawn from the competition in the LCD field. If the photoresist field is lost again, the loss will be too serious.

Suddenly, Feng Feng suddenly turned, and Takeda Bear's eyes sharpened.

"Our biggest advantage is actually the cost." Takeda Kumaichi said, "After all, our factory has been running for many years. The equipment and personnel are extremely skilled. At the same cost, we can produce two tons of photoresist. New companies entering the industry can only produce one ton. "

Hasebe shuddered sincerely.

What President Yun said is indeed the fact that the cost of an old-fashioned enterprise with a mature production line and mature technology is by no means comparable to that of a new enterprise.

Relying on photoresist for so many years of money, R & D expenses have long been earned back. Shin-Etsu Chemical's photoresist cost is actually very low.

Takeda Kumaichi said lightly, "Not only us, all the giant companies that have been working in the photoresist industry for many years, have new companies unmatched costs. This will be our killer to suppress new companies ~ ~ Other Colleagues, TOK, JSR, Asahi Kasei, do they act? "

Hasebe hurriedly lowered his head. "No action has been taken yet, but it is estimated that they have already learned the same intelligence as us and are urgently discussing countermeasures."

Takeda Kuma shook his head slightly. "There is nothing to discuss. The best way to suppress new companies is price war! Use the price advantage and destroy your opponents in one go!"

"Notice, the company's photoresist products will be fully reduced from now on!"

Hasebe nodded sincerely, "President, how much do we fall to?"

As soon as Takeda bear narrowed his eyes, "Whatever the cost price is, we'll drop it to as much as possible."

Hasebe Cheng was stunned, "It is indeed the president! If we sell photoresist at cost, I believe that any new company entering the industry will not be able to block our price storm!"

的 People who have never been in business have a hard time understanding the cruel and **** nature of business.

中 In mid-November, just one week after Xingchen Technology officially entered the photoresist field, the war started!

三 Three American giants in photoresist field, Dow Chemical, DuPont, Huntsman.

十一 Neon National Eleven, JSR, Shin-Etsu, Tokyo Yinghua, Fuji, Sumitomo, TOK, Mitsubishi Chemical, Asahi Kasei, Hitachi Chemical, Nippon Steel Chemical, Sun Ink

双 Shuangxiong, LG Chemical, Dongjin Chemical.

Morton Chemical, Italy's last seed in the photoresist field.

All these giant companies that once ruled the photoresist field, launched an extinct price war against the newly born Star Technology subsidiary, Star Chemistry!

Even more frightening is that Star Chemistry has no friendly forces, this will be a 1VS17, super unequal war!