Technology Bigshot

Chapter 263: News leaked]

After separating from Ren Hong, Gao Yue returned to the company's headquarters office building for the first time. The pressure in the past few days was enough for her to work for a day, and she started to work after eating something to fill her stomach.

Shortly after entering the office, her assistant hurried in.

"General Manager Gao, now all major media are reporting the chairman's news."

"What's all the fuss about?" Gao Yue responded. News related to Matrix Technology has new articles almost every day, and she can't think of any fuss.

"No, it is spreading widely outside that the chairman is seriously ill... mentally ill!" the assistant said hesitantly, because she didn't know if the news was true.

"What did you say?" Gao Yue suddenly raised her head to look at her assistant, then turned to the computer next to her, and quickly operated on the screen with her hands. Today's news was adjusted by him.

She saw a lot of news about Ren Hong and Matrix Technology. Among them, the one that spread the fastest and most attention was the news about Ren Hong’s illness. Gao Yue even saw Ren Hong running in a medical suit on the news. A picture of a few people chasing.

"Tian jealous of talents? The founder of Matrix Technology is suspected of insanity!"

When Gao Yue saw the eye-catching headline headline, an unnamed fire suddenly arose, and said angrily: "Who is spreading the rumors?"

The assistant explained: “The picture comes from the exclusive news of the Unicorn Daily, a medium-sized newspaper in the United States. At present, a special reporter of the newspaper is still at the headquarters, and the rumors are probably spread through her.”

"Shoot her out to me immediately, and never let her participate in any related company activities in the future. Put me on the blacklist of "Unicorn Daily"." Gao Yue was really angry, especially that sentence Talent, it just made her angry.

"Propaganda Department!" Gao Yue immediately energized and said: "Is it informed? Very good, immediately proceed to issue an official statement to clarify, remember, it is immediately!

Over time, news about Ren Hong's mental disorder spread wildly in the outside world, especially in the science and technology circle, and various speculations and rumors emerged endlessly.

For a while, the whole technology circle was talking about it.

Ren Hong's influence today is too great. He is one of the most well-known Chinese people who remember his portrait and name by billions of people worldwide.

He has achieved world-renowned achievements in business, science, and engineering. The direct manifestation of his influence is the same as that of Matrix Technology's major products spread all over the world and penetrate into the lives of the people. People who have used Matrix Technology products Almost everyone knows his name. In the era of highly developed and highly shared information, the speed and breadth of influence spreading are unmatched in the past. Book eye

Whether in science, business or other fields, there are more or less people who admire Ren Hong incomparably. So far, apart from Ren Hong, there is no other human being who can gain world-class influence in multiple fields. Characters.

If something goes wrong with such a person, the speed of the news is naturally self-evident.

Many western media describe it like this: geniuses are as eye-catching as shooting stars, and they are also fleeting like shooting stars. With the picture attached to the article, the content described Ren Hong as Newton. They all went crazy in the end. Newton finally believed in God, that is, crazy. In short, everything started with that picture, everything started with an exclusive report in the Unicorn Daily.

The Western media even added fuel to the fire and extended the topic wantonly, which eventually involved the huge "empire" of Matrix Technology itself. Obviously, what accident happened to Ren Hongruo is not just his own problem. Matrix technology will inevitably be implicated. What fate will this huge empire face if it loses this great master? In what direction will it develop?

The outside media has almost caught this point of wanton talk. Obviously, this is the same as Ren Hong itself, with huge topics and inflammatory. You must know that any subsidiary of Matrix Technology is valued at 12-digit numbers, and The unit is still US dollars.

Obviously, such a super giant company cannot allow a mentally disordered person to continue in charge, so who is the successor? Nationalized? It is possible that the technologies involved in Matrix Technology are all top in the world. Fiancee Gao Yue succeeds and becomes the new head? Also a possibility.

Various topics are spreading wantonly.

Now, the whole world pays great attention to the latest news of Ren Hong and is waiting for Matrix Technology to announce the latest announcement. Obviously, Matrix Technology cannot remain indifferent when such negative news occurs. Everyone, those who hope that Ren Hong has an accident and those who don't want an accident are waiting for the final result.

This incident even shocked the above. At this moment, Kang Tao, the person in charge of the three groups, had just met with Gao Yue in person.

"Are you sure that's a rumor?" Kang Tao said solemnly. As the spokesperson of the system, it is self-evident that he attaches importance to this matter. Anything wrong with Ren Hong means that there is a problem with Matrix Technology. Now Matrix Technology has become a problem. This country is an indispensable and important part of the science and technology economy, and is recognized as a national cutting-edge technology strategic incubator. Numerous world-leading technologies were born here. The significance and importance of this country need not be explained too much.

"I'm sure." Gao Yue replied in the affirmative. Seeing that the other party hadn't fully believed it, she simply said directly: "If you don't believe it, contact him personally."

"That's good! That's good!" When Kang Tao heard this guarantee, he was already convinced that the rumors from the outside world were rumors, which made him secretly relieved and sweated. "What's the matter with that picture? After professional verification, it is definitely not fake." Kang Tao said his question.

"He is not an iron man, and it is normal to catch a small cold." Gao Yue explained. Nine-tailed fox queen loves pet

"But why is there a group of medical staff chasing after?" Kang Tao asked again, how to explain this? He looked at Gao Yue.

Gao Yue no longer knows how many people have explained how many times today. She still managed to endure the irritability in her heart and said carefully: "You know, he is a workaholic by nature, and he was overworked during the hospitalization. The scene in the picture appeared Is it strange for a scientist and engineer? Let me tell you the truth. Leader Kang, it is excitement, how to explain it? Well, the performance of inspiration and excitement, especially the scientist, you already know that the company is going The'virtual world' project was planned, one of the difficult breakthroughs, so it was shown in the picture, and he rushed out of the infirmary before he even had time to change the clothes. You didn’t look carefully at which building he was running in the picture. Building?"

"So that's it!" When Kang Tao heard this, he immediately believed it. Gao Yue's explanation was reasonable and could not fault it. "It's better to come forward and clarify as soon as possible. Matrix Technology is not an ordinary company, and Mr. Ren is not an ordinary person. He has an unimaginable influence. This kind of negative news will affect it very badly."

"An official statement will be issued soon. You don't have to worry too much about this. The rumors are rumors after all and can't stand the test of time." Gao Yue said.

"Yes, rumors can't stand the test of time. Fortunately, a false alarm. In this case, Kang will not bother. The above also attaches great importance to this matter. I have to report immediately. The chief takes it very seriously. "Kang Tao said.

"I thank the chief for his concern first." Gao Yue nodded slightly and said in greeting.

Just when Kang Tao left, another communication signal was transmitted to Gaoyue's device.

"Dad! Why are you asking this too?"

"Is the news true or false?"

"Definitely fake!"

"real or fake?"

"It's really fake! I'm very and I'm busy clarifying the statement, I hung up~!" Without waiting for the response from the other party, Gao Yue hung up the phone without saying anything. The high on the other side of the communicator The general looked at the phone in his hand for a moment, and said, "This dead girl is still so hot-tempered! I care about your man and still be so aggressive towards me!!!" Having said that, after confirming the news, he was relieved a lot, and dialed now. Another call was made, and the direction was Beijing.

On the other side, Gao Yue couldn't help rubbing her temples. The woman was especially vengeful. Now she hates that reporter, especially the woman.


(Ps: The news of Brexit that we are paying attention to today is immediately embarrassing. In this book, there will be EU member states and the United Kingdom in 2020. This face of being beaten by Cui is unprepared. Is this an uncontrollable accident? Well, maybe someday the United Kingdom It may not be necessary to regret joining the EU again, 23)(.)