Technology Bigshot

Chapter 267: Quantum Supercomputing】

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The birth of the virtual world is definitely a historic moment for mankind. Ren Honghe Matrix Technology has created a miracle. In that illusory world, everything is based on imagination and everything is possible. >

At the moment, more and more tech tycoons and practitioners are increasingly inclined to talk about the disappearance of the Internet. The most representative one is undoubtedly the parent company of gg1e, a1phabet’s e, who began to constantly mention Internet conferences 9 years ago. Disappeared, but his remarks are that the Internet of Everything is the era of the Internet of Things, which is dominated by smart homes and wearable smart devices, replacing the Internet, but the Internet is fundamentally inseparable, but the Internet has shifted from online to offline.

The virtual world is a qualitative leap, an essential breakthrough feat. It will completely replace the existing Internet. Although it will take a long time, with the rapid development of technology, the virtual network world will surely replace the Internet and become the ultimate form. , The future must be the age of virtual information.

Ren Hong portrayed vividly, saying: "It (the virtual world) is like a piece of pure white a4 paper, and we will hold the penholder to'write' and'draw'."

"The'virtual world' project will become the company's current key project," Ren Hong said: "The biggest technical problem has basically been solved, but there are more and more difficult things. Before'writing' and'depicting' , We want to pave a smooth road for it." He pointed to the top of his head, "I'll negotiate the deal."

He pointed to Zhang Han again, "You need to prepare for a trip to Canada."

"Canada?" Zhang Han questioned.

"The'virtual world' is unprecedented, and the peripheral hardware that carries it is also unprecedented. Canada has what we want most, in Burnaby, I guess you should know it." Ren Hong's answer was a bit vague.

But when Zhang Han heard these words, he thought of Canada and immediately thought of the key points. His eyes lit up and he said, "Go to Vancouver, Burnaby?"

"Yes!" Ren Hong nodded.

"No problem! This matter is on my body." Zhang Han immediately assured, "I'll just say, running and maintaining a virtual network with such a huge structure of the virtual world, the traditional calculation and processing capabilities can not be carried, except for quantum computers. Only quantum computers can carry it."

In fact, since the birth of the concept of quantum computer, human research on it has begun long ago, and has made some negligible achievements. It has been more than 8 years since the first time, and it has a history of more than 8 years. The leader in the field is undoubtedly Canada.

Ren Hong wants him to go to Canada. To be precise, it is Burnaby, the satellite city of Vancouver, Canada. His family is called "

The "d-ave" company is located here. Regarding this company, their area of ​​expertise is in the field of quantum computers.

Today, d-ave is a leader in this field. As early as 27 years ago, d-ave publicly demonstrated a computer with 16 quantum units. The result of the demonstration was to solve a Sudoku problem. However, this demonstration did not cause a sensation in the world, which made it exciting to show them to the world The achievement of d-ave was a big blow.

But d-ave did not give up. They still insisted on working tirelessly on this difficult road. In 213, they conducted a new test. As a result, a quantum computer with the model "d-ave2" The speed is 367 times faster than traditional conventional computers, but it still hasn’t received the attention of the world. Instead, it has been questioned by many senior experts and scientists in the industry, including MIT professor Scott Aronson, and even The ridiculed person is called the "d-ave seat questioning officer", and it seems that he is born with d-ave.

With the passage of time, d-ave company is constantly being questioned, and has never given up on the path of its own choice. Time is the best inspector. d-ave company is formed by the first few people who have common dreams. , To the 13-person team in 215, and then to a large company with more than one person, d-ave has not declined, but has become stronger and stronger. Today's d-ave company has become a representative company in the industry, although until today , There is still no theoretical quantum computer.

The ability to achieve such an achievement has a lot to do with their unwavering belief.

"You know?" Ren Hong said, Zhang Han looked at him.

"As soon as we entered the virtual world, the terminal processing core of the link was counted as '1'. In such a short period of time, the world's number one counted as '1' and it was overloaded and had to quit." Ren Hong explained: "It is obvious , The virtual world needs more powerful computer operations and processing to carry it."

"It's arrogant, and regular computers can't see her." Ren Hong said jokingly. He added: "Your mission to Burnaby this time is to collaborate with d-ave, the current leader in the field, to jointly build the first true quantum computer in human history with Matrix Technology."

"We have what they don't have, they have what we need, and there is no reason not to cooperate."

Matrix Technology has "quantum language", "matrix algorithm", "nano core" and other related technologies, while d-ave has multiple breakthrough related hardware technologies such as d-ave7 quantum processor.

One lacks hardware and one lacks "software" similar to conventional computers. Matrix Technology's shortcomings in hardware are due to the fact that researchers and senior engineers in this field are all serving the "virtual world" project. His energy has also led to this short board, but he has made greater achievements in "software".

If hardware is a person's body, then software is the soul of this body.

d-ave has what matrix technology needs, and matrix technology also needs d-ave.

"This matter, the sooner the better." Ren Hong added.

"No problem, I will prepare tomorrow." Zhang Han nodded in response.

The popularization of the virtual world to the masses still has a long way to whether it is base station construction, terminal data storage center construction, negotiations with the country, external environment, etc. And doing this series of things well is just the beginning. The maintenance of content and operation is the foundation for keeping this new world alive. Nothing can be accomplished overnight.

It’s hard to imagine that when people from the outside world learn that in the near future, mankind will enter the age of virtual information, what kind of shock and impact it will be, and what the voice of European and American countries such as the United States is. The current global Internet is actually dominated by the United States, because the limited root servers listed in the world and the "mother" of the Internet are also controlled by the United States, which is equivalent to indirectly controlling the global Internet.

Why did the "Prism Gate Incident" occur? Why does the United States have the ambition to monitor the world? What is the result without a reason?

And the "matrix" of the virtual world is born in China and will certainly settle in this country. The virtual world is the terminator and ultimate form of the Internet.

In short, many people are not ready.

But this is not a reason to hinder human progress.

At present, the operation departments of the major companies of Matrix Technology are proceeding smoothly. Zhang Han is preparing to visit Canada, and the company's acquisition team has come out of various ways. This year's Matrix Technology is very different from the usual exhibition and product launches, because this year is the first year of Matrix Technology's globalization process, the first year.

As for the hot topic in the technology circle recently, it is undoubtedly the news of the visit of Faebk founder and executive officer Mark Zuckerberg to China, or to be precise, the visit to Matrix Technology. The U.S. and domestic media have paid close attention to this, and the meeting of one of the most representative technology leaders of the two countries is undoubtedly the industry's attention.

(To be continued) (To be continued.) 8