Technology Bigshot

Chapter 532: Mutual spray】

Sure enough, Matrix Technology has not fallen into the "prestige" of being a fashion player. Once it entered the aerospace field, it disturbed the situation in the field and felt uneasy. Recently, news related to space exploration has frequently occupied world headlines and hotspots, and the instigators and trenders are Matrix Technology.

While the outside world was exclaiming and expressing emotions, many people were envied and hated by Bigelow Aerospace. Now the world’s major giants are focusing on the field of space exploration, and even Wall Street analysts say that the field of space exploration is after the virtual Internet. After that, new incubation pools where emerging giants emerge or rise are the new cradle for the birth of upstarts. And also compared the work of the veteran sacex company with the nearby Bigelow Aerospace. The former has now become a global technology giant, while the latter seems to be the trend of emerging giants with the help of matrix technology.

These examples all show to some entrepreneurs that space exploration has ushered in an unprecedented era of great development. This is the birthplace of unprecedented new opportunities and new miracles. The next giant enterprise may be born in this field.

It's no wonder that companies with strength but not strength want to make achievements in this field.

At the moment when the competition for space exploration is fierce, the media around the world have also used this to promote the ushering in the post-U.S.-Soviet space race era, and regard the combination of csx and cnsa and the combination of sacex and nasa as two powerful competitors. Another camp of the US-Soviet space hegemony in the last century.

Matrix Technology has recently swept its screens all over the world. After the successful trial of "Arc Eagle One", the results of the first round of competition set by the major media have also come out. Matrix Technology has taken the lead in this competition. In the recent past, there have been frequent actions, and a series of huge plans that shocked the world, seemingly overshadowed the trend of competitors, and the limelight is no different.

Although this is a discussion by the major media in order to create a topic, neither party has any response to this, but at this moment Nasa's aggrieved affirmation, the comments made by the American people on the Internet and social media are sad. , Annoying messages appeared frequently, and this invisible pressure also made Nasa's life difficult.

If this continues, how can we pass funding applications from Congress in the future?

It is impossible for NASA not to make any response. In the following week and a half, the new news released by NASA, which was unwilling to lag behind, finally returned to some decline. After the news was made public from the Nasa headquarters, it attracted considerable attention around the world.

Fully supported by Washington, led by NASA, with the participation of most local giants in the United States, such as sacex, Amazon technology companies, and habet, to make concerted efforts for landing on Mars.

This is the first time that such a big coalition has appeared in the United States. It is also due to the fierce momentum of competitors now that they have to join forces. The New York Times highly praised the news and Nasa's new ideas, but some inciting media, such as the law The article by the news agency does not give face, claiming that this is the fact that Nasa admits that it is not as good as its opponents and still cannot change its passiveness.

For a while, the North American and European media happily started a war of words, and the topic became more and more popular. The articles published by Europeans ridiculed the arrogant Americans for reluctance to admit the facts. People also ridicule that Europeans want technology but no technology, want funds but no funds, and are still busy with the mess of the European continent.

The media on both sides provoked the topic, and soon began to ferment. The civil war of words was even more enjoyable, especially on the Internet and social media. Netizens who like to do things like to encounter this kind of thing most. .

The Europeans were unhappy with the Americans controlling the European economy, and the Americans were also very unhappy with the ungratefulness of the Europeans. The people on both sides started to talk about each other, in order to gain the upper hand, they began to expose their scars. Don't worry about the consequences, first show that quick talk is the key.

For a time, the European crowd laughed at the American giants as the younger brother of xous, and even gradually faded out of the media's eyesight, e-Apple, which made a fortune in silence, lay innocently in this war of words and was dragged out and brutally abused by the Europeans. Ruthless whip the corpse. Although this is the result of commercial competition, it is ultimately a shameful thing for Americans. The Europeans expose their scars so much. How can the angry Americans bear it? Now they also responded strongly.

The Americans began to laugh at the Europeans for being helpless, and the day was not as good as the day. Greece was also innocent in this war of words. After so many years, the old Greek bankrupt was taken out by the Americans to whip the body. European debt crisis and so on. The Americans also label Europeans as poor people who can’t live their lives. They don’t want to make progress. They just want to think about the Chinese coming to Europe to invest money, but others are not stupid. You Europeans can get what others are interested in. There are basically no things. If others will come and give money, it is okay for the Germans, but the Germans are also a stick, and they are speechless, and they can't take the lead in saving the European continent. ~The Americans want to ridicule this kind of Europe and want to compete in the world. Maybe the eye-catching European Union is about to fall apart again, the British have left the European Union, and Italy will also "break up" s: It is said that it will take place The referendum on Brexit has been voted on. Those interested in children's shoes can get to know Yiha and look at the bad things on the European continent.

The Americans "euphemistically" suggest that Europeans should take care of the mess in their own homes. The continent of Europe is so badly run by you, and it will be bullied by "polar bears". It depends on Lao Maozi's face. The Russians are broken. Your natural gas, you Europeans haven’t even sent it out in winter. It’s so bad that you can’t bear to look directly at it. Americans sympathize with it.

The Russian who was brutally laid down with a gun suddenly expressed a dazed look on the Internet.

Suddenly, the Atlantic Ocean between the European and American continents was extremely hot, exposing each other’s scars. It was almost utterly unspoken. The Asian people who watched were dumbfounded, and the "melon seeds" in their hands almost fell off the ground. Up.

The media on both sides who want to create topics can no longer stand it, but in today’s highly developed era of virtual Internet, the media can only guide public opinion and cannot grasp the mouthpiece of the masses. The best way now is for the media to stop talking about it. Both sides have a tacit understanding of not publishing any articles attacking each other, and want to calm down quickly.

Today the whole world is connected to each other through the Internet. There are not only two continents, North America and Europe, on the earth, but there are still five-sixths of the population living on other continents. These people are watching it.

Although these things are generally accepted facts, when they were taken out to whip the corpse, just thinking about it, I feel embarrassed to the four oceans.

To be continued.

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