Technology Communication System

Chapter 1000: The weird and exquisite world

"Don't get me wrong, the three of me didn't have any intention to invade your world. We were only chasing and killing an extraterritorial demon, so we had to stray into this world in the turbulence of space. If you don't believe it, you can use it. Looking back at the secret method of time and looking at the sights of this place, you will know that there was another person who came in with us at that time. That person was our target. But that guy is really weird. He should be a member of the Demon Race, so you guys You shouldn’t be around here now, but as soon as possible to find the demon, otherwise, hehe, what are the consequences, don’t need to say more about it...!" The Yin and Yang Taoist of the Bone Sacred Sect, his tone was not rushed. Even when he said these words, there was a hint of gloat. The expressions of the Yin and Yang Taoist, the expressions, and the expressions of beating, made Luo Xiu secretly pouting.

What Luo Xiu didn't expect was that the sturdy man seemed to agree with the words of the Yin and Yang Taoist, and he waved his hand very bluntly, and then a sub-picture appeared in front of everyone. Luo Xiu noticed, With the continuous progress of the picture, even his figure appeared in the eyes of everyone, but at that time Luo Xiu appeared in the eyes of the world as his own body. Now he has completely changed his appearance and appeared in the form of a clone of a demon. Yes, so no one doubted him. Although everyone felt puzzled about the golden immortal powerhouse who suddenly appeared, no one doubted Luo Xiu.

And at this moment, Luo Xiu, seeing this scene, couldn't help being taken aback. Although he didn't quite understand, he knew that the three of Huamanlou should know where they are in this world at the moment. Otherwise, they won't come up. Straightforwardly.

Even the secrets of soul art can be expressed, especially the communication between the two sides, he can understand all of them, which has to make Luo Xiu fall into silence. At this moment, if he has no ideas anymore , Then he is really an idiot. It turns out that everything before Huamanlou and the others is a cover. The most important purpose is to lead Luo Xiu, but Luo Xiu is indeed a good one and avoided directly. Their problems.

Quietly hiding in the crowd, Luo Xiu listened to the whispers of everyone. He didn't know why, the two sides were even more friendly than before. The original swords were drawn and the situation fell apart in an instant, which made Luo Xiu feel a little weird. .

He didn't believe it when he killed Luo Xiu. It was just the explanation of the Taoist Yin and Yang that could completely dispel the beliefs of their powerful men. Luo Xiu would never believe this. At this moment, she and he can't help but Some curiosity, could it be true that as he had guessed before, this world is connected to Nanzhan Buzhou.

And what happened next really proved Luo Xiu’s guess, because these people actually communicated, and the content of the exchange made Luo Xiu feel very strange. The two sides were actually discussing the arrangement of the teleportation array, which simply made Luo Xiu. Xiu broke his eyes.

The scene that happened before him made Luo Xiu at this moment unable to think about why the situation has become such a weird situation now, and even for this extremely weird situation that happened on the scene, Luo Xiu at this moment It was impossible to believe that the dead and alive aboriginals who were still fighting with the three old guys were really indifferent, and they chatted with the three of Huamanlou.

Even among the crowd that was hit hard by the three old guys in Huamanlou, more than a dozen people walked out. Each of these people was as powerful as the sea, and even the mighty strength could not be concealed, but they were not here to follow. The three Taiyi Golden Immortals from Nanzhan Buzhou fought, but came to negotiate terms with them.

It's just that after Luo Xiu heard the communication between the people, he was completely speechless. These people were so spineless. This couldn't help making Luo Xiu feel extremely weird. He just waited until he found an opportunity to mark someone with a weaker cultivation base. , I found out the specific reason of the matter through searching the soul, why is it so anticlimactic?

It turned out that the world they were in at this moment turned out to be one of the worlds that drifted into the universe at the same time following the southern continent, and the plane he saw right now was called the Linglong Great World. A sect.

The people who fought with them before were only some people in Linglong Pavilion who didn’t know the inside story. To some extent, this Linglong World was simply one of the branch planes of Nanzhan Tribe. The people in the whole building and others will be sensed by the calamity of this heaven and earth, because they are also entering this world for the first time.

At the beginning, the two sides fought because they didn't understand the situation, and even the Huamanlou trio didn't cover up at all. These indigenous people also knew their current situation, and even knew better what their purpose was now.

What made Luo Xiu even more unexpected was that the reason why the Huamanlou and the others did not greet these natives beforehand, and they did not even communicate in time when they met. The most fundamental reason is that these three Taiyi Jin Xian came with a mission, and their mission was to test how vigilant these people in Linglong Great World were.

After all, this Linglong World is, to some extent, a natural barrier to the southern continent. As a subsidiary plane, the people in the Linglong World can be said to be that to some extent. The subordinate force of Nanzhan Tribe, this world can be said to be a barrier of Nanzhan Tribe, and similar to the barrier of this exquisite world, there are thirty-six large and small around the entire Nanzhan Tribe, and this is only the South Zhanbuzhou has been in the universe for countless years, the remaining large and small subordinate planes, in the heyday of that year, there were more than 108 subordinate small worlds on the periphery of Nanzhanbuzhou.

And from the conversations of these people, Luo Xiu probably knew that the purpose of the trip of the Huamanlou three people was very simple. It was to be able to rearrange a positioning teleportation array, and the reason for doing so was to prevent Nanzhan. The space coordinates of Buzhou are known to outsiders. If the master in the positioned world, he will really follow the vine to find the specific location of Nanzhan Buzhou, just in case, with the exquisite world as a buffer, he can still take the enemy. Those who are blocked, otherwise, if someone gets directly into the nest, the fun will be great.

At this moment, Luo Xiu was a little dazed, and at the same time he felt that he was indeed a little stupid and naive. The development of this whole thing was indeed too simple for himself. At this moment, he also knows why before. The three of them are not so nervous. They want to kill him the first time. It is not because their life and death are in their own hands, but the three of them don’t care at all, because when they entered this world, Luo Xiu was already there. Separating from the three, and then wanting to mix into the area where they arranged the formation, it is even more difficult.

At this moment, Luo Xiu even guessed that the reason why the three old guys in Huamanlou, the three Taiyi Golden Wonderland, are so calm is because they don't care. After all, the cultivation base that he showed before is really bad. Just a lucky kid.

At this moment, Luo Xiu couldn’t help being too careless. He didn’t know what he would do next. It’s impossible to stay in the Exquisite World forever. Although the power between heaven and earth here has no corrosive effect on him, He also found a problem, that is, wanting to gain a foothold here is not a simple matter.

There is only one sect in this Linglong Great World, the Linglong Pavilion, and the entire alliance controls the entire starfield space of countless light-years in size, and the power of this Linglong Pavilion is extremely powerful, for any one in their territory. Unfamiliar monks have the most accurate positioning.

As for Luo Xiu, the reason why he can stay here safely now is because there are so many masters here, and no one suspects him, but if he leaves this area, someone will definitely come to him. Luo Xiu had no doubt about this.

It’s no exaggeration to say that he regrets a bit now. He knew that these people were actually doing such an abacus, and he would not venture into the teleportation formation along with it. He originally thought he could return directly to the White Tiger Sanctuary, and then Back to the Hive Universe, but now it seems that I really made a wrong move.

Quietly away from this area of ​​these people, watching them arrange the formation, Luo Xiu no longer has the idea of ​​wanting to enter together. At this moment, what Luo Xiu thinks is how to be in the exquisite world. Based on this, this is a question that Luo Xiu must consider, because the monks in this world have a kind of identity card.

And this kind of identity card is refined with the monk’s soul. Once the monk dies, the identity card will be broken and will be displayed in the identity registry in Linglong Pavilion. Therefore, Luo Xiu’s current situation is very dangerous. It is impossible for a monk to hide in the wilderness all the time, and even the monks hiding in the wilderness, they also have identity cards on them, so the few people who were killed by Luo Xiu just now have their identities. He is a dead person, even if he pretends to be their identity, it is impossible to integrate into this world. This makes Luo Xiu feel like a dog bites a hedgehog and can't make his mouth.

"System, what should I do! Presumably you also know. Now that we are in such a high-pressure world, there is no resistance. It is really a rare thing. Is it possible that the Linglong Pavilion master is so terrifying? It’s just a strong man in the realm of True Monarch, why can he manage this area in such an orderly manner?" At this moment, Luo Xiu had to turn his attention to the system. After all, at this time, he has no good way, but the system is Can provide him with some suggestions, especially in such a place that is extremely sensitive to identity, he dare not reveal it at all.

For Luo Xiu, whether he can leave this world alive is the most important thing. Apart from that, he doesn’t care about everything else, and even for Luo Xiu at this moment, whether he can leave safely. Not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he has no chance to leave for the time being.

During this period of time, how he should survive in this world is a troublesome thing, because he has tried it. If he wants to absorb the power of the world, he can’t do it with his current power, and I don’t know if it is. For some reason, he knew that it must have something to do with the kind of identity token that everyone in this world possessed. Otherwise, there would be no reason why he couldn't draw the power between heaven and earth.

After trying many times, Luo Xiu found sadly that he was unable to cultivate, nor could he say that he could not cultivate. The spirit stones and spirit jade he carried could still be used, but he wanted to be the same as the heaven and earth energy that swallowed the world before. Cultivation is already an extravagant hope, and he has also tried. After these monks die, there will be nothing left on them. Even their storage artifacts will follow their death. Followed to dissipate.

This is the first time Luo Xiu has encountered this situation. He seemed a little panicked. There is no way. Anyone who comes to such a weird world will feel very strange. After all, it is absolutely difficult to integrate into this world. , The most inconspicuous thing is that if he wants to cultivate, he must have that kind of identity token, and there is no way to cultivate without that kind of identity token.

Although the energy reserves on his body can provide him with the necessities for survival temporarily, Luo Xiu believes that this time will not be too long. If there is no other way, Luo Xiu can only hope that the system in his mind can think for him. Come up with a way.

And this encounter made Luo Xiu deeply aware that the exquisite world he was in seemed a bit weird, because the people here were extremely united, and there was no division of power at all, or even any contradiction. It can be said that even those people who were killed by the three Taiyi Golden Immortals in Huamanlou before, in the days that followed, Luo Xiu saw them again, feeling unreal.

"Host, this system advises you to leave this exquisite world as soon as possible. It's a bit weird here. Let alone the others, only those people who were killed by you before have now come back to life. You should probably understand why The reason why the three Taiyi Golden Immortals couldn’t fight with these people, obviously, the three guys in Huamanlou should know that people in this world cannot be killed, or that after killing them, they still There will be a way to resurrect, no wonder, there are so many powerful men above the golden immortal in this world, more than Nanzhan Trizhou! Host, if you don’t want to be completely trapped here, you must try to leave this world as much as possible, If it is in the southern state, this system cannot lock the space coordinates of other worlds, but it is different here. This system can already vaguely feel some of the space coordinates we stay in the hive universe! Next, only the host is needed. You find a place that is safe enough and arrange a super teleportation array, we can leave here, but when setting up the formation, we must find a way to isolate the induction of the strange will of this world, otherwise, it is your formation. After the arrangement is completed, it will be broken in an instant!" The system in his mind carefully and seriously explained to Luo Xiu.