Technology Communication System

Chapter 1002: Weird world rules

It’s just thinking that I can’t resonate with the world’s vitality, all attacks must pay the real money in my body, and there is no way to communicate the world’s vitality for his own use. This is what makes Luo Xiu feel restrained. The most critical reason.

No matter how unwilling he was, Luo Xiu was ready to fight with people in the first place, but to his surprise, Luo Xiu who shuttled out of the space was surprised to find that the distance between those people was full of people. He still has some distance. While he was relieved, he hurriedly manipulated the demarcation compass to condense the turbulent space around him. For Luo Xiu, this scene will undoubtedly leave him a lot of room for manipulation. It is undoubtedly the most perfect to sneak in as quietly as before.

Looking at the many aboriginal powerhouses busy in the distance, and the Yuanming Taoist of the Shangqing Palace, Luo Xiu at this moment was extremely shocked. After all, for him, the scene before him was something he had never thought of before. Originally, in his opinion, the battle between the two sides just started would definitely trigger a larger-scale **** conflict between the two sides, but he was silently watching at this moment. Looking at the scene in front of him, Luo Xiu would never have imagined that the two parties, who are like water and fire, would arrange the formations together in such a harmonious way. This was something Luo Xiu didn't expect beforehand. He just saw the scene where the formation was set up. The corners of his mouth couldn't help grinning.

Obviously, the three Taiyi Golden Fairy Realm guys in Huamanlou have learned the lessons of Nanzhan Buzhou. When arranging their formations, they deliberately arranged a defensive and alert formation around them, which made Luo Xiu The corners of her mouth twitched. For him, this situation is definitely something he doesn't want to see. It's just that he can't help but feel a little helpless when he thinks about the things he did before. It's not unreasonable that others are so wary of him. He can only blame herself. He made it by himself, and Luo Xiu was able to understand the feelings of these people now. There was a person who was out of control during the teleportation. For them, the impact of their hearts can be imagined. There is no way. If you change Now that he is in this position, he will do so without hesitation.

However, Luo Xiu is not too worried. After all, he has a system and he wants to sneak in quietly. There is still some possibility. Luo Xiu looked at the mixed formations in front of him, and he was thoughtful. , Knowing that it’s impossible to mix in like before. After all, this formation is based on the special energy arrangement of Linglong Realm. As long as he enters the warning range of the formation, it is a living radar signal source. .

Even if his ability to hide his traces is strong, he can only catch the blind in front of this weird power, so Luo Xiu is ready to rush, but after watching the progress of those who set up the formation in the field, Luo Xiu understands in his heart , But now is not the right time, one is because he needs the system to help him, to see when to break into the defensive formation, even if they find out, there is no time to target themselves, this is the most perfect, and Luo Xiu The most ideal time is the moment the teleportation array opens.

"System, what should we do next? Look at this, those people are obviously defensive against us, and even the reason why these people didn't directly send to the White Tiger Sanctuary in the first place, it is estimated that it is considered that the demon pill may be There is a problem, hey! I was too careless before, and I directly took out so many demon pill that did not belong to the Nanzhan Tribe. Obviously, I was telling them that there was a problem with the origin of the demon pill! Now you see What should we do?” Facing the immediate situation, Luo Xiu is at a loss at this moment. Although he is confident that he can rush in, he can’t guarantee that he will be able to pass through the defensive formation and enter the teleportation. In the middle of the battle.

Because the timing of this is very important, if the launch time is early, and you enter the defense formation, it is no problem, but after entering, the teleportation formation has not been successfully activated, then the three of Huamanlou will be killed. Own time, but if the time is too late, and he has not waited to pass through this defensive formation, the formation has been successfully activated, and if he enters again, it will be death.

Luo Xiu, who was extremely distressed, had to secretly think about the solution. For him, this was really a very difficult thing. The control of time and the speed of cracking the formation affected his every next choice. , Even at this moment Luo Xiu couldn't help but regret it. If he had known this, he shouldn't provoke hatred so much.

Even though his heart is unwilling, he knows at this moment that the only way left before him is to trespass, but Luo Xiu knows the cost of trespassing. It is either life or death. It goes without saying. Even Luo Xiu knew that he rushed over, teleported and left with him, and what was waiting for him was definitely not a good fruit.

It’s just that Luo Xiu understands that once he enters the White Tiger Sanctuary, he will return to the home court. With the special ability of the Heavenly Demon clone, he will not attract the repulsion of the Heavenly Dao at all, and he will not attract the Heavenly Tribulation. The opportunity to play from it, presumably by that time, the three Taiyi Golden Immortals of Huamanlou were being struck by lightning, and they couldn't bother to chase them down.

Looking at the warning formation in the distance with scorching eyes, Luo Xiu was hesitating at this moment. He thought in his heart how to probe the strength of the formation first, and determine the time of the sneak attack. After all, in this case, But there is nothing foolproof. Even a momentary delay may ruin his previous accomplishments, or even cause a murderous disaster. At this critical moment that is related to life and death, Luo Xiu dare not take the slightest care.

Quietly touched the side of the vigilance formation. At this moment, Luo Xiu carefully sensed the energy circulation around him, but it was a pity that, as he could not resonate with the vitality of the world, although the spirit power could detect the strength of energy, But he couldn't accurately judge the direction of the energy. It was absolutely wishful thinking to crack the formation. This scene also made Luo Xiu deeply aware that his previous thoughts seemed to be aborted, and he could not determine the defense formation. Intensity, the consequences of a strong attack, will only die worse.

Annoyed, he scratched his hair. Looking at the busy monks in the formation, Luo Xiu's heart moved. He thought of a way, but he didn't know if he could succeed. He looked around, and Luo Xiu chose a farther one. In the place, near that area, several tyrannical forces are coming here quickly. Luo Xiu knows that this is his best opportunity. Looking at the distance between here and the formation, Luo Xiu knows. He has only one chance. If he can't solve the person behind him at one time, then his plan must be changed.

Hiding under a forest, Luo Xiu looked up at the six people flying above him, and then turned his gaze to the two silhouettes that were approaching quickly. At this moment, Luo Xiu knew whether he could get in or not. The next action did not go smoothly.

With the help of the system, Luo Xiu easily locked the two of them. The two of them didn’t know that they were about to be killed, and they were following the six people in front of him. Xiu sensed the aura of the two of them and found that they were both in the early stage of the Golden Immortal. This is undoubtedly good news for him, so he didn't hesitate. When the two were about to fly above his head, Luo Xiu suddenly violent.

Terrifying power was instilled into the avatar of the heavenly demon from his body. The celestial demon instantly turned into a fighting form, and the Tao of the heavens was completely aroused by him. The fully state of the avatar of the heavenly demon instantly grew twelve arms. At the same time, twelve arms. With all-out effort, the terrifying force directly one side, locked the two of them with their arms, and instantly exerted force, and the piercing sound resounded through the world, with the help of the powerful ability of the delimiting compass, directly into the void, Luo Xiu did this Everything, decisively and resolutely directly tore the two in half instantly.

At the same time, Luo Xiu saw the primordial spirit flashing above the two people's heads, and apart from anything else, the terrifying spirit power instantly swept over. At the same time, the power of the bounding compass was also at this moment, and he was excited to its maximum power. With the addition of the two, Luo Xiu almost didn't spend any price, and imprisoned the two souls.

After doing all this, Luo Xiu involuntarily wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Don’t look at how easily he managed the two of them just now. In fact, he himself squeezed a cold sweat, in case he was exposed, waiting for him. Yes, it was definitely a terrible consequence that he didn't want to see. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead again, Luo Xiu collected the two souls into his small world, and after doing all this, he slowly vomited. He breathed, and flew away from here panting.

Luo Xiu knew that he had made such a big move just now, and someone must have discovered it. Even if no one noticed it, he believed that he would not be able to keep it for too long. The chaotic aftermath of the battle here would definitely attract the attention of the expert. He needed to escape this area as soon as possible, so he didn't say a word, and ran directly to the hiding place he had found before. Luo Xiu quietly hid his body completely.

Luo Xiu, who had done all this, finally let out a long sigh of relief. At this moment, his heart has completely relaxed. The sudden violent just now made him very nervous. Fortunately, even if the two of them have reached the cultivation level. , But the physical strength is far inferior, even his body is inferior, so the Heavenly Demon clone can tear their flesh directly so easily.

Taking out one of the two Nascent Souls, Luo Xiu fell into deep thought. He didn't know whether he could search for his soul with his own soul power at the moment, but he had to try it, because for Luo Xiu, he needed to understand There are too many things, because the more he knows about this exquisite world, the more Luo Xiu feels that he doesn't know enough.

Even for him, if possible, Luo Xiu was thinking about whether he could survive here for a period of time. After all, if he ventured to teleport with the three powerhouses of the Taiyi Golden Fairy Realm in Huamanlou, he I'm not sure what terrible consequences there will be, waiting for myself.

The previous time, when he was able to succeed by fluke, Luo Xiu knew in his heart that it was definitely not how clever he was, but because none of the three of Huamanlou had any anticipation, nor would such a thing happen. It’s because there is no defense to make himself successful, but now, Luo Xiu dare not hold this in case idea, even if he can rush into the super teleportation formation at the moment when the formation is activated in time, he is sure that the teleportation here During the process, the three Taiyi Golden Immortals in Huamanlou must have many ways to kill themselves.

Under the current situation, Luo Xiu knew in his heart that he wanted to get in troubled waters. It was very difficult, and he was not even sure if he had this opportunity. In fact, Luo Xiu knew the best solution to this problem. That is, after the three Taiyi Golden Immortals in Huamanlou left, he was able to activate the teleportation array for the second time in time, even if he was allowed to leave this exquisite world. It is impossible to commit such a situation as it is now. Let him wait for death slowly.

If you continue to suffer like this, the longer the delay, the greater the impact on his mood. Luo Xiu understands at this moment that he is not as strong as he imagined. He has always been used to the smooth wind. If he is so suppressed for a long time, He couldn't guarantee that he would be able to maintain his composure and would make any crazy moves.

For Luo Xiu, if it’s just a little trouble, if you really can’t leave this world, then you have to find a way to break the world barrier of this world, even if he has tried it before. He wants to tear the space to leave the world with his own strength. He can't do it with his current cultivation base, but don't forget that he can't leave, doesn't mean he can't destroy the world. Even with the help of the system's capabilities, Luo Xiu dared to use the massive super-powerful explosives stored in the weapon arsenal of the system in his mind. He still didn't believe it. At that time, if he did this, There is still no way to destroy this world, it is really an evil thing!

And this is only when there is no other way to do it. For now, the road before Luo Xiu seems to be the only way to take risks. Either wait for death or take a risk. In addition, Luo Xiu couldn't think of any other way.

Settling down, Luo Xiu’s opponent started searching for souls. What he wants to know most at the moment is that for him, it’s best to be able to leave this without resorting to that formation. The method of the world, after all, temporarily, whether or not he can leave here is crucial for Luo Xiu.

Especially with the passage of time, the uneasy feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger, which made Luo Xiu a little difficult to maintain a calm mind. I don’t know why, there is a hostile spirit in Luo Xiu now. He couldn't vent in his heart. At this moment, he had the urge to destroy everything he saw.