Technology Communication System

Chapter 1003: Weird way of getting along

Carefully tearing apart the defense of the sea of ​​consciousness of this soul, Luo Xiu began to read the memory of this person. As the memory continued to be read by Luo Xiu, the expression on his face became more and more exciting at this moment. As he searched for the soul, the expression on his face became more and more shocked from the calm and calm before, and even in the end he was a little embarrassed, and he couldn't wait to directly kill the soul. The action is extremely fast.

"Host, what's the matter with you? How could it be such a reaction? Have you noticed anything? How do I think you are so nervous, your heartbeat has more than a hundred times just now, with your current cultivation base, there is such a frequency of heartbeat, absolutely abnormal , What happened, is it true that we guessed it before. The exquisite world that we are in at this moment is really a small world in the body of a monk?” During the time when Luo Xiuping was shocked in his heart, The system in my mind also looked at Luo Xiu with a bit of astonishment, and asked very seriously. The system with soaring curiosity was also a little curious at this moment. I don’t understand why Luo Xiu behaves like this. This performance is absolutely beyond his. Imagine.

At the same time, for Luo Xiu, what flashed before his eyes was the scenes of memories, those scenes that made him feel incredible, which made Luo Xiuzhen truly realize how right he was not acting recklessly. One thing, after calming down, Luo Xiu was a little scared, and the whole person felt very grateful.

From this person’s memory, Luo Xiu knew that this exquisite world was actually a magical cave world, but because the power of this magical tool was so terrifying, that the cave world was also a little outrageous, and a world bred by nature. , There is almost no difference.

At the same time, Luo Xiu got everything he wanted in this soul memory, some basic common sense about this world, and the origin of this world, and why there are so many golden immortal realms in this world. The most important thing is why this world is called Linglong Great World.

In this person’s memory, Luo Xiu also knew the distribution of forces in this Linglong World. The entire Linglong World was under Linglong Pavilion’s control, and the area he was in at the moment was only on a planet controlled by Linglong Pavilion. , And for Luo Xiu, the entire Linglong world is almost larger than the two nine-day sanctuary. This world is divided into four parts. Linglong Pavilion sits in the central star region, and each has a similar planetary symmetry. Distribution, and this weird planetary division also shocked Luo Xiu.

What makes him even more unbelievable is that if he does not leave with Huamanlou and the others, then he will have to wait for his death slowly. After thoroughly clarifying this, Luo Xiu's heart is full of despair at this moment. It turns out that his previous guess was correct or wrong. The main body of this Linglong Great World turned out to be the first artifact in the ancient world Linglong Tower, the artifact that claimed to be able to install the world, which made Luo Xiu completely speechless. He didn’t know why Huamanlou and others came here and why this was the case, but he knew very well that he wanted to break the ban of Linglong Tower on his own, it was simply wishful thinking, unless he got this Linglong Tower tool. The spirit's permission, otherwise, no matter how he jumped, it would be just an ant in this world.

And what makes Luo Xiu feel extremely constrained is that this Linglong Pagoda has produced spiritual wisdom. Although the spirits themselves have wisdom, they are like the Tiandi Linglong Pagoda, with independent personality attributes, and even know that the believers are kept in captivity. , To provide himself with the power of faith, it can be seen how high the wisdom of this Linglong Pagoda Spirit is, and for himself, the current situation is definitely something Luo Xiu did not expect beforehand. He thought of the three that spent the whole building before. Luo Xiu couldn't help being somewhat indifferent to Taiyi Jinxian's style of doing things.

At this moment, Luo Xiu didn’t know how to describe the awkwardness in his heart. For him, the situation in front of him was so awkward, and even to a certain extent, he took the initiative to send it to the door. .

From this person’s memory, Luo Xiu also knew some secrets. The reason why this Linglong Pagoda produced so many moths was because there was no way. In ancient times, because of the strong concentration of innate vitality, these innate artifacts were still It is useful, but unfortunately, with the emergence of strong people in various periods, and the natural environment destroyed by the fight between these strong people, the current Linglong Tower can no longer be supplemented with energy from the outside, in order to continue Going on, I can only come up with this bottom line, raising hundreds of millions of humans in captivity, and letting these people provide him with the power of faith.

And the reason why the tokens on the monks can allow them to absorb this energy between heaven and earth is that the spirit of Linglong Tower deliberately did it on this day. Otherwise, the current energy reserve of Linglong Tower is already a little insufficient. If the spirit of Linglong Tower is not restrained, it will not take long for Linglong Tower. The entire Linglong Tower will fall into a deep sleep state because there is no energy to use. If you want to wake up again at that time, it will not I know when it happened, and once this happened, it would really be a tragedy for the spirit of Linglong Tower.

Although I don’t know why the person who was killed by him knew so much, Luo Xiu thought for a while and got another soul, and Luo Xiu wanted to take the opportunity to find another soul. There are some differences, but it is a pity that there is no record of this aspect of the result of the soul search of the soul.

After he wiped out this soul, Luo Xiu shook his head helplessly, and whether he could leave next, he needed to consider not only the formation of the Huamanlou and others, but also the support of the Linglong Tower Spirit. Otherwise, even if he can teleport with the help of the formation, but if Linglong Tower’s spirit does not agree, he will still be unable to leave this world.

Therefore, for the current Luo Xiu, the important thing is how to get rid of the influence of this exquisite tower spirit. For him, if he stays here for a long time, he is sure to get that token. , But he paid a great price for this. At the very least, all the strength he had cultivated before will be washed away, almost not much different from the waste of work.

For Luo Xiu, this is not good news. Even at this moment, he really has the thought and impulse to wipe his neck and commit suicide. Especially at this moment, he actually feels like he is throwing himself into the trap, which makes Luo Xiu feel stubborn The anger became stronger and stronger. With his previous plan, it seemed so naive now. Even at this moment, Luo Xiu couldn't help but meditate in secret. When they came from Nanzhan Buzhou, the three of them were all over the building. Was Yi Jinxian deliberately doing it?

Walking out of the hiding place, Luo Xiu smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was noncommittal about the anxious questions of the system. He didn't know what he should do now, and he didn't even know what to do next so that he could be safe. When he left here, he could only show his thoughts and confession to see if the system had any good solutions to the problem, and then Luo Xiu flew straight to that place. Because Luo Xiu hardly put any cover up, he flew over. , His arrival hardly meant to hide his traces, even everyone who arranged the formation could feel it, and at the same time, as Luo Xiu approached, the Huamanlou and others who had closed their eyes and adjusted their breath , And opened his eyes at the same time.

If there is anyone in the field who is indifferent to Luo Xiu’s arrival, it is only the Taoist Yuanming from the Shangqing Palace. At this moment, he is still working hard to arrange the formation, and at the same time, he is also commanding these indigenous powerhouses. Reinforce the foundation and carry some indispensable materials at the same time.

And the reason why Luo Xiu came here openly is that he wanted to see if he could communicate with these people. After all, for him, he did not cause any threat or influence to Nanzhan Buzhou, and it was no exaggeration. It is said that if Huamanlou and the others solve the energy problem of Nanzhan Buzhou, even Luo Xiu will be their benefactor.

When he was far away, Luo Xiu stopped and gave his hand to the Huamanlou and others who were standing in the formation. He respectfully said, "Three seniors, it’s been a long time since I saw you. I think we need to take care of it. I know where you want to go, and I’m not afraid to tell the three predecessors the truth. The few demon pills in your hand were sold by the kid before. I had some bad ideas before. After all, as an outsider Wanderer, my life in Nanzhan Buzhou was not easy, so I made a temporary intention. I wanted to use the power of the Shangqing Palace to see if I could lock the White Tiger Sanctuary. At the same time, I also wanted to use the power of the three seniors to find When I went to my hometown before, I must be able to find the world I was in before with the abilities of the three seniors. For some lasting reasons, I was forced to enter the Nanzhan Buzhou. I wanted to leave, but I was a little weak. In order to be able to leave Nanzhan Buzhou and return to my original world, as a last resort, I had no choice but to make this move!"

At this moment, looking at these people in front of him, Luo Xiu wanted to understand. Instead of hiding and taking risks, he should take the initiative to communicate with these people. After all, as long as his face is thick enough, he can completely take the honeycomb universe. Sell ​​it, after all, for him, the hive world has nothing to do with him.

Especially after knowing the secret of this Linglong Tower, Luo Xiu dare not have any fluke. For him, in this exquisite world, the most unprovoked person is Linglong Tower Ling. If Really trapped here forever, turned into a straw harvested by faith, then he really has nowhere to cry.

The sword repairman of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, Huamanlou looked at Luo Xiu with interest at this moment, and said in a very weird tone: "Boy, how true is what you said before? False, come up with evidence, otherwise, the three of us would not believe you, and why would we believe you? After all, to some extent, we are going to occupy your homeland, you shouldn’t be like this Be willing, hehe, anyway, if you don’t tell me who is ugly, I won’t believe your nonsense!"

At the same time, when the Huamanlou was talking, the old man from the Shangqing Palace and the Yin-Yang Taoist from the White Bone Dao Sect did not take the initiative to speak. The two of them also looked at Luo Xiu with great interest, as if they were about Luo Xiu’s present situation. The body also felt a little surprised.

No way, Luo Xiu’s current strength is really not in the eyes of the three of them, and even before they knew it, Luo Xiu’s move is indeed the most correct, otherwise, if it really gets through two The spatial passage of the world, hehe, what the consequences will be, the three of them know better than anyone else.

Luo Xiu didn’t talk nonsense when he heard the words, and straightforwardly took out the demon pills from his storage space, and at the same time took out more than a dozen demon beast corpses, all of which he kept and prepared to have In time, I gave myself a tooth sacrifice, but I didn't expect that it would really be used. Therefore, for Luo Xiu, he was not worried at all. No one would believe what he said.

More importantly, even the cultivators of the exquisite world who originally surrounded them now looked at these demon pills in Luo Xiu's hands. For them, these demon pills were never seen before. In the past, the memory that Luo Xiu obtained from searching for souls also showed that in this exquisite world, only humans and some ordinary mortals survive, and there are no monsters or the like. Everything is controlled by the spirits of Linglong Tower. Strictly controlled, it is impossible for a monster to survive.

According to Luo Xiu’s guess, the most fundamental reason why there is no monster beast in this world is that these monsters have no human nature, and it is impossible to provide the power of faith for Linglong Tower, so they were ruthlessly abandoned, Luo Xiu Even maliciously speculated that the most fundamental reason why this Linglong Taling would retain such a wonderful ecological natural circle was his own bad taste.

At the same time, Luo Xiu took out these monster pills and monster beast corpses. It didn't take long before he suddenly felt the hot eyes of the surroundings look at him. After Luo Xiu shivered, he felt helpless. With a bitter smile, he looked at the three people in Huamanlou. After all, to a certain extent, he wanted to come over and rush to the three guys in front of him, and from the attitude of these three people, Luo Xiu could also tell at this moment. , The three people do not trust themselves.

Luo Xiu didn't hesitate when he saw this situation. He did not hesitate to stretch out his hand again, and a black long sword appeared in his hand, watching the restless crowd that was about to push up. Luo Xiu at this moment Very depressed, if he knew this earlier, he shouldn't have been so eager for quick success.