Technology Communication System

Chapter 102: Nine-story Linglong Tower

ps: I originally wanted to update last night, but the background was not up, so I had to update at this time. Although there are few updates and the time is not fixed, I promise that I will never be eunuchs, as long as one person is reading the book, old San will continue to write down. ★ Bayi Middle School √ Wen Wang Ww√ W. 81zW. Com

By the way, please download and recommend it! ! The follow-up content is more exciting, so stay tuned!

When Luo Xiu returned, in the realm of comprehension, Bi Luo Jiao and Dan Ding Sect were also fighting together.

In a magnificent starry sky, on a water-blue planet, I saw the clouds in the sky, which had been crushed by this momentum, revealing the vast starry sky. Not long after, a fireball that looked like a meteor appeared in everyone's eyes, rushing towards the planet like a meteor.

Soon the fireball had reached the sky above the crowds on the ground, and finally stopped at a distance of 100 meters from the ground. The flames slowly dissipated and revealed the figures inside. It was actually a middle-aged man, one wearing a fire red A middle-aged man with a gray and red face in a long robe, this man is indeed very short, and his height is estimated to be about 1.5 meters.

When I saw this middle-aged white man, Dan Yangzi, the sect master of Dandingmen not far away, his face immediately showed excitement, and said in surprise, "Uncle Master, you are finally here."

The middle-aged man looked around, turned his head slightly, and glanced at the field. However, when his gaze fell on the two cultivators who had already lost the Nasal Infant during the Tribulation Period, his eyes showed violent anger, his gaze suddenly sharpened and the murderous intent was not concealed.

His gaze slowly swept over everyone in the field, and finally fell on Dan Yangzi and said in a deep voice: "If I don’t come again, I’m afraid you, the sect master of Dandingmen, will not see the sun tomorrow. The elites within the hundred gates will never go back." The middle-aged Bai couldn't hide his anger in his tone.

Hearing this, Dan Yangzi couldn’t help feeling a dull face. He glanced viciously at the three Si Haojie, then turned to look at the middle-aged man and said in a pleading tone: "Uncle Shi, the three of them not only killed Many elders in our Danding Sect, and a large number of masters who killed our Dan Ding Sect, even the fifth and sixth elders died in their hands, and asked Master to take them down, and among them, One person is a monster."

Hearing this, the middle-aged Bai turned his head slightly to look at the three of them and said: "Who are you, I never kill the unknown when I sign up!"

As soon as this white middle-aged man appeared, Bi Luo Jiao Ji Wuming's face became very solemn, and his eyes fixedly stared at the old man suspended in the air and said solemnly: "Eight Tribulations Sanxian?!"

The middle-aged man showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Yes, you still have a bit of foresight, you should answer my question obediently."

Ji Wuming and the other two looked at each other, and the faces of the three were more solemn than ever. Especially Ji Wuming, the master of dealing with the Tribulation Period is already his current limit, and he did not expect that this time an even stronger Eight Tribulation Sanxian would come.

Dealing with the masters of the Tribulation Period is already their limit, and I didn't expect that this time a more powerful Sanxian would come.

The white middle-aged figure flashed, and before the three of Ji Wuming had reacted, they had already appeared in front of them, and then with a powerful palm, they blasted at the three of Ji Wuming. The speed is as fast as lightning, and the surrounding space seems to be torn apart by the palm of the white middle-aged man.

Ji Wuming's face changed drastically, without any hesitation, he ran his whole body's true essence, instantly gathered on his hands, and then shot both palms at the same time.

"Bump!" A dull sound came out of the space, and the space began to oscillate slightly. The visible ripples slowly spread to the surroundings.

"Wow!" A mouthful of blood spurted from Ji Wuming's mouth, and then he saw his body flying upside down like a short-stranded kite.

With just one blow, Ji Wuming had already suffered a serious injury, and the strength of the Eight Tribulations Sanxian was indeed very powerful, far from what Ji Wuming's current strength could resist.

The middle-aged white man didn't move at all. He just looked at his palm, and looked at Ji Wuming who was flying upside down with a little surprise, and said, "What a weird energy, your blood demon sect is still so shameless. , As a top master who reincarnated and returned, are you a little bit bullying, Ji Wuming or the blood demon ancestor, hey, how did you escape the chase of this sect, how did you become the Biluo Cult? The doorman."

Ji Wuming flew upside down a full 100 meters before he controlled his body to stabilize, but his body had just stabilized. After hearing the middle-aged man's words, another blood spurted out of his mouth uncontrollably.


"Uncle Master!"

Both Chu Li and Luo Jie were shocked. They hurriedly came to Ji Wuming and looked at him with concern. At the same time, they both had their luck Qigong techniques to prevent attacks by middle-aged people.

The middle-aged man looked at the three people, the corners of his mouth were very strange, the empty hand flashed, a small mirror appeared in the hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Blood Demon, don't act anymore. As for the old man's blow, whether it hurt you or not, the old man knows. Today is Ning Biluo here. Don't want to leave peacefully. It's really my Dandingmen. It is a kind and friendly school. Your purpose today, the old man already knows, don't have the idea of ​​running away!" The middle-aged man waved his hand and said with a faint coercion, he said confidently.

"Hey, really?" A light flashed in the field, a tall figure suddenly appeared in the field, and a low voice sounded.

"Ning Biluo, it's you! You are really bold. When I have no one in Danding, you dare to come alone!"

"Roger, as long as you return my teaching sacred artifacts, this teaching will never do anything to your Dandingmen. You really think it will kill us!" The tall figure said, with a wave of his hand, a palace appeared in the field, and then, Thirteen old men appeared on the scene.

"Good! Good! Good!" The middle-aged Roger saw the thirteen people who appeared. His body shook, and his voice was a little different. He squeezed out three'good' words from his teeth, and then his body shook and appeared. In front of Dan Yangzi and the others, he waved his sleeves, rolled up the crowd, and left the scene with a teleport.

"I have seen the great elder!" Seeing Luo Jie and others leave, the three of Ji Wuming hurried forward to salute.

Glancing faintly at Ji Wuming, Ning Biluo said to the thirteen elders who appeared: "The elders, I have to trouble you, take away the sacred artifacts, and I have to return to the sect to sit down."

Then his gaze turned to the three of Ji Wuming, and at the same time said in a little amazement: "Ji Wuming, when did you get the inheritance of the old blood demon!?"

"Returning to the Great Elder, it has been hundreds of years. I have never dared to use the Blood Demon Dharma before. After all, although my Biluo Sect is great, there were still many schools that were attacked by the Blood Demon. To bully the young, the disciples dare not show up at all, but after today, my teaching will be very dangerous." Ji Wuming hurried forward, with a little ashamed, with a wry smile in his mouth.

"Don't worry, this sect will never abandon meritorious people at will. This time the three of you can keep the sacred artifacts in the first time. It is definitely a great achievement. Don’t worry, as long as you deny it, the sect will naturally have it. Methods to deal with inquiries from other schools.

Besides, in the current cultivation world, who still has time to take care of you, the Horned Demon Race, the Sky Wing Race, which are all giants, it is hard to say whether we humans can survive this crisis safely. Okay, wait. Come back to the sect with this seat, I want to see if this sect has not been born for 300 years, has everyone forgotten the power of my teaching! "At the end, Ning Biluo's momentum suddenly rose, and his mouth was murderous.

The ancestor of the Gorefiend, three thousand years ago, a lunatic who created boundless killings in the realm of cultivation, Qingquan Sanren, one of the top ten masters in the realm of cultivation at that time, was also killed by him. If it weren’t for the old devil’s action, I don’t know how many deaths he would have. Monk.

Ning Biluo turned and looked at the thirteen elders who were casting spells, and then at the undulating nine-story Linglong Pagoda. As a fairy artifact of the Biluo Sect, the nine-story Linglong Pagoda has disappeared for a long time. The realm of cultivation has changed drastically. Almost all the immortal artifacts lost by various factions appeared in the realm of cultivation, some appeared near their own sects, and many appeared in the influence of other sects, just like this nine-story exquisite tower.

Then thirteen people joined forces to put away the towering tower, and one of the old men came to Ning Biluo with the pagoda in his hand.

"Great Elder, it's all right." As he said, the old man handed over the pagoda in Ning Biluo's hands, and at the same time, his agitated face returned to its original state.

"Then we return to the sect!" Ning Biluo just glanced at the pagoda in his hand, put it in the storage ring, and then waved his hand, the palace-like spirit weapon appeared in the field again, everyone filed in, Ning Biluo Putting away the palace, the figure flashed and disappeared from the field.