Technology Communication System

Chapter 103: The first show of technological power

The factions that lost the Zhenzong's fairy artifacts for various reasons almost all clashed with other sects or forces because of the appearance of these fairy artifacts. Bayi Chinese Website Ww√W√.く 8★ 1zW. Com

At this time in the Samsara Taoist Palace, the Tianyi tribe elders and others who entered the Immortal Palace were also in an unprecedented crisis. Because of the existence of the Samsara Taoist Palace, the inner device spirit, Luo Xiu had just entered. The phantom that had been seen before transported all their bodies to the **** space where Luo Xiu had stayed before.

The people who had just entered, felt the location of the Zhenzu's artifacts for the first time, and walked toward the destination with excitement.

Everyone flew toward the place of the artifact, but among them, there was still a difference in cultivation level, and the'bird flu' virus that Luo Xiu left behind, even though the Wing Human Race in the Scarlet Space was dead, it was not that way. It was ferocious, but when these birdmen came in again, they were all infected with the virus.

They were all excited and couldn't help themselves, so they didn't notice their own abnormalities, and because they were in a confined space, even if they felt abnormalities in their bodies, they would wonder if this was the case in this space itself.

The performance of these people, in the eyes of the spirits of the Taoist Palace of Reincarnation, was also incredible for Luo Xiu's methods, and they kept chattering.

On the other side, in the dark cosmic space, the giant beast was flying forward. Almost all the planets that blocked its direction along the way were swallowed by the giant beast. This is just the length of its body. To reach a thousand feet, its four claws, the thickest of each claw is several feet thick, and the thinnest part of the claws is also three or four feet thick. It is simply four celestial pillars plus its huge mouthparts. , And eight pairs of wings on his back, looks terrifying.

The direction of this giant beast is exactly where Luo Xiu is on the planet. Just looking at the distance to Luo Xiu’s location, the giant beast is terrifying. It is estimated that it will fly for several years, and it has been stable and safe. Flight.

Luo Xiu was discussing with his master and Old Demon Ren at the moment. The three of them were a bit controversial about Luo Xiu’s ideas. It was in this situation that they were awakened by the rapid bell sound, and it was nine consecutive times. The bell rings, it can be seen that something must have happened to Qiantian Palace. The two hurriedly got up, Luo Xiu had already understood what was going on through the system.

"Brother Ren, this sect has something to do, do it yourself!" Guo Yangming said to the old demon Ren who was working there as he walked.

"If you want to help, you speak, I am here. The chaos in the realm of comprehension this time is really big enough, and the old man who hurts has to hide from those old things in the sect." Old demon Ren also heard the bell. Knowing that the matter was urgent, he waved to the two of them.

"Master, it was the Sect Master that had something to do, and several elders who went with the Sect Master were also injured, and the Sect Master himself is already in a coma." Luo Xiu hurriedly said to his master.

"Well, let's go together. The old man will have to see which one is not eye-opening. At this moment, I don't want to be a human being with my tail clipped, and I dare to attack my Sect Master of the Heavenly Palace. I'm really tired!" Guo Yangming said coldly.

He also saw the scene of the Zongmen Hall with his spiritual knowledge, but after seeing the scene inside, his appearance was very scary. You must know that now in the entire Guo family, in the Qiantian Palace, only he and Guo Xiaotian are in high positions. If Guo Xiaotian had any accident, the consequences would still be great.

"Master, I have always been curious, do you have anything to do with the sect master?" Luo Xiu asked with some gossip. Because of the systematic answer, he knew that the sect master would not have any major events, so Luo Xiu thought of the master and the sect master. Can’t help but ask.

"He is my junior, the only male in the Guo family for three thousand years, hehe, if he has anything to do, the old man will wash the whole world of cultivation with blood." Guo Yangming said murderously.

The two galloped all the way and quickly rushed to the Zongmen Hall. Luo Xiu looked around. There were 13 people lying in the whole Hall. Among them, there were five Zongmen elders. Luo Xiu who saw this scene couldn't help. Air-conditioning, if they have any accidents, then the entire sect will be in uncontrollable danger.

"I know who did it, why didn't anyone pass me a message?" Guo Yangming asked the people in the field, then he stepped forward to an elder and then checked their injuries.

"System, you can also use satellites to help find out who attacked the suzerain." Luo Xiu also commanded the system in his mind.

"The picture has been retrieved. The host wants to watch it. Now is a good opportunity. As long as the host broadcasts the picture and then tells your plan, it will be easy to arrange network monitoring in the realm of cultivation. Achieved, by then there will be many highly educated array masters participating, combining technology and comprehension, tsk tsk, imagine it is a little excited." The system language said with seductive ~ confused.

"How to play, are you sure that no one will be embarrassed with me because of this thing?" Luo Xiu was very excited, because if he wants to promote technological civilization in the cultivation world, the coming tribe war is a good opportunity.

Once the plan is completed, those spaceships are protected by the formation method, and the combat effectiveness will be very strong. For the next battle, Luo Xiu can definitely guarantee that the Horned Demon Race and the Sky Wing Race will definitely not get any benefits.

"It's very simple. In the space of this system, there is a player, and the host can take it out." The system easily took out a small rectangular metal block. Luo Xiu looked at it and found that this thing is made of metal on one side. On the other hand, it was a mirror, and Luo Xiu opened it easily according to the instructions of the system.

I saw in the middle of the hall, a picture appeared in the field. The chaotic hall was quiet for a moment, and then everyone looked at the picture.

I saw everyone looking at Luo Xiu’s hands, but not many people paid attention to the scenes in the field, because someone had already said the situation of the attack. The incredible face.

You must know that in the realm of comprehension, there is also this kind of magical technique, but it needs to be recorded in advance with the photo-taking stone, and they can be sure that there is no other monk at the scene of the fight, and there may be no fighting scenes left behind. At this moment, I was shocked to see the fighting situation in the hall at that time.

"Luo Xiu, how did you do it?" Even Guo Yangming was shocked. Even if he knew that Luo Xiu had an adventure and had a very powerful spacecraft, he felt very unbelievable when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Master, on this planet where we live, as long as there is no place guarded by formations, I want to know about things anywhere, it is very easy, such as..." Luo Xiu said. As the aerial picture turned, three black masked men were besieging a pair of young men and women in battle.

"Aren't these young pavilion master Xiao Baihe and his junior sister of Lingyun Pavilion!" Someone in the field recognized their identities.

"Do you know where they are now?" Guo Yangming's expression also changed, looking at Luo Xiu and asked.

"Of course, their location is in a valley in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range." Luo Xiu said, and his spiritual knowledge passed to his master a clear place.

Guo Yangming flashed out of the hall, and then teleported into the valley where he was fighting. At this time, everyone in the hall saw Guo Yangming's figure in the screen. He only pointed out three black clothes and was beaten into dead bodies by him. , He immediately grabbed Xiao Baihe and the two people, and the space outside the hall flashed, and Guo Yangming appeared outside the hall with a pair of young men and women.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in amazement, all dumbfounded.