Technology Communication System

Chapter 1036: Turbulence

Hearing what he said, Luo Xiu couldn't help but jump in his heart. He knew that he was a fake, and he didn't even know what happened in the cultivation world millions of years ago. Therefore, at this moment, The black demon ancestor's doubtful gaze, he had to pretend to be blind, waved his hand indifferently, and said indifferently.

"You think too much! That thing has long since disappeared in the long river of history. Where can it be so easily survived in the world? It is even more a joke to evolve again. Besides, this kind of thing has to be said to be terrifying, not always, either. It's just a little weird. If you want to talk about how powerful it is, it's not the case. Otherwise, how did we kill him a million years ago!" Luo Xiu said in an indifferent tone, very domineering.

When Luo Xiu's words fell, the black demon ancestor looked in a moment of trance and confusion. At this moment, his face was dumbfounded and dumbfounded. Luo Xiu noticed this person's expression, especially his look at him. Among his gazes, the gaze that looked like a fool made Luo Xiu faintly feel that he seemed to have said something extraordinary.

This is because he hasn’t obtained any record of Gu God’s sacred worms from other people’s memory for millions of years. That’s why he can say that. Of course, he is 70% to 80% sure. For many years, I have never heard of the birth of the sacred insect, let alone the existence of this thing, that's why I said so.

Just looking at this old guy’s appearance now, it’s obvious that his previous words were a bit abrupt, and even without exaggeration, it might have attracted this guy’s suspicion, but he just shrugged his shoulders indifferently. He looked helplessly at the ancestor of the Dark Demon, and said: "What? Do you think what I said is wrong? I don't think there is any problem. Although the sacred insect has not been completely killed by us, he should have no chance to evolve anymore. Well, since they have become a rotten fish, why should we take him to heart? Even if the body of the strong Taiyi Golden Immortal is swallowed by it, he can't do anything. At most, he can restore a part of his vitality. No matter, it still won't be our opponents to the people present!"

Luo Xiu’s previous remarks were tentative, but he also had reservations. Luo Xiu’s heart was very certain that his words would definitely arouse the suspicion of everyone in the court. In order to dispel their concerns, he At the moment, he looked indifferent, and said his next words straightforwardly.

"And according to the news I got, especially when I sneaked into the Gu God Sect this time, I secretly checked the records in their sect, and I have a better understanding of this sacred insect. For thousands of years, the Gu God Sect has not given up on the salvation of the sacred worms. In order to keep the sacred worms alive and not continue to drop ranks, these guys are so crazy that they use those disciples of the innate Dao body to support this one. The sacred worm has been like this for so many years. Until recently, the realm of this sacred worm returned to the realm of Taiyi Golden Fairy, and the problem we encountered actually happened, so I suspect that this time it happened Things in the White Tiger Sanctuary are inseparable from the Gu God Sect. No matter how bad they are, it is what they did in it. Otherwise, why the formed world is uniquely suitable for Gu God Sect's survival and development, so I have to guard against it. , Brother!" Patting Luo Xiu's shoulder, the black demon ancestor was very helpless, and said bitterly, for him, the current situation is simply a matter of no ignorance, and it has evolved to this point. It is also a little bit helpless and bitter.

At the same time, when he heard the words of the ancestor of the black demon, Luo Xiu's spirit was in a trance for an instant. I really don't know what this so-called holy insect is. Therefore, facing this time At this moment, looking at his black demon ancestor with a look of sympathy, Luo Xiuzhi nodded in agreement. In the eyes of others, his performance at the moment is like hearing something incredible, full of shock, and the feeling of being shocked a little hard to resist, and powerless to return to heaven, makes everyone know that he is now It should also be a bit stupefied.

It’s just that only Luo Xiu himself knows how helpless he is at this moment. Luo Xiu feels a little bit that he doesn’t know how to answer the conversation. What kind of sacred insect is this, and some secrets of Gu God’s sect, he is fundamentally Not sure.

For him, he has nothing to do with the facts in this regard. Since there has been no attention before, if he wants to continue with the ancestors of the dark demon at this moment, it is a bit difficult for him, even Luo Xiu is thinking about whether or not at this moment. Turning off the topic, for him, such embarrassing talks, he really hasn't encountered it.

"Old guy, are you sure? The sacred insect is not a simple thing. Even if that thing was not killed, its potential should have been exhausted. How could it be possible to grow into a big Luo Jinxian again? In reality, even if he swallowed the corpse of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it is impossible, unless there are other means that we don't know about, otherwise, what you said must be listened to at a discount!" Seeing the look on the face of the Black Demon Ancestor, Luo Xiu no longer hesitated and confused, and asked speciously.

For him, this vague statement is based on facts. Before, he had received Zerg’s female worms. He knew very well what kind of consequences would be if the foundation was damaged. Therefore, he firmly believed No one will find anything unusual about his own words. Even if the ancestor of the Dark Demon had doubts, at this moment, he would definitely not think that he was a counterfeit.

Sure enough, the Black Demon Ancestor's reaction made Luo Xiu a sigh of relief. At this moment, the Black Demon Ancestor didn't think much at all. He just glanced at Luo Xiu a little speechlessly, and shook his head with a bitter smile, and said: " These Gu God cult guys are crazy. Their craziness is far more crazier than we thought. You really can’t believe that, in order to maintain the vitality of that bug, these guys actually sacrificed countless creatures in a frenzied blood. You can’t even think of it. To what extent is this kind of blood sacrifice established? In order to keep the sacred worm's rank unchanged, these guys not only rely on genius disciples to survive, they even use the blood sacrifice Dafa from time to time to directly bring thousands of golden immortals. The body of the strong man is refined and then consumed by the bug. For a long time, he has to consume a lot of natural treasures! So what you think is unlikely, in the eyes of the old man, these guys are unreasonable. On the one hand, the entire Gu God sect is crazy now, so you have to be careful, we have to make a decision as soon as possible, and come up with a solution as soon as possible, otherwise, if we continue to be kept in the dark, it is likely to be temporarily There won’t be anything, but after a long time, it’s hard to say!"

The ancestor of the black devil had a numb scalp after saying these words at this time. For him, this was not what he wanted to see, and even this happening in the whole world was not what he wanted to see. . The current situation in the entire world has clearly told the ancestor of the Dark Demon that the current situation has been completely out of his control. If you want to move things off the normal track again, it is impossible to happen. So, for the current situation, the ancestor of the dark demon just smiled helplessly and was helpless.

Everyone at the scene knew why the Black Demon ancestor had such an expression. He knew very well that the current situation was not a good opportunity to work on Gu God Sect at all, and even due to the appearance of people from the southern province of Buzhou, They didn't dare to do anything to the Gu God Sect at all, otherwise, if they were profited by the fisherman, the whole world would fall overnight.

The silence in the field is terrible. At this moment, everyone, including Luo Xiu, knows that even if they are upset with the way Gu God teaches these people, they also know that they can't help these people now, and they even dare not at all. Imagine if the people of Gu God sect were in trouble at this time, what would they use to resist them.

And Luo Xiu is the most calm person in the field. For him, it doesn’t matter what the people of the Gu sect want to do. The most important thing is that he must find the right opportunity to get out of this vortex, as for the whole world afterwards. What it will become has nothing to do with him.

Even Luo Xiu didn’t even plan to stay for a long time in this world that had already begun to show signs of chaos. For him, the threat of Nanzhan Tribe, plus these Gu God cultists, and other reasons were all It is a very unfavorable thing, and it is no exaggeration to say that the situation of the whole world will be a little different because of these various situations.

However, feeling the powerful strength of his own Heavenly Demon clone, thinking of the primordial spirit crystal in his storage space, Luo Xiu knew that he was not without the power of a battle, and he even had some ideas. If it is successfully realized, he can completely The cultivation base of his own Heavenly Demon clone was promoted to the level of Da Luo Jinxian, and the most important thing was that he was fully confident that he could do this.

"For the time being, it can only be so. We can't turn our face with them now. We don't know what these people are doing. We will wait until we free our hands and settle the account with them. As long as their sacred insect does not Evolve to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, we have the strength to completely crush them, and at that time, it does not matter what they want to do, and if the sacred insect reaches the level of Da Luo Jinxian, it will be for us In other words, it’s another situation! Something that we don’t want to see will happen. When that happens, we will pretend not to know. Knowing that there is a sacred worm of the big Luo Jinxian, it is estimated that they will come over to fight. At that time, can they be the same as before, and they will all talk about it!" Seeing that the atmosphere in the court is slightly depressed, Luo Xiu at this moment knows It's a chance to take action by himself. For him, if he still sits and watches everyone frustrated at this time, it will be a big blow to the whole situation. For him, it is also unwilling to see the situation.

After hearing Luo Xiu's words, everyone looked at each other, and at the moment, it seems that there is only one way to go. After all, if there is really a great Luo Jinxian who is born, then what kind of changes will the world pattern have? What they can speculate.

What will the whole world be like at that time? Both are two things, not to mention, nowadays, under internal and external troubles, the whole world will undergo earth-shaking changes. As Luo Xiu said, if a great Luo Jinxian is born, then, What kind of things will happen is not what they can imagine. At that time, the change of the whole world will also make them involuntarily make choices. Once things really get to that point, what is the so-called The three major forces are a group of native chickens and dogs.

At the same time, when Luo Xiu and the others were entangled whether or not to take action on Gu God Sect, in today's weird realm, Gu God Sect's five poisonous ancestors and a group of elders looked at each other a little, because they had some speechless discoveries, The sacred worms of their own have not been able to evolve, and even the distance they have evolved, there should be a gap of thousands of miles.

I don’t know why it was caused. After the sacred insects had absorbed enough energy, his body turned out to be like a leaky ball. The energy he sucked into his body was unexpectedly within a very short time. It dissipated quickly, silently, and could no longer be sensed completely.

"Ancestor, what's going on? Why is it like this? The cultivation base of the sacred insects can already evolve, why does this happen? Is it because of the excessive energy reserves, or because of the laws of heaven and earth in this world The reason?" After pondering for a long time, the Sixth Elder looked at the Five Poison Patriarch in a bit of astonishment, and asked very puzzledly.

At this moment, his words asked everyone present. There is no way. In their opinion, what was about to succeed suddenly took a big turn at 180 degrees, and it almost made everyone They were all caught off guard. The instant reversal of the situation directly caused everyone present to feel a little flustered, and their scalp numb for a while.

"It should not be! The old man can sense the heavenly ways of the outside world, and even in the old man's perception, he is here, and it is more clear that there is no such way of heaven that can shield the outside world at all, so the fundamental reason should not be The reason for this strange field, even the old man is guessing, may be due to the problems of this world, probably the hive universe today is no longer able to give birth to a powerful person of the Da Luo Jinxian level. The reason is where the old man can’t I know, it’s just that we’re in big trouble now, and if we want to go out now, we can only go out right away! As for the future, we can only resign ourselves to fate. Everyone must have a unified approach. After we go out, someone asks why we dragged on for so long. We lost time in finding the corpse. As for this corpse, don't take him out. Anyway, we have already got the best benefit. We will give them the leftovers!" Wudu The ancestor did not dare to stay here for a long time, waved his hand and said.