Technology Communication System

Chapter 1038: Soaring strength!

Although he didn't know why Luo Xiu would do this, he knew, what were the terrible consequences of Luo Xiu's doing this? Once those people who were taught by Gu God saw Luo Xiu at this moment, especially the weird aura in Luo Xiu's demon at this time, all the people of Gu God taught would understand why the evolution of the sacred insect would fail.

"Don’t tell me that there are none. I only want to know one thing now, that is, the evolution of this sacred worm has nothing to do with you, and you tell me how you did it. As long as you clarify these things, I can discuss everything with you, and I won’t be confronting you. What do you think, system!” Luo Xiu’s soul appeared in his mind and looked at the clone of the system very seriously. Asked very categorically.

For him, he really just realized what the system's remarks meant, and combined with the previous situation, he realized that everything was in the control of the system, even if Luo Xiu didn't tell others There are hundreds of ways to destroy this weird domain barrier with the ability of the system. Of course, it will not be as serious as the system says. The essence of the problem is, why does the system do this? What is his purpose for doing this?

There is also the sacred worm of Gu God, why did it fail to evolve? You know, since the Gu God teaches to break the cauldron and sink the boat, it must be fully assured, but it is a coincidence that at this time, the evolution of the sacred insects has failed. How can this not make Luo Xiu suspicious, everything seems too It's normal, and he can feel something unusual in himself, so he tentatively speaks.

No way, he hadn't thought about it before, but the words of the system completely awakened Luo Xiu. The system in his mind was looking for something. There must be something in the system. Unknown abilities or systems that are evolving have already developed other functions. Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense that the system will behave like this, which made Luo Xiu deeply aware that he must be vigilant and vigilant next. If you are not careful, you will probably be killed by the system without knowing it.

"Sure enough, you still can't keep it from you, but it didn't go beyond the expectations of this system. After all, you have been mixing with this system for so many years, and many things cannot be kept from you. Besides, this system was originally not. I intend to hide it from you, but the situation is like this now. I don’t want to hide it. So, as for what you said, why the sacred worm failed to evolve, it’s very simple. I made all of this, including this The weird realm enchantment also has something to do with me. All of this is just my attempt. After all, the small world in your body, from the perspective of this system, is the essence between the two levels. The difference! So I moved some hands and feet for the purpose of self-evident, which is to find out whether cultivation and technology can be combined normally and whether they can promote each other, but it is a pity that the experiment failed. I accidentally created such a weird domain barrier. I never thought that such a tricky thing would happen before, so there is no good way to solve it. It is just after such a long time of calculation. Deduction, I am confident that I can completely solve this problem, so, you know...!" The system's words made Luo Xiu completely rage. It was the system's inexplicable words full of contentment, making him feel speechless and unable to do anything. He already understands what it means, he knows what a fart, he doesn't tolerate it at all, so at this moment Luo Xiu is really out of anger.

"System, you tell me clearly! What does it mean for me to understand! What do I understand? Why don't I know that I understand? You speak clearly to me, if you don't make it clear, we will never finish this matter, you disappoint me too much For so long, I still trust you so much. You treat me like this, and you treat me like a monkey? You are...!" Luo Xiu didn’t practice anymore and stood up, just like a Like a hedgehog that exploded his hair, the whole person instantly became irritable, and Luo Xiu himself didn't even notice the gaze of choosing people.

His heavy reliance on the system also made him understand that he is inseparable from the system at all, but the system’s betrayal of the system made Luo Xiu feel a wave of creeps, and then it was huge. Panic.

Fortunately, there were no accidents this time. There was no danger. Otherwise, he really didn't know how to face it. At the moment, Luo Xiu was really speechless and didn't know how to answer. He didn't dare to listen to the system anymore.

After all, the current system is too neurotic, where is this to assist him, is it simply to cheat him? Although I don't quite understand why the system becomes like this, Luo Xiu has a faint brain pain, and even has the idea of ​​wanting to get rid of the system.

Just thinking of the benefits of the system, he was a little reluctant. After all, the benefits of the system have been too much for him over the past few years. Fortunately, he feels a little embarrassed. He has been in vain for so many years. Said that the contradictory psychology flooded his mind, and it also made Luo Xiu completely helpless. The panicked expression showed his helplessness and indecision.

At the same time, facing Luo Xiu who was violent at the moment, the system in his mind was calm and calm, and he simply turned a blind eye to Luo Xiu's violent situation, and even looked at all this happening in front of him with a little gloat. For him, even Luo Xiu’s performance at this moment is not at all concerned. This makes Luo Xiu really feel like a punch on the cotton. That weird feeling is too unpleasant, which makes Luo Xiu at this moment feel too unhappy. Xiu, it is simply unbearable to face the next thing.

"Host, host, calm down, you see that I haven't done anything, you just behave like this, isn't you embarrassing me? I told you very clearly before, I have a way to solve this ghost field, and the holy bug , Also helped us get everything done, so now you don’t have to worry about those Xuanmingzong people being pitted to death, or other things, besides, do you have anything to do with those guys? Don’t substitute yourself. It’s too deep to distinguish between illusion and reality. You Luo Xiu is Luo Xiu, not the ancestor of Tianhua! And it’s not someone else! So you have to figure this out!” The system seems to know it’s wrong, facing Looking at Luo Xiu Yuanshen, who seemed to be manic in his mind, he stretched his hands helplessly, somewhat comforted, and explained that for him, he didn't think he was taking a risk and there was nothing wrong with it. Therefore, it seemed very true. Calm, I also don't understand Luo Xiu's sudden eruption.

Luo Xiu could no longer suppress the irritability in his heart. He didn't know exactly what was wrong at this moment. He directly poured all the power in his body into the body of the Heavenly Demon clone. He had no idea what would happen next. I didn't bother to take care of it.

Even if you are suspected by the Gu Gods, it’s better than being blown up. Besides, the avatar of the Heavenly Demon who has obtained this part of power is likely to cultivate and reach the level of Daluo Golden Immortal. At that time, what else does he have? Worry, whoever refuses to accept it, just kill it!

He is not ready to show his traces in front of people anymore, so he completely ignores the system's advice. Even at this moment, he is more looking forward to the current Gu God sect and whether there is any conflict with the people of the dark ancestors. In other words, he now has to find a way to find a way out, as for other things, it is completely unimportant.

After pondering for a long time, Luo Xiu still didn't find a good way to hide his body in the avatar of the sky demon again. The sky demon flying body he controlled again returned to the White Tiger Sanctuary. At the same time, in the White Tiger Sanctuary at this moment, there is a tense situation with swords drawn, and the more than a dozen people of the Gu God sect and the people of the Black Demon ancestor are facing each other.

And this tense situation was not opened until Luo Xiu arrived, but Luo Xiu's appearance seemed to ignite the spark between the two sides. I saw that the two sides who hadn't been moving before suddenly fought. The ancestor was the first to rush out, the long knife in his hand seemed to be wrapped in monstrous anger, madly swung towards the five poisonous ancestors who were still surrounded by countless Gu worms.

As soon as the Black Demon ancestor made a move, countless people around him also started to take action. Everyone knew that if the Gu God sect were to be activated first, then the upper level of these Gu sects could burst out. The terrorist combat power is absolutely beyond imagination.

Especially their hundreds of millions of Gu worms are definitely everyone’s nightmare. Even at this moment, the ancestors of the Five Poisons, facing the black demon ancestors, are very calm and calm. The upper light flashed, and the Gu worms in front of him formed a huge crossbow as if they had heard his call, and then an arrow composed of Gu worms quickly shot towards the long knife.

Just hearing a loud bang, the long knife and the sharp arrow made of gu worms collided in the air, and the two made a terrifying cicada sound. Luo Xiu no longer hesitated at this moment, the light flashed in his hand, empty. The big mudra waved to the five poison ancestors.

For him, no matter how the Five Poison Patriarch collapsed, it was just a soft-footed shrimp! He still knows the principle of catching the thief and the king, so as soon as he took the shot, Luo Xiu had no hesitation at all, and the combat power of the avatar itself was already extremely terrifying, and now the cultivation base has broken through to the level of Da Luo Jinxian. The combat power is even more terrifying, coupled with his secret method Void Handprint, which is used under the blessing of the demarcation compass, so Luo Xiu is just a blow, and he will directly attack the five poisonous ancestors next. The move was immediately hit back.

Luo Xiu followed closely, following the flashing light on his hand, three big handprints directly surrounded the Gu worms who wanted to surround them, and all of them were squeezed in an instant, and he saw five flying out. Poison ancestor, his body flickered, and when he appeared again, he had already carried the five poison ancestors and returned to the area where he stood before.

With his rabbit's ups and downs, everyone looked at Luo Xiu dumbfounded. There is no way. Even if there is a difference in cultivation level between the Five Poison Patriarchs and Luo Xiu, they will never count. There will be such a big gap, Luo Xiu is just a time to face each other, and he instantly subdues the five poisonous ancestors. The difference in combat effectiveness between the two is beyond the imagination of everyone present, everyone is a little trembling, especially Gu Those guys of the gods, at this moment, look at Xiang Luo Xiu's gaze, there is already a trace of panic.

There is no way. Anyone who sees this scene will be shocked into a cold sweat. Luo Xiu previously just waved a flat palm and directly shot the five poisonous ancestors. He also followed up with two attacks. , Immediately imprisoned all the Gu worms on the spot, and the rest of the matter made the people of the Gu God Sect dare not move.

At the same time, the five poisonous ancestors in Luo Xiu's hand are like a dead dog, being held upside down by Luo Xiu, standing in the void, quietly watching the situation in the field, everyone stopped. After the movement of his hands, while a little dumbfounded, they all showed excitement. Even the black demon ancestor's pupils shrank slightly, and he was surprised at the powerful combat power displayed by Luo Xiu at this moment.

"Okay, stop it! Now that this is the case, look at it like this, it is obvious that these guys have also gotten all the benefits they deserve. At this time, it is meaningless to work hard with them. We need to face The powerful existence of the right is far from what we people can resist, let alone you, even the old man himself, is not sure whether he can survive in their hands! Therefore, our internal friction is meaningless, black Demon, you let me go. What are you doing? Although the old man has only been away for a while, but the old man is not in vain during this period. I have already checked what happened in the White Tiger Sanctuary. This world also happened at the same time. It’s just that those worlds were deserted, so no one noticed it. After I checked it, I found out that it happened to be a formation of four elephants and eight trigrams. If it weren’t for the formation here, it was even controlled Some changes occurred in Yu, which caused problems in the other nodes of the formation, and the operation of the formation was sluggish. Now our world is finished, so we should not blame these Gu God cultists, but thank them. , If it weren't for them, hey, hey, now we're not sure where we lie!" Of course Luo Xiu couldn't say that all this was done by the system in his mind, so he had to tell a lie.

Of course, on this road, he did not rush in vain, but actually went to the places he mentioned and made a little arrangement. Although somewhat specious, he was confident that it was okay to confuse these people in front of him. Therefore, he said When he said this, his tone was extremely serious and severe.