Technology Communication System

Chapter 104: The way forward

Seeing the shocked expressions of everyone in the field, Luo Xiu's mouth was slightly tilted involuntarily, but he quickly recovered his calm, but Mimi looked at everyone with a smile and did not speak. √August One Chinese★Web www. 81zW. Com

"Luo Xiu, how did you do it?!" An Inner Sect elder said in amazement, seeing his incredible expression a little messy in the wind.

"Returning to the elder, in fact, this matter was not clear for a while. You should know that I had an adventure in the small world. What I just showed you just now is part of what I got. This is a technology from the planet. Civilization, where the entire world can be monitored without divine consciousness, and communication between people is carried out through satellite phones.

There, humans call the place where they live is called the planet. They have powerful force, one can smash it, the powerful technological weapons of the entire planet, the spacecraft that fly through the light, and hundreds of colonized planets at the same time. The world he lives in is known to them, and the consequences are not special.

In the knowledge system I have obtained, human beings are the absolute masters of that world, ruling over 300 billion people! If it weren’t for being invaded by another powerful race, I wouldn’t have their spaceships and technological knowledge, and as far as I know, there is a strong complementarity between technology and cultivation. I was planning to play virtual games before. I heard from the senior brother that the disciples in the sect lacked trials and had to terminate their original plan because of some accidents, but I can say with certainty that if my vision can be realized, whether it is the Horned Demon Clan or Tianyi Clan is a dish in front of us humans! "At the end, Luo Xiu's tone was very excited.

Luo Xiu turned around and looked around, looking at the elders and disciples who were staring at him dumbfounded. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, and he felt embarrassed.

"That Junior Brother Luo, are you kidding us, why don't I understand what you're talking about?" One of the elders stammered.

"..." Luo Xiu was speechless.

"Well, let's take a look at the injuries of the Sect Master and the others, what Junior Brother Luo said, and then we will discuss specifically, Senior Sister Six, please!" Yuanhang 6, who took over the position of Deputy Sect Master Guan, said at this time.

6 Yuanhang is the youngest master of the Conjugation Stage in Qiantian Temple. He has been traveling in retreat before. Because of the death of Deputy Sect Master Guan, he had to be appointed as the new Deputy Sect Master of Zongmen. Because of the cultivation base, there have been rumors that he is a popular candidate for the next sect master. At this time, he has begun to preside over major events in the sect. This time Guo Xiaotian went to the Misty Fairy Palace. It is the sect that he assists Guo Yangming and manages together.

The abilities of things large and small are evident.

"Sect masters were all injured by masters of the magic path. At that time, the spirit boat we were riding in was directly attacked and landed when passing by the Great Yuan Mountain. The attack on us seemed to be the Great Dust Array of Liangyi, because that attack was in progress. There is also a strong star power.

After that, we were besieged by 30 individuals, and the suzerain and the four Sanxian elders were directly surrounded by others. It's just that I can't tell from the magical powers they use which sect is doing it! Xiao Qingyun continued.

"Since the elders and sect masters are not too hurt, why don't they wake up?" Luo Xiu asked when he looked at the crowd lying on the ground.

"They won't wake up in a short period of time. The soul is injured. After all, unlike others, it will not get better soon. Okay, put everyone in place, Luo Xiu, you come with me." After that, Guo Yangming took the lead and left. Up here.

Following him and slowly walking out of the hall, Luo Xiu's heart was not so peaceful, because in the eyes of his master, he saw a trace of sadness.

When the two returned to Houshan, Luo Xiu and his master entered a cave. He had never been to this cave for so long before. At this time, following him into this cave, Luo Xiu couldn't help being surprised.

I saw that the cave was very wide in the depths. At the end of the cave was a tall stone pillar. At this time, the stone pillar had a fascinating brilliance, reflecting the entire cave like daytime. Below the pillar, there were three people. Trapped on both sides of the pillars, at a glance, all three of them are old men, but only by looking at their heads you can see that they are not good people. All three have blood-red heads, full of evil aura, and the whole body is covered by just one glance. Hairs stand upright. Even Luo Xiu, who is accustomed to seeing the ferocious demon clan like this, feels uncomfortable seeing them at this moment.

"These three are the ones who besieged the suzerain who did not escape. Elder Xing Tang has already come to ask before, and they have not gained much. The three are all old fried dough sticks. I dismissed our threats. I planned. They searched for their souls, only when their divine consciousness entered, their sea of ​​consciousness tended to collapse. It can be seen that some masters have imposed restrictions on their divine consciousness. I came to you to ask if there is any What is a good way?" Guo Yangming looked at him after he finished speaking, and Luo Xiu could easily see the heart-piercing hatred in his eyes.

"They are not humans. Although they have a human appearance, according to the test of this system, most of their genes are the same as those of the Horned Demons. They are most likely a hybrid of humans and Horned Demons. Spirituality has no effect on them. In the database of this system, the mixed blood of humans and monsters also exists. The host should tell the truth." When Luo Xiu was preparing to answer, the system's The voice rang in his mind.

"Are you sure?" Luo Xiu's face changed drastically, and he immediately looked at the three of them. Even Guo Yangming could feel the killing intent in his eyes, and he couldn't help but look at Luo Xiu.

"Master, don’t waste time on them. They are descendants of the Horned Demon Race, just a group of poor insects. With the Horned Demon Race’s powerful flesh body and the human body’s weak body, their sea of ​​consciousness is incomplete and can’t bear it. The pressure brought by the soul search, since we know whose reason is, then we can only look at it. At this time, the Horned Demons on this planet are probably in a certain school, waiting for their army to arrive. We are the only one The way is to kill all the remnants before they arrive!" Luo Xiu looked at the three people in front of him and said murderously.

"How do you know that they are of mixed blood, don't you?" Guo Yangming immediately stopped after he said a little bit, looking at Luo Xiu somewhat inconceivably.

"Well, as you guessed, this is also the power of technology!" Luo Xiu felt blushing after speaking. He felt more and more that he was not like a cultivator, but like a human from the earth, just like the earth. The same as the traverser.

"..." Guo Yangming did not speak, but his eyes were very weird. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, which was to open Luo Xiu's mind to see what was in his mind?

"Master, don't worry, it's not what you think, I have never been taken away!" Luo Xiu said hurriedly as if he knew what Guo Yangming thought.

"Hehe, why are you so excited! As a teacher, I just want to confirm it. Don't talk about it, are you sure you want to take out all the powers you have?" Guo Yangming changed the subject.

"These are nothing, there are no eggs under the covering nest. Now we can only do this. In addition to these warships, I have many other things. Once peace is made, they can also bring me great wealth. Strength, I am now at the peak of the out-of-aperture period. The battle between the two races will have to be fought for decades. I believe that my cultivation base will be higher than most of my peers, so it doesn’t matter. After all, there are sects protecting, I believe no one will provoke me and my family without opening their eyes." Luo Xiu said in a relaxed tone.

Guo Yangming glanced at him deeply, but did not speak. Immediately turned to look at the three old men. The three of them did not have any expressions of fear. Seeing this, Guo Yangming knew that he could not get any useful news from them, so he waved his hand and shot three attacks directly at the three. Old man.

"Puff puff puff" three soft sounds, the three of them were killed instantly! Luo Xiu just glanced at their bodies and walked out of the cave behind the master.