Technology Communication System

Chapter 1061: Great battle

It was not until the emergence of Ying Zheng that Luo Xiu completely put away his previous fluke mentality. Sure enough, there was no right or wrong in the Great Dao dispute. There was only life and death. He himself was too careless to give himself up.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu was completely calm. At this moment, he could only pray that the soul imprint he planted in the avatar of the demon could not be broken by the person who Yingtian. Otherwise, he would really be nothing but a bamboo basket. Such a big benefit has made others in vain, and when he thinks of this, Luo Xiu has the urge to kill him.

Luo Xiu thought of this, and no longer hesitated. The light flashed in his hand, and the power of the delimitation compass was stimulated by him the most. He directly slashed at Ying Zheng in front of him with a void dimension. The control of is nothing, if his body is controlled by this person, it will be a big trouble.

While the Void Dimension cut towards Yingzheng, Luo Xiu's figure quickly retreated. With the blessing of the space ability of the delimitation compass, his speed reached the limit that he could reach. Even so, Luo Xiu was still worried and let his mind. The system in the middle provides him with extra huge power, directly boosting the power of the bounding compass to the maximum. When Luo Xiu reached the fastest speed, he directly tore the space and plunged into the space. When he appeared again , People have appeared millions of miles away.

Luo Xiu's series of actions made Yingzheng at this moment feel a little stunned. He did not expect that things would turn out to be like this, nor did he expect Luo Xiu to make such a decisive behavior. He was caught off guard, and when he couldn't help it, he had to shook his head regretfully, but didn't care.

"Ancestor, it doesn't matter if that kid escaped? Anyway, you have reached a critical moment. The catastrophe may come at any time. I don't believe that kid dared to risk his life and break into the envelope of the catastrophe. It should be nothing. It’s a big problem. I didn’t expect that this kid could count the ancestors of Tianhua to death. Hehe, it really surprised me!” After confirming that he could not catch up with Luo Xiu’s footsteps, Ying Zheng did not. Forcibly, his soul transmitted to Yingtian. For him, as long as he can ensure the smooth completion of his ancestor's plan, as for the rest, it doesn't matter.

"No problem. For the time being, this place is already shrouded in the scope of Heavenly Tribulation. Unless the kid doesn't want to live anymore, he won't dare to come in. You can let people watch it around. Once the kid appears, give I killed him in the first place, don't talk nonsense to him, this kid is a bit evil!" Ying Tian thought about it, and said to Ying Zheng Chuan Yin with a serious tone.

Because he found that he really had no good way to deal with Luo Xiu’s possible sneak attack, but he thought that he had already caused the catastrophe, and then he would not dare to break in. This is his opportunity. , As long as he took the initiative to completely erase the soul mark that the kid had left in the body of the devil, the rest would be simple.

Because Yingtian is very confident, with the powerful soul he has entrusted to the void, combined with the tyrannical power in the body of the heavenly devil, a complete Daluo Jinxian powerhouse appeared. In this way, even when facing the cross-border The monk of the Daluo Jinxian level who came here was also confident that he was capable of keeping the dominant position of the Daqin Empire without any threats.

"System, I was really told by you, this guy is really plotting my avatar, what should I do? These guys have made it clear that he can eat us, do you want to show him something? Look, I'm really careless. I didn't expect that the guy that wins the sky turned out to be the kind of abacus. He was going to take my celestial avatar as his own. He was really breaking the ground on the tiger's head and looking for death. Nothing!" Luo Xiu, who was a million miles away, gritted his teeth at the moment and hunted wild geese all day long. He didn't expect that he would have a day of calculation. This made Luo Xiu extremely angry, and a little irritated into anger. When speaking, his tone was extremely cold. .

Luo Xiu never thought that one day his own things would be remembered by others, and he almost succeeded. He didn’t know how many years he had not experienced this kind of aggrieved feeling, even when he was a handyman. Time, his own things can also decide where and what they are used for, and he definitely won't have to endure such aggrieved anger as he does now.

This kind of depressed emotion in his heart is like a volcano holding back. There is no chance to vent at all. Such a stubborn experience also made him deeply aware that the foreign object is a foreign object after all, and he was a bit too much before. Take it lightly, thinking that the person Yingtian is easy to talk about, and did not expect that the great Emperor Yingtian would disguise so perfectly that Luo Xiu did not discover any of his attempts, and even the system in his mind did not react.

Instead, he waited until everything had been determined before he knew that he was being calculated. When he thought of this, the unwillingness and anger in Luo Xiu's heart thrived. If it was not that he could not find an object to vent, he would think at this moment. To destroy everything I can see.

"We thought people were too perfect. We didn't expect that these people would still be unable to avoid internal fighting at the critical moment of life and death. You humans are really such a strange race, even the Earth Federation where this system was before. No matter how powerful the foreign enemy is, the internal struggle and struggle cannot be avoided! Well, don’t be too angry. This kind of thing is unavoidable, but even this system did not expect that the person’s previous calculations were so deep, now I can only take a risk!" The system is also very helpless. After all, he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, even after its calculations, he didn't notice any abnormality in the previous Winning Ancestor.

"System, you are sure, I will not be in danger of my life if I enter the area covered by the catastrophe. If there is, will my life origin be affected? If there is no impact on the origin, then take the risk. , And also to solve the emperor Ying Zheng, after all, he is here, even if I want to rush in, it is impossible! I suspect that the entire scope of the tribulation is now covered by those people in the Great Qin Empire. , I just don’t know if there is a chance to directly tear the space and forcibly break into it, but with the terrifying energy fluctuation interference of Heaven's Tribulation, it is very difficult to accurately transmit it in!" Luo Xiu was taken aback when he heard the system say this. But he quickly realized what the system wanted to say, so he asked with some uncertainty.

"It's just a little bit difficult and a little tricky. This level of catastrophe is not fully guaranteed by this system. As for whether I can withdraw these energy, it is not the person you need to care about, you need to care about it. The thing is, under that kind of intensity of the catastrophe, is it possible for you to survive, don't wait for the next thunder to come down, you will directly become fly ash, but it is a joke!" The system is noncommittal about Luo Xiu's words. , Smiled and said.

Hearing what the system said, Luo Xiu couldn't help but fall into entanglement. In the midst of hesitation, he knew very well that with his current cultivation base, when facing the strong Da Luo Jinxian, his physical strength was not much at all. The advantage, even if it is his avatar, under the terrifying tribulation, it is estimated that he is barely supporting it, but he is quite helpless when listening to the system say that, because there is no other way. of.

Thinking of his current embarrassing situation, Luo Xiu was not reconciled at this moment, but at the same time, he felt the aggrieved by his weakness, which made the suppressed anger in his heart flourish.

The thought that he was actually being calculated by two guys together, he himself has the urge to kill with grief and anger. For Luo Xiu at this moment, even at this moment, no matter how unwilling he is, no matter how angry he is, Before he had enough strength, he could only pretend to be a grandson.

While waiting for the system to explore the environment around the desert, Luo Xiu thought a lot. At this moment, he has calmed down his anger. For him now, the most important thing is to take back his own avatar. Other than that, nothing else matters.

Because the most important point is that he is very sure that the current avatar of the demon is still in his grasp, and has not been cut off. Thinking of the current situation, it is very likely that the catastrophe has not begun to come, Luo Xiu is not reconciled. Sitting so still, he was ready to take the risk to check the reality there.

"There is a bad news or a good news, which one do you want to listen to first?" Just as Luo Xiu was about to leave for the area where the tribulation was located, the system in his mind suddenly said such inexplicable words.

Luo Xiu couldn't help but was a little surprised when he heard this. He was really surprised, because the system's discourse contained some lightness, a sense of relief, lingering in his heart, making Luo Xiu deeply aware , The situation of things should be much better than what I thought, it is very possible that things have turned around.

"What good news? Say the good news first, I want to listen to the good news!" Luo Xiu asked eagerly about the system in his mind.

For him, at this moment, he desperately needs good news to soothe his anger, and he is really hit too much. During this time, Luo Xiu really has trouble sleeping and eating, and wants to grow in his heart. The impulse to destroy all that kind of tyranny and want to destroy the entire world is difficult to suppress, and even the mood cannot be calmed, and the cultivation base is even more a sign of confusion.

"The good news is that, for the time being, your avatar has no problems. It belongs to you, and that person wants to take him as his own. It is not so easy to do, or even to pay. The cost is far beyond our previous expectations. It is possible that the person is also hesitating. If you want to do this, it is probably just in case. Putting your celestial demon clone there should be the last way to save the life. So for the time being, you haven’t lost much. As for the fact that you are going there to **** the avatar of the demon, don’t think about it. It’s not that this system doesn’t help, but that the system has discovered after careful calculations that your body It is impossible to withstand the bombardment of any tribulation, even if the power of the tribulation is weakened by various means of this system, this kind of power has a powerful force of law, and it is simply not what your current body can handle. Yes, even the energy converter of this system can’t help this part of energy. It’s okay to store a part of this energy in a short time, but if the energy continues to increase, the energy core of this system will explode! This is the worst. Therefore, we have nothing to do now. We can only hope that the person can succeed. Then we don’t need to use your celestial demon clone to overcome the catastrophe, so as to keep your celestial demon clone. Otherwise, Haha..." Luo Xiu knew what it meant even if the system didn’t say it, but he was still a little unwilling. Although the good news surprised him, he was in his expectation, but the bad news of the system, But it's really bad news.

You know, even when he was fighting the Golden Immortal Tribulation, the system in his mind could help him easily absorb the thunder thunder that struck him, but the system hadn't gone through when facing the Great Luo Jinxian Heaven Tribulation. Trying it directly denied Luo Xiu's idea of ​​taking risks. Even the risky method he proposed before was directly rejected by the system unilaterally. This surprised Luo Xiu, but at the same time he felt that he had indeed grown up now. Up.

Not to mention other things, it's just the crisis he is facing now. He is confident that apart from Luo Xiu, no one can face this strange situation. Even for the current Luo Xiu, he is not as good as before. After getting angry and calming down, Luo Xiu began to think about other solutions.

He was wondering if he could use the innate grand purple qi in the primordial spirit to do anything to the body of a big Luo Jinxian expert. In that case, he would have a way to regain control of the avatar of the demon, and for this Point, it depends on whether his next plan can be successful.

"System, you are sure that there is no other way other than waiting. If this is the case, then we really have to let our fate. I am a bit unwilling anyway. Is there any other way, such as if we can, let My celestial demon clone, escaped from the wasteland alone, is there such a possibility? Hey, don't say anything, it should not be there. Looking at your appearance, it is obvious that you don’t hold any hope!" Luo Xiu himself denied his own statement, shook his head helplessly, and said bitterly.

"Wait for me to search, is there any way to remotely control it? The best is an array that can increase the power of your current body by more than a hundred times. Only this array can force you to control remotely. Your celestial demon clone, otherwise, when the two sides are fighting, the soul of that person will take too much advantage, but when that happens, we can only sit and wait!" What Luo Xiu did not expect was that the system's answer was Greatly, beyond his expectation, Luo Xiu was relieved a lot.