Technology Communication System

Chapter 1082: Hidden battlefield

"Tian Ping, you help me see if my sense organs are faulty, why I feel that the person is very familiar? Is it really my dazzling! No! My feeling is not wrong, that person seems to be on the battlefield outside the territory People, it turns out that it is these people that we have been fighting against. If this is the case, then there is a reason to call more people to help. Looking at this, it is obvious that they have also called people back. Otherwise, this person's combat power It won't be so tough!" However, what Luo Xiu didn't expect was that Tian Ping Tian An didn't pay attention to them. Instead, they looked at each other. Tian An was a little uncertain and asked Tian Ping.

"Yes, that person is the Yuangang Arhat! After so many years, our bounty should be available. We have always thought it was an invasion of the Demon Realm. We didn't expect it to be Nanzhan Buzhou. Who could have thought of that? The group of evil guys turned out to be the same humans as us. Haha, this time is really the biggest gain. I knew that. I should have let the big brother bring people here. If here, I can kill this guy. , The frontal pressure on our battlefield will also be reduced a lot, ha ha ha ha, it’s really an unexpected gain!” At this moment, Tian’an is really a bit mad, and Luo Xiu’s smile makes Luo Xiu feel cold when he sees it. The power displayed by people at this moment is too terrifying. Although Luo Xiu’s cultivation is not tough, his original exquisite complexion has changed drastically. Luo Xiu has never seen this change in temperament before. Hearing him say that at this moment, it is simply Luo Xiu felt very surprised.

"Two brothers, what's the matter with you? Why do I become more confused as I listen, do you two have something to hide from us? Or, you know the person who attacked us just now, what happened to you? The two of you have to conceal that we can't make it. When is this!" Luo Xiu looked at the two of Tian Ping Tian'an with a bit of astonishment, and asked helplessly.

No way, the balance of Tianan at this moment is absolutely abnormal, and, when is this? The two of them were able to laugh at this moment, and the bitterness and sadness in the smile, Luo Xiu was not a fool, he heard clearly, but also deeply felt it, which made Luo Xiu deeply realize that he seemed to What was wrong, even he himself didn't quite understand why the two of them looked like this.

"You can see that, we know the group of people who came to support this time, at least the man who is the head, we know, he is an enemy we have always been extremely troublesome, let me tell you this, we Xuanming Sect Most of the forces in the battlefield on the plane, including the big brothers, were helpless when confronting this person alone. Not only was this person amazing in combat power, but also extremely strange, and even said something you don’t believe in. Strength, we can crush our entire world!" I don’t know if Luo Xiu was too anxious to ask, or what, the two looked at each other, and Tian An shook his head helplessly, looking at it with caution. Yingtian and Luo Xiu spoke in a very strange tone. Luo Xiu could see the jealousy in the words clearly, but at the moment, he really didn't quite understand what these people were afraid of.

" guys don't want to tell me that the short man who came to support is the one you have been fighting against all the time, and the extraterritorial battlefield you mentioned earlier, is it also compatible? These people have a relationship?" Luo Xiu didn't say anything yet. On one side, Ying Tian, ​​but his face was extremely strange at the moment. He looked at the two Tian Ping Tian An with constipation, and said.

"We... hey! Let me tell you the truth. The reason why there were no strong men above the Golden Immortal in this world before is because we have an old enemy. We don’t know how far in the past, probably tens of millions of years. Go ahead, there is an unknown powerful force that invaded our world. Although we were finally repulsed by us, but we people were not able to completely eliminate them, so that we had to draw out most of the high-end combat power. To guard against these people’s constant counterattacks, this time has been going on for many years! During these tens of millions of years, we have been entangled with them on various battlefields, because only the strong at the Da Luo Jinxian level can be in power. Fighting in the crevices of the face, all the powerhouses in our world who have advanced to the Daluo Jinxian will be summoned together to resist the invasion from the different planes. After so many years, there have been heavy casualties, not to mention, they are still facing more The possibility of serious casualties, if it were not for our big brothers and several ancestors-level existences, we cannot guarantee whether our current world can maintain the current situation!" Tian Ping and Tian An looked at each other. At a glance, Tian An explained to Luo Xiu and the two.

And Luo Xiu knew at this moment, why did the two people in front of him behave so calmly? Obviously, they should have a solution, and the most important thing is that the guy they called the Tiangang Arhat now appears in this world, which proves that in the battlefield of that plane, the people in their hive universe should Has taken the initiative.

"Then, is there any way for you to get in touch with the people on the battlefield of the plane as soon as possible, and tell them what happened here, since that Tiangang Arhat is very important to you, then he appears in our world now, That proves that in the battlefield of the plane, we now have an absolute advantage, can we use the power of the whole family to solve the troubles in the battlefield of the plane first, and then come back to solve the problems that occur in our world! Luo Xiu thought about it carefully, looked at the two people in Tianping and Tian'an very seriously, and asked in a serious voice.

Luo Xiu knows very well that if this is true, this is definitely the best time to solve all the troubles, especially the most critical point is that the Tiangang Luohan who is extremely afraid of everyone now appears in their world, this It proved that on the other side of the battlefield, the power represented by Huasheng Temple no longer possesses any active advantage.

If you can mobilize elite soldiers and powerful generals, in their world, you can solve the important enemies on the battlefield of the plane at once, or gather the group of people on fire, and then send people to solve the problems that occur in the world. It might not be a solution to the problem.

"I know what you mean, but it's not as simple as you think. If we want to get in touch with the people there, we have to return to the sect, because only there can there be a super long-distance interplanetary teleportation array, and it consumes It’s too big, when there’s no urgency, when we send messages unilaterally, or send people to the past, we can only choose the most stupid way, consume huge resources to activate the formation, and there is no guarantee that it will succeed. It is there. The position of is too dangerous. Once those monks know that there is a way to connect to our world, if they really take advantage of it, our whole world will become very dangerous, so your method is still not very reliable. Now There is only one way, and that is to pass on what happened here as soon as possible, and let people come and help us. If we can’t keep the Gang Arhat in this world, we must at least hold him back, so that he can’t have a chance to return to the plane. On the battlefield, only in this way can we get rid of the embarrassing situation of being attacked by two sides, and it is not easy to do this. Just rely on you and me, don’t think about it, unless someone’s cultivation level can hold that person. For several attacks, not to mention killing this person, you can beat him up and down. Only in this way, there is a chance to delay time, otherwise, everything is in vain!" Shaking his head, the balance seemed to understand Luo Xiu What he thought in his mind, and what Luo Xiu said was very direct, and he smiled helplessly and said helplessly.

"This matter will be discussed later. We are not considering this now. The top priority now is to solve the problem of the imprint of the soul in Tianhua. Only by solving this problem can he take us back to the sect as soon as possible. , There is room for turning around when you do anything. Otherwise, everything is empty talk. After all, if you are trapped here, no one can return to the sect safely. This is not a joke with you. The most terrifying thing about the Tiangang Arhat is that His application of the law of space far exceeds that of monks of the same level as us. Most monks active in the battlefield of the plane, even the big brothers, face this person alone, but they are suppressed by others. I In this way, in front of that person, there is no chance of resistance at all. Over the years, more than a hundred people have died in this person’s hands. To be honest, if it weren’t for these hundreds of people to use their lives to delay this person , And even take the same method as this person to die, in order to firmly contain the other party on the battlefield of the plane, but I did not expect that this person will appear in our world, so we also have the opportunity to counterattack. Visitors from the planes, we don’t know which world they belong to, and we don’t even know why they invaded our world. Now that we know their purpose and even their roots and feet, then we have the opportunity to pass that special The formation, in turn, invades their world. This way of encircling Wei and saving Zhao may also relieve the pressure on the battlefield!" But at this moment Tian An showed another point of view. He stretched out his hand somewhat helplessly, and Luo Xiu's tone of fingers was particularly solemn. Speak.

At the same time, as his voice fell, no one said anything. After all, everyone knew that no matter how good their ideas were, they needed strong enough support. Even if he has enough advantages now, he still needs to pass the news to him.

In addition, even if they have many advantages in their hands, if they can't be transformed into actual actions, it is all in vain. Therefore, the scene at this moment has become a lot of deserted for a while, and the originally optimistic balance The two Tianan also looked sad at this moment, with a miserable face, it was true that they faced the current situation and there was no chance of change at all.

A dangerous moment envelops them. A careless ship crash or death is light. In this situation, solving Luo Xiu's problems is the most critical thing before them. In addition, other problems, Can be put down temporarily.

"Yingtian, how long can your rune tower last? I noticed that the energy of this thing seems to have been removed, without the nourishment of those underground spiritual veins, just relying on the energy of the tower body, how long can it last? For a long time, if I can cover my breath for three months, I can solve this kind of soul imprint on my palm by this person. Otherwise, we have to divide our forces. The three of you will act together, and I will be alone. Acting alone, only in this way can the maximum range of casualties be reduced. Apart from that, I can't think of any other way!" Luo Xiu shook his head, looked at Ying Tian, ​​and said with a helpless expression.

No way, he didn't dare to show up at all now, because as long as he had the slightest negligence, he might be locked in by the spirit power of the Gang Arhat God that day, and what awaited him would be endless pursuit.

It is impossible for Luo Xiu to risk his life and death to save other people before there is a complete way to deal with this person. He is not so great yet, and the reason why he even proposed to separate with these people is because he has a way. , Can completely hide his traces.

There is even a way to go the other way directly. Through Xuankong and their teleportation space beacons, it is very likely that they will once again lock the exact location of Nanzhan Buzhou and smuggle past. Although this is a bit unreality, it is compared with my own life. These Xu's face problems are nothing.

More importantly, listening to the meaning of Tianping Tianan, it is obvious that in the hive world, there are many hidden powers that he does not know, especially when they say that there are thousands of great Luo Jinxian powerhouses fighting on the outside battlefield. Luo Xiu had a sense of urgency inexplicably.

He was quite sure that once the old immortals of Xuanming Sect returned, he would definitely find his disguise. At that time, what awaited him would definitely not be peaceful coexistence, but the first existence that was cut out. To some extent, he can also be said to be a visitor from another world.

"I don't agree with splitting operations. For the time being, you only need to solve the problem of the soul imprint on your body. After that, we will work together to solve the problem. Splitting forces will only weaken our overall strength. Then we will be destroyed one by one. But we took the initiative to weaken our strength, and then there will really be no room for resistance!" However, what Luo Xiu did not expect was that the first person to stand up against was Yingtian. Yingtian seemed to worry about something. When he said this, his eyes were staring straight at Luo Xiu, which made Luo Xiu feel a little fuzzy in his heart.