Technology Communication System

Chapter 1108: Unintentional

"You said earlier, then what are you still talking about here, first take out the dracaena, how much can be exchanged, and also, look at these things, can you also deal with them? If the price is right, I will also deal with it for you. This son is really embarrassed and thrown home today. I knew this before. I should have brought my ancestor to come here. There will be no such embarrassing situation. !" Luo Xiu touched his nose involuntarily, with a look of embarrassment, and some impressive words, the expression on his face was also a little unnatural, and the corners of his mouth twitched, making his face a bit big.

"Hehe, son, don’t worry, wait for the old man to take a look at the things you took out. If it’s good, the old man will accept it. You were right before. If it’s normal, you take out these things. , It’s entirely possible to get what you want, but it’s hard to say what the current situation is. Now in the entire Eastern Desolate Region, more than 3,000 monsters at the peak of the immortal have been killed by people, so what you have The value of these demon pills is greatly reduced. In the past, a demon pill at the pinnacle of human immortality can exchange about 500,000 to 800,000 best spirit stones, but now, it’s not bad to get a half discount. This is also the main reason why the old man would say this. Since this time, my auction house has received a thousand such demon pills. Therefore, please don’t take it to heart if you offend, but you want what you want. Things are available in my auction house. If you add more spirit stones to the son, those things can be traded to the son!" The old man did not have the first time to check the storage ring Luo Xiu handed him, but instead looked towards Luo Xiu said with an extremely serious expression.

Hearing this, Luo Xiu raised his eyebrows and looked at the old man in shock. If the old guy didn’t fool him, then something was wrong. You must know that the monster beast at the peak of the immortal was extremely It’s precious, I don’t see a few in a hundred years, but listening to this old guy, in just a few months, I have received no less than a thousand of this kind of demon pill of the peak of the immortal. It can be said to be a huge change.

To put it bluntly, the current Human Immortal Peak Demon Pill has become rotten. After understanding the meaning of the old man’s words, Luo Xiu smiled bitterly and shook his head. He had known this a long time ago, and was shooting the first one. At the time of the demon pill, he should have shot all the demon pill of the immortal realm in his body, and it is not that the value of the things in his hand has depreciated several times in three years.

"This...this son understands, you first take a look at the things I gave you. They are materials from some monsters and some metal refining materials. If your auction house accepts them, they will be sold to you all. If you don’t accept it, the son will find another place to dispose of it. This son doesn’t know the value of these things, so I just hope that you don’t get rid of this son!" Luo Xiu nodded helplessly, agreeing with the old man’s words in a calm tone. Speak.

Among the storage rings he gave to the old man, not only did he get it in this world, but there were also some things he got in the huge warehouse of Xuanmingzong in the Hive World, many of which were used by Luo Xiu. What is not available is what the system picks up.

Now that he has been in this auction house, and seeing that this person is so talkative, Luo Xiu wants to take this opportunity to deal with them, but he obviously underestimated the value of these things he brought out, especially when the old man had a bright light. Flash, when an oval-shaped metal ore the size of a human head appeared, the old man's wide-eyed eyes made Luo Xiu frown slightly.

Obviously, this human head-sized oval metal ore has special value that Luo Xiu didn't know. Otherwise, this old guy would not behave so badly. After all, as an auction house appraiser, he must have seen many kinds of natural materials. Dibao, absolutely will not have this kind of performance like a soil bun. It's just that Luo Xiu didn't know what it was, but seeing the old man as if looking at rare treasures also gave Luo Xiu confidence.

"Hehe, please rest assured, my son, my old auction house has always been adhering to the business philosophy of being honest and innocent, and has always had a good reputation. Therefore, you don't have to worry about your interests being lost, the old man!" The oval metal ore on the top looked excitedly at Luo Xiu and said.

"Old shopkeeper, is it possible that this thing in your hand is of great value?" Luo Xiu asked with excitement when he saw the old man holding the metal ore, as if he was looking at treasures, but also moved in his heart.

The old man smiled and looked at Luo Xiu. He was very excited and said to him: "My son, you may not understand how precious this thing is, let me tell you this! Human head-sized metal can be exchanged for all the blue hearts in our auction house, as well as those dracaenas, and ten thousand years of ice marrow!"

The old man said that he shook the ore in his hand and looked at Luo Xiu with excitement. The look made Luo Xiu feel ashamed, and at the same time he was a little cautious. His excited expression, Luo Xiu himself I felt speechless when I saw it, lest the old guy was so excited that he would kill himself.

"Then senior, can you tell me what exactly is this? Why is it so valuable? I still have these things in my hands. This should be just the smallest piece of it!" Luo Xiu himself was also curious. Can't help but ask.

After all, there are a lot of this thing in the hands of the old man. This thing was obtained by accident in the Nine Heavens Sanctuary. It should have been dug out when he was digging a mountain, and then he collected it into himself. In the small world inside the body, the oval metal that the old man held in his hand should be just a small piece of it. Luo Xiu hadn't planned to take this thing out originally, it should be a mistake.

After Luo Xiu finished speaking, he seemed to be worried that the old shopkeeper would not believe his words. A light flashed in his hand, and another piece of ore about the same size as the old man's hand appeared in his hand. He also shook it in his hand and looked curious. Looking at the old man, waiting for his answer.

However, under Luo Xiu's gaze, the old man's expression at the moment was a bit stunned. Then, he looked at Luo Xiu with a little stunned expression. The astonished expression couldn't be concealed. Luo Xiu could read the shock from his eyes. And greed.

Although knowing the identity of the old man is not simple, at this moment Luo Xiu saw greed in the eyes of the old man, so he had to cheer him up and deal with it carefully, because it is not difficult to see from the old man’s previous words that what he was holding This thing must be very precious, and the most important thing is that Luo Xiu himself did something wrong, and it was only at this moment that he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have made his wealth undisclosed.

But what made Luo Xiu rest assured was that the old man’s eyes soon became clear. He looked at Luo Xiu dumbfounded, the look on his face was strange, indescribable, and some looked at Luo Xiu with relief and spoke. He explained: "My son, you are really a lover of personality. If you leak such a large amount of wealth in front of other people, it is estimated that your life will be a problem now! The thing we hold is called Jiuyinxuan. Stone! In other places, I don’t know what the price is, but in my old auction house, this thing was bought in large quantities for a long time. The sect of the old auction house belongs to the sect and has a technique that needs this kind of thing to assist. Cultivation, for outsiders, this thing may be just ordinary refining materials and auxiliary materials, but for my Anjia, the two ore in your hand are extremely valuable. If you agree, We will buy it at a sky-high price, how about it? Do you want to think about it? Presumably this thing is in your hands. It shouldn’t be short for a long time. Apart from adding some hardness, this thing has no other use. My old auction house will never lose you, and the price will definitely satisfy you!"

When the old man said this, his expression was extra serious. He looked at the stone in Luo Xiu's hand and recovered his previous shrewdness. At the same time, the old man also explained all the reasons very sincerely. Luo Xiu was not commenting. , But I have to admit that this person does indeed have a lot of courage, and being able to tell him the preciousness of this thing so straightforwardly has also surprised Luo Xiu, and at the same time he has agreed with this person in my heart. Proposal.

"Well, help me calculate all these things. How much is it worth? In addition to the things I mentioned before, what else can you recommend? It can replenish a lot of energy and blood consumption in a short time. I have prepared some things for me. Look and take them. Since my son is here, I’m not afraid of deceiving you! I only need things. If you are satisfied with me in the end, I can still cooperate later. A few times, otherwise, we are just a one-off sale!" Luo Xiu nodded to the old man, behaved in acquiescence to the old man's proposal, and said straightforwardly.

Watching the old man leave, Luo Xiu looked around while tasting the tea in his hand. This is the warehouse of an auction house. At this moment, Luo Xiu couldn't help but step forward to observe the things on those shelves. , But soon he shook his head, although these things are also very precious, but to him, there is no big objection.

At this moment, Luo Xiu just randomly checked all the layouts here. When he watched at random, the system in his mind had scanned everything here, and he didn't find anything that made the system shine.

Therefore, Luo Xiu is just looking at these things in front of him at will, and he doesn't have much interest. The beautiful female sister is always by Luo Xiu's side, like a servant. Luo Xiu sees her without saying a word. , Looking at him with a hint of curiosity in the beautiful eyes, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, then he sat back on the chair, quietly waiting for the old man to return.

Time passed slowly, and the scene seemed a bit embarrassing for a while. After all, Luo Xiu was a guest. He didn't take the initiative to speak. The female sister opened her mouth several times, and hurriedly swallowed her own words before Luo Xiu saw it. It's funny, but it also gave birth to a little bit of playfulness. She didn't care at all, and pretended not to see it. Waiting for the sister to take the initiative to give instructions. The sister opened her mouth several times, and stayed directly at a critical juncture. Mouth.

This made Luo Xiu amused, but at the same time he felt that this sister should not be an ordinary maid. It seemed that her status and status were extremely unusual, and she should be well-protected and rarely contact with outsiders. Otherwise, she would definitely not show such a positive side. This is like a receptionist. Compared with elementary school students, she is far from it. There is no experience of human feelings at all. This is a silly, white and sweet existence. The more they looked, Luo Xiu couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

"Beauty, don't be so eager to talk, I'm not a man-eater, just ask if you want to ask, look at you, this son really can't stand it anymore, I You are not a devil who cannibalize people. Your appearance really makes people feel very speechless!" Since it is not easy to guess the identity of this woman, Luo Xiu also wants to find some fun in this helpless world. But looking at the beauty of this beauty, it was obvious that she didn't have any confidence, or because of the rules, she didn't dare to take the initiative to speak, so Luo Xiu broke the calm and laughed.

Even though Luo Xiu had already expected it in his heart, when his voice fell, Luo Xiu still felt very speechless when he saw the female sister's reaction, because after Luo Xiu's voice fell, the female sister seemed to be frightened. Like the little rabbit, he jumped out a long way and opened a long distance from Luo Xiu, which made Luo Xiu shook his head speechlessly, looking at her helplessly, the expression on his face was also a little daunting. .

"Hehe, little girl, I don't eat people, why do I show this look? Didn't you deliberately embarrass my son? Or did you misunderstand me?" Seeing that the female cultivator didn't speak, she said nothing. Looking at himself with a vigilant face, Luo Xiu couldn't help but whispered and said helplessly.

"Lord Luo, it’s not that the little girl doesn’t talk to you, but the shopkeeper has orders. You are our distinguished guest. I don’t know what to say to you, and... I want to know where the stones in your hand, son, are obtained from. Here, you must know that this nine-yin profound stone is an extremely precious treasure, and ordinary people don't have the possibility of getting this thing!" This beautiful female cultivator seemed to have plucked up his courage, and looked at Luo Xiu a little nervously. Luo Xiu's words rang in this partial hall, but the female cultivator's affirmative tone caused Luo Xiu to raise his eyebrows. He didn't quite understand where this little girl came from, and he was sure that it would be difficult for him to get this thing.