Technology Communication System

Chapter 1123: Active exposure

And from the words of Zhao Hongwu in front of him, it is obvious that this powerful organization from other planes treats the people of this world as cattle and sheep, like cutting leeks. At the same time, Luo Xiu thoroughly figured out the cause and effect.

"We can agree to your request, but what do you want in exchange for what my monster clan needs? Also, this time the nine-tailed monster fox clan has lost a lot of this time. When the time comes, people from that world will come, and we will also It’s hard to explain, because the nine-orifice exquisite heart of the nine-tailed demon fox is also something that the group of people is eager to obtain. Yes, you people should know something. The cost of such a big price is just to cultivate the top powers among the nine humans. This kind of business is of no benefit to my monster race, and it will even take time in the future. Beware of your human betrayal! You humans are capricious, and suddenly repent, if the time comes, you guys will unite and extinguish my monster race, we can’t even cry, so we can take out the equivalent treasures. Come to exchange, so that we can have the possibility of trading. Otherwise, you will leave with the heart of a nine-tailed monster fox. As for other things, I am sorry that I can’t agree to it!” That extremely cute-looking Tiger Clan Duku The elder, at this moment, looked at Zhao Hongwu with some bad eyes, he was extremely helpless in his words, but he explained with a hint of unwillingness.

While speaking, he also looked at the third elder of the fox clan. At this moment, his face was blue and white. There is no way, the nine-tailed demon fox’s exquisite heart is not every nine-tailed demon fox clan. Can be conceived. Only the nine-tailed demon fox family, the race with the purest bloodline, can breed this special heart, and for the entire nine-tailed demon fox family, there are not too many pure-blooded foxes.

"Then my human race has 30 million people, how about it? No more. These are the dead men we have secretly cultivated over the years. To provide you with so many people, we have to bear so much pressure. If When the news leaks out, the people from the big sects will definitely not spare us. When the time comes, neither of us will be able to benefit! Also, I need your monster race people to cooperate and find a way to kill the nine. Yangmen, the master of Nine Yangmen has contact with people in that world. When the Great Purge is about to come, I don’t want any accidents to happen. With the joint efforts of both of us, I will provide you with safe access. And the retreat route, wipe out all the Nine Sun Gates, and all the benefits you get will belong to you, so that even if the aliens come, we can have a greater certainty, and they will not be held accountable at that time. , If they pursue it, you can just find a few dead ghosts! Also, it has been more than three thousand years, how is your monster race’s bloodline reformed now? If you still can’t solve the bloodline problem, then face those Aliens, we don’t have any power to fight back. Our human race has gradually abandoned the ancient methods of inheritance over the years, and changed the cultivation technique. Many powerful secret methods have been completely destroyed by us. The reason why we need so much this time The exquisite heart of the nine orifices is also for the inheritance of our nine great families. If all nine of them can successfully condense the core of vitality and blood, then the family will be immortal for thousands of years. At that time, there is a chance to completely change the past. That kind of situation where people are treated as livestock!" The expression on Zhao Hongwu's face is not good, even if he is the one taking advantage, his expression is very gloomy at the moment.

The irritable mood made him speak with a hint of murderous tone. Many people have never seen Zhao Hongwu in this state. The expressions on each of his faces seem to be inexplicably scared, even that. The direct descendants of the nine great families were all dumbfounded at this moment, and they were shocked not lightly.

At this moment, Luo Xiu, who was hiding in the dark, heard Zhao Hongwu’s words, and his whole person was completely ill. He was convinced that the great seal technique he cultivated belonged to the secret technique inherited from the ancients among these people. Hearing what they said, after practicing this great seal technique, there is no resistance to those who cleanse the world. It may be the restraint of the exercise or the exercise itself, which has loopholes. But drill, thinking of this situation, Luo Xiu's whole person is not good, and even if he really wants to swear, he can't vent his inner resentment.

"Thirty million, some less! We need too much blood for a sacrifice, and your humans are too small. After each sacrifice, many people in our clan must suffer along with it, although our sacrifice I can’t blame you, but since you’ve said that you need Jiuqiao Linglongxin, then we also need 90 million people. There is no room for discussion on this matter! And my family of Nine-tailed Monster Fox has sacrificed so much this time. Elder Dugu, can you agree to the matter that my clan applied to you before? For you, this matter is just a matter of effort, and for my Nine-Tailed Monster Fox clan, it may be related to race inheritance. Important event!" At this moment, the three elders of the Fox Clan still had a trace of anger in the expression of the three elders of the Fox Clan, but the tone of his words was unprecedentedly firm. He directly passed the tiger elder and directly communicated with Zhao Hongwu.

"Well, since you have already spoken, because we have been cooperating very happily over the past hundred years, we promised you this request. However, the Jiuyangmen I mentioned earlier, please take it to heart. Above, this matter is related to the life and death of our two races. We must not let the people of Jiuyangmen reveal the news to those alien visitors. If they learn about the plot of our two races, they will welcome us. It’s definitely their ruthless butcher knife! Even though we have modified the practice now, many people are working hard to transform the power in the body, but the body training is different from the refining tool. We want to completely transform the cultivation base in a short time and improve it to A tyrannical level is completely impossible to do. Therefore, if we don’t want to be dead in the face of those alien planes, we must perform this scene well. So next, do you want to increase your impact on each town? Harassment, or even if conditions permit, destroy a few cities and slaughter all the population there is no problem. I will communicate with other big families and people from big sects. At that time, you only need to kill 90 million. This number, I don’t need to say more about other things, and our human race is ready to break the boat this time. If your monster race is still undecided, then we won’t have another chance to cooperate. !" At this moment, Zhao Hongwu had a serious face, and his tone was full of determination and decisiveness. His fierce expression and the way he wanted to destroy everything at the moment made Luo Xiu hiding in the dark look a bit stunned. What makes Luo Xiu even more difficult to let go is that he has repeatedly heard this person mention that the ancient inherited techniques cannot be cultivated, which makes the irritability in his heart even bigger.

Luo Xiu knows very well what this means. Under this situation, for him, he does not want to see any situation, especially since he has practiced the Great Seal Technique, even to improve the Great Seal. In the realm of the technique, he has also used his skills to re-cultivation, and he has also practiced the Great Seal Technique to the middle stage of the third layer. Under such circumstances, even if he wants to abolish the cultivation level on his body, it is probably too late. Fa, once you start to practice, it is impossible to stop. As for changing the method, that is even more of a joke.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu couldn't calm down anymore. He knew exactly what it meant, and even more understood what stupid decision he had made before. At this moment, listening to the two sides is like a bargaining deciding tens of thousands of life and death. Luo Xiu felt ridiculous at the same time, but he also felt sad for the situation of these people. However, he himself also knew that he was hard to protect himself, and there was no reason to laugh at others.

From the dialogue between the two parties, it is not difficult to see that these indigenous peoples living in this world did not think of resisting, but the result of resisting. It is useless at all, even they were born in this area. Someone deliberately created a field suitable for human survival.

More importantly, for people in this world, the practice they practice is that someone from a major power deliberately gave them to cultivate, so that they can cultivate the training resources they need in this direction. Of course, it can also Call it livestock.

At this moment, Luo Xiu was speechless, and at the same time he felt a moment of fear for his own situation. If he is ignorant and stays in which corner of the corner to practice the Great Seal, even if he can escape the lock of these people and become successful. The great seal technique, but it is also possible that it will be hunted as prey during the great cleansing more than three years later.

Thinking of the end of this tragedy, Luo Xiu can no longer calm down. For him at this moment, this situation is simply the worst situation. It is not an exaggeration to say that if there is anything else. Let him arouse his fighting spirit, the information he got from both sides this time, on the contrary, he has a little bit of pleasure in wanting to fight with others.

After thinking of this, Luo Xiu took care of his hidden deeds again. Compared with his own life, Jiuqiao Linglongxin was nothing at all. Therefore, he waited for his excitement to cause his whole body to fluctuate, and he didn't deliberately move it. The exercise was suppressed, and the next moment, Zhao Hongwu, who was still bargaining, and the Tiger Clan's three elder Dugu, almost instantly turned to look at Luo Xiu's hiding place.

Seeing that his actions had been exposed, Luo Xiu did not hesitate to withdraw the ability to delimit the compass. He took a step forward and came to the two of them. Of course, when he appeared at this moment, he was shown in the image of the avatar of the demon. And the powerful aura in him was not concealed at all, and everyone in the court could feel the monstrous anger.

Seeing both the shemales, they both looked at Luo Xiu with a bit of error, did not hesitate to preemptively, and asked: "Two seniors, if my ears did not make a mistake, what you said is true, why? This kind of information has never been mentioned by the old man before, and what is the ten thousand years cleaning you are talking about? At the same time, the old man wants to know why you can live together so peacefully!"

At this moment, Zhao Hongwu and Elder Dugu were a little daunted, especially Luo Xiu's appearance of Xingshi's questioning, which made the two of them look a little bit astonished. They are really two superpower characters, and they don't know how long they have been. No similar situation has been encountered anymore. Listening to Luo Xiu's question at this moment, while the two of them were dumbfounded, they also felt a sense of absurdity.

"Hehe, brother, have you heard something wrong? We are just here to discuss and negotiate with these monsters. The so-called is just the safety of the Eastern Desolate City. You have also noticed that these three years Since then, the Eastern Desolate City has been under attack by monsters, even if the defense of the Eastern Desolate City formation is amazing, but if the time is too long, the energy consumption will also drag down the Eastern Desolate City. In addition, endless monsters attack the city. The city is broken, and the millions of heavy people will be exposed to the demon beast’s minions. With the union of my nine great families, I have the qualifications to negotiate with these demon tribes, but the old man is still curious about your origin. What kind of force did you send over? Why did you hide and peek? Don’t know this is a very rude behavior!” Zhao Hongwu was taken aback for a moment, but he quickly reacted and asked.

He knows very well that Luo Xiu must want to change the subject when he asks this, but Zhao Hongwu is not a vegetarian. He knows exactly what he needs to know. After all, Luo Xiu's appearance is not good for their nine great families. thing.

Especially what the two parties discussed just now is extremely secretive. Once their behavior of betraying the interests of the human race is exposed, even if the starting point of the nine great families is good, it is likely to lead to destruction.

Not to mention, at this time when the great cleansing is about to happen, once things happen irreversibly, the whole world will become different at that time, and the most critical point is that he is sure that once the great cleansing begins, Time will only die more people, and if this happens, it doesn't make much sense for what they discussed with the Yaozu before.

"Don't change the subject, the old man has no other meaning in coming here. It's just that in the Eastern Desolate City, I happened to meet you out of the city. I couldn't bear it, so I would go out together with me. I just didn't expect to hear it so shocking the world The news of, the aura suddenly appeared. The old man has no malice. The main purpose of coming here is to see if I can get some benefits from fishing in troubled waters, but I didn’t expect that the two of you didn’t get into a fight, and the topics you were talking about , I really shocked the old man before I was discovered by you! The old man just wants to know why there is a major cleansing, and what do you mean by what is wrong with the cultivation method? This is the most critical point for the old man. Otherwise, if there are more than 3,000 disciples under the old man’s school, if they are listed as clear goals, then it will be a tragedy!” Luo Xiu saw Zhao Hongwu and said to the left. He didn't have a word of truth at all, he couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, then looked at them with a serious expression, and asked them very seriously and seriously.