Technology Communication System

Chapter 1124: Surprise

After listening to Luo Xiu's words, Zhao Hongwu and the elder Dugu looked at each other. Both of them saw a trace of joy in each other's eyes, but Luo Xiu's current performance is still not satisfactory, especially It is in this wild world, there are traitor sects like Jiuyangmen.

Before thoroughly clarifying Luo Xiu’s identity, the two of them did not dare to hesitate or hesitate at all. They were pretty sure that once the news of the union between the two races of shemales and monsters was known by those from the different planes, they would wait. Theirs will only be merciless slaughter.

For the time being, there is no good way to get rid of the purge of those people, so this time, whether it is the Nine Great Family or the Monster Race, the reason why they can’t wait to negotiate is the most fundamental reason is that both sides are clear, no Knowing what to do can we minimize the loss, hoping to have the strength to resist the enemy before the next ten thousand years.

Although this is very difficult, it can even be said that it is almost impossible to complete, but whether it is Zhao Hongwu of the nine great families or the lonely elder of the Tiger clan, it is very clear that sitting and waiting will only die more miserably.

"The old man just wants to know, are you from the Jiuyangmen!" Zhao Hongwu snorted coldly, and the light flashed in his hand. The powerful energy was refined into a long sword and slashed directly at Luo Xiu.

Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu didn't dare to neglect, he slowly clenched his right hand, and slammed his fist directly on the beam of light. The terrifying energy of the two collided in the void, and the powerful fluctuations directly swept everyone around him.

Even the lone elder of the Tiger clan, at this moment, he looked at Luo Xiu with solemn expression. The strength of Zhao Hongwu, the group of Yao clan is very clear, but Luo Xiu and this person are on the same level. It shows Luo Xiu's tyranny.

Zhao Hongwu and Luo Xiu fought a few tricks, and then Zhao Hongwu knew that his worries were unnecessary, and the whole person was completely relaxed. He shook his head, and then dodged Luo Xiu's again. He attacked, then waved his hand at Luo Xiu, and asked eagerly: "Friends, please stop. We are friends and not enemies. The previous shot was to test your details. It was just based on the old man’s cultivation base, so why can’t you stop? It’s not a hidden monk. There is something wrong with your presence, Senior! At this critical moment that affects the survival of the race, we can’t be careless, so please forgive me for the offense!"

Luo Xiu put away the power in his hand, and after it dissipated, he looked at the people in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Then, he thought for a while, he felt that these people were more credible, and even saw them like this. Apparently, Luo Xiu was not trying to perfuse himself. Luo Xiu thought about it carefully. He waved his hand and the main body appeared on the court. The Heavenly Demon clone was closed by him again. Then he looked at Zhao Hongwu and just nodded at him. , And then make a respectful look.

Luo Xiu’s sudden action caused everyone present to be stunned, but soon, all of them showed a thoughtful expression. They looked at Luo Xiu and changed again, even to Zhao. Hong Wu also nodded thoughtfully, whispered something to a young man next to him, and then everyone looked at Luo Xiu again.

"Hehe, everyone, don’t be nervous, that was my protector just now! He has no independent consciousness and is controlled by my distracted soul. Since the seniors are so sincere! Then I can’t be a villain, kid, I only hope that a few seniors can see the common interests between us, and let the boy be rude before, let go!" Seeing everyone was a little stunned, Luo Xiu also helplessly stretched his hands and explained it.

"Nothing. Everyone is an adult, understands, and thinks of your thoughts. Fellow Daoist, you just listened to all the conversations. Then you should know that the world we live in, A catastrophe occurs every 10,000 years. By that time, almost all the super powers, the direct disciples of the top aristocratic families, and those monster races with special bloodlines will be slaughtered by those people. Every time this happens. In a very short period of time, the deaths and injuries have been exhausted. After ten thousand years, we have just recovered, and we will usher in the massacre again. If it is repeated, as long as the individual can find the abnormality, therefore, Under the investigation of our ancestors and others, we finally found a clue. It turns out that the world we live in has been reduced to other people’s pastures countless years ago. If you don’t want to listen, we people and These people of the Yaozu are like livestock being raised by people. Although they also follow the constraints of natural laws, we are more often treated as pigs and dogs, and we are fed as pigs and dogs. After a while, they will be slaughtered by those people who eat our meat and drink our blood. Anyway, this is what you have heard. The purpose of our coming here is to reach some agreement with the Yaozu. , To train some family children, fortunately ten thousand years later, they will have the power to contend with the next great purge!" Zhao Hongwu shook his head, sighed, explained to Luo Xiu in a lonely tone, and then looked at Luo Xiu. , The expression is full of solemnity.

Although Luo Xiu had believed his words, he still felt a little unbelievable, and he himself could not be sure how many of these people's words were true.

Just thinking of the dialogue between the two parties before he had revealed his whereabouts, Luo Xiu believed in seven or eight points, and the most important point was, even if he didn't believe it, what could he do? What the whole world is like now has nothing to do with him. What he cares about now is that he practiced the Great Seal Art, is it wrong?

"Well, what you said is reasonable, then I want to know, what do you mean when there are problems with the cultivation methods you mentioned? Could it be that the exercises inherited from ancient times have problems, or those exercises are ours Those unknown enemies deliberately leaked it out and let us cultivate, just to cultivate us as pigs and sheep, but they don’t need to pay anything, they only need to provide exercises for us to practice, and then when we are done, come directly to the We started the massacre, is that the case, or they want to use these techniques to train more powerful fighters?" Luo Xiu's question makes sense, because he is quite sure how big the gap between the two is, even more. Understand the different meanings between the two.

"Warrior? Haha, you think too much. Those people are ruthless people. They just use us as their food. Yes, it is food! Don't be surprised. They are among the jade slips handed down from my ancestors. , There are records about this aspect, such as the space mystery we practice, the supernatural powers seem to be infinite, but in fact, when we practice the space secret supernatural powers, the core of space power has been formed in our body. These space cores have passed The long-term source of strength can form a space spar, and in other words, my Zhao family is the breeder of the space spar. Every 10,000 years, it is cleaned by others, and every time the family is killed and wounded, if It’s not because of the training resources provided by that group of people. We have long since disappeared in the long river of history, and the other big families are in a similar situation!" Zhao Hongwu sneered, looking at Luo Xiu’s eyes with a trace of self-deprecation. , Explained in a very bad tone.

Hearing Zhao Hongwu’s explanation, if he is really helpless at the moment, especially when he heard that the exercises handed down from ancient times were designed and built by the people of different planes for the people of this world. It even made Luo Xiu feel shuddering.

Combining his previous thoughts, Luo Xiuzhen at this moment truly realized that he really had a big deal this time. If he was lucky before, now Luo Xiu, if he looks in the mirror, He will find that his eyes are red at the moment.

There is no way, Luo Xiu is absolutely defensive, and in the end he pitted himself. Luo Xiu felt a little absurd even thinking about it, but he knew the shocked look of the group of people in front of him. when. It is to find out if he still has a chance to get rid of the restrictions imposed on him by the exercises, but seeing everyone looking helpless, Luo Xiu also knows that he has a lot of ideas.

"In other words, there is no way at all, you can only wait for death. Have you ever thought about another way, such as not practicing directly, is there any way to take people out of this world, so that you can avoid that group of people? Luo Xiu completely ignored Zhao Hongwu’s unkind look, eyes, and tone at the moment. Instead, what he cares about now is whether there is any way to get rid of the situation of being purged. This is his best. Want to know the answer.

"Leave!? Haha, where can I go? This planet has been manipulated by those people, and it has its own problems. In the world we live in, it is not that no one has broken through to the realm of heavenly immortals, but even if it breaks through to heavenly immortals, In the hands of that group of people, it can't go two rounds. The ancestor in the family back then was the existence of a heavenly pinnacle, but even the ancestor, in the hands of those people, was only hit by two moves. Kill, and the spatial spar in the body is regarded as a spiritual material for cultivation!" Hearing Luo Xiu's question, Zhao Hongwu sneered, with a hint of resentment in his tone, and said helplessly.

For him, Luo Xiu’s appearance was a bit unexpected, but seeing this kid’s panic, he knew that this kid didn’t know from which corner he got a secret cultivation method, and it was something passed down from ancient times. When he couldn't help it, he chose to practice this secret method. Now he heard the conversation between his side and the monster race, he was a little panicked. For such a little guy, Zhao Hongwu didn't care at all, and even a little gloating. .

Luo Xiu's face is ugly at this moment. For him, this is definitely not good news. It can even be said that what makes him feel the tragedy the most. He has no choice but to find that he feels the rhythm of his death. Some do not know how to deal with the situation that may happen next, but he does not want to see it at all.

"Those seniors, is what you said is true? The so-called Jiuqiao Linglongxin can solve this kind of problem. Is it true or is it your guess? Earlier, you said that there are still three before the next major cleansing. For more than a year, with my current level of cultivation, I shouldn't be among their cleansing, I won't become their hunting target!" Luo Xiu had a glimmer of expectation in his heart, looking at the two sides in front of him with some entanglement. Resisting the urge to kill and run away, he asked.

After all, there is only one golden pill in his body now, and it is still incomplete, so he would have this question. After all, the great seal technique he cultivated is also the technique of this world, but the nine-turn profound art he has cultivated But it is not. Therefore, in Luo Xiu's view, what these people worry about is a chance to get rid of the limitations of the Great Seal Technique.

Zhao Hongwu was stunned when he heard Luo Xiu's question. He looked at him speechlessly, then blinked in disbelief for a moment, and looked at Luo Xiu with a shocked expression. By the way he said, seeing everyone next to him, they all felt surprised and looked at Luo Xiu with curious eyes.

At this moment, Luo Xiu knew that it was related to his own life and death, so he didn't have the energy to block the whole body, so his cultivation base was clearly placed in front of everyone. The abnormalities in his body were also let these people see. It was clear, so everyone in the field whose cultivation level was higher than Luo Xiu's body could see that there was something wrong with Luo Xiu's body. They were a little dumbfounded, and looked at Luo Xiu with a little excitement.

Zhao Hongwu and the lonely elder of the Yaozu took a step forward and came directly in front of Luo Xiu. Before Luo Xiu could react, he immediately began to check his body. Luo Xiu only felt two different forces enter. in vivo.

The next moment, he felt a faint pain in his body, and when he thought he was going to be swallowed up by these two guys, he suddenly felt two hot eyes looking at him, the expressions of the two were almost identical. , The look of excitement mixed with some surprises can't be faked.

"Boy, your body...huh...this situation in your body is only seen in the life of the old man! Apart from the ancient secret method of inheriting the Tao, do you have other techniques? The old man can't feel you. What caused the special aura in the body? Or is it that those people are not as incomprehensible as we imagined, and the exercises they passed down have the effect of restraining each other!" Dugu and Zhao Hongwu looked at each other, and they showed strange expressions. They looked at Luo Xiu in shock, and asked excitedly.