Technology Communication System

Chapter 1125: Two excited

At this moment, the two of them were so excited that it was impossible to hold on to themselves. It was indeed the specious aura of cultivation techniques in Luo Xiu's body that gave them too much touch, making them deeply aware of opportunities and hope.

No way, others don't know what Luo Xiu's appearance means. The two of them know all the secrets, but it is clear that Luo Xiu's appearance is a huge hope for the creatures in the whole world.

At the same time, Luo Xiu looked at the two inexplicably, but from their words, he could also roughly guess that he seemed to be a little different from these local monks. He thought of the nine-level profound art he had cultivated, Luo Xiu I couldn't help but was excited, but he quickly suppressed this excitement in his heart.

Comparing with some information previously seen, Luo Xiu also has some guesses. Obviously, the powerful force that regards this world as a pig farm should not have thought that there is such an existence as Luo Xiu from a different plane, and it is even more unclear. , How much influence will Luo Xiu’s exercises have on their stocking training resources?

"Two seniors, what are you? What do you mean by your words! Boy, I don't quite understand what you mean by these words? Is there a problem with my cultivation method? Or is my cultivation level too low, this This time, he might have escaped a disaster!" Luo Xiu saw that the two of them looked different, and he had never seen that kind of weird look, so he asked in a daze.

At the same time, Zhao Hongwu and Elder Dugu did not pay attention to Luo Xiu. Instead, they looked at each other. They seemed to be deciding something, and then they almost said in unison: "This kid should be practicing the Great Seal of the Sun Family. Right!"

The two voices fell, and they looked at each other again, and then nodded with certainty. At the same time, Zhao Hongwu said, "It looks like it should be the great seal technique of the Sun family. Didn't it mean that the inheritance has been lost? Where did this kid come from? I learned it? And his great seal technique should be in the middle stage of the third layer, but, why is there only such a small amount of cultivation base? And, why did I feel the traces of other techniques from his body!"

When Zhao Hongwu said this, the excitement from the bottom of his heart could not be suppressed at all. His slightly twitching expression made Luo Xiu look a little baffled, and didn't quite understand why, the two people in front of him, The performance is so different, even some make him not understand, what is the reason for the strangeness of these two people, with a hint of surprise and a hint of joy?

"Yes! You are right. The strength in this kid's body is definitely caused by other exercises. Isn't it true that there is only one kind of exercise passed to us by people from different planes? Why is this kid in his body? There are other types of exercises? Or, the great seal technique belongs to a special type of exercises, but thinking that the Sun family has disappeared for countless years, this great seal technique might have other special effects, maybe... !" At the moment, the lone elder of the White Tiger clan was pulling his beard, his face was a bit of a smile, but his tone was extraordinarily relaxed and solemn. Two very different and abnormal expressions appeared on his face, making While Luo Xiu looked a little funny, he also felt pressure.

Even if he had never really cared about the people of this world before, but the more than a dozen people in front of him, plus more than a dozen demon cultivators of the demon race, are all of the kind of horror with the majestic blood in the body and the power beyond imagination Existence, so Luo Xiu could only pretend to ignore the two people's eyes as they looked at the goods.

He knew very well that in front of these people, he was a weak chicken. Even with the addition of the avatar of the demon, he would have no power to fight back. The reason why he suddenly jumped out was because he knew too little about the world. Moreover, Luo Xiu thought that he had a chance to escape.

Because of the existence of the demarcation compass, he is fundamentally in the energy operation, and he is in a super leading position in this world. In this way, once the situation is controlled by someone, Luo Xiu can control the demarcation compass to instantly travel through millions of miles. .

"The old man doesn't think so. It shouldn't be a problem with the Great Seal Technique. The Great Seal Technique and the space secret code and time law we practice should be the same type of exercises. The reason why they are different is that they have practiced with this kid. Other exercises are related. Also, looking at this kid’s state, it’s obvious that something is wrong with him. After all, there are people who can follow us, but it definitely won’t be, such a younger generation. Guy, I'll know when the old man asks about it. Maybe we can hit them by surprise this time. Maybe it's something!" Zhao Hongwu at this moment changed his previous slumping, with a hint of excitement on his face. Excitement.

At this moment, the two of them looked at Luo Xiu with a hint of expectation. Luo Xiu, who was watching him quietly, felt the pressure. If Luo Xiu was only guessing before, then he can now It’s 100% certain that even if the Great Seal Art I practiced is just a secret technique, it poses any threat to his life safety, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that if it weren’t for the two people in front of me, it’s just a secret technique. What he said had a great impact on him. At this moment, Luo Xiu really wanted to directly control the bounding compass, turning around and running.

After all, he is extremely certain that he should not be affected by that kind of curse. Even if those aliens come over, they can only interfere with the operation of his cultivation technique, but the Great Seal Technique has been completely due to the problem of the Nine Ranks Profound Art. It has become different, giving Luo Xiu a greater certainty and being able to get rid of being restrained.

When Luo Xiu was thinking about these things, he felt two burning eyes. Luo Xiu raised his head and saw the two people who were looking at him with burning eyes. The corners of his mouth twitched. At this moment, Zhao Hongwu and Elder Dugu changed. The previous domineering look, at this moment, the two of them looked at Luo Xiu's gaze, as if they were looking at a rare treasure, and the kindness they showed made him slightly uncomfortable.

"Two seniors, if you have something, please tell me directly. With your eyes, I'm really a little worried, kid, is there something wrong with my cultivation method? You... why do you have this expression?" Luo Xiu, after the initial tension, completely relaxed, and asked with some excitement.

At this moment, he can be 100% sure that the combination of the Great Seal Technique he has cultivated and the Nine Revolving Profound Art has a special effect, so that the people in front of him can see it when they look at him. , He should be extremely safe now, at least there is no need to worry about the two people's misunderstanding, the violent rally will kill him.

"Boy, don't be nervous. The two of us don’t have any malice, nor do you have any other thoughts against you. I just want to know that in addition to practicing that great seal technique, you Are there any other exercises? If so, can you tell me where did you get this exercise? And... I want to know the origin of the exercise you practiced and the original of the exercise, Can you let the old man take a look!" Zhao Hongwu showed a smile, a little excited, and looked at Luo Xiu cautiously, like a grandmother wolf, flickering on Little Red Riding Hood, Luo Xiu had a moment of hypocrisy in that smile. I noticed it, just seeing these two people smile, he also knows that the situation is better than the others, after all, he also has other ideas, plus he has no advantage in facing these people, and he doesn't have any advantages at all. Smiley people.

Turning around and looking at the other side, the elder Dugu at this moment is also waiting with excitement for Luo Xiu’s answer. It is really only in their hearts that Luo Xiu’s situation, if it can be popularized on a large scale, is for the world. In terms of how important it will be.

At that time, even those aliens who want to cleanse them, do not have the ability to restrain their techniques, and want to kill the enemy like a dog like before, will become more powerful. At the very least, whether it is a human race or a monster race, as long as this method is popularized by all race members, they will have the conditions to compete with those people to the end.

This is better than the previous situation where you can only wait and die. It is more than a hundred times better. At the same time, Luo Xiu, who looks at all this in a different way, doesn't know what the two people are thinking, and he doesn't understand him. The importance of it.

At this moment, he faced the eager gazes of these two guys and felt the pressure, lest these two guys really swallow him alive, after all, to some extent, he ran over behind the two guys. Looking at himself in this way, Luo Xiu couldn't help but feel an ominous feeling in his heart. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and at the same time he was vigilant in his heart.

"Senior, if you have anything, just say it clearly. I don't quite understand why you want to ask such a question. After all, I am not quite sure whether what you are saying is true, although I have 80% of the truth. The possibility is certain, your previous dialogue is true, but I want to know why you look at me in this way, and how do I feel, you seem to have any thoughts about my practice, you If you want me to practice the exercises, just open your mouth, you don’t need it at all. This makes me very uncomfortable and it makes me more and more confused!” Luo Xiu saw the faces of the two with plucked smiles. With that kind of false smile, the corners of his mouth twitched, but at the same time he felt the eagerness of the two people. He couldn't help but speak. After teasing, he felt the pressure more and more when they saw that their expressions remained unchanged. It's not the kind of existence that can hold the audience by virtue of his looks, so he seemed a little confused about what happened in front of him, and at the same time he was a little funny.

After hearing Luo Xiu's words, Zhao Hongwu and Elder Dugu looked at each other, and then nodded silently. Zhao Hongwu looked at Luo Xiu eagerly and asked: "Little guy, we have no malice, you exist. Let us see the hope, especially the special aura on your body. For us, it has a huge effect on changing our current passive situation. Think about it carefully, besides the great seal technique, do you practice other things? Secret method? This is very important. Once we can cultivate the special exercises you cultivate, we can completely ignore them. Those aliens have restrained our exercises, so we don’t need to be like a head. Like lambs to be slaughtered, they waited helplessly to die!"

After Zhao Hongwu said these words, the excitement in his tone was not concealed in the slightest. In the crowd, anyone who heard his words saw Luo Xiu one after another, and they all showed anxious mood.

Even on the side of the Demon Race, all the people on the side of Zhao Hongwu performed the same way. It seems that the existence of Luo Xiu gave them hope and opportunity to escape their fate, especially the group of people from the Demon Race. For Luo Xiu at the moment, it was as if they had seen a savior, and the excitement on his face was simply uncontrollable.

In these countless years, their monster clan was the most tragic one that was killed. Many of the monster clan handed down from ancient times have no descendants anymore. Today’s Tianhu clan and Nine-tailed Monster Fox clan, In the ancient times, they were just a few small races that were not influential. Now they are about to be killed. Thinking of the importance of Luo Xiu, all the monster races looked at Luo Xiu with a trace of greed.

At the same time, after Luo Xiu heard what Zhao Hongwu said, he was silent and lost in thought. He was a little undecided and couldn't help asking the system in his mind: "System, why are these two people so looking, and Why is the expression of other people like that! Is it possible that my cultivation technique is wrong? Or, the Great Seal technique is a bit special! It's not right, it is not difficult to tell from the expressions of both sides, it should not be the case! As well as the Great Seal Art I practiced, as well as the Great Freeze Art, they were all taught by someone from an unknown force, and what they did was just some special cultivation resources. If this is the case, then I practiced it. The Great Seal Technique is only one of these thousands of exercises, so why are these two people so excited? I have never felt anything special about this exercise, apart from the extremely resource-intensive cultivation, really It's useless!"

At this moment, Luo Xiu was a little confused. He was not too clear about why Zhao Hongwu and others had such an expression, the excitement mixed with expectation, Luo Xiu could not be wrong, but he did not quite understand why. This is the case.

This was completely different from the script he had previously imagined. Originally, he was worried that his appearance would lead to a joint siege from both sides, but he did not expect that whether it was Zhao Hongwu or the demon clan where the elder Dugu belongs, everyone was a little anxious. Looking at himself with an excited expression, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling the pressure.