Technology Communication System

Chapter 1156: Passive action

Luo Xiu's expression was dim, his eyes full of hatred, he watched the people in the field busy there without focusing, and then looked at the city lord Dongming Sanren, and at the same time, it seemed that he had sensed something, Dongming Sanren. Turning his head to look at Luo Xiu, he nodded very seriously. Seeing this situation, Luo couldn't help but raised his brow, and then quickly recovered his calm. Only he knew that his appearance at the moment was pretended.

Luo Xiu felt very speechless about the city lord's appearance at the moment and what he said, but he was very clear that this was only a contradiction within the Nangong family. The reason why he wanted to make a fuss was just to seek asylum. Therefore, The idea of ​​making a fuss about Dongming Sanren is simply speechless.

Calm in the court was restored, even the city lord Dongming’s scattered people felt tricky about Luo Xiu’s situation at this moment, but he was very confident, and directly let people take Luo Xiu down, and left all the other selected people. City Lord's Mansion.

Following behind the subordinates, Luo Xiu followed him for a while, and then directly entered the backyard of the City Lord’s Mansion, where he was placed in a remote courtyard. Luo Xiu carefully observed the surrounding environment and showed no expression on his face. Not in a hurry, but in my heart I really cursed my mother.

Luo Tao felt like a mirror in his heart. The reason why the people in the City Lord’s Mansion had to arrange him here was absolutely deliberate and even deliberately arranged here. Luo Xiu couldn’t help but look ugly when he saw this arrangement. Shao, even if he didn't worry about his safety, he knew that someone in the city lord's mansion had hooked up with the second elder of the Nangong family.

Because the yard where he is located is not only remote, but more importantly, there is no defensive formation in this yard at all. Luo Xiu doesn't think that his cultivation base is already strong enough that he does not need formation defense. .

Therefore, he knows very well that even if it is not the arrangement of the city lord Dongming, it has something to do with his acquiescence. At this moment, all Luo Xiu needs to do is to try to avoid being yin. The main reason is because The City Lord's Mansion is teaming up with the two masters of the Nangong family, trying to completely wipe out the main line of the Nangong family.

It can be seen that the elders of the Nangong family have already solved everything. Originally, Nangong Tianle would not be unexpectedly killed by the people he sent, but because of Luo Xiu’s appearance, Nangong Tianle was killed in advance. Therefore, Only then did Nangong Tianle's identity be preserved.

However, what Luo Xiu did not expect was that the people in the City Lord’s Mansion would collude with those guys from the Nangong family, and wanted to really put him to death. Although he was extremely unhappy in his heart, he relied on his powerful strength. Xiu didn't think that these people were able to gain themselves. More importantly, he had discovered that even the Dongming Sanren's cultivation base was just similar to him. As for the others, they were all waste materials.

Therefore, for Luo Xiu, even though he knew that the rest of his life would not be too peaceful, he didn't feel any anger, and even some expectations, although it is difficult for him to experience this weirdness. It feels, but it can add a touch of fun to a peaceful life, and it still makes him happy.

Looking at the courtyard in front of him, Luo Xiu's heart was very calm. Even with the strange expressions on the faces of the people who brought him, he didn't move, he didn't care about it at all, and he didn't care about them.

Because he knows very well that he is not really Nangong Tianle. What he needs to worry about next is the dead soldiers sent by the Nangong family. Although they can easily kill them, he is hesitating at the beginning of what he wants to do. In order to survive the rest of the time without exposing too much strength. If the Nangong family’s casualties are too serious during the remaining time, he is likely to be suspected. Even if Nangong Tianle’s soul jade is still there, Luo Xiu can’t guarantee that the Dongming scattered people in the City Lord’s Mansion will not doubt him. Come.

After all, he didn’t know much about the situation here. Even if he had all the memories of that Nangong Tianle, Luo Xiu didn’t think he could sit back and relax. The more important point was that the problem of strength was that he had a strong strength. But he couldn't play it out. This is where he is most troubled.

However, he suddenly thought of something. With a move in his heart, the avatar of the heavenly devil and him could be in light and dark. He could let the main body stay in the room at that time and send the avatar of the heavenly demon to kill all those who tried to disadvantage him. Thinking of this, Luo Xiu couldn't help but laughed.

At this moment, he has changed from the previous distress to the current expectation. For him, if the cultivation base of the next Nangong family is not too strong, he will let the main body take action. If the strength is too strong The avatar of the Heavenly Demon would definitely be in the dark. Before these people approached, they would find a chance to kill them, so that the conspiracy of the Nangong family could be completely shattered, and it could also deter other conspiring forces.

After all, Nangong Tianle’s identity is still very mysterious. In the eyes of outsiders, once the assassins of the Nangong family die here, everyone will think that it is the people of the city lord’s mansion to stop the assassination of the Nangong family. It would be suspected to come to Luo Xiu, so for him, it was a really good way to solve the current predicament. Thinking of this, Luo Xiu couldn't help but look forward to it.

Now that he had expectations in his heart and he already had a full-scale plan, Luo Xiu went directly into the courtyard, and then randomly found a room to live in. He needs to wait patiently, after all, in the remaining time , It is very likely that too many unknown circumstances have occurred, and in order to hide his secrets, he is not prepared to go out and communicate with other people.

And Luo Xiu believed that he did this very much, and it would not arouse the suspicion of the other twelve people. Even Luo Xiu suddenly figured out the reason why the Nangong family dared to act so recklessly, because the quota was only theirs. Thirteen people, and now there are more than 20 people left by the city lord's mansion for observation. If Luo Xiu wants to stand out from the crowd at this moment, he must dispel the attack of the Nangong family.

Luo Xiu even speculated that the reason why the Sanren, the city lord Dongming, acquiesced in ignoring the collusion with outsiders in the city lord's mansion, was to use the second elder of the Nangong family to achieve their goal and directly reduce the number of people.

But for the City Lord’s Mansion, this is not a good thing, it is an offensive matter. Therefore, although Luo Xiu was very helpless before, he knew that the Nangong family was ready to do something against him. Xiu gave up.

And time is in Luo Xiu’s random thoughts, slowly passing by. In these days, everything was calm for the first three days, only on the fourth night, a few people spied on his yard from a distance, and then these people Just stopped from a distance, and didn't come over to trouble him.

Luo Xiubian did not take the initiative to provoke them, but on the night of the fifth day, more than a dozen people came directly to the yard where he lived. Not to mention the siege of the yard, three more masters walked out of the crowd. The five-person team is already an extremely powerful assassination team.

And Luo Xiu knew in his heart that the fifteen people in front of him appeared so easily in front of him, and the fifteen people appeared in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion so openly, and the guards on the patrol of the City Lord's Mansion were actually indifferent to this, even There was no response to the signal.

It can be seen that the City Lord’s Mansion has already reached a consensus with the Nangong Family. Luo Xiu saw this scene in his eyes, and his heart was already killing him. He wanted to know if he would compete for the City Lord’s Mansion, the Nangong Family, and others who were eligible to compete for places. If you kill all the people, can you automatically get the quota without going through other tests at all?

This kind of thing may be difficult for other people, but for Luo Xiu, his avatar is the most suitable for this kind of thing. Therefore, after thinking about the causes and consequences, and the calculations of those people, Luo Xiu didn't hesitate anymore, he made up his mind and did it.

Even if the murder is bloody, it is necessary to completely solve this troublesome thing. After all, in three or four days, it takes some means to eliminate eight people. Luo Xiu believes that the City Lord’s Mansion must have adopted similar methods. Dealing with other people, I just don’t know how they are now, and looking at the assassination squad of 15 people in front of him, Luo Xiu couldn’t help but twitched. He looked at the faces of these people in front of him, and then he closed the door and let go. Avatar.

Fifteen people just surrounded the yard, and then came towards the place where he was retreating. They simply didn't take Luo Xiu to heart. Luo Xiu was very upset. Now that they have arrived, the avatar of the demon immediately shot. , The endless terrifying black Yuanli directly covered this courtyard. The fifteen people fell to the ground without making any sound. Of course, they weren’t dead, they just fell into a coma. Luo Xiu came directly in front of these people, and the black light flashed in his hands, and he began to treat everyone. People search for souls.

For a long time, Luo Xiu put down the last person, with a weird expression on the corners of his mouth. He originally thought that these killers should have been sent by the second elder of the Nangong family, but he really didn't expect it to be this pair of Jiaocheng. Luo Xiu's brow frowned in such a situation, a master sent by another company.

Obviously, this is really messy. Although I don’t know what it will be like when competing for places in the past, Luo Xiu is very skeptical in this complicated situation. Now it should be more than just him. The problem is, it is very likely that other seed players should have similar experiences.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu gave up the previous impulsive thoughts, Luo Xiu couldn't help but smile, and then directly waved his hand, killing all the 15 people in front of him, threw their bodies directly, and returned to Luo Xiu in the room again. , I already knew in my heart that all this was the calculation of the City Lord's Mansion.

And Luo Xiu got some information from these killers, that is, the city lord’s mansion now wants to take advantage of the transfer quota this time, and more importantly, this Dongming Sanren wants to send out his two waste sons. , Luo Xiu really laughed after learning the news.

Luo Xiu didn’t know what was going on on the other side, and Luo Xiu didn’t bother to care. In such a place where masters gathered, he didn’t dare to unscrupulously release his spirit power. After all, he could only pretend to be Nangong Tianle, and it was impossible to take his own spirit. Li is also completely disguised as Nangong Tianle’s spirit fluctuation frequency. Therefore, he can only deal with the next storm cautiously. Luo Xiu believes that as long as he can persist to the end, even if the people in the City Lord’s Mansion are not upset, they will be pinched. The nose recognized it.

In fact, Luo Xiu is quite expecting it. He hopes that the City Lord’s Mansion can send more masters. After all, he lacks cultivation techniques now, but from the people he killed, Luo Xiu's cultivation techniques are extremely rough. Even if it was that Nangong Tianle, the exercises he was practicing were suitable for this barren land, and he would change the exercises after he left.

However, Nangong Tianle was killed by Luo Xiu before he could change. Therefore, Luo Xiu is hesitating now. If he wants to improve his cultivation level, he must practice other exercises, but what worries him is, His current cultivation level is no longer low. At this time, he still wants to change his cultivation method, is it a bit wasteful?

More importantly, Luo Xiu found a problem. For him, if he can switch to the practice now, he will succeed after going out, but he is worried that even if he gets the practice then, Because of the strength of the cultivation base, he will not be able to switch to the practice of this world. At that time, the fun will be great.

No matter how worried he is, time is still passing slowly in his wild thoughts. I don’t know if it’s because he passed the test or because of other things. Four days’ time will come in an instant. On the night of the seventh day, Luo Xiu originally thought that this night should be a time when he was waiting. There was a rustle outside the door.

Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu couldn't help but raise his brows, because in his psychic induction, these rustling noises were not people, but countless dense insects, watching the terrifying insects crazily invading from far and near. Chao, Luo Xiu's mouth twitched.

In this scene, he had never seen a similar method. He had seen this method of driving insects before in other worlds. However, it really made him feel his scalp numb, Luo Xiu. He has that intensive phobia, and now, under the influence of the spirit power, these countless insects flock to the yard where he is at the same time, how can he not let Luo Xiu feel his scalp numb.