Technology Communication System

Chapter 1185: Ming Wu

Moreover, from the future development, I can also feel the distrust of Zhenjun Haoyue to him. If the relationship between his uncle and his nephew is changed, such an emergency situation will occur, as the uncle will definitely take some unimportant things. Let Luo Xiu do things, but True Monarch Haoyue didn't. This person personally put everything in place properly.

If it is said that he has such a personality, Luo Xiu definitely does not believe it. It can be seen that although this person has recognized his cheap nephew in his heart, in fact, this True Monarch Haoyue really doesn't trust him at all.

Luo Xiu followed True Monarch Haoyue in this way, watching him constantly moving around. The strength of True Monarch Haoyue was also unobstructed during this period of time, making Luo Xiu deeply aware that he had not rushed to choose to be strong before. What a correct choice to grab the yin and yang mirror.

For him, the current situation shows that he has reached a more critical threshold. He is uncomfortable at this time. It is definitely an act of looking for death. It is not difficult to see from the words of Zhenjun Haoyue before that this person is The Mirror of Yin and Yang really didn't have much fancy. If it wasn't for the formation method, this thing had to be used as the eye of the formation, it is estimated that this thing would have been left in the middle of the corner.

For True Monarch Haoyue, Luo Xiu can't talk about any other thoughts in his heart, but one thing is that he is quite sure that the difference in strength between himself and True Monarch Haoyue is absolutely beyond imagination, even if the Taiyin in his body now The Scriptures can provoke the innate Magnificence and Purple Qi, but in terms of true lethality, he is still inferior to True Monarch Haoyue's casual blow.

More importantly, as the strongest combat profession in the world, Jian Xiu’s terrifying lethality is the guarantee for their survival, and the strength of Jian Xiu is only reflected in their flying sword, but more Many of them are the horror of Jian Xiu.

One sword to break the ten thousand magic is not just for fun, but it will really exist and happen. During this period of time, following True Monarch Haoyue, Luo Xiu saw True Monarch Haoyue more than once, and once shot, killing a piece of terrifying combat power. For him, True Monarch Haoyue was so powerful that it was like a nightmare. His previous thoughts were so naive at the moment, no wonder the system would say that, let him choose to play emotional cards to get him closer to True Monarch Haoyue.

For True Monarch Haoyue, Luo Xiu nowadays no longer has any thoughts of underestimating him, and he has thoroughly recognized the reality. For him, although his own strength is one aspect, he has not fully recognized himself. The true foundation today.

And at this point, the system in his mind will not help him too much. Luo Xiu can only rely on his own judgment to deal with any changes that may occur next. The only good news in front of him is True Monarch Haoyue’s identity to him. Luo Xiu actually got acquainted with a large number of True Monarch Haoyue's men.

This is an excellent breakthrough for Luo Xiu, and because he has been following True Monarch Haoyue for this period of time, these people have also seen the calm and calm communication between Luo Xiu and True Monarch Haoyue. Also understand that Luo Xiu's status is unusual.

When everything was settled, True Monarch Haoyue took Luo Xiu to the core of the formation of the Yin-Yang Two-Yi Inverted Formation again. This has been more than ten days that the two have been together. During these ten days, True Monarch Haoyue just controlled The situation in the city completely ignored the group of crazy attacking guys outside the city.

True Monarch Haoyue just beheaded those who dared to cause chaos in Haoyue City. The entire Haoyue City is now drifting blood. It can be said that True Monarch Haoyue directly killed almost one-tenth of the population this time. Luo Xiu couldn't help trembling slightly.

The horror of True Monarch Haoyue is not only reflected in his combat effectiveness, but also in this guy’s terrible concentration that completely ignores everything. This kind of disposition is really rare. What's more important is that Luo Xiu learned from him. Saw a source of confidence for the strong.

And after this time of getting along, Luo Xiu has a very clear understanding of True Monarch Haoyue, and he also knows that this person's style of doing things is extremely wild, and the existence of sword repair is indeed the same as in the legend. For some paranoias, for Luo Xiu, if it weren't for the cultivation technique of the Taiyin Scriptures, no one can guarantee what will happen to him now.

Even though Luo Xiu, who had already been psychologically prepared in his heart before, had already paid enough attention to the terrifying strength displayed by True Monarch Haoyue now, however, he was still extremely shocked by the fact that he truly saw the terrifying combat power of this person. Moreover, it took only a dozen days for True Monarch Haoyue to calm the chaos in the entire city so quickly, all the forces large and small as long as they dared to get involved at this time were completely wiped out by him.

Luo Xiu even made a fortune with Xiao Xiao. Although this happened, he himself felt funny, but the real situation is indeed like this. Haoyue City is the largest collection and distribution center for cultivators in the entire southwest region. There are a large number of practitioners, and the flow of people exceeds one million. With such a dense flow of people, the transaction volume is also beyond imagination. Such a huge amount of resources has almost opened up to Luo Xiu's people. How can it not Let Luo Xiu's desire for possession arise.

The experience of this period of time also made him confused with the guarding forces of the entire Haoyue City. For their guardians, Luo Xiu’s existence can already be said to be the existence of True Monarch Haoyue’s direct descendants. True Monarch Haoyue has been alone for countless years. Now that Luo Xiu has appeared, everyone in the entire city lord’s mansion is curious about his identity, and at the same time, he is able to trust him in such a way. Feel the hope in my heart.

For reasons known to all, True Monarch Haoyue had always been managing Haoyue City, and he hadn't cared about it at all. If Haoyue City had not been blessed with unique geographical advantages, the current Haoyue City would have been abandoned and ruined a long time ago, although there is no such prosperous economic situation now. Therefore, many forces here can be said to do whatever they want. The role of the City Lord’s Mansion is very limited. In fact, it can only act as a deterrent, so that the original order of the entire Haoyue City will not be greatly chaotic. With the passage of time, True Monarch Haoyue has not appeared for many years, which also makes these cities The big and small forces are beginning to show signs of emergence.

If it hadn't been for the Tianlongmen to do things this time, set up a large formation that destroyed the formation, and wanted to die with the entire Haoyue City, True Monarch Haoyue would not come out to suppress it. And the appearance of True Monarch Haoyue had already shattered some rumors to some extent.

More importantly, the terrifying attack power displayed by True Monarch Haoyue and the strength of Jian Xiu are mostly reflected in his flying sword. However, a rumor a thousand years ago, True Monarch Haoyue’s destiny flying sword was destroyed and his strength was great. This is also one of the main reasons why Tianlongmen dared to be so unscrupulous and came out to do things. This time, True Monarch Haoyue made the move, and Tianlongmen deputy leader Long Aotian was now directly planted in Haoyue City.

From the memory of the Profound Daoist that he had obtained, Luo Xiu also knew that the reason why the Heavenly Dragon Gate agreed to cooperate with the Profound Daoist was that the most fundamental reason was that the Heavenly Dragon Gate could not shut down the formation, and the Profound Daoist did the same practice. The existence of the Taiyin Scripture has the possibility that the formation will be delayed for a moment.

However, no one thought that the plan could not keep up with the changes. The appearance of Luo Xiu broke all of this, and it also made the Tianlongmen’s centuries of hard work to be in vain, and it also made Taoist Tianxuan no time to take action. Therefore, True Monarch Haoyue took the initiative to suppress it. At that time, there will be no surprises.

Time passed slowly, and life flew by. This was already the thirteenth day of calming the civil strife. Luo Xiu is now following True Monarch Haoyue, towards the core of the formation of the yin and yang inverted formation. Go, the two of them didn't speak any more along the way, Luo Xiu didn't know how to speak, True Monarch Haoyue was thinking about other things.

The chaos inside Haoyue City has been completely suppressed, but the outside world has rejected thousands of powerful monks and densely packed warships, all of which came to attack Haoyue City. It’s just that because Haoyue City’s formation defenses are amazing, coupled with the endless energy supply, the formation cannot be broken in a short period of time. It can only take time to wear down. Therefore, whether it is True Monarch Haoyue, or Luo Xiu didn't even care about external threats.

The reason why the two of them wanted to go to the core of the formation was just because True Monarch Haoyue had promised Luo Xiu to practice his Taiyin Scriptures and give some pointers, and he had promised to help Luo Xiu thoroughly. After clearing away all the drawbacks of practicing the Sun Sutra, Luo Xiu was brought in this time, just to find a way to take out the yin and yang mirrors, and then let Luo Xiu refine them, because only the yin and yang mirrors were refined, and then he practiced The Taiyin Scriptures will become more effective.

The two of them went all the way and soon came to the real core of the formation. Seeing this, even Luo Xiu was amazed. The magical methods of the people who arranged this formation were beyond imagination.

As for what he had entered before, it was nothing more than the projection of the formation. The real core of the formation was in the underground of Haoyue City. Luo Xiu looked at the magnificent hall and the complicated formation runes on the hall. Luo Xiu A look of relief also appeared on his face.

For him, his previous thoughts were so naive at this moment. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and was brought over by him, Luo Xiu would never believe that there was such a magnificent under the city of Haoyue City. Formation group.

"Uncle, is this the last barrier of Haoyue City? This is the core of the formation of the yin and yang inversion of Liangyi. Why is there no protective power here?" After a long time, Luo Xiu let out a sound of exclamation, and asked with some admiration. True Monarch Haoyue.

On this journey, he really seemed to be wandering in his back garden. He came here easily, so he had this question. On the way, he didn’t see any defensive power, whether it was Formation, still sent guards to guard here, but none of them were seen.

"Hahaha, there is no need to guard this place. The entire Haoyue City is no safer place than here. The existence of Haoyue City is built on this formation group. It can be said that the entire Haoyue City itself is It exists in one body, you must have discovered it a long time ago. The internal situation of Haoyue City is not complicated. As for the real situation here, almost everyone who knows about this Haoyue City knows the real situation here, but But no one dares to destroy this place easily. It is because of its special nature. It is firmly integrated with the foundation of Haoyue City. As long as it is attacked, the entire Haoyue City will be destroyed. This is also the focus of the Tianlong Gate before. The reason for attacking here is not to defend this place in any form. It is to tell everyone that everyone I am talking about refers to everyone in Haoyue City. If something goes wrong here, the entire Haoyue City will be destroyed. The leaked energy will explode instantly, and the powerful explosive force will completely destroy everything above Haoyue City! So pure defense is meaningless, only let the importance of this thing be known to everyone and let all relevant stakeholders Everyone understands the truth that there are endless eggs under the covering of the nest, and this will make Haoyue City stand here for tens of millions of years without falling down!" True Monarch Haoyue is in a good mood at the moment. Relaxed.

In addition, he can already be sure that Luo Xiu’s identity is real, so he appears so casual, and he answers the important situations here for Luo Xiu one by one, and also allows Luo Xiu to see the difference in handling things. The whole Haoyue City can say It is a combination of interests.

True Monarch Haoyue only played the role of twisting these interests together. Every power in the chain of interests is the umbrella of Haoyue City. Therefore, Luo Xiu probably understands what True Monarch Haoyue means at this moment. Why can Haoyue City stand for thousands of years without falling?

Moreover, from the explanation given by True Monarch Haoyue, Luo Xiu also understood a new attitude in dealing with things. It turned out that confrontation was not the only way to solve the problem. In many cases, combining groups with different interests and forming a larger interest group is the most appropriate way to resolve conflicts.

Therefore, Luo Xiu’s eyes were bright at this time, and he could already be sure that True Monarch Haoyue really had no other idea about the yin and yang mirror. He brought himself here, and simply wanted to give this treasure to In this situation, Luo Xiu couldn't imagine it beforehand.

At this moment, Luo Xiu thanked the system in his mind from the bottom of his heart. At the same time, he was also meditating on his own way of doing things during this period. He was convinced that some of his previous thoughts were very selfish. Now I listen to Zhenjun Haoyue. The explanation also made him truly realize that there is a huge gap in the overall situation between himself and these top powerhouses.