Technology Communication System

Chapter 1228: Canglin Palace collapsed

At this moment, Luo Xiu was very worried about True Monarch Haoyue’s state. He knew exactly what True Monarch Haoyue was worried about. After all, the destruction of Cangrin Palace, coupled with the situation he had just appeared, could already be certain of this world. There is a problem with the Origin Road, and the innate grand purple qi that Luo Xiu took out does not belong to this world at all, so that True Monarch Haoyue can avoid being successfully invaded by the sea of ​​knowledge by the demon. At this moment, Luo Xiu can't help but be afraid. The worst situation had occurred. With his cultivation base, it was impossible to survive under the hands of True Monarch Haoyue.

And another thing made Luo Xiu more vigilant, and that was the problem of the lack of the Origin Avenue of the Cloud Cang Great World. Up to this moment, Luo Xiu still had some confusion, the world was so strong. The world, why did this problem occur, but Zhenjun Haoyue's previous experience really made him realize the decline and weakness of this world.

The lack of the Origin Avenue and the consequences under this situation are related to the life and death of hundreds of millions of creatures in the entire Yuncang World. If this problem cannot be solved, then the entire Yuncang World, after hundreds of millions of years, will Completely become an era of the end of the law.

According to the simulation deduction of the system, the world was originally able to withstand the invasion of the celestial demons outside the territory, but when True Monarch Haoyue successfully broke through to a high level, the tremendous pressure brought about completely broke the balance between internal and external, so that the iris of heaven and earth in the big world It is no longer possible to block the arrival of the celestial demon outside the territory. Under this situation, the cracks produced by the heaven and earth iris have become the passage for the arrival of the celestial demon outside the territory. Rin Palace was very close, so Cang Rin Palace was unlucky. Thinking of this, Luo Xiu couldn't help but feel a little hairy in his heart, and couldn't help thinking of King Zhenshan.

"My ancestor, I! I feel it, will all of this have a certain relationship with the space channel under our feet, if... I mean if, if we really open this space channel, Connecting the two worlds, or even tearing the iris between the two worlds, will make the Yuncang World’s Origin Avenue completely stable, and even supplement the missing part of the Origin Avenue. After all, this world only has aura, and The Black Demon Realm has only demon energy. These two powers are naturally opposed to each other and are in common with each other. With such a harmony of Yin and Yang, will this world completely get rid of the invasion of the alien demon!" Luo Xiu has a solution in his heart. Way, but he still expressed his idea. After all, if it is really as he speculated, then many things must be solved by many experts at the same time, otherwise, under any circumstances, it is just a waste of time.

"Hehehe, it's not as simple as you think. If it can be solved easily, it won't be a tricky thing. And you don't think, if you really do it according to your ideas, wouldn't the world be even better? Danger, the most important point is, have you noticed that the current situation of Yuncang World is so chaotic. If we open this space channel under our feet, it will only make the situation more chaotic, and even plunge the whole world into endless wars. Among them, at that time, let alone solving the current problem, even preserving the existing foundation is a wishful thinking thing! Besides, now is not the time to worry about the old guys in Cangrin Palace, but rather It is to remind the other old immortals of the nine major forces as soon as possible, and those with the same cultivation base as the old man, they are the most dangerous. Since this happened in Cang Rin Palace, there must be other forces that may also happen similar. For the time being, I don’t know who will be the next bad luck! From the collapse of the Cang Rin Palace to the present, it has been only a few days before it can be seen that the cracks in the space barrier this time should be very large. Great, otherwise, there won’t be so many extraterritorial celestial demons coming at the same time, even the old man almost said, it’s really troublesome!” True Monarch Haoyue’s face was dignified, and his expression was full of sadness and sorrow. It was even more serious than ever. Luo Xiu had never seen a similar situation from the True Monarch Haoyue in front of him. At this moment, Luo Xiu truly realized that the crisis was about to come, the tension of the rain.

If it hadn't been prepared for a long time, Luo Xiu at this moment would definitely not believe the words of True Monarch Haoyue, but the conclusions given by the system in his mind coincided with True Monarch Haoyue. For today's Yuncang Great World, True Monarch Haoyue, who is far beyond ordinary monks, is the greatest enemy of the origin of Yuncang Great World Dao, and it is also the object that Daoyuan Dao wants to destroy.

But because they are already people who have successfully crossed the calamity, the Dao of Origins cannot stop them from continuing to practice. These guys are like the black spots on a piece of white paper. They are particularly eye-catching. To obliterate the influence of this group of people, one had to use the method of borrowing a knife to kill people, coupled with the incomplete avenues of this cloud-cang world, gave Heavenly Dao the ability to release the celestial demons outside the territory into this world.

Of course, the specific form of coexistence between the two, the system did not give a too specific answer, but Luo Xiu knows a jaw-dropping fact, that is, this time the invasion of the gods has suffered. It's not just Cang Rin Palace, other forces should have also been threatened, and even suffered the loss of masters, but because they dealt well, they avoided the risk of being destroyed.

Luo Xiu couldn't help but his eyes jumped when he thought of the now-destroyed Cangrim Palace. For him at this moment, he has to consider his future retreat. After all, the great Yuncang world he lives in at this moment is no longer safe. Originally, he still coveted the concentration of the heaven and earth vitality in the big cloud world, thinking that his wandering years could become the end of his wandering, but he did not expect that this world would have such chaos in this world, and it made Luo Xiu. I wonder if I am a disaster star, and chaos will appear wherever I go.

Although he thought so in his mind, Luo Xiu also understood that Haoyue City is still very safe today. Although such a Haoyue True Monarch is very dangerous, in today's circumstances, solving the current troubles is the primary goal. Just as Haoyue True Monarch said, Now the whole world situation is becoming more erosive, the way of heaven has reincarnation, and the lack of the source of origin has indeed affected the way for high-end monks to advance.

"Uncle, when you say this, does it mean that we have to make changes, or give up Haoyue City, or that you have other plans. Anyway, boy, I don't see any hope. I really want to be like you What you said is so dangerous, so you have to pay attention, and not only you, but also the most powerful people who stayed in us and Yuecheng, also need to inform them of the destruction of Cangrin Palace and let them strengthen Be vigilant, even drive them away, let them leave here!" Luo Xiu, who recovered his senses, looked at True Monarch Haoyue, his expression was full of surprise, but his tone was more serious than ever, and he asked tentatively.

No way, the terrifying power displayed by True Monarch Haoyue just now really frightened him, and even that kind of powerlessness, he didn't want to experience it again, let alone King Zhenshan and the ancestor of Tianxing were also in Haoyue City. When people go crazy at the same time, it is really the end of the world. When he thinks of his own thoughts at the beginning, thinking of his own thoughts at this moment, Luo Xiu inexplicably gives birth to a sense of powerlessness.

It's not that he insists on this, but the real situation, far worse than he guessed. The whole world situation today has become the chaos of today. The ghost knows what terrible things are waiting for him. So just in case, and for the sake of his own life, Luo Xiu didn't dare to let too many supreme powers appear in Haoyue City at the same time. Even if this crisis seems to be over now, it is undeniable that there is no hidden extraterritorial demon, ready to invade and seize the spirits of these most powerful people, Luo Xiu dare not have any fluke.

"You don't have to worry too much. This natural disaster seems to have passed now. The next time there will be a crack in the space barrier, the old man will definitely be able to detect it, and the old man is not without any gains. This time I wiped out those who invaded my sea of ​​knowledge. The old man also gained a lot from those extraterritorial celestial demons, and even my soul's strength has more than doubled. After all, even though the heavenly way is lacking, but the Yin and Yang complement each other, I strangled these extraterritorial celestial demons that invaded the sea of ​​my knowledge. After that, my soul has doubled, and my soul body has become more full, and even the soul has a tendency to change again. In this case, as long as the next time the level of the extraterritorial demon is not too exaggerated, the old man’s confidence will not be a problem. No matter how much you come, it's just to replenish the soul power of the old man. So, for the time being, for the situation of the outside world, I am watching the changes in Haoyue City. As long as it is not related to the life and death of my Haoyue City, the old man will not take it easily. Let people send more manpower to patrol the city, and we must stifle the danger in the bud. I think it is not only us high-level powerhouses who are suffering this time. Some ordinary monks should also be affected. Go down and arrange manpower as soon as possible. Check them one by one. The old man has two sets of magical tools that are specifically aimed at extraterritorial demon. You send this thing and let them carry the thing to search the whole process. Be sure to find out the monks controlled by the extraterritorial demon, arrest them or on the spot Kill! Don’t let them have the opportunity to swallow a lot of vitality, otherwise, more terrible things will happen. Your top priority now is to check everyone as much as possible, and don’t make anything big. Chaos, my Haoyue City is in the most dangerous moment, and it may be destroyed at any time!" True Monarch Haoyue knew Luo Xiu's thoughts the first time Luo Xiu spoke. He smiled calmly, and then said directly. Commanded.

At the same time, he took out two things from his body. They were two dark green bells. The surface of the bells was pitted. If you didn't reach out to take them, you could feel the biting chill. Luo Xiu almost thought these two small bells. Things are just two ordinary bells.

"Uncle, what is this? Are you sure these two palm-sized bells are effective, and how do I feel, you seem to be a little different, you shouldn't really be taken over by the demon!" Luo After repairing the two bells, something suddenly came to mind. He looked at True Monarch Haoyue in a daze and said jokingly.

This is because the attitude shown by True Monarch Haoyue at this moment is absolutely abnormal, especially now that Luo Xiu obviously has control of everything in Haoyue City. True Monarch Haoyue’s previous attitude and his present-day voice, expression and attitude, There is a gap between heaven and earth, which makes Luo Xiu a little wary. In case the old guy in front of him has been taken over by the extraterritorial celestial demon, then the words he said just now are completely face-to-face slaps. .

"What is your kid thinking about? The reason why the old man wants to warn you so solemnly is just to make you take this matter to heart. Don't forget, in a short time, if the old man is really invaded and occupied by the demon Body, you think the old man can still tell you the previous words, and the old man is very safe, especially after this time when the demon enters the body, the old man can already feel the innate avenue that your kid gave to the old man. , Should not belong to this world, although I don’t know where your kid got it from, but this thing really helped the old man a lot, hehe, the old man even guessed that once the old man’s soul is placed in the void, the origin of this avenue in my body , Will you directly make up for the missing part of the Heavenly Dao? After all, as long as the demon enters the body, if you change to other modifiers of the same level as me, I will use the world’s origin road to promote to the strongest. Very dangerous!" True Monarch Haoyue nodded to Luo Xiu, and then said with a sneer, a little bit dumbfounded in his tone. He had a deep understanding of Luo Xiu's open mind, but he still didn't expect that in front of him This little guy would doubt him.

"Old ancestor, I just made a joke to ease the atmosphere. You have also seen that under the current situation, my position in Haoyue City is actually very embarrassing, even if the outside world is rumored that Canglin Palace is destroyed, but Zhenshan King Still, with this old guy’s degree of protection, he will definitely pursue the cause of the destruction of Cangrin Palace. Do you want to join hands with him! Find out the high-levels of Cangrin Palace who are occupied by the demon as soon as possible. Because only in this way, we can turn passive into active. With such a passive defense, sooner or later, more forces will follow in the footsteps of Cangrin Palace!" Luo Xiu is also quite helpless. For the current True Monarch Haoyue, he also You can only try this way.