Technology Communication System

Chapter 1239: Escape

"Relax, Master, you just leave by yourself. This way, I can deal with it calmly. I can definitely escape. When my master left, he left me a few random teleportation talisman. As long as there is this thing, I can definitely escape successfully, just because they are bound spirits and can only be used by myself, so..." Seeing Zhenjun Haoyue was a little angry, Luo Xiu knew that he had misunderstood and hurriedly explained.

At this moment, Luo Xiu knew in his heart that the situation was extremely critical and he had to make a decision as soon as possible. After all, it was only during the sound transmission period. The two magical collisions between him and the ancestor of the sky made him almost fall apart. Under such circumstances, Luo Xiu was anxious to get out of the fight as soon as possible. Obviously, if he drags on like this, his situation will only become more dangerous.

At the same time, True Monarch Haoyue, who was forced to retreat from Zhenshan King, listened to Luo Xiu's words, turned his head and glanced at Luo Xiu suspiciously. Seeing Luo Xiu nodded to him, he didn't say anything, and then focused his attention. Focus on the battle in the field.

True Monarch Haoyue at this moment of course understands how critical the situation is. For Luo Xiu and him now, time is undoubtedly the most precious. Therefore, at the same time that Luo Xiu is ready, True Monarch Haoyue also directly When he blasted out his full blow, repelling Zhenshan King, then his tactics changed, and the powerful aura once again filled the world.

Immediately afterwards, the four swords of the Zhuxian Sword Formation became one and turned into a huge flying sword. Then, under the control of the Haoyue True Monarch Magic Art, the huge flying sword cut through the void and plunged directly into the formation barrier behind Zhenshan King, as if It was because of excessive force that he could not withdraw his magical powers. Immediately after the huge flying sword hit the formation, True Monarch Haoyue stepped forward, holding the hilt of this sword, as if he wanted to use this flying sword. Just like it was caught back, before waiting for Zhenshan King to come forward, True Monarch Haoyue poured his strength with all his strength, and at the same time agitated his entire body, instantly tearing the formation barrier in front of him.

After doing all this, True Monarch Haoyue looked back at Luo Xiu and went straight into the crack. Then his breath disappeared instantly. Seeing True Monarch Haoyue had successfully escaped, Luo Xiu gritted his teeth and spouted a mouthful of blood. Both fists sent out the big yin and yang magnetic cannon with all their strength, and the whole body strength was fully stimulated by him, and he directly forced the ancestor of the sky star to retreat half a step. During this half step, he directly activated the bounding compass, and his body instantly turned into a bolt of lightning. True Monarch Haoyue got out of the crack opened.

Before leaving, Luo Xiu made a ruthless remark, but because he was in the dimensional void, his words never came out. After finishing all this, Luo Xiu was a little embarrassed when he escaped. He escaped safely, and the speed was much faster than True Monarch Haoyue.

You must know that when True Monarch Haoyue broke the formation, he overdrawn the energy in his body and burst out with all his strength to break the defensive cover of the formation. Although afterwards, he also flew at full strength for three days, but during these three days , His speed became slower and slower, and finally stopped directly. Fortunately, Luo Xiu had been following True Monarch Haoyue. When he discovered that True Monarch Haoyue was insufficient in strength, he showed up, and then took him to fly directly towards Haoyue City.

Along the way, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling a little scared. The situation just now was really dangerous. If he hadn't acted decisively, at this moment, the two of them didn't know what the result would be! Two days later, True Monarch Haoyue had recovered some vitality, and his face was not as pale as before. He smiled helplessly, looked at Luo Xiu and said: "You! Alas! Almost put the old life there this time. , I didn’t expect Zhenshan King, the old fellow, to hide so deeply. Originally, the old man suspected that with the power of Canglin Palace, why was it so easy to be destroyed by others? It turns out that all the reasons are because of the exquisite nine orifices. Tower, is this thing really that important? Hundreds of thousands of people were ruined for an innate spiritual treasure! This old guy's heart is absolutely black!"

Hearing this, Luo Xiu couldn't help being stunned. He looked at True Monarch Haoyue and saw that the old guy was not joking. He couldn't help but ask with some curiosity, "Uncle, what do you mean by this? Is it possible, Cang Lin? There was a reason for the collapse of the palace. Could it be true that the King of the Mountain had calculated what Zhenshan King did, right, if that’s the case, then what did he do in doing this? It’s just the Nine Orifice Linglong Pagoda that you said. As for it, an innate spirit treasure, it is not necessary to obtain a hand based on his cultivation base, so it will not benefit him at all!"

There is no way, but Luo Xiu is not shocked. It is really the words of True Monarch Haoyue. There are too many content in them. Some of them make Luo Xiu unable to slow down. If it is really like what he said, then this Zhenshan King can It was hidden too deeply, even at this moment Luo Xiu couldn't believe it, why did this guy do this? Is it good for him?

"Hehe, boy, what you think is too simple, the old man is sure that now the nine-orifice Linglong Pagoda is probably in the hands of Zhenshan King, and even the reason why this old guy wants to act in such a play is to leave himself alone I suspect that the destruction of Canglin Palace was also what this old guy did in order to kill people and kill eloquence. More importantly, for the current Haoyue City, the existence of the two of us has seriously hindered this person. Even for the current King of the Mountain, this old guy is already in a madness. If you think about what happened during this period, whether it was the guy who opened the space channel, or something else, it’s all the same. This guy is inextricably linked! The old man even suspected that the demon leader Yan Jingtian was disguised by himself, otherwise, he could not explain the many emergencies. This happened by coincidence! And even more critical The thing is, I clearly realize that under the current situation, what exactly this old guy wants to do!" Shaking his head, True Monarch Haoyue looked helpless, looked at Luo Xiu bitterly, and explained.

Hearing these words of True Monarch Haoyue, Luo Xiu twitched his mouth, but he did not agree with those words of True Monarch Haoyue. After all, there were some things that he could not explain, but the system's judgment would not go wrong, so, Luo Xiu believed only a little bit about True Monarch Haoyue's judgment. For example, Luo Xiu had other thoughts about some things about the leader of the demon cult, Qin Tian. As for other things, he didn't believe it at all.

The two fell silent. Regarding the current situation, both True Monarch Haoyue and Luo Xiu knew clearly that the mountain king was weird and related to the pattern of the entire world. They had to be cautious. The most important thing was , For True Monarch Haoyue at this moment, all of this is so unreal now, and at the same time, for Luo Xiu, Luo Xiu's feelings are particularly deep, the previous good mood is gone at this moment, even more The main thing is that even if he has a huge amount of resources now, he doesn't know how to solve the current predicament.

"Don't care about so much. Now that we have escaped, it is impossible to fall into their control. We can do nothing about the current situation, but it does not prevent us from spreading this news to other forces. I think they You must be interested in Zhenshan King’s plot, hehe, the old man doesn’t believe it. With the unscrupulous handling methods of the other nine forces, how could he let Zhenshan King be so unscrupulous, hehe, if you let them know the truth. It was Zhenshan King or the Canglin Palace behind it that cultivated Yan Jingtian. I don't think the old man needs to say anything. It is estimated that a lot of people want to smash this guy into pieces!" See Luo Xiu with a solemn face, True Monarch Haoyue But he smiled slightly, his face relaxed, the wear and tear on his body at this moment has actually been completely restored, and he no longer bears the previous weakness.

As for Luo Xiu, hearing True Monarch Haoyue's words, especially the information mentioned in those words of True Monarch Haoyue, really made him shine. You know, this is the most reliable method for Luo Xiu at this moment.

Even if they want to solve or temporarily delay the retaliation of King Zhenshan and others, he and True Monarch Haoyue really don't do anything, but the other nine powers are not necessary. Needless to say, the two powers of the Dragon Tiger Gate and the Four Saints Palace alone can make the Mountain King in town unable to eat.

After thinking about the twists and turns, Luo Xiu completely relaxed. For him, it was really a big relief. At this moment, his heart was extremely comfortable, and his depressed mood instantly improved. Quite a lot, for him, there is really no better solution than this. Although there are some risks in doing so, since the risks can be passed on, why not do it?

The more important point is that for the current situation, neither the Zhenshan King nor the Tianxing ancestors have a decisive advantage. Although they can control the situation for the time being, Luo Xiu believes that this is only temporary.

The two of them went all the way, and soon returned to Haoyue City. They only changed their expressions as far as they could see. At this moment, Haoyue City was full of smoke. More importantly, there was a A large group of people were attacking the great defense formation. When Luo Xiu saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched, even at this moment his face was a bit ugly.

You must know that when the two were talking just now, he had promised True Monarch Haoyue that everything in Haoyue City would be stable and he would rush so slowly, but he did not expect that the scene before him would be beaten face to face. , This situation also made Luo Xiu's face very unsightly.

For Luo Xiu at this moment, he really can't stand the current situation. It didn't matter before, but the scene he saw before his eyes really made him feel angry. You must know that for him , I promised True Monarch Haoyue before. How long has passed since then, these guys dared to slap him in the face, which made Luo Xiu’s face go, so before True Monarch Haoyue reacted, Luo Xiu directly Rising into the air in an instant, tyrannical energy fluctuations filled the sky, and endless violent energy locked the black-clothed men in the field almost instantly.

Although he has not yet advanced to the highest emperor level, but with his current sage peak strength, coupled with the particularity of the meridians in his body, Luo Xiu can fully display the terrifying power of a general supreme emperor.

Therefore, when his figure flew up, he punched out without waiting for others to react. The violent torrent of energy instantly engulfed everything around him, blasting towards the more than ten teams who attacked the formation, hundreds of them. Almost instantly, Luo Xiu's sneak attack caused him to vomit blood and fly upside down, and several unlucky ones were directly bombarded into powder.

More people in black have their faces changed wildly, especially after noticing the power of Luo Xiu’s attack, Luo Xiu shot with all his strength, and directly drained all the vitality of the world within a hundred kilometers around, and let some understand this. Among the hidden people, their faces turned pale, and the powerhouses of the Supreme Realm made a sneak attack instantly, and the destructiveness brought by them was absolutely beyond imagination. There was one of these guys in the field, and almost all of them were pale and pale. of.

At the same time, Luo Xiu felt very satisfied with his attack, but he did not relax his vigilance. For him, the current scene was completely in his expectation. After flying these people who attacked the formation, Luo Xiu's whole spirit was fully expanded, standing on the top of Haoyue City, staring coldly at the surroundings. Among the group of people, there are people from various forces in casual cultivators, and some masked men in black. It was this group of men in black who attacked the formation just now.

At this moment, each of these people in black appeared very frightened and uneasy. Seeing Luo Xiu's eyes, they all had the urge to turn around and run away. There was no way, it was the one Luo Xiu had just now. The palm of Jikong was too terrifying. It killed a large area almost instantly. More than 3,000 people were seriously injured on the spot, and more than 700 people were even physically collapsed.

It can be said that Luo Xiu took the initiative in a very short period of time. At the same time, True Monarch Haoyue did not show up. It was not that he did not want to appear, but Luo Xiu deliberately asked True Monarch Haoyue to hide. He wanted to test how many people wanted to disadvantage him Haoyue City.

After all, the forces that dared to attack Haoyue City at this time must have the Supreme Imperial Realm powerhouse behind them. This is an indisputable fact. It can almost be said that if there is no Emperor Realm powerhouse backing, no power would dare to come. Can't find it here.

At this moment, Luo Xiu, who was no longer in danger, wanted to see who was so bold and uncomfortable to come to Haoyue City. Of course, when Luo Xiu saw this scene, his first reaction was to think of Yan Jingtian of the Demon Cult.