Technology Communication System

Chapter 1256: Tongtian River System

And from the energy detector of the system, it can be found that this river is not ordinary river water, but river water full of spiritual energy, and what is even more shocking is that in the area where the river passes, an oval The colored cover envelops the entire area, including those seemingly small planets, one by one, like people living on both sides of the strait, it is so shocking.

Luo Xiu took a cold breath and looked at the scene in front of him. These things in front of him absolutely broke his three views. No celestial knowledge in his mind could explain the scene he saw. The source is unknown. The rivers with powerful spiritual power and the planets on both sides of the rivers all showed the weirdness here, such a shocking scene, completely shocked Luo Xiu.

"System, this...this...what the **** is this place? Is this what you are talking about, an area with terrifying energy fluctuations, how is this possible! Is it possible that this kind of scene is formed naturally? No, it is impossible! Is it this Is it artificial? What's the matter with that weird river? I have never seen a river that can flow in the universe. Isn't there all gravity in the void of the universe? How could the river be like this? This situation, and what's the matter with the river, I can feel the terrible concentration of spiritual energy contained in it so far away!" Luo Xiu couldn't calm down at this moment, the scene before him was too shocking, even if Luo Xiu was very knowledgeable and saw too many strange sights, but the scene before him still shocked him inexplicably. He couldn't suppress the shock in his heart. He looked into the distance with excitement, and asked the system in his mind. .

No way, the sight in front of him simply broke Luo Xiu’s three views, making the only thought in Luo Xiu’s heart seem so insignificant. At this moment, the shock in his heart is beyond description. This special sight brought him an impact that almost broke through the sky, and the only thought in Luo Xiu's heart at this moment was how powerful it was to create such a spectacle in front of him.

As early as the beginning, the system determined that there was a gathering of humans here, but at the beginning, no matter how much I imagined, I never thought of breaking my head. After coming here, Luo Xiu would actually see this scene. It broke his three-viewing scene and made him deeply aware of how ignorant he was before.

At this moment, Luo Xiu, who was shocked by the scene before him, could hardly describe in words how big the impact he had in his heart, whether it was the planets on both sides of the river, or the planets outside the planet. The huge array defensive cover, this kind of thing that almost broke the three views of people appeared in front of his eyes, and it scared Luo Xiu inexplicably.

"Don't get close first, first want to find a place to hide, observe the specific situation here, from this weird scene it is not difficult to see the special nature of this world, here is not as safe as you imagined, have you noticed, There is a weird spirit wave around here at all times, scanning back and forth regularly, just like monitoring equipment! We can't rush into this weird place, it is very likely that there will be unknown terrible things! You have seen it, this This situation is very unusual, it can be said to break the order of the evolution of the whole world that I have taught you. This is a very abnormal situation. Whether it is the aura of the river or other, it is the basis The system has never been seen before, but you can rest assured that this is a real universe, not an illusion created by some weird things, but next, you have to be careful and as low-key as possible. After a period of time, it is best to figure out how this is formed before making further action plans!" The system seems to have realized the seriousness of the problem and has become a lot more careful.

Luo Xiu nodded when he heard the words. He was very much in agreement with the system's statement. There was no way. The scene he saw before him broke his conventional cognition, especially seeing the river flowing in the universe. A sense of powerlessness was born in his heart, and more importantly, even after such a long period of stable emotions, he could still clearly feel that his current body was shaking. This was an extremely abnormal situation.

Putting away his spaceship, Luo Xiu cautiously used the power of the delimitation compass to shuttle forward a little bit in the void. This way, he walked very carefully, especially when the strange energy fluctuations swept over him. When he was in the area, Luo Xiu didn't dare to make any movement at all. With the help of the avatar of the demon, Luo Xiu was able to approach the group of melee crowd silently.

At a long distance, Luo Xiu was shocked to discover that he couldn't understand what they were talking about. Although these people also had various energy fluctuations, their cultivation level was only equivalent to that of ordinary monks. That’s all, very few people have cultivated in the realm of the soul.

And in a world with a whole river of spiritual power, with such rich cultivation resources, there are only Yuanshen, Yuanying and Mahayana monks. This shows that this is an extremely strange place. If Luo Xiu's cultivation at this moment shows , Can definitely crush the group of melee people, but thinking of the system’s previous warnings, Luo Xiu gave up this unreliable idea, especially he didn’t know what kind of a weird and artificial cultivation civilization. Weili, to be able to create such a wonderful development direction, he must first find a way to integrate into this world, as for other things, wait until he is thoroughly familiar with the composition of this world.

Obviously, the planet dragged by the crowd was intended to be placed on both sides of the spiritual power river. It was just that because they belonged to different forces or other circumstances, the two sides fought, and Luo Xiu didn’t understand the two. Fang’s language, so there is no way to tell who is right and who is wrong, and what they are arguing about He had to wait patiently. He was ready to take the opportunity to find a hapless soul search. Only in this way could he figure out what kind of world he was in.

Luo Xiu looked at the time, cast the Void Big Handprint, quietly grabbed a seriously injured old man, and then took him away from the battlefield while everyone was not paying attention, hiding behind a meteorite, Luo Xiu pressed his palm. On the old man's forehead, he directly started a soul search, but the results of the soul search surprised Luo Xiu.

It turns out that this world is actually the seat of two great powers. The way the current situation is formed here makes one feel desperate. More than three thousand large and small planets gathered on both sides of the river, giving rise to two great powers. The gate and the Genting Temple, at this moment, the two powers are in balance, and no one can help them. The two powers are living in a river, and there are tens of billions of ordinary mortals on each of these planets, so prosperous. Cultivation civilization is simply unheard of.

What is even more unbelievable is that Genting Tiangong is actually a cultivation force developed by faith. To say that people feel speechless, the reason why Genting Tiangong is able to rule with Taishang is that Because of the hundreds of mortal planets under their command.

And for a long time, the relationship between the Taishang Sensor Gate and the Genting Temple has been extremely bad. Although the two powers rely on this river named Tongtianhe to survive, it is undeniable that the two powers have different practices. , The two forces have always been in disharmony.

Even wars often occur because of this. Whether it is competing for resource planets and other training resources, the two sides have fought almost many times. From the memory of the old man, Luo Xiu knows a lot, and a lot of more detailed information makes Luo Xiu's heart. It's unavoidable. The old man was named Xue Jing, a deacon elder of the Outer Sect who was too close to the sensory door. This time he went out to intercept and kill the mountain-moving powers of the Genting Temple. The scene of the battle that Luo Xiu saw was exactly them. Deliberately created.

The reason why Taishang Sensor Gate wanted to intercept and kill this group of people was only because the planet was extremely valued by the Genting Temple. It was transported from a place tens of thousands of light-years away. How much was the cost? It is conceivable that too high the sensor gate did not want to add another planet to the Genting Temple, so it sent someone to intercept it halfway.

Luo Xiu’s previous doubts were also answered. Originally, he thought he had just come to a barren star field. However, when he knew the specific situation from the memory of the old man, he couldn’t help but feel a little speechless. The main reason for not seeing any planets on the road is because all the planets have been moved directly to the banks of the Tongtian River by the two main gates.

Luo Xiu hides behind the meteorite and looks at Tongtian River. He has been speechless for a long time. The information he has received is really too shocking. The monks in the Nascent Soul Stage can travel in the void universe, which simply broke his cognition and made Luo Xiu here. At this moment, I truly realized how correct his previous caution was. Fortunately, he did not rashly reveal his traces. Otherwise, facing this situation at this moment, waiting for him is absolutely terrible. ending.

Now Luo Xiu is extremely cautious. With his previous understanding of the world, it is really hard for him to believe that once the kind of problem he cannot solve happens, what a terrible thing it will be, thinking of his previous naivety Luo Xiu couldn't help but feel a little scared now. Fortunately, he hadn't taken a risk just now and forcibly intervened in the battle between the two sides. Otherwise, he would definitely become the target of the two major forces.

From the memory of the old man, Luo Xiu also knew a piece of information that shocked him even more, that is, the Tongtian River flows through countless worlds. The Genting Temple and the Taishang Sensor Gate are located. This is only the lower reaches of the Tongtian River, even these two. The powerful force that can move mountains and fill the sea, and change the trajectory of the planet, turned out to be just the lowest level of cultivation sect. With such a great contrast, Luo Xiu felt weird and at the same time clearly realized that he was coming. In what kind of world it is.

From the old man’s memory, Luo Xiu knew that he would fly upstream along the Tongtian River. It only takes more than ten years to fly to see a more magnificent and shocking world. From the old man’s memory, Luo Xiu is just Being able to see the prosperity there, in fact, he is more able to appreciate how terrifying this plane is today. Although this Tongtian River does not know its source, it can be in the endless universe from Tongtian River. Flowing can explain everything.

Even if the Genting Temple and the Taishang Sensor Gate are only the last forces on this Tongtian River, it is undeniable that the two superpowers are still beyond the reach of Luo Xiu, even if Luo Xiu now has the strength of the peak of a saint, he is facing When these two powers are involved, you must also be cautious. From the memory of the old man, Luo Xiu knows that there are almost no weak people in this super-sensing door.

Similar to him, he can act as a deacon elder in the sect. Everyone is a monk in the Mahayana stage, even in the realm of heavenly immortals. This kind of intermediate force in the entire Taishang induction gate has more than one million people. The power has caused Luo Xiu to have too many different thoughts in his heart. For him at this moment, this scene is so shocking. The unparalleled powerful composition of power also made him deeply aware , He must be low-key and careful and then cautious.

Luo Xiu thought about destroying the corpse of the old man, and then directly controlled his face to look like an old man. At the same time, he used the ability of the system to disguise his aura as the old man, and joined the battle again. I was aware of the conspiracy of the too sensitive door in advance, so these movers hardly had any chance to resist, so they were directly killed by the too sensitive person.

After doing all this, the group of people who are too close to the sensory door do not have any idea to bring this planet back. They just want to destroy such a huge planet, which is still a bit difficult, but just as Luo Xiu thought When they would leave the planet alone, the wise elder in the memory of the old man had taken out an umbrella-shaped magic weapon at this moment.

I saw him pinch the tactics with both hands, directly magnifying the umbrella-shaped magic weapon countless times, and then threw it to the planet that was carried by the huge net bag. This planet is an unmanned planet, and there is no breath of life. That kind of death star, the reason why Genting Tiangong had to spend a lot of effort to drag this planet back to both sides of the Tongtian River is that as long as this planet is placed next to the Tongtian River, after years of spiritual nourishment, this A planet can be reborn again, and there is even a more radical way in Genting Tiangong, which is to directly replace this planet with a star core.