Technology Communication System

Chapter 1257: hypocritical

There is a similar way for Taishang Sensor Gate, and it can do this, except that when the wise elder took out this umbrella-shaped magic weapon, Luo Xiu’s pupils shrank slightly. From the memory of the old man, he knew very well that this thing was. What? This is a kind of terrifying lethal weapon that can directly destroy the star core inside that planet, and it is a one-off.

Luo Xiu followed the people of Taishang's induction, put away the corpses of the same door, and destroyed all the corpses of the people in Genting Tiangong, and then drew away from a distance. Then the wise elder gave a pinch, the one in the distance On the planet, a bright light burst out in the void.

The intense light instantly flooded the planet. Almost instantly, a larger shock appeared in the void. Even if the planet was already a dead star, the core of the star still contained extremely terrifying energy and was detonated. Within the core of the star, thousands of times of terrifying explosive power were released almost instantly, destroying the planet in an instant, but also making the void tremble.

Elder Wiseman waved his hand and rolled up everyone around him, including Luo Xiu, and disappeared directly. When everyone appeared again, Luo Xiu saw that they had come out of the atmosphere of a planet. Only Elder Wiseman turned and looked around, Luo Xiushun. Looking at his gaze, he saw countless figures in the void, like cannonballs that soared into the sky, heading towards the place of the big explosion, at an extreme speed. Almost in the blink of an eye, everyone was around the exploding planet.

Elder Mingzhi smiled and waved his hand. A void crack opened in front of him. Everyone filed in and disappeared again. When they appeared again, they had already arrived in front of a hall. Luo Xiu looked up and saw the good deeds. The three words Tang couldn't help but smile.

He had been expecting it so easily and abnormally to get into the sensory door too much. For others, it might be difficult to enter the sensory door too much, but for Luo Xiu, there is a system that can help him disguise his soul breath. , Luo Xiu is doing well.

From the memory of the old man, Luo Xiu knew that this good work hall was the place where they submitted their tasks, but near the current good work hall, a large number of monks were gathering, and farther away, Luo Xiu saw that there were countless monks in the sky. Gathering among them, just as Luo Xiu felt a little weird, a loud laughter came from high above, and then a figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Haha, Junior Brother Mingzhi, what you did this time is really perfect, it's perfect. The guys in Genting Tiangong, even if they know that we did it, they won’t find me too sensitive, you guys. This action is so smooth, it really boosts my prestige!" The white-bearded old man stroked his beard and smiled, and the expression on his face was almost full of creases, and his expression was full of approval and glanced around. While looking at the wise elder, he also showed everyone one by one.

"I have seen the Sect Master of the Five Aggregates! It is the brothers that you command properly and take precedence in advance, so that we can immediately work. The guys in Genting Tiangong thought that by dragging us from the frontal battlefield, we would be able to keep the warehouse secret. Fortunately, we were successful this time, and we did not allow them to add a planet. Otherwise, there would be tens of billions of living creatures that would provide them with the power of faith. Create several powerful gods!" The wise elder bowed to him respectfully, and then spoke calmly.

At the same time, Luo Xiu and the others also followed suit, but Luo Xiu sneered in his heart. From the memory of the old man, Luo Xiu knew that this plan was successful because the frontal battlefield of the Genting Temple was Taishang induced a sneak attack, and the losses were so heavy that Genting Tiangong was so ruthless that it had nothing to do with the calculations of the Five Aggregate Sect Master to find a place on the frontal battlefield.

As for the content of their dialogue at this time, Luo Xiu felt even more scornful. The cheeky approach of these guys made Luo Xiu very speechless. Although he hadn't been in any ancient school before, he still Knowing the urinary nature of these ancient schools, Luo Xiu is actually a little bit spit about what happened before his eyes. For him, whether it is Taishang Sensation or Genting Temple, it is just the last force in the Tongtian River. There were contradictions from time to time, and instead of thinking about working together, they were internally attrited by each other. The difference in the overall situation simply left Luo Xiu free.

"Well, after the decision of the ancestors in the door, each of you will increase the merit value by one thousand this time. The old man will report this important event to the sect later. I am too close to the door and this time it can be effective. Taishang felt that the biggest victory in countless years was able to prevent the appearance of several gods. You have contributed this time!" The Five Aggregate Sect Master smiled and waved his hand, then looked around and said seriously.

"Brother Wuyun, Genting Tiangong has suffered such a big loss, and he will definitely not let it go. Do you think we should strengthen the defensive power of the frontal battlefield first, and we can't let them take advantage of it. We took too much in this sneak attack. Strength, if you want to gain a certain advantage from the frontal battlefield, you must send more people. Do you want to continue to take risks and sing empty city plans with them, or do we have other back-ups?" The wise elder looked at the expression on Wu Yun's face and revealed Hesitantly, with a hesitant look on his face, he asked.

Although I don’t know what this group of guys are thinking, Luo Xiu can feel from the serious atmosphere in the field, the kind of publicity of these guys who are too close to the door. Luo Xiu became more and more disdainful.

From the memory of the old man, Luo Xiu knows how the upper level of the Taishang Sensing Gate is so polite and insidious behind it. The atmosphere of the whole sect seems to be very harmonious. In fact, the roots of the entire Taishang Sensing Gate are already It’s rotten, the sect’s ruler is selfish, and the people underneath are even more violent. Many people are in important positions and take their hands. If the entire sect had not relied on the overall strength and the presence of several ancestors, it would have been It has been wiped out by Genting Tiangong. After all, the guys in Genting Tiangong are just a model model in the realm of cultivation compared to the group of people who are too sensitive.

Since these guys in Genting Tiangong are monks who have a good faith, they attach great importance to ordinary people. They are not like the group of guys who have come to see the sensor door. They don’t take ordinary people seriously at all. Too up and down the door, many people regard their origin as a shame.

Moreover, among the many ruling planets, ordinary people who are too close to the sensory door have the worst living conditions. In the entire sphere of influence controlled by the too upper sensory door, the ranks of ordinary people on all planets are very strict, and the class struggle has broken through. Skyrim, it can almost be said that the gap between the rich and the poor is beyond imagination under the control of Taishang.

Seeing the hypocritical communication between the two people, Luo Xiu was very depressed at this moment. If he had not realized the seriousness of the problem before, he really wanted to go away at this moment. It's all such a group of guys, then he is mixed in this, and there is nothing wrong with it. Thinking of his previous thoughts, he can't help but blush secretly at this moment, and he really looks down on this group of guys.

Everyone said goodbye, and Luo Xiu returned to his residence. This old guy did not live alone. There were several rooms with concubines, and some children beside him. Luo Xiu was helpless for these people, but he couldn't do anything. What an overwhelming reaction, so I had to talk to this group of people for a while, and then I made the excuse that I wanted to retreat and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

At this moment, after this incident, Luo Xiu actually didn't want to continue disguising his identity as he disguised himself, because the old man’s path has been broken. If at this time, he is a young man disguised, It's nothing, the radical breakthrough of the cultivation base will not arouse any suspicion at all.

Once someone like this old guy hasn’t had any breakthroughs in his cultivation for hundreds of years, if his cultivation grows by leaps and bounds, he will definitely arouse suspicion. By that time, it will be imperfect. Therefore, Luo Xiu is fundamental Only at this time, patiently waiting for the right opportunity, only by getting rid of the existing identity can you have the opportunity.

"System, how about it? Is it worth staying here? From the memory of this old man, I don't have a good impression of this school. These guys are too hypocritical!" Sitting cross-legged On the futon, Luo Xiu asked about the system in his mind. There was no way. He didn't want to check all the memories of the old man. There were too many glamorous scenes in the old man's memory. At this moment, Luo Xiu was speechless, but also felt a An inexplicable sense of absurdity.

"You don't need to worry about this. There is actually some value in this too close to the door, but you have to change your identity, it is best to be able to pretend to be a monk who goes in and out of the too close to the door, because only in this way can you show your value. , Step by step to a higher level, of course, in fact, there is another trick, that is to find an opportunity to kill a deputy sect master, and then replace it, but you must be fast enough, you also need to pay attention to his soul lamp Once their soul lamp goes out, you will still be discovered. Therefore, the best way is to imprison the person, disguise yourself as the person’s image to show others, so as to avoid exposure and at the same time you can control more calmly. Part of the power, too much sensory gate and this Genting Tiangong are almost the same, the two martial sects have no essential difference, but one is good enough to disguise, the other just disdain to pretend, you don’t have any prejudice, it seems to be too touchy gate It has been completely decayed, but the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. The whole Taishang Sensor Door is actually very powerful. There are some techniques and some things, in fact, the host can learn from it! Let you stay here for a while , I don’t want you to stay here for a long time, but I want to use this springboard to go to the upper reaches of the Tongtian River. There, the system speculates that there must be a more brilliant world of cultivation waiting for you. I want to travel the week. Heaven’s dream was brought up by you yourself. In this situation, the most important thing for you is to solve your own physical problems first. In the big cloud world, you really have been delayed for so long in vain. Time!" The system in his mind reluctantly explained to Luo Xiu, and at the same time calmed his irritable mood.

In the days that followed, Luo Xiu stayed at his home with peace of mind and began to repair his body. There was no way. Damage was easy and difficult to repair. Now Luo Xiu has many injuries all over his body, and they are all fatal, making him at a loss. However, the injury in his own body is still the second place, and the injury in the soul is the most important. With the methods he now has, it can't be solved at all. If Luo Xiu hadn't had the innate grandeur and purple energy to nourish his soul, he would be early It's already gone.

Luo Xiu sighed after another unsuccessful exercise, he was going to get up and go to the good kungfu hall. After all, the guy he pretended was not qualified to leave the soul lamp, so he disguised his identity, which was a bit of a violation. There is no sense of harmony, and it will not arouse anyone’s suspicion. From the memory of the old man, Luo Xiu knows that this man still has nearly 100,000 merits. There are so many merits. Luo Xiu wondered if he would get some soul repair. The pill for injuries.

Because he doesn’t know too much about the sensory door, Luo Xiu must be foolproof. He knows that the place he is now does not seem to be too dangerous, but for him as a little monk, there is always danger. exist.

Although he knew that as long as he didn’t jump out on his own, no one noticed him. As for why the old guy left so many merit points before, according to Luo Xiu’s memory, this person wanted to make a few of his own The son has prepared enough resources for cultivation. After all, his current cultivation level is impossible to go further.

When he came to the Shan Gong Hall, Luo Xiu inquired about the cultivation resources that could be exchanged here, and smiled bitterly. He knew that it was not that easy. The entire Taishang Sensor Gate had only a dozen sage-level existences, but one was extremely mysterious. Patriarch of, this person’s cultivation is said to pass the sky and the earth, and I haven’t seen this person make any moves for many years. If it weren’t for this person’s intrepid strength and the problems that appear on him now, Luo Xiu would have secretly taken the whole place. The induction door is emptied.

He really doesn’t have much interest in the sensory door of the Taishang and other things. The sensory door of the Taishang is up and down, and there is no backbone at all. You must know that the entire Taishang door has been brilliant, the most At the beginning, it was still a powerful force in the upper reaches of the Tongtian River, but because the ancestor was seriously injured, it declined step by step.