Technology Communication System

Chapter 1258: Yunxiao

With the passage of time, many people have forgotten the glorious past of the Induction Door. Luo Xiu also knew this from the memory of the old man. After there was no gain from the pill, Luo Xiu went to the library without giving up. , The entire library is hundreds of meters high, and what is even more frightening is that the inside of the library is actually a space-like spiritual treasure with an extremely huge space, so Luo Xiu is actually a little unsafe in it.

Although he knew that this thing had no ability to kill the enemy, the ability to trap people was beyond imagination. As soon as he entered here, Luo Xiu felt that he had been scanned more than ten times, if it weren't for him. He disguised everything outside, including his soul aura, which was disguised by his system's ability. At this moment, he had already been exposed. Even so, he still felt a wave of fear in this place.

Luo Xiu did not stay elsewhere, and went straight to the area where the soul-like secret law was located. He must solve his soul problem as soon as possible. There is no way. If he really delays this way, his soul body will definitely have problems. He himself would be very insecure.

Especially the most critical point is that he is in such a strange world now, and many things that seem to him are extremely small and different, it is likely that his true identity will be exposed, so that he does not dare to be careless at all. , At every moment, when doing any thing, he must bring up the concentration of 120,000 points, even if he retreats, he can't enter the deep-level cultivation state wholeheartedly.

After reading all the exercises that can be retrieved from the surroundings, and at the same time let the system record them, Luo Xiu turned over in other areas, and recorded all the exercises that can be recorded. Taking the exercises out, the caretaker of the library doesn't care at all.

After all, it’s too close to the induction door. The included exercises are almost all popular ones. The top few exercises are not accessible to ordinary people at all. Therefore, these guys don’t care about these exercises at all. Leaked out, and they didn't think that Luo Xiu would practice these exercises. Therefore, it would be very generous for Luo Xiu, a hardworking elder cultivator, to be too sensitive.

After more than ten days of work, Luo Xiu collected all the exercises that could be included, and used the ability of the system to filter the exercises that were useful to him. The entire Taishang induction door was mainly based on Qi training. All the sect monks, There are almost no physical training cultivators. Therefore, there are only a few dozen physical training exercises in the Taishang Induction Sect, and they are all from the mainland.

It’s just that Luo Xiu’s surprise is inexplicable. Among a pile of miscellaneous books, he unexpectedly found a practice that suits his current situation. Of course, the most important thing about this practice is not how powerful he is, but this. The door gong method records the secret method of how to repair physical damage.

It’s just that when Luo Xiu read the introduction of the complete book, he couldn’t help but smile wryly. The rest of this exercise is normal, but the only thing is that when practicing this secret method, you must soak in the water of the Tongtian River to practice. Luo Xiu was helpless.

Because the river flowing in the Tongtian River is full of spiritual energy, ordinary monks dare not enter the river at all. Entering the Tongtian River, almost in a very short time, the body will be assimilated by the river water, and the energy attributes in the body will also Become the same existence as the Tongtian River and become a part of the Tongtian River.

This is why the Tongtian River is so weird. In fact, many of the rivers flowing in the Tongtian River are composed of monks’ corpses. The Tongtian River contains extremely terrifying auras, which almost no monk can hold. The invasion of Tongtianhe Reiki.

For some special reasons, almost all the monks in this world who are close to their lifespan will walk into the Tongtian River alone, turning themselves into a part of the Tongtian River. Therefore, the entire Tongtian River will not be unless there are some guys who want to die. If people take the initiative to enter the Tongtian River, the water that connects the Tianhe River is not something ordinary monks can hold.

Looking at the system provided by the system called the Nine Turns of Heavenly God Refining Body Jue, Luo Xiu was actually a bit deceived. From the name of this exercise, it is not difficult to tell that this is the exercise passed from Genting Tiangong, but he I don't believe that the guys in the Genting Tiangong can withstand the erosion of the Tongtian River.

"System, I will get some water from the Tongtian River later, and you will study it to see if there is any way to eliminate the corrosive force inside it. If it succeeds, then I will enter the Tongtian River and repair the damage on my body. If there is a chance, it depends on whether this Heavenly God Body Refining Secret Art is effective!” After a long time of pondering, Luo Xiu finally made up his mind. He was going to get some water from the Tongtian River and let the system study it to see if there was any way to break it down. The terrible corrosive power contained within.

"Okay. Actually, this system is also curious. How did the existence like the Tongtianhe violate the laws of physics, and why it appeared here? This Tongtianhe simply broke the physical celestial movement in the database of this system. Regardless of the existence, no matter how the system operates, it can’t understand the scene seen in front of you. In the void of the universe, without the influence of gravity or other external forces, this river can still flow like an ordinary river. It's incredible!" The system was very urgent, and said to Luo Xiu.

No way, anyone from the Earth Federation will be ruined by the Tongtian River when he sees this scene. At this moment, Luo Xiong is standing in the courtyard. He is inside the planet, looking up at the sky. At this moment, The river above them flows over their heads. Such a weird sight is simply eye-catching. With Luo Xiu's experience of traveling through many planes, I can't believe that one day I will see such an unconventional universe. landscape.

This kind of existence that seemed to him almost anti-scientific simply broke his Three Views, making Luo Xiu still feel so inexplicable every time he sees this scene until today. If it hadn't been for Luo Xiu's discovery before, now he would not even dare to imagine that one day he would see this scene and become so calm.

Especially the experience during this period of time made him deeply aware of the special meaning represented in the plane he was in. No matter where he looked at it, it was hard for him to believe that he could remain calm, but he really He did it, which was beyond his expectation.

Of course Luo Xiu didn't dare to go to the Tongtian River to steal the water from the Tongtian River, let alone whether he could do it, just the extremely rich and terrifying spiritual pressure around the Tongtian River was not something he could handle now, of course. Refers to his current identity.

If his main body goes forward, there is absolutely no problem. Even if you take a bath in the Tongtian River, it will only waste some time, but you can’t actually go there. So, I want to study the way. The secret of the Tianhe River water and the powerful corrosive power in the river water, Luo Xiu must find this thing by any means. Fortunately, in the Taishang Sensor Gate, there is such a thing as Tongtian River Water for sale, although the price is high. , But it is indeed the currency of this world.

It is not appropriate to say that the water of the Tongtian River is currency in circulation. It should be that the water of the Tongtian River was filled with a special bottle to form a trading currency. These are not very common things. The whole power of the Taishang induction gate is located. Within the scope, there is no aura containing spiritual energy such as a spiritual stone. It is calculated in terms of the amount of water in the Tongtian River, and it is also closely related to the practice methods of the Taishang Sensor Gate and the Genting Temple.

When he arrived at the Shan Gong Hall, Luo Xiu exchanged a few bottles of Tongtian River water, and hurriedly returned to his residence. On the way, he was carefully checking the Tongtian River water bit by bit with his spirit power. As expected, he found nothing. Among these rivers, there was nothing except feeling and its rich spiritual aura of heaven and earth, which made Luo Xiu frown slightly. He knew very well that the things contained in the water of Tongtian River were definitely more than this, otherwise, it would be impossible to explain it. The terror and corrosive power possessed.

It’s just that his own knowledge is limited. He can only hope that the system in his mind can see what’s wrong. After all, he has not seen the spiritual water containing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and he has also drunk a lot of spiritual water from heaven and earth. , But similar to Tongtianhe, which is almost abnormal in his opinion, and there is such a terrifying corrosive power, it is beyond Luo Xiu's imagination.

Returning to his residence, Luo Xiu took out the river water for the first time, and at the same time took out various testing instruments. With the help of the system, he easily tested all the water inside and outside the river before Luo Xiu shook silently. He shook his head and found nothing, except that ordinary water mixed with powerful spiritual energy combined to form this kind of river water, there was no other discovery.

It is impossible to say that it is not surprising. Although he had some guesses in his mind before, he was still disappointed when he found nothing. At the same time, Luo Xiu couldn't help but have some guesses in his mind about the situation of the Tongtian River. It was very abnormal. Obviously, this was something he had overlooked, or the direction of his research was wrong. Thinking of his previous thoughts and what he was doing now, Luo Xiu couldn't help but patted his forehead speechlessly, revealing Gave a wry smile.

"System, I think there is a problem with our research direction. Since the water in the Tongtian River has a strong corrosive force, then our research on this thing has no reference value at all. I even suspect that these rivers are in After leaving the Tongtian River, did some changes that we don’t know happen, for example, that special power will disappear completely because of the scarcity of the river! Or the river water we bought was processed by someone else Yes, it’s just the thought of sneaking out at this opportunity to get some authentic Tongtian River water. It’s really difficult to do. Although it seems that this Tongtian River is not at all precautionary, but from the memory of the old man , I know that where the Tongtian River passes, there are powerful formations guarding it. Is there any way to get the water of the Tongtian River quietly?" After a long time without results, Luo Xiu had to ask for help. At the same time, he said his guess. After all, there is only such an explanation, which can explain it. Now he has learned nothing from these rivers, and all he can think of is this.

Thinking of his previous impulsive thoughts, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling helpless at this moment. For him, this situation is definitely not what he wants to see, even if his whole person is now imprisoned in this world. He didn't want to take risks either. Although it was impossible to expose it with his current behavior, in order to prevent uncontrollable accidents, he had to consider everything clearly and all dangers had to be clear.

"Your guess is actually a little bit reasonable, but I am more inclined to have problems with the Tongtian River itself. The river water may be ordinary water containing spiritual power, but the entire Tongtian River itself may be a whole. The river water that circulates inside has long been contaminated with a special substance in the Tongtian River bed, which makes the water of the Tongtian River possess some special magical powers! The most important thing is that the Tongtian River we see is nothing but the Tongtian River Downstream of, have you noticed that the direction in which the main body of this river circulates in the void is nothing at all. Obviously it flows directly in the void. What is hidden in the void is unknown, but this The system is sure that there must be an extremely wide world inside, or that the entire Tongtian River is actually flowing in the endless plane of void!" After listening to Luo Xiu’s words, the system also fell into deep thought. Then he asked with a hint of hesitation in his tone.

"I don't quite understand what you mean. Could it be that you mean that this river is actually a bridge between the positive and negative worlds. It's not right. Such a strong vitality of the world cannot be faked. Is it true? Is there really something that we have to see in the river in person before we can be sure? It’s just that I always feel, it seems that everything is not as complicated as I think, just thinking, I think this river is a possession The powerful and intelligent river itself is a special existence, and the most important point is that I can be 80% sure that there must be weird inside this Tongtian River, otherwise, it cannot be explained that it is in the endless void. The throughput of the river flowing in it is almost the same. Looking up, you can find the weirdness of this river. It can be seen that there are many things that we have overlooked before!" Looking up at the magnificent Tongtian River above his head, Luo Xiu There was some speculation at the moment, and the tone was not so sure, he said hesitantly.