Technology Communication System

Chapter 1270: clue

"Almost, I want to return to the sect and return to my life. At the same time, I will report some things that I have recorded in the past thousand years. When I come back again, there should be someone else taking over the old man's duties. After all, my current identity is not suitable for doing it anymore. Don’t worry about the previous things. I, Yishen Gong, will be detrimental to you. We are just monitoring the balance between the great forces on both sides of the Tongtian River. We don’t care about your life or death at all. So next, you should deal with Genting Tiangong. When dealing with the threat of falling through the devil’s gate, we still have to take a long-term plan. It is best to find a vassal of the force equivalent to the size of the devil’s gate. This will ensure that your interests are not harmed and at the same time preserve the autonomy of your sect. When the old man left, I sent you a useful message, that is, the hundreds of gods in the Genting Tiangong have not gone far. They are on a floating island a million kilometers away from here, and they are now building a summoning. The altar has the same effect as the chicken soup we destroyed in the Tongtian River, but once the altar is successfully opened, the damage will be immeasurable. At that time, the door will be too close to the demon in the Tongtian River. The beast dies, you still need to face the cultivation environment with exhausted spiritual energy! Therefore, you should find a backer as soon as possible. Only in this way can they stop their crazy plan. The cultivation path of the guys in Genting Tiangong has been poisoned to death. Seeing the way forward, this group of people is crazy now. Therefore, fighting with you is actually very helpful to Genting Tiangong, but for you, it may not be a good thing. In fact, there are too many of them. There are many things, the old man cannot help you, I hope this news is still useful to you, but you must remember that if you want to prevent this war from happening, act as soon as possible, and the truth will change after the delay. I don’t need to say more !" Luo Xiu waved to them, turning around and left freely.

He knows very well that he doesn't care about these at all. To put it in a very fashionable way, he is now all light, pretending to be forced to leave, and he is still in line with his current status and status. , It does not violate the peace at all, and even has some unpredictable meaning. Of course, the news that Luo Xiu provided to them is still true and valid. It is not to fool them, and this is a real thing that may happen, so Luo Xiu Xiu is not alarmist either.

Hearing Luo Xiu’s words, everyone in the field became serious. For them, the impact of Luo Xiu’s words on them is really a bit big, even the performance has been extremely The calm and calm Taoist Linglong, at this moment, also showed a touch of shock because of Luo Xiu's words.

The more important point is that for them, Luo Xiu's words undoubtedly pointed out a way for them, and even said inappropriate words. The last words Luo Xiu said are more in line with the too sensitive. Benefits, as for the so-called ecological environment of the Tongtian River, it has nothing to do with them. For the time being, even the current Tongtian River flowing normally for hundreds of millions of years is not a problem. For such a long time in the future, ghosts Worried about things at that time.

As for the so-called sect in Luo Xiu’s mouth, they didn’t care at all. They were so far away from them that they couldn’t attract any interest at all. In other words, Luo Xiu’s performance was shown to the blind. Blind for nothing. Of course, Luo Xiu didn't know all of this. If he knew, he would definitely vomit three liters of blood.

"Thank you fellow Daoist for telling me straight, that fellow Daoist, you have a good journey. If you have time, you can come back and see if you are too sensitive. As for your family members, my Dao Master will send someone to arrange them. My Dao Master can assure you, absolutely I won't treat them badly!" Taoist Linglong glanced at Luo Xiu deeply, and said in a leisurely tone.

Hearing the words of Taoist Linglong, Luo Xiu shook his head hurriedly, and said indifferently: "You really don't need your help. Those guys have nothing to do with the old man for half a cent. As for the old man's identity, it is also a disguise. A hundred years ago, this person was already dead. You don’t have to doubt what I said. This guy is the spy that other sects set up with you. Do you still remember that all these years, when you moved the planet, you encountered a total of There have been so many sneak attacks and assassinations, and every time it is the information provided by this person, so what kind of use is this, it is the female worker of Genting Tiangong who has planted in your place!"

After dropping such a sentence, Luo Xiu turned around and jumped up into the air, disappearing in front of everyone. According to the instructions of the system, Luo Xiu easily crossed this area and flew in the endless void. He felt that even now There are no planets here, but the vitality of the heavens and the earth is still very strong. The weird and magical natural landscape of Tongtian River really shocked him a lot, and made Luo Xiu truly realize that this starry sky is extremely rich and terrifying. Heaven and earth psychic energy.

Over the years, Luo Xiu has not been in vain. On the one hand, he worked hard to find opportunities to repair his injuries, and at the same time, he constantly explored everything about the entire world. The most important point was that when he knew that the entire Tongtian River had such a sight, It was composed of human blood, which made him feel incredible, and at the same time he was curious about how terrifying the powerful creatures were. Is it true that a drop of blood is even more terrifying than a river, like the legend.

Thinking of his previous calculations, Luo Xiu's heart at this moment is actually very broken. Compared with his previous experience, he can clearly feel that over time, the more powerful existence he sees, Luo Xiu Found that many things have become no longer under his control.

During the flight, he encountered many sneak attacks by monks. These were the interstellar pirates exiled by other forces. What made him even more unbelievable was that the cultivation level of this world’s casual cultivator was worse than some sect families. To be powerful.

After more than three years of flying, Luo Xiu finally arrived at the location of another force, which was called a starry sky gate. The reason why the entire starry sky gate occupies such a good location is precisely because the starry sky gate has several powerful emperors. The person sits down.

Luo Xiu just stayed here for a while, and then left the area directly. After all, the relationship between this school and Taishang induction is not very good. Although there is no major dispute between the two parties, there is actually no such thing. What kind of friendship.

And more importantly, Luo Xiu didn't dare to stay for a long time in the starry sky gate area. Firstly, the aura he showed on his body belonged to the cultivation system that was too sensitive to the gate, so he was worried about causing unnecessary trouble. , Secondly, it’s also because the cultivation forces here are extremely exclusive. After Luo Xiu let the system obscured his breath, he manipulated the demarcation compass and left this area at the fastest speed. Although there were some people who didn’t have long eyes to come to him for trouble, But they were all easily dismissed by Luo Xiu.

Flying upstream along the Tongtian River, Luo Xiu's road is simply an eye-opener. All kinds of sights, man-made and naturally generated sights that are almost invisible in his impression, are shown in his In front of me, it is so shocking and shocking in the heart. Whether it is a place where humans gather, or a planet moved by humans, it has almost become a natural landscape on both sides of the Tongtian River. .

What made his heart sway even more was that the terrifying spiritual aura of heaven and earth in every area he experienced on the way of flying was so surprising. He found that as he entered the upper reaches of the Tongtian River, The concentration of aura emanating from both sides of the Tongtian River is beyond imagination. In addition, not every area on the Tongtian River is covered by the formation, even if more than 90% of the Tongtian River is completely destroyed by the formation. The ground was covered up, but the rest still made him feel extremely shocked. Except at the junction of the major forces, for various reasons, the Ji Ling formation has a regional buffer zone. The entire Tongtian River is like a transparent glass covering the whole. People feel shocked.

And what makes people feel even more incredible is that the closer to the upper reaches, the entire Tongtian River is like a cylindrical pillar. Without the constraints of the river bed, the Tongtian River can flow in the void. This kind of scene that cannot be seen in nature is real. The scene that happened before his eyes really made him feel shocked and inexplicable. Originally, he thought his previous speculation was true, but when he saw the real appearance of Tongtianhe, he knew that he was downstream. What I saw was just the tip of the iceberg.

Compared with what he had seen before, the scene he saw right now made him unable to describe the shock in his heart with words. No matter where he looked at it, Luo Xiu could not believe that this scene was formed naturally.

However, thinking of the information he had collected from the Taishang Sensor Gate, Luo Xiu couldn't help but murmured that the source of the entire Tongtian River was probably formed by the war between immortals and demons in ancient times. This kind of speculation is actually reasonable. The more important thing is that Luo Xiu's previous flicks did not arouse the suspicion of many old guys who were too close to the sensory door. It proved that there is such a force in Tongtian River that is maintaining the normal operation of Tongtian River.

This is something Luo Xiu had not considered clearly before. Now he is in the void and looking at the Tongtian River underground, he has a weird feeling. Especially the most important point is that the closer to the Tongtian River, the stronger the concentration of heaven and earth vitality. This weird distribution of heaven and earth vitality turned out to be a manifestation of Tongtianhe's aura while absorbing various cosmic rays in the universe to make up for its own consumption.

In combination with the sections of the river that he had seen previously that were blocked by the formation, Luo Xiu couldn't help but shook his head. The forces along the Tongtian River had already done something wrong. If they left Tongtian River alone, they would let them go. The Tongtian River is growing stronger and stronger, and will not be cut off like it is now.

Luo Xiu's aimless flight is not very fast. He knows very well that in this situation, he has no goals, but he can't choose a place to stay indiscriminately, because of his own reasons and the aura of cultivation. May cause unnecessary trouble for him.

The more important point is that for him today, one of these cultivation forces along the Tongtian River is counted as one, and he does not want to contact them easily again, because the environment here is not suitable for practitioners like him. This cultivation, even if the natural environment here is only extremely suitable for monks to practice, but the law of heaven and earth is indeed a big problem.

The cultivation level of the practitioners in this world is a luxury to reach the emperor state, not to mention that his current cultivation level is about to break through this state. Now that he has found a way to repair the soul damage, what he needs to do next It is to find a suitable place to break through the current realm as soon as possible. Only in this way, during the following cosmic travel, will there be various uncontrolled situations due to poor cultivation.

Luo Xiu was also an eye-opener during the flight on this road. He saw too many cultivation civilizations, various cultivation systems, various monsters and some cultivation civilizations made of insects, and a starry sky of strange things. The Orcs, and some of the various cultivation systems that are full of incomparable novelty, opened Luo Xiu's horizons, and at the same time completely entered the state of play.

He has seen too many cultivators who were very rare before, and he has also found the true source of the Heavenly God Body Refining Jue. This is Luo Xiu passing through a place called the Haoyang Star Region. He is curious about this After staying in the extremely prosperous area for three years, by chance, in a gathering, what I knew about the true source of this God's Body Refining Art.

The reason for paying attention to this point is also nothing, because after practicing the Heavenly God Body Refining Judgment, although he can repair the damage on his soul, he does not know whether it is because of the characteristics of the technique or what, he is a little surprised to find , I want to practice other techniques, I can't do it at all. Even the Great Seal Technique I practiced before, the Nine Turns Universe Art, etc., can no longer be used, it is simply desperate.

At this moment, Luo Xiu, who is determined to practice the body of the gods, can hardly practice other exercises, because the energy from other exercises will almost be assimilated by the gods of body training in a very short time. Luo Xiu guessed that this should have a certain connection with the water of the Tongtian River when it was necessary to cultivate with the gods.

However, after he practiced the Heavenly God Body Refining Art, he discovered that this exercise actually had great flaws, and the more important thing was that the exercise was incomplete. This was something Luo Xiu could not bear, and it was helpless. There are so many various cultivation techniques in the system database, but they can't make up for the missing part of the Heavenly God Body Refining Art.