Technology Communication System

Chapter 1271: Meiling Five Immortals

Therefore, while playing in this star field, Luo Xiu collected some cultivation resources, and at the same time paid attention to the technique of the Heavenly God Body Refining Technique. After all, he did not know the real source of this technique. , So I can only look for it with a try.

Therefore, during Luo Xiu's next trip, every time he passes through a human planet, he will go down and search for it, because he is sure that such a powerful cultivation technique like the Heavenly God Body Refining Technique must be inherited. , After all, Tianshen's physical training determined to cultivate to the highest level, not much weaker than his current spell cultivation base.

And Luo Xiu didn’t want to abolish the Heavenly God Body Refining Art, because the special effect of Heaven God’s Body Refining Art was able to strengthen his soul body without any side effects, because now he is like a cultivator of both Law and Body, and he is that This kind of combat power can crush the strong presence of most cultivators of the same level. Even if he doesn't have much experience in fighting, Luo Xiu can still slap his chest without exaggeration and say that he is now a top powerhouse.

As for Luo Xiu, now that he has found clues about the source of the Heavenly God Body Refining Art, Luo Xiu stopped his travels in the Haoyang Star Region. After this journey, Luo Xiu saw too The many natural landscapes also gave him a different experience in the void universe. The lonely personal travel is still second. The only thing he has not thought of before is the reason for the breath in the body now. In the process of practicing Luo Xiu, he could obviously feel that he could not do without the Tianhe River in cultivating the Heavenly God Body Refining Art. This was unacceptable in Luo Xiu’s previous plan, even the reason Staying in the Haoyang Star Territory was also because the Tongtian River on his body was gone, and he had to find a place to replenish it before staying here temporarily.

And what makes Luo Xiu a little worried is that after trial and error during this period of time, Luo Xiu discovered that even if he took out the eight-treasure exquisite pagoda on his body to fill the Tongtian River, he could barely let the Tongtian River water and keep it. Three years of activity, after three years, these river waters will become ordinary spiritual waters, and they will not have the effect of cultivating the Heavenly God Body Refining Jue.

Therefore, Luo Xiu at the moment is both disappointed and unhappy in his heart. There is no way. The cultivation of the Heavenly God Body Refining Art must always replenish the weird power in the Tongtian River that has been consumed during the period of practice, but time and time again. , Has made him a little crazy. Because he discovered that he seems to be inseparable from the water of the Tianhe River. What is even more bizarre is that he can no longer practice other similar exercises due to the practice of the Heavenly God Body Refining Technique, so that he is now a bit hard to ride a tiger and is in an extremely difficult situation. awkward.

During this period of time, Luo Xiu has been looking for a solution to this matter. On this day, while Luo Xiu was still wandering on the street of the city on a planet, a talisman flew towards him, and Luo Xiu's heart With a move, he stretched out his hand to receive this talisman, and after reading the information brought by the talisman, he couldn't help but smile.

It was a very powerful existence that Luo Xiu had met during this period of time. This monarch was named Zhao Yuming. This Zhao Yuming was not only a peak saint strong, but he also had an extremely strong personal power. The power is spread throughout the starry sky. In this area, as long as Zhao Yuming speaks, there is almost no information he can't find. Therefore, Luo Xiu spent a great price and asked him to help search for news about the Heavenly God's Body Refining Technique until Luo Xiu Having already waited impatiently and was about to give up, this man brought him such unexpected information.

After reading the information, Luo Xiu didn't say a word, and flew directly to the place Zhao Yuming had agreed with him. This time, he felt that he must have gained something. After all, the confidence in Zhao Yuming's information was separated by Luo Xiu. The information can also be felt, so he did not hesitate to increase the speed to the maximum at this moment, and hurried to the address recorded by Yujian.

Only when he came to the area where the two met, Luo Xiu couldn't help but frowned when he saw the situation in the field. The situation was a bit unexpected, because there was not only Zhao Yuming present, but there were three other men and one woman standing in four. Being together is extremely abrupt, plus Zhao Yuming's five people, which is completely different from the previous information. Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu couldn't help being more cautious. He was quite sure that he was a little rash this time. It is not difficult to see from the attitudes of these people in the court that he took the money so quickly that he was a little worried about him. I’m on it, I’ve always been low-key. Apart from asking Zhao Yuming to help him search for information about the Heavenly God’s Body Refining Technique at such a high price this time, Luo Xiu’s performance is as low-key as he is. Looking at the scene before him, it is obvious that even if he deliberately kept a low profile, it has aroused these people's suspicion, but they don't know why they are looking for themselves.

"Friend Zhao Yuming, after receiving the message from you, the old man rushed over quickly, did you make a major discovery, and who are these fellow Taoists?" Luo Xiu confronted the three men and one woman in the field. He nodded his head, looked at Zhao Yuming, and asked curiously.

At the same time, when he heard Luo Xiu's words, the smile on Zhao Yuming's face almost burst into a chrysanthemum. He looked at Luo Xiu with some excitement, and said with a hint of excitement in his tone: "Friend Luo, no With your trust, I have gained a lot this time. The five Taoists of the Five Immortals in Meiling are people who can provide information about the body refining tactics of the gods. When they were exploring the cave house of an ancient refiner, they discovered I took them here to see you because of the Tianshen training exercises you wanted. As for why they chose such a remote place, just to avoid unnecessary troubles. After all, the five daoists in Meiling are The wanted criminal in the starry sky, so, you know!"

Luo Xiu was stunned when he heard Zhao Yuming's words, and then he was a little relieved. If the Meiling Five Immortals are really wanted in this area, they can be explained clearly, but He did not relax his vigilance. Obviously, these four guys were not easy to provoke at first sight, even if the female slender was extremely beautiful.

"Ha ha ha, Lao Fu Luo Xiu has seen the five Taoists of the Five Immortals in Meiling!" Luo Xiu said with a smile at the five people.

At this moment, Luo Xiu could clearly feel that because of Zhao Yuming’s words, the atmosphere in the field became a bit subtle, not as Zhao Yuming had imagined, the situation was rather tense, even Luo Xiu at this moment It was also this kind of feeling, he was quite sure that his intuition was very correct. Many times in the past, this feeling could save his life. At this time, Luo Xiu absolutely believed in his own feelings.

However, Luo Xiu did not show it. Instead, he became more and more curious about what he could think of by these people, or in other words, they didn’t want to treat themselves at all, but wanted something. The situation in China is not difficult to see, these people are not too hostile, but seem to be somewhat flattering.

So Luo Xiu suppressed the suspicion in his heart, looked at the four men and one woman with a suspicious expression, and then looked at them and asked: "Five fellow daoists, long admiring the name, since the things are in your hands, no Knowing what price the old man has to pay, how many are willing to sell the things to the old man?"

Luo Xiu had an expression on his face at the moment. Even though he was wary, the expression on his face hardly changed, but he didn't want these people to see his disguise, so when he said this, his tone of voice Deliberately maintaining peace is actually a touch of tentativeness.

He knew very well that the Meiling Five Immortals would appear here, and they must have already planned to trade with him. Compared with this situation, Luo Xiu is more worried about another thing at this moment, that is, the real group of people. What's the purpose? At this moment, even Zhao Yuming has maintained sufficient vigilance. Obviously, Zhao Yuming and these five people should be in a group, otherwise, they would not stand so close.

Because no matter how stupid Luo Xiu was, he would never believe that if the relationship between the two parties had not reached a certain level, it would be impossible to stand so close. This kind of distance is definitely not a safe distance for the existence of these powerful cultivation bases. For him, being hundreds of meters away from these people still feels insecure, not to mention that Zhao Yuming and the six of them stand together, making it impossible to see any abnormalities at all. This is the biggest problem. .

"We’ve already told five fellow daoists about the request of fellow daoists. We don’t need to pay anything from fellow daoists. We only need fellow daoists to go to a secret realm with us. The reason for this request is also because We are not strong enough. With the help of the five of us, it is impossible to open the secret realm. We can only find two more, and the seven of us work together to have such a glimmer of hope of success!" Among the five immortals of Meiling, Sun Tuozi looked at Luo Xiu like this. Obviously, he also realized that they had been exposed, so he didn't come to the point, and said straightforwardly.

"Ancient Secret Realm? What kind of place is it? Seven peak saints are needed to open the possibility. A few Daoists are not trying to make money and kill them. If that is the case, then forgive me. Don't accompany me!" Luo Xiu heard what they said, his first reaction was not to believe it!

What kind of ancient secret realm can only be opened by the cooperation of seven peak saints. These words are simply bullying him for not understanding this star field, even if Luo Xiu has not lived here, but in the past three years, he It’s not for nothing. In the past three years, he has roughly figured out most of the situation here, and he has almost searched the entire star field. Even with the help of the system’s capabilities, Luo Xiu carefully I sorted out all the cultural environment here, and even after trading with Zhao Yuming, Luo Xiu even disguised himself in order to prevent being trapped.

Even in order to get Zhao Yuming’s help, Luo Wei paid a terrible price, but for his own safety, Luo Xiu also acted cautiously. He was confident that he could not be exposed, so there was only one possibility, that is, he was talking to Zhao. The transaction between Yuming exposed his rich family background and attracted the coveted hearts of these people.

It’s just that Luo Xiu seriously looked at the Meiling Five Immortals and Zhao Yuming, who looked at him expectantly. Thinking about it, he felt a little unlikely. After all, if the six of them really wanted him maliciously, they would join forces. , Presumably, before Luo Xiu showed enough strong strength, these people should not be so defensive against him.

When the people on the opposite side heard Luo Xiu’s words, they had the urge to vomit blood. The corners of the mouths of a few people twitched. There is no way. Although Luo Xiu’s words are a bit unpleasant, they are indeed somewhat close. It's just that neither Zhao Yuming nor the Meiling Five Immortals can admit it.

They have been able to mix in this world for such a long time, they have long been mature, and they were so easily tested by Luo Xiu to find out the details, but they have asked for it to become so polite, after all, Meiling Five Immortals In the entire starry sky, it is not a good reputation. The reason why several people behaved so politely to Luo Xiu is just because they have asked for it. Instead of when the time comes, because of this or that thing, things become a mess. It's better to get everything done completely at this time, and both Zhao Yuming and the Five Immortals of Meiling clearly recognize Luo Xiu's existence value.

Of course, Luo Xiu didn't know all of this. At this moment, he was looking at the six people on the opposite side seriously. For these six guys, Luo Xiu was actually very defensive in his heart, especially for the desolate scene here. Luo Xiu is actually a little drummer in his heart. With his current cultivation base, it should be no problem to withstand the attacks of these people and escape under their attacks.

Only from the conversation just now, Luo Xiu saw some differences. Obviously, the five immortals of Meiling and Zhao Yuming in front of them like to hope that they can go on adventures with them, although they don’t know that these people fight Luo Xiu thought about it, but he was ready to watch the changes. After all, with his superficial knowledge of the world, Luo Xiu didn’t think he had missed this opportunity. He wanted to get the Heavenly God Body Refining Technique. There is a better chance.

But thinking of the information he had previously received, he not only gave birth to some hope at this moment. After all, the Heavenly God Body Refining Technique was a useless technique for the entire cultivator on both sides of the Tongtian River. Few people Dare to practice this kind of exercise, because once you leave the Tongtian River, then this exercise is a waste. Not only will the cultivation base become stronger because of the strength of this exercise, it will be allowed to be cultivated because of the Tongtian River. In order to stagnate, but for Luo Xiu, this practice is actually an extremely suitable practice for him.