Technology Communication System

Chapter 1272: Gong Fa

"Friends joked, we don’t mean that at all. We are not fools. Of course, we understand the truth that twisted melons are not sweet. Therefore, this exercise is only a prerequisite for our transaction. We will discuss the benefits of this trip later. The distribution problem, this day, if the daoist needs it, I can give it to you immediately. You first verify the authenticity of the exercise! If the six of us can open the ancient secret realm, we won’t invite you to come together. Go, there’s nothing to hide, we’ve been looking for it for a long time. The reason why you chose Daoist is only because you come from other worlds and have no foundation in the starry sky, so I chose you like this. It’s not us. What are you trying to do, but because a lone traveler like Daoist will not cause us unnecessary trouble, as long as we can abide by each other's covenant and set things, then there will be no fighting, but we In this way, as long as there is a battle, it will attract the attention of the major forces. Therefore, as long as we have no conflict of interest with each other, it will not cause the attention of the major forces because of the leak!" Seeing Luo Xiu behaved so cautiously, Na Anning couldn’t help but Hehe smiled, and said straightforwardly.

At the same time, after listening to An Ning’s words, Luo Xiu couldn’t help but raised his brows, revealing a weird look. For him, he probably understood the plans of these people, but when he really understood this When the group wanted to do something, there was only one sentence left in their throats.

For him, he was very curious about where these people's self-confidence came from. Luo Xiu didn't think that the Meiling Five Immortals and the others could get him. As long as he was ready to take action, most of these people in front of him could not be avoided. His fierce attack, although the combination of six people is also extremely terrifying, but Luo Xiu believes that as long as he wants to go, these people will not be able to keep himself.

Because of the system, Luo Xiu has a lot of confidence to deal with any emergencies, and he knows that with his current strength, the number of people has never been a problem, and even the Meiling Five Immortals in front of him are fundamental. He didn't care about it, and the only thing he could be wary of was this Zhao Yuming.

It’s just that after the previous experience of dealing with this person, Luo Xiu also has no defensive heart against this person, and he also has a back hand. The reason why he showed his vast wealth in front of Zhao Yuming was all he did. But to attract this person as much as possible, let him do his best to do things for himself.

As for the so-called ancient secret realm among the five immortals and five populations in Meiling, Luo Xiu was a bit scornful. After all, he was not interested in this so-called secret realm at all, and there was even a secret realm on his body. He never looked at this place. After all, what can be called a secret realm is the burial ground of some dead people. The ghost knows what risks are hidden in it, and the gain is often out of proportion to the effort.

Besides, Luo Xiu's cultivation has never needed much resources. He doesn't think that what kind of ancient secret realm can increase his cultivation level. As for this person's proposal, he should first give him the exercises. Luo Xiu just After thinking for two or three seconds, he stretched out his right hand.

"Since several Taoist friends have said so, the wife is not welcome. First, hand over the exercises to the old man. The old man has to verify the correctness of the exercises. As for the rest, we will discuss it later. What do you think? "Luo Xiu saw the appearance of these people, especially when he looked at An Ning's way of eating him, he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth and said.

At the same time, the Meiling Five Immortals on the opposite side were taken aback, looking at Luo Xiu a little weirdly, but An Ning curled his lips without talking nonsense, and threw the jade slip that recorded the exercises to Luo Xiu, Luo Xiu stretched out his hand. After taking it, Divine Soul dived directly into the jade slip, checked it hastily, and at the same time asked the system to record all the content of the exercises, deducing the accuracy of the exercises.

Then Luo Xiu raised his head and looked at the six people in front of him. Seeing them looking at him expectantly, Luo Xiu couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and asked curiously: "A few fellow daoists, do you really think, Is it that simple? The so-called ancient mystery, although the old man does not know what it is, you have to consider it carefully. There have been many terrible old monsters in the Haoyang Star Territory, and those perverted guys are not at ease. What kind of heart, if we break into their cemetery, we will really kill ourselves!"

For the so-called ancient secret realm Luo Xiu among the population, he actually prefers whether it is the place where a super strong person is buried. Although all the cultivators on both sides of the Tongtian River die, their bodies will be buried in the Tongtian River, but there are some The guy who relies on his own strong strength, is looking for an unmanned planet or cutting some special planes, and hiding his body in it. There are actually many similar situations. After all, human beings are definitely a contradiction. The more people tried to do things, Luo Xiu seemed hesitant in his heart at this moment.

"Don’t worry about this fellow Daoist. After these years of research, we are sure that although there will be danger this time, it will definitely not cost my life. We have spent many years collecting information before, and this time it was accurately determined. Daoist Zhao Yuming can only be found in this ancient secret realm. Daoist Zhao should know the strength of the five immortals in Meiling. Therefore, fellow daoists don’t have to worry about my safety. We cooperate with each other and you should not be too wary of me. Five people!" The beauty Xiu Anning saw that Luo Xiu was still incapable of entering, she couldn't help showing a confident smile, then pointed at each of them, and said helplessly.

Although the Meiling Five Immortals' cultivation is also a saint, there is still a long way to go from the cultivation to the peak of the saint. Therefore, when the beautiful female Xiu Anning said these words, Luo Xiu was actually a little moved. After all, he had already checked the system hastily. Although the Heavenly God Body Training Art that these people gave him was somewhat different from the practice he is now practicing, Luo Xiu found after checking that it was also possible. Practicing, this gave Luo Xiu a weird look. Could it be that the Heavenly God Body Refining Art has really been divided into seventy-two parts, and anyone practicing has different effects.

Reminiscent of the things that he was worried about before, Luo Xiu at this moment is determined to discover the secrets hidden behind the Celestial Body Refining Technique. For him, the Celestial Body Refining Technique is related to his future path of cultivation and cannot be helped. A little sloppy. More importantly, the powerful power of the Heavenly God Body Refining Jue made him fascinated. After all, although there are techniques that can enhance and modify the soul body, it requires extremely exaggerated cultivation resources to accumulate. While cultivating the physical body, you can also synchronize your soul with the powerful exercises, which is almost unheard of, unheard of.

"Several fellow daoists, I want to ask about one thing. Why is the practice you gave me so different from the practice I practiced? Can you explain it to the old man? If you can tell the old man , Then it’s not a big deal with you, but if you can’t persuade the old man, then don’t blame the old man for turning his face!” Although he had already determined that there was nothing wrong with the technique he had obtained, Luo Xiu still spoke.

Because he hopes to swindle some useful information from these people. After all, Luo Xiu actually knows very little about the Haoyang Star Territory, and he doesn't know the details of these people. At the same time, the most important point is Luo Xiu. I want to take this opportunity to completely make my image tough in front of these people.

Of course, this kind of toughness was shown in front of these people. He didn't want to. But when he followed the crowd to explore the so-called ancient mystery, he was tricked by others. When the time comes to deal with the calculations behind these people, the ghost knows what it is. What kind of things are hidden in the ancient secret realm, if there is a powerful corpse demon, wouldn't it be complete?

At this moment, Luo Xiu's words just fell, but the five immortals of Meiling in the field showed a stunned expression, and each of them was even more excited and inexplicable, but the beautiful beauty Xiu Anning quickly calmed down and was speechless. Looking at Luo Xiu, he asked with extreme earnestness, "This fellow Luo Daoist, I don’t know if the cultivation technique in your hand can be seen by the little girl. I want to know what your so-called cultivation technique is different. It's not the same. After all, people who have never seen this kind of exercises can't understand the cultivation tips of this kind of exercises at all. You don't have to worry that I will fall back on you!

Meimei Xiu knows that under the current situation, the cause of the whole incident, if they can’t handle it, then all the next calculations will be useless. For a few of them, Luo Xiu can indeed help. To them, they opened the ancient secret realm, which is exactly their main purpose. At this point, Luo Xiu misunderstood them. As for what happens between everyone after the secret realm is opened, it is not Luo Xiu's need. Things to worry about.

Luo Xiu was stunned when he heard An Ning’s words, but he seemed to want to do something without talking nonsense. He directly used the Celestial Body Refining Technique he had cultivated and the Celestial God he had obtained from the Meiling Five Immortals. At the same time, he threw it to An Ning. Of course, Luo Xiu was not worried that this guy would make any small movements. As early as the beginning, Luo Xiu had already written down this exercise thoroughly, so he was not worried about accidents. When things happen, Luo Xiu doesn't want to know why An Ning said this, but seeing her serious face makes her feel a little funny.

For a long time, when Luo Xiu and others were a little impatient, An Ning looked at Luo Xiu in surprise, and asked curiously: "Friend Luo, where did your practice come from, and what we gave you? There is no problem with the exercise method. Although the five immortals of Meiling have been killing people over the years, we still have credibility. The little girl has admitted that she is very knowledgeable over the years. I can swear by Dao Xin that I will definitely not deceive you. Meaning! As for why the two exercises are so different, and there are so many similarities, I am not too clear. I only know that when we got this exercise, there was actually a certain chance. The harsh requirements of Fa cultivation, no one has practiced this exercise on us for almost a thousand years. If it weren’t for Zhao Daoyou contacting us, we would have almost forgotten that there are still this kind of exercises!” Anning looked serious. Luo Xiu couldn't help but frown.

At this moment, he certainly knew that this woman did not lie, but for one thing, Luo Xiu was actually a bit entangled. Although he had already determined that Anning’s remarks did not deceive him, he also wanted to know more about the gods refining. Jue’s secret, so I just pretended to frown and looked at Anning, and didn’t say anything.

"Friend Luo, I, Zhao Yuming, think that I am still very accurate in seeing people. I have contacted too many practitioners over the years, but it can be said that people with such knowledge and interest like An Ning are still rare, so , You don’t have to worry about what they will do with this exercise, the old man can guarantee again, if it is really because of this exercise, you will lose anything to fellow Daoists, all the consequences will be borne by the old man, what do you think? It is to negotiate the conditions of cooperation. Let us open the ancient secret realm together. Although we don’t know what exists in the ancient secret realm, we still have to make some preparations for the sake of safety! Waste time here, it is really a bit unreasonable , After all, I have heard about this God Refining Body Judgment. I heard that my ancestor once mentioned this exercise. It is actually composed of 72 exercises. The reason why it is so powerful lies in this. Since then, no one has dared to practice this technique. Firstly, it is difficult to collect this technique, and more importantly, the conditions for practicing this technique are actually very harsh, even if we rely on Tongtianhe here, there is such a richness. I can’t guarantee that there will be enough heaven and earth auras for me to wait for my cultivation. Although this technique is a bit abnormally powerful, to be honest, the process of cultivation is also extremely grasping. Crazy!" Seeing Luo Xiu behaving like this, Zhao Yuming obviously doubted their motives. He couldn't help but smile, watching Luo Xiu helplessly open his mouth and explain.

"Hehe, I don’t have to worry about everyone. Is there any problem with this technique? The old man still needs to practice in the next days to see the effect. More importantly, I need to know what you want. What are you doing? It’s impossible for the old man to go with you with just one mouth. After all, the old man’s safety issue is still very important. As a lone traveler, once you join forces to target me, then I will have to die. So if I can’t ensure my safety, it’s impossible for me to take this risk with you!” Luo Xiu saw the other people’s appearance and couldn’t help but cocked the corners of his mouth, revealing a weird smile, and said in a very calm tone. Said.