Technology Communication System

Chapter 1278: Guess and real

Relying on the extremely strong evil spirits in this secret realm, even though Meiling Five Immortals had supernatural powers, the supernatural powers used by Zhenjun Haoyang just restrained the five ghosts and supernatural powers. For a while, the two sides also fought. They were well matched, and Luo Xiu noticed the expressions of other people in the field, and he couldn't help but smiled slightly. Obviously, the strength of True Monarch Haoyang showed that they also made these people more vigilant. Shi was still in a hostile state, so much so that no one helped Meiling Five Immortals.

"Don’t listen to the nonsense of these five guys. If they are not my race, their hearts will be different. You have also noticed that the special environment here, the old guy, the heavenly ghost and Taoist, had five powerful ghosts comparable to the peak of a saint. Servant, and we happened to encounter five ghost races with the same strong cultivation base. If there is no connection among them, this seat would not believe it. The true monarch has guessed that entering into adversity will encounter danger. But the scene before us tells us clearly that these five guys are the servants of the heavenly ghosts and Taoists back then. As for why they eagerly intercepted us, the purpose is self-evident. They must be to swallow the heavenly ghosts and Taoists' treasures! And don’t forget, we’ve been here for more than three months. These five guys didn’t come in with us. They went straight to here as soon as they came in. They basically had a very clear goal. And if it wasn't for the five of them that disturbed the aura here and caused some cracks in the ghost formation that day, we would not be separated from the formation. It can be seen that these people are absolutely familiar with this place. I suspect that they are heavenly ghosts. The five ghost servants of the Taoist, if this is the case, then they can't be let in!" Seeing that these people were said by the five immortals of Meiling, True Monarch Haoyang couldn't help but look a little eager, and show his mercy. After having two supernatural powers, forcing a few of them to dare not come forward, they took a deep breath and said in annoyance.

No way, it's really their current situation, and it's not so good. Because of the special environment here, the vitality of the heavens and the earth is extremely thin, but the evil spirits are extremely strong. Until now, the two sides can be said to have made every move. All kinds of methods have come out, but it is undeniable that, due to environmental reasons, the five ghosts of Meiling have hardly consumed much at this moment. They are still living and vigorous. Instead, they are the vast sun above Zhenjun Haoyang, and there are also at this moment. A touch of dimness.

Even Luo Xiu couldn’t help but moved slightly when he heard the words of True Monarch Haoyang. He had suspected that the five fellows of the Five Immortals of Meiling were weird, but after True Monarch Haoyang reminded him, Luo Xiu was truly conscious. By the time, Zhenjun Haoyang’s speculation was 100% correct. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain that these five guys were still fluttering before, and in a blink of an eye they became this ghostly look. To say it was a coincidence was almost an insult to his IQ.

For Luo Xiu at this moment, the scene that happened before his eyes made him feel very surprised. You know, at this moment, there are more than 20 people in the field. Once so many people join forces to besiege, No matter how powerful the Meiling Five Immortals were, it was impossible for them to beat them.

So when these people took off one by one, preparing to intercept the five immortals of Meiling, the five guys looked at each other and nodded together, and then saw a roar in the sky, the endless evil spirit seemed to have been found. The organization was the same, madly rushing to the five Meiling Five Immortals. In Luo Xiu's shocking eyes, Sun Tuozi led the Meiling Five Immortals to form a weird formation almost instantly.

And when this formation took shape, an extremely terrifying aura came from the field. After everyone saw the situation in the field, they couldn’t help but breathe in the air, and the five immortals of Meiling actually formed a whole, a height of 100 meters. The huge ghost appeared in the field, with awe-inspiring aura, faintly exceeding the endurance limit of this world, and the entire secret realm was trembling crazily, as if under great pressure, as if it could collapse anytime, anywhere.

Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu couldn't help but breathe in the air. If he had the opportunity to fish in the muddy water before, thinking about whether he could get some benefits, but seeing the scene before him, Luo Xiu was completely dispelled. What other thoughts in his mind.

At this moment, Luo Xiu did not hesitate anymore. Seeing this scene, he almost turned around without saying a word. There were a few people who reacted the same way as Luo Xiu. They all saw that the situation was not good. Obviously, they also know that under the current situation, if they are still here, it is definitely a death-seeking behavior, not to mention that for them, no matter which side of the two sides wins, it is not good for them. Instead of wasting time here to watch the excitement, it is better to be straightforward and go directly to the ghost town that day to see if you can get some benefits.

"Host, be careful, don't be a bird, the sky ghost city has a defense formation, if you rush in, there will definitely be danger, first find a place to hide, see how they end, and make the next step Action!" The system warned very seriously.

With the delimitation compass, Luo Xiu left the battlefield almost instantly, disappearing in the other people’s uncertain eyes, and the huge ghost composed of the five immortals of Meiling roared to the sky, followed by an extremely terrifying invisible sound wave. , An instant filled the audience, making Luo Xiu's body in the special space stiff for a moment. Not to mention, the strong people around who are still around, these guys are stiffened by this silent shock wave at this moment, and a few unlucky ones have directly exploded their heads.

The restored Luo Xiu subconsciously raised the power of the delimitation compass to the strongest. At the same time, he turned around and couldn't help but was stunned. There were still thirteen people alive in the field, and the remaining few were killed almost instantly. . At this moment, the huge ghost formed by the combination of the five immortals Meilin in Meiling was pressing down with a slap, and in the next moment, everyone in front of him would be wiped out.

Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. Immediately after that, True Monarch Haoyang and the others on the opposite side of the Five Immortals of Meiling erupted into the sky with powerful magical power attacks, and the battle between the two sides once again entered a fierce heat.

On the other side, the people who originally flew into the sky, seeing them continue to fight, couldn’t help but flew towards the sky ghost city. Along the way, everyone used the energy of milking and exerted all their strength. Everyone flew towards the sky under strong pressure. Along the way, Luo Xiu couldn't help frowning as he watched the speed flying like a turtle crawling. At this moment, he could also feel the pressure from his body. The stronger.

What made him feel even more at a loss was that the system could not help him at all in this situation, and the most important point was that the countless release of pressure in his heart at this moment had already made him a little tired. Exhausted, as for all of my previous thoughts, they seemed so insignificant at this moment.

At the same time, the huge ghost made up of the five immortals in Meiling, saw someone attacking the sky ghost city again, and slapped it directly into the void, as if it had used some dementing powers, and the ghost claws would fly directly. The group of people in was caught, including Luo Xiu. Luo Xiu only felt a sudden force, instantly locked his whole body, making him unable to move, and then a strong force directly threw them to far away.

The strength of this huge ghost of the five immortals in Meiling is visible. Luo Xiu has completely put away his previous contempt at this moment. Fortunately, he is shown in another image. Otherwise, it would be a big trouble for the Five Immortals of Meiling to recognize him.

What made Luo Xiu even more dare not to take it lightly at this time, but the two of True Monarch Haoyang and his wife were able to suppress the huge ghost. The two sides were fighting, and Meiling Five From time to time, the fairy would take a deep breath, frantically devouring the evil spirits in this secret realm to supplement their consumption.

At this moment, Luo Xiu could already be sure that Meiling Five Immortals did not have an absolute advantage in this kind of battle. At the very least, for him, under this group of people, even though they could hold down this Haoyang Zhen Jun and his wife, but in terms of their real strength, they are still far away, not to mention that they distracted and attacked Luo Xiu and others just now, which has completely lost their dominant advantage, and the reason for stepping slowly. In this tense battle, it was fully demonstrated.

"Friends, the situation is already obvious. It is impossible for these five ghosts to allow us to enter the ghost city that day. Obviously, they are the guardians of the ghost city on this day. They just left here because of some other means. , Now that the mystery is opened, they took the opportunity to return, not afraid of everyone's jokes, I just came in with these five ghosts, now the situation is clear, if you don’t kill these five ghosts, none of us should think about the day The opportunity left by the heavenly ghosts and Taoists in the ghost town!" Luo Xiu saw that everyone still wanted to continue to attack the five ghosts and Taoists' defensive circle, couldn't help but smile, and said in a leisurely tone.

While saying these words, he also used some tricks to confuse the mind, which made his words have a very deceptive taste, so that at the same time that these words fell, there were people in the court who believed them, and even some people. I am eager to try, ready to do something to these guys.

Luo Xiu knows that he and others, the only solution now is to take the opportunity to wound all the people of Meiling Five Immortals and Haoyang True Monarch. Only when their overall strength is weakened, will they have a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters. So on the surface, he said so loudly to the others present, and at the same time secretly transmitted his thoughts to several of them with stronger cultivation. Obviously, these guys have the same thoughts as him. At this moment, everyone reached cooperation almost instantly.

Almost at the same time, the violent energy permeated instantly. Under this endless pressure, although everyone's eruption was a little pale and weak, but while the five immortals of Meiling and True Monarch Haoyang were fighting fiercely, more than a dozen powerful magical powers blasted directly at In addition to their battle circles, both sides were caught off guard.

True Monarch Haoyang was extremely angry at this time. He saw a ball of light appeared all over his body, spinning frantically, followed by the second, third, and dozens of five-color ball of light continuously spinning, weakening these attacks. The power of the magical powers around him. And these spheres of light emitted a terrifying aura. Almost instantly, Luo Xiu turned around and ran away without saying a word. This is a variant of the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder, with some nine-yin pure fires added, which should be the Purple Cloud Burning Heaven Divine Thunder.

When Luo Xiu had just escaped for more than ten miles, a burst of energy that destroyed the world broke out on the battlefield. The roar of the huge explosion almost instantly drowned everything there, and also destroyed the sky below the ghost city. All the evil spirits in that area burned out instantly.

At this moment, the Meiling Five Immortals have been released, and all five of them have pale faces, and there is no ghost in the whole body. True Monarch Haoyang, who has exploded such a powerful killer move, has a face at this moment. Qing, the corners of his mouth are bleeding, even his nose, eyes, and ears are bleeding, but he still coldly looks at the Meiling Five Immortals on the opposite side while watching the surroundings. After his outbreak, there is still a lack of standing in the field. Ten people, but these ten people, all of them were injured. Under the current situation of everyone, everyone's situation is similar, which makes Luo Xiu the only person in the field who still maintains sufficient combat effectiveness.

Of course, Luo Xiu’s reaction was not unpleasant. When he realized that he was almost going to be the target of these people in the field, he also forcibly reversed the practice, spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and once again pulled away from everyone. The distance between Luo Xiu's performance at this moment is absolutely extreme.

The atmosphere in the court slowed down. Even the Five Immortals of Meiling were very cautious at the moment, but they were not as unscrupulous as they were before, and there was a trace of panic in the eyes of True Monarch Haoyang. No way, the terrifying power of True Monarch Haoyang’s Purple Sky Burning God Thunder severely injured the five of them almost instantly. At the same time, he also affected the more than ten people who were watching him, and two more. Unfortunately, he was directly burned into fly ash by this flame.

The reactions of Luo Xiu and others, as well as True Monarch Haoyang's response, were all in the calculations of the five ghosts of Meiling, but the only thing they didn't expect was that True Monarch Haoyang dared to risk the death of the same, and suffered a serious blow. The five of them also failed all of their previous plans.

No way, the five were very confident, because they knew very well that relying on the special environment here, with the means they mastered, they could definitely prevent the people living in front of them from attacking the sky ghost city, giving their master a chance to break the seal. But I didn’t expect True Monarch Haoyang to do things so decisively, he almost stopped them with the idea of ​​dying with them. At this moment, the situation in the field is already clear at a glance. Luo Xiu is sure that at this time, Mei Lingwu It is impossible for ghosts to be able to keep the ghost town that day as before.