Technology Communication System

Chapter 1280: Tian Lei Jiao

No way, the scene that he saw before his eyes really shocked him, his mind seemed to be affected, it was really too fuzzy. Where the endless thunder has passed, the layers of space are broken. However, this is not surprising. What is really surprising is that the rich ghost energy in the secret realm has returned to normal again, and the five thunders and evil spirits are crazy. Great array.

"In fact, as long as you wait patiently for a period of time, everything will have a result. Whether it is True Monarch Haoyang or the sealed heavenly ghost and Taoist, what they need is almost two lines, so in essence, There is no conflict of interest. There can be no disputes between the two sides, but the current situation is a little different. The Meiling Five Immortals have been killed by people. Under the five thunder and evil spirits, the heavenly ghosts and Taoists are very likely. You will also be hit hard. In this case, all your previous calculations are in vain. Compared with the current situation, our previous considerations are somewhat one-sided! No matter what the Meiling Five Immortals want to do, there is also Haoyang Zhen What Jun and the group of people he brought with him want to do, the heavenly ghosts and Taoists are a mountain that cannot be crossed, and under this situation, there is no more suitable than this opportunity now!" The system said in a leisurely voice. Explained to Luo Xiu.

At the same time, during the time Luo Xiu was communicating with the system, the situation in the field changed again. The Heavenly Ghost Taoist who was trapped by the Five Thunders and Evil Array has completely revealed his true image at this moment. , And at the same time an extremely terrifying sturdy aura runs through the world.

At this moment, I saw in the center of the ghost city that day, a huge black shadow, like an extremely exaggerated black giant, the terrifying black giant lowered his head and suddenly stretched out his hand to directly punish the evil spirits. Torn, the violent evil spirits seemed to be instantly like a beast out of the cage, frantically tearing at the Five Thunders Zhuxian Array.

The moment the two sides contacted each other, various violent thunder and endless ghost energy were constantly consumed by each other. The terrifying scene made Luo Xiu a little dumbfounded. At this moment, he could not feel his heartbeat at all. Everyone seemed to be shocked by this scene. It is true that after countless years of being sealed off on this day, the ghost Taoist still has such a terrifying strength, which makes him feel extremely shocked.

Seeing this situation, in order to save his life, Luo Xiu bluntly retreated more than a hundred miles, standing above the sky, with the help of a demarcation compass to conceal his trail, looking at the battlefield in the distance, only five of the original floating city were seen. In the corner, five figures appeared at the same time, four men, one woman, and five people. At this moment, they were holding a weird gong and drum. There was endless thunder flashing on the gong and drum. The aura of the violent world in the secret realm seemed to be pulled, even though it was here. The evil spirits are extremely strong, but there is still a part of the aura of heaven and earth, like a beacon in the dark night, frantically rushing towards the battlefield.

And these five people are not only relying on the vitality between the world and the earth to fight, but they are constantly supplementing the best spirit stones to increase the power of their formations. The situation in the field looks a bit stunned. This kind of trapping the enemy and killing the enemy The effect is extremely significant, especially when the heavenly ghosts and Taoists, even after tearing the thunder barrier, they still can't get rid of the control of thunder, and can only struggle frantically in place.

The five thunder and evil spirits array is like a swamp, no matter how hard the heavenly ghosts and Taoists struggle in it, he can barely withstand the bombardment of thunder, but due to the crazy supplement of the evil spirits, it has not fallen. In the wind, but Luo Xiu can clearly feel that the evil spirits of the entire secret realm are beginning to become thinner under the five thunder and evil spirits.

Especially the strong yin evil spirit is exactly the area where the heavenly ghost Taoist is. On top of the heavenly ghost Taoist's head, a black whirlpool suddenly appears, like it is pouring the vitality of the heaven and the earth, but at this moment, the yin is poured in. Devilish spirit, and this situation has been going on for more than half an hour.

At the same time, during the time when the two sides were fighting each other, the people from other forces who originally came with Luo Xiu, such as True Monarch Haoyang, and several others, just like him, chose to stand by and watch. . No way, in this violent energy collision, any single body involved in this battle will not have any good results.

In particular, the most critical point is that the five figures in the field are obviously from the powerhouses of other star powers. In the entire Haoyang star field, there is no sect inherited by thunder method, so the origin of these five people is very different. Weird, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they are very self-aware and avoid the frontal battlefield far away.

Luo Xiu saw this strange change in the field in his eyes, but he was extremely calm in his heart. Even though today's Heavenly Ghosts and Taoists might rush out of the blockade in the next moment, he did not worry about his safety at all.

Obviously, these five powerful thunder cultivators who suddenly appeared were obviously here to suppress Heavenly Ghost Daoist from getting out of trouble. If Haoyang True Monarch hadn't made any intrusions before, Heavenly Ghost Daoist might have completely broken the seal. But it is a pity that the battle between Zhenjun Haoyang and the five immortals of Meiling caused the five immortals of Meiling to consume too much energy, which delayed their rescue of the heavenly ghosts and Taoists. The big evil formation appeared unexpectedly, and directly killed the Five Immortals of Meiling by a sneak attack, which led to the fact that the heavenly ghosts and Taoists are now alone.

After seeing the situation in the field clearly, Luo Xiu also completely relaxed. For him, the scene before him was a bit enthusiastic, but it is undeniable that he really has no ability to intervene in this scene. Even now, he just wants to leave this so-called secret realm as soon as possible. The harvest this time makes him feel a little helpless, which is no different from a trip for nothing. Except for a trip for nothing and a battle with people, Luo Xiu had no other gains at all, and he was speechless.

Time slowly passed. Under the simultaneous control of five powerful Thunder Xiu and the help of the reckless burning spirit stone, the Five Thunders and Evil Array completely stabilized the situation. During this crazy struggle, his struggle became a bubble because of the changes in the external environment. The originally rich and endless evil spirit in the secret realm has also been consumed during this period of battle. It's done.

And since there is no source of evil spirits in this secret realm, the evil spirits that were originally all over here are actually accumulated by the heavenly ghosts and Taoists, so after the consumption of this battle, the heavenly ghosts can It was said that he was already unable to return to the sky. At this moment, after struggling for a while, he finally fell into silence, and was repressed by the Five Thunder Cultivation Array in the central area of ​​the floating city.

Seeing this, the Lei Fa monk holding the gongs and drums still did not dare to relax the power of the formation, and continued to maintain the five thunder slaying evil formation with full output for almost three days, and finally slowly put away his hands. At the same time, the formation flag in his hand was again arranged into a seal formation.

This time, it was the Five Thunder Cultivating Evil Array auxiliary sealing formation. The two complemented each other. After this re-seal, the seal can last longer. As for the killing of heavenly ghosts and Taoists, no one was present. This idea, no one can succeed. After all, the gods and the gods are extremely weird. If this person is really beheaded, his real body will be resurrected in a certain corner of the world. At that time, I want to catch this again. People, that would be extremely difficult.

Of course, all of this is Luo Xiu’s speculation and the news he heard from the conversations with people around him. Obviously, not all of the people present here rushed into this secret realm in a confused manner, there are still many. Sensible. At this time, Luo Xiu also saw Zhao Yuming again, but Zhao Yuming at this moment was indeed a bit miserable.

Although there was a diamond ring he gave to help him withstand the strange environment here, it is undeniable that Zhao Yu, acting alone, has definitely suffered a lot of crises. At this moment, his whole robe is damaged and his body is large and small. There are countless minor injuries, and what's even more unfortunate is that his left arm is no longer there. It can be seen what crisis this old guy has encountered in this secret realm.

However, Luo Xiu did not say hello to him. Instead, he waited quietly for the five figures above the floating city to completely strengthen the formation, and then opened the exit of this place. At this moment, Luo Xiu is concerned about this time-wasting secret. During the trip, he was also quite helpless. Originally, he had nothing to think about. The secret realm he entered this time almost disappeared. Even so, he still felt helpless at this moment. What he really was wasting a while, but watching the powerful auras flying towards them, everyone gathered together honestly. Made a defensive action.

"Who is the principal of the Haoyang Tiangong, the largest faction here, come out, the old man has a few words to explain to you!" An old man among the five has a very kind face, but what he says is An awe-inspiring atmosphere, an inviolable aura almost rushed toward his face.

Seeing what other people were accustomed to, Luo Xiu's mouth twitched, and he looked at True Monarch Haoyang. Obviously, at this moment, only True Monarch Haoyang and his wife were qualified to speak, so in Luo Under the gaze of Xiu and others, True Monarch Haoyang stepped forward, arched his hand at the white-haired old man, and waited respectfully for his next words.

"Over the past ten thousand years, you Haoyang Tiangong has done a good job. Let this ghost just break free from the seal this time. I hope you will continue to work hard. My Tianlei Sect will definitely not treat you badly. The Yangtian Temple is capable of doing things, and the benefits are indispensable to you! Just like this time, you have done a good job. If you delay the time, let me wait for the time to arrange the Five Thunders to slay the evil spirits. This time I will really be affected by this day. The ghost and Daoist rushed out of the seal, and by that time, it caused all the lives to be charcoal, but it was really my grave crime!" The white-haired old man looked at Zhenjun Haoyang and nodded in satisfaction, watching the scars on the husband and wife. The appearance, his tone of voice softened a lot, and then he waved his hand, and two rays of light were shot into the hands of the two at the same time. True Monarch Haoyang couldn't help but stretched out his hand to take the rays of light, and waited for him to see the light clearly. When he was doing things, he couldn't help but stared blankly, and then he showed an ecstatic look.

At this moment, in his hand, a piece of flying sword the size of a palm lies quietly, but the terrifying aura that this flying sword emits really makes people feel sideways, this powerful magic weapon of the heavenly spirit treasure level. , It’s almost rare. At least Luo Xiu has wandered around the world for so long, and it’s the first time he saw such a powerful Tongtian Lingbao. However, what Tianlei teaches is two things once they are shot, and from their previous conversations It is not difficult to see that the attitude of this group of people towards True Monarch Haoyang and the degree of importance they place here can also show that these people's origins are extremely unusual.

"Thank you senior for your gift!" Zhenjun Haoyang and his wife said respectfully at the same time.

For them, even if they don’t have these rewards, they must come to stop the heavenly ghosts and Taoists from attacking the seal, but they didn’t expect that the people of the Thunder Cult would be so generous on this day. For the two of Zhenjun Haoyang, this time They definitely came right. They wanted to come. This time they came to the Ghost Secret Realm, and they didn't hesitate to delay the time for the Heavenly Ghosts and Taoists to hit the seal, so they came here with the belief that they would die.

It is also because of this that for the two of them, the two yin and yang attributes of the spirit treasure flying swords given to them by the old man is definitely a surprise. What is more important is that the two got a set of flying swords, and added The combined power of the two makes them feel like a tiger with wings, so this thank you, Zhenjun Haoyang, is definitely from the heart.

At the same time, Luo Xiu and others also looked at the old man with eager eyes, and everyone else reacted the same as him. After all, entering the secret realm this time, almost nothing, the only gain was watching a earth-shattering battle. Only when compared with the benefits gained by Zhenjun Haoyang and his wife, the gains of their group were extremely shabby. Luo Xiu also received some other elixir gains, but his gains were also limited.

Because he wanted to continue to use the ecstasy formation here to hide his traces before, he did not collect those top-grade spirit stones that were exposed as formation nodes, but now, even if he wants to, he can't collect it, so he also uses eagerness. Looking at the old man, I hope he can also give some benefits. After all, Tongtian Lingbao is indeed an extremely rare thing, even if it is impossible for this old man to take out such a precious thing to eat, give a little bit of leftovers. Cold is also good. At this moment, everyone else looked at others with eager eyes, and if Luo Xiu acted very indifferent, he would definitely become a bird in the early days.