Technology Communication System

Chapter 1298: despair! !

At this time, the Sifang ancestor chose to refine the innate Harmony Purple Qi. Although he could rejuvenate his body again, he could only stop there. As for Luo Xiu's previous speculation, his cultivation level might be able to go further. Definitely wishful thinking, now Luo Xiu looked at this old guy's helpless face, but in his heart he sneered at this person's actions.

Luo Xiu didn't care about how the emotions of the people in the Sifang Commercial Bank changed. Looking at the empty hall, he looked at Xu Xianchu at this moment, and at the same time, Xu Xianchu's face was as usual at this moment. However, Luo Xiu can still see from his unwilling look that this person is also a little uncomfortable in his heart. However, his own ancestors can't resist the words. Therefore, Luo Xiu now has a trace of sympathy for this. heart of.

But that's all. For him, the hypocritical appearance of these people in front of him really made him look a little uncomfortable, but he didn't want to lower his head because he was under the eaves, but there were only these few people in the audience. It was obvious that there was something else to bother him, so Luo Xiu was very calm and looked at them at the same time, waiting for them to take the initiative to speak.

"This fellow Daoist, don’t worry about it. Those who are present at this moment are the core personnel of our Sifang Commercial Firm. The reason why we have to keep you, fellow Daoist, is just to clarify one thing, the one you sold to us. The true origin of the Tao’s innate Harmony and Purple Qi, because when the old man refined this innate Harmony and Purple Qi, the old man discovered that the laws of heaven contained in this innate Harmony and Purple Qi and the world we live in, unexpectedly have 60% are not the same. I would like to ask fellow daoists, can you explain to me the reason for this. I feel that the reason why I failed to make a breakthrough is the inner part of the innate cosmic purple Qi provided by you. The power of the law contained in it also has a certain relationship!" The ancestor of the Quartet looked at Luo Xiu at this moment, with a trace of suspicion, and his aggressive appearance made Luo Xiu at this moment unable to help but raise his brows. Looking at this person's gaze, his eyes were full of sincerity.

Luo Xiusi was not surprised by the question of the ancestor of the four directions. He knew very well whether the innate grand purple qi in his body could help others to make breakthroughs. This innate grand purple qi was obtained by chance in the Celestial Boundary. Things have always been in his sea of ​​consciousness, and they have no effect on his body or his cultivation level at all. Until his cultivation level breaks through the semi-sage level, it really exerts a terrifying effect that cannot be underestimated. .

However, even so, this innate purple qi in his body has a limited impact on him. After all, every time Luo Xiu's cultivation base breaks through, it is not based on the understanding of the law of heaven and earth. , For him, walking to prove the Dao with strength is his cultivation path. Therefore, at this moment, when he heard the old man in front of him asking him this, Luo Xiu was actually a little surprised in his heart. For him, the ancestor of the Sifang firm was not as unbearable as he imagined. At least, this person's understanding of the laws of heaven should be above him.

"This, in fact, the old man is not very clear. I only know that my ancestor had disappeared for a period of time, probably more than three hundred years. During this period, even the elder of my family used the secret method to calculate. We didn’t find his specific location, so we can only judge that he is still alive, so we didn’t look for it. We didn’t know that he had been promoted to the half-step imperial realm and could be promoted to the high emperor realm at any time. , After that, Grand Master Grand Master searched for him to protect him from the thunder tribulation, but unfortunately, I don’t know if it was because he wandered outside all the year round, or what happened. The power in the body was affected by the power of a different space, so I couldn’t. I survived the last two tribulations, leaving behind this innate grandmother and purple aura. As for what Shizu his old man has experienced back then, in which world he has completely laid the foundation for his cultivation, I don’t know, so , You ask me, it's a question for nothing. I only know that the innate grandeur and purple qi I gave you are correct!" Luo Xiu was a little speechless, and he spread his hands and explained directly.

At this moment, facing the raging situation in front of him, no matter how unhappy Luo Xiu's heart was, he had to suppress the unhappiness in his heart. He chose to speak and explain the reason. At the same time, for Luo Xiu, even though his senses for the ancestor of Sifang have improved a lot, Luo Xiu didn't want to talk to him more.

He still has important things to do now, because the system in his mind already has preliminary results about the simulation calculation of the Tianshen Body Refining Art. He urgently needs to check the results, so he doesn't want to talk nonsense with these people here, because He knows very well that it doesn't make much sense. For him, as long as these people don't mess with him, then he has time to deal with any storms that may come.

"So, please rest assured, fellow daoists, now that the transaction has been concluded, whether the cultivation level breaks through or not is the cause of the old man. He has little relationship with fellow daoists. I didn’t blame you fellow daoists for your intentions. You gave me this innate humility. Purple energy is actually very useful. At the very least, if the laws of heaven and earth contained in this innate grandmose purple energy are the power of the rules of this world, it is the same as the origin road condensed by the native monks in this world, even if I succeed in practicing It is also possible that due to the impact of the laws of heaven and earth, I blew myself on the spot, where it would be like now. Using the innate grand purple qi, can actually let my body get a further cleansing of menstruation from the inside out. I still have to thank fellow daoists for your help! We have nothing else to trouble fellow daoists. We only hope that fellow daoists will keep your promise and don’t leak out what happened here. We are long and tall, and we will meet each other later. Sun!" The old man took a deep breath, closed his eyes slightly, and opened them suddenly. His face had returned to the peace of the past, with a touch of solemnity in his tone, and he said to Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu raised his brows when he heard that, and then stopped talking nonsense. For him, he obviously didn't want to talk nonsense with them now. He just nodded slightly, and then left the hall again. After returning to his residence, he was not interested in what happened in the hall afterwards.

"System, how about it? Didn’t you just tell me that there is a result? Can you help me solve the problem? If there is no way to solve it, I am ready to take the risk and forcefully break through the current state, as for what will happen in the future I can’t take care of this much anymore! I must break through the highest emperor realm, and there should also be this process of physical reorganization. At that time, it may be possible to solve the sequelae left by the Heavenly God Body Refining Art!" As soon as he returned to his residence, Luo Xiu couldn't wait to ask about the system in his mind.

It is true that he himself felt a little helpless. For him, the scene that happened before was really uncomfortable for him, and the most important point was that for Luo Xiu at this moment, he was very clear. Realize that the problems in my body have reached the point where I have to pay attention to it.

"It's a pity that the part of the Heavenly God Body Refining Technique we got can not solve the problem of the host's sequelae in your body. The most critical point is that the terrible sequelae produced by the Heavenly God Body Refining tactic in your body should actually be The reason is that the water of the Tianhe River, so in essence, this Heavenly God Body Refining Art is still an extremely good exercise method, but when the host chose to practice, the heaven, material and earth treasures needed to get started were a bit wrong, and it can’t be said. There is a mistake. As long as you take the Tongtian River water that you need for a long time, it will still have no effect. It's just that if you chose to use Liuyuanye or pure Yin water, although there will be other effects, it will not be as it is now. So, for the host, it’s a disaster for you to fall to the point where it is today. For you, this system has also simulated calculations and found that it is almost impossible for the host to get rid of this kind of influence! In fact, the physical influence Still second, the most important thing is that you have to find a way to solve the damage on your soul, this is the most critical!"

However, the systematic answer made Luo Xiu very disappointed. For him at this moment, this is undoubtedly the most disappointing place for him. If it is not for other expectations in his heart, Luo Xiu at this moment is really kind of suicidal. Impulsive, the reason why he was prepared to take a risk and try to break through regardless of his disregard was also due to this.

At this moment, for Luo Xiu, although he himself knows that with his current physical state, the probability of breaking through the Supreme Emperor is less than one in a thousand, but there is no way. He has to take a risk now. At the point of a fight, although the strength of his physical body continues to increase, he can already feel that his body is about to be unable to support it, and his body's vitality is rapidly depleting, even endangering his life.

This almost catastrophic situation appeared in his body at this moment, and the impact on Luo Xiu was simply unbearable for him. Even for Luo Xiu at this moment, because of his body, his whole person was in A state of extreme anxiety.

Because he was pretty sure that if he really let his body problems go unnoticed, what awaited him would be the terrible consequences of the collapse of his physical body, even if he added more vitality, Luo Xiu's current body has reached the human body. The limit he can reach, but when he reaches the limit, his physical body is still growing. This is abnormal. It grows wildly like cancer cells. It will only make his physical body suffer from insufficient nutritional supplementation. It is life-threatening.

"Do you really want to go the road of breaking the boat? Although the impact will not be too great, I am always a little reconciled. The system, is there no other way besides? If it is a risky breakthrough, I would not Worry, but what if! In case of failure, wouldn't it really be completely finished because of this!" Luo Xiu couldn't let go of the matter when it came.

At this moment, he is a little worried about his current physical condition. He knows better than anyone else. In his current state, he wants to break through the emperor realm. It is almost whimsical. For him now, the physical function is right now. The various situations reported to him were undoubtedly warning him, but Luo Xiu was not reconciled.

Only for the time being, Luo Xiu still doesn't know what to do to solve the physical problems. He knows what terrible reality he is facing at this moment. It is impossible that the only way to break through the royal mirror is left for him. If he could really solve the physical problem once and for all, even if he took the risk, he would be fine, but he was worried that his physical body would not be able to survive the moment of breakthrough.

"There is no other way. Your body strength is already growing abnormally. This situation is actually very dangerous. If you are not careful, it is possible that you will completely become like those monsters in the Tongtian River, because the soul Suppressed by the body and turned into a monster. This system has already been simulated. After about three years and six months, your body will collapse. This is the most normal state, which means that you no longer practice Celestial Practice. Body Jue, without swallowing any pill, if you still suppress the body’s intake of water from the Tongtian River in the middle, this process will speed up..." In the case of the system, it is almost like a basin of cold water pouring down. , So that all the thoughts in Luo Xiu's heart disappeared, and only the way to gritted his teeth was left. Luo Xiu couldn't imagine now. If this situation of demonization really happened, where would he go?

Thinking about everything in front of him, Luo Xiu fell into silence. He had to think carefully about how to do it to avoid becoming a monster. It was only now that he really realized the ecological cycle of Tongtian River. From his experience, it is not difficult to imagine that in the entire Tongtian River galaxy, there should be someone like him who has also practiced the Tianshen Body Refining Art, but because he cannot control the amount of water used in the Tongtian River, he has already become a monster. Thinking of the countless monsters that he had killed at the Taishang Induction Gate earlier, Luo Xiu couldn't help but shudder at this moment. One day he couldn't become the kind of aquatic monster without intelligence. Right.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu couldn't help taking a breath. In any case, he couldn't be willing to wait for death. For him, there was actually no other way to go in this situation, only to risk breaking through the royal realm. There was a path, but he was really not prepared. The more important point was that he didn't know whether this breakthrough would be successful. This was the most unsure of his cultivation breakthrough since his cultivation.

In the past, every time I broke through the current cultivation base, it was because the system was forced to choose to break through. It was almost 100% successful, and even some pills that assisted in breaking through the bottleneck did not need to be taken. Luo Xiu came along this way, almost This is the case every time he breaks through the realm of size and size. He has long been used to it, and even his body has already developed instincts. But at the moment, he really has no way of doing it. Now he has almost no assurance at all. , I was even more worried about what kind of tragic end I would have if I failed.