Technology Communication System

Chapter 1312: Reason

"Why, I'm afraid? Don't worry. There is an old man here. It is absolutely impossible to put you two in danger. The Tianshan faction will not really send a master to kill you two. This time you two are actually I am tired by the old man, and the old man owes you personal affection. After that, as long as you have requirements and needs, you can come to the old man. Haha, I think this is also the main reason for the elders of your family to arrange for the two of you to follow me. After all, I have just entered the Li family, and I have not had any direct line to win over, and it’s okay to be your backer. As for why you two came here with me, in fact, the reason is very simple. Coming here is annoying! I didn’t at all. Knowing the world, that’s why I offend the Tianshan Sect. It’s just that when the old man crossed the Tribulation, he really didn’t have the time to face the harassment of the Heavenly Sect! So, this time, whether I wanted it or not, I offended the Tianshan Sect. Therefore, , You don’t have any burdens, don’t be merciful when you start, the old man will support you for all the consequences! Don’t worry that you will be outnumbered, the old man will set a ban on you, as long as you be careful not to be besieged by them. It is possible to kill a few of them easily. Each has two magical powers, and it can definitely kill three or four people. The remaining one or two guys, with the strength of the two of you, should be able to kill this person easily!" Looking at the twins in front of him, Luo Xiu patted them on the shoulder, and the spirit said.

He was very clear about what he was going to face next, and he didn't care about the way the people on the opposite Tianshan Sect were glaring at him. The more important point was that he knew in his heart that he had no other choice at this moment, instead of facing him. The Tianshan Sect’s crazy revenge, it’s better to use the two juniors to temporarily delay for a while. As for what kind of conflicts will arise between the Li family and this Tianshan Sect, Luo Xiu is not sure, but Luo Xiu does not. Will ignore it.

Even though the Tianshan Sect today is extremely strong, looking at the existence of the seven elders and the seven Wuzong-level powerhouses who came from the opposite side, Luo Xiu was half-encircled, completely ignoring the surroundings being oppressed by their aura. For the trembling disciples, Luo Xiu knew that the matter with the Tianshan Sect was not over yet, so Luo Xiu also unceremoniously released the momentum of his body, and the powerful soul pressure of the martial arts level instantly filled the audience.

Although the Tianshan Sect was forged by spiritual cultivation, it was still not enough to look at Luo Xiu's terrifying soul. Therefore, when Luo Xiu's aura was released, the faces of the Tianshan Sect on the opposite side were flushed, even if they were the same. A powerhouse at the Martial Saint level, but Luo Xiu's strength is still something they dare not touch, so they can only take back the aura of the whole body and look at Li Yuanhao and Li Yuanfang.

"Hehe, you're the guy who killed my three young masters of Tianshan before. It emerged from a crevice in the stone. If you know me, you will be obedient to death and take the initiative to abolish martial arts. Maybe we can let you go. , Otherwise, as long as we hold you back, the disciples we brought can easily kill the brother and sister, ha ha, you won’t have a place to stand in Li’s house then!” Tianshan sent a middle-aged person out of seven People, this person is very popular, with a righteous look, but Luo Xiu's words were uttered.

The reason for saying this is because the seven members of the Tianshan faction are very clear about what Luo Xiu’s current reliance is. If they can really make him extinct from the Li family, they will have a way to clean up Luo Xiu in the future. Therefore, in Xiao Jingming’s words It did indeed grasp Luo Xiu’s pain points at the moment, but Luo Xiu dismissed it. If it were before, Tianshan sent these people to sneak up, maybe it would be successful, but when he was prepared, these If people still want to do it, then it's just looking for death.

The most important point is that Luo Xiu at this moment is not worried about what moths these people in front of him will produce. For him, if he is not completely sure, how dare he carry two oil bottles alone? come here. With his current strong cultivation base and the improvement in physical quality brought about by the previous cultivation of the Heavenly God Body Refining Art, he is not worried about anything happening to him. For Luo Xiu at this moment, these people in front of him are absolutely right. He poses no threat. Needless to say, he has already moved his hands and feet on Li Yuanfang and Li Yuanhao. As long as his spiritual consciousness moves his mind, he can instantly stimulate the magical attacks set on the two juniors, and bring the surrounding All enemies will be killed.

"Haha, if I dare not do anything, I just say that I have just joined the Li family. As you said, the Li family may abandon me because the old man is not conducive to doing things, but before the old man is abandoned, he can also be ruthless from you. A piece of flesh is torn off from the Tianshan school. There is also a little understanding of the grievances between the Li family and your Tianshan school. So the old man knows that the relationship between your Tianshan school and the Li family is not just the old man this time. Things, so, don’t speak quickly in front of me, and you don’t have to scare the old man. It’s useless. If it’s not because of external pressure that prevents you two forces from starting a war easily, I must be unnecessary. You have already fought so much for the introduction, why do you pretend to say so many meaningless words here!" Luo Xiu curled his mouth with a look of disdain.

Luo Xiu didn't care about the threat of the Tianshan Sect. He knew very well that after becoming Li Jiakeqing, Luo Xiu could completely ignore the threat of the Tianshan Sect. When he learned about the enmity between him and the Tianshan faction, Luo Xiu put a lot of effort into the relationship between the two sides. He knew very well that the current Tianshan faction was not as united as they said. , The internal dumping is even more serious to the extreme.

Compared with the Li family, the Tianshan School is composed of countless large and small families. Although this school is very tough when it comes to the outside world, in essence, it is just that each family cares for each family. Therefore, if you are not welcome, I want to twist into one. The string is extremely difficult. As long as the Wudi strongmen of the Li family are still there, there will be no trouble, but the Tianshan School is different. There are three families with the same level of Wudi. Such powerful three families occupy almost 100%. Of the more than 80 resources, the rest is divided among the big and small families, and internal conflicts have intensified. The two sides can be regarded as fire and water. If it were not for the three big families to have the powerful strength to suppress other small families, the Tianshan faction at this moment would have long been It has fallen apart. Luo Xiu sneered at the threat of the person in front of him, and on the surface he was even more disdainful. During this time, he focused on understanding everything about the Tianshan Sect. There was no way, who would let him have enemies with the Tianshan Sect.

"Hehe, how I acted by the Tianshan faction, it’s not yet your turn to be an outsider, and the relationship between our two families is not something you can provoke with just a few words. Although we and the Li family have many conflicts, it has only been millions of years. The accumulated contradiction is different from this private enmity with you. As long as we pay enough benefits, the Li family will definitely abandon you selectively, ha ha, don’t pretend to be innocent, the three sons were killed. , We have already suspected that it has nothing to do with the Li family. Sure enough, after testing, I found that it absolutely has the most direct relationship with you. Even if they brought our sect's Thunder Ape to rub energy, you shouldn't take all the Thunder Ape They all beheaded, and the three young men were also killed. This is literally hitting my face like Tianshan. If I don’t pay a price, I think that everyone else is afraid of the Li family. , It is impossible to allow the enemy to act wantonly in front of us!" The middle-aged man was not bluffed by Luo Xiu's words, but became more calm, his expression was full of mockery, and he said in a cold tone.

At this moment, he was extremely frankly angry with Luo Xiu. Although the Tianshan faction and the Li family were in the same situation, there was no real large-scale war, and Luo Xiu was clearly prepared to provoke a war between the two. For them, they don't want to see this, but even if Luo Xiu has joined the Li family now, it is impossible to influence the Li family's external attitude, so he is just a threat and did not take the initiative.

Although doing so may weaken the momentum, but if there really is a battle between the high-levels of the two sides, it will not be worth the loss. As for how the future two will get along, this is not within his scope of consideration. Tianshan will send it. Said that their common interest is to safeguard the overall interests of the Tianshan Sect. As for other big families, including the three beheaded sons, what will their death bring to those small families? Middle-aged people simply I didn't bother to take care of it.

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense. Since you are here as promised, then do it, open the secret realm and let these juniors fight for opportunities. As for what happened to them, there is no need for the old man to say more, life and death Everyone’s destiny. Since you can lead people to find this place, it proves that this secret realm is no longer a secret. Therefore, after the disciples enter, if anything happens, they cannot be held accountable for each other!” The middle-aged man saw Luo Xiu still thinking When he spoke, he couldn't help but directly interrupted Luo Xiu's speech, and then coldly left such a sentence, causing Luo Xiu to turn around and look at Li Yuanhao and Li Yuanfang somewhat inexplicably.

Turning around, Luo Xiu's face was gloomy at the moment. Hearing this Xiao Jianming's words, Luo Xiu realized that he seemed to be fooled by someone, so he transcribed his voice and asked: "Do you two know something? , I didn’t tell the old man beforehand, what did the secret realm in their mouth refer to, why I don’t have any news at all, or did you say that what you said before is all false and you have been guarding against the old man!?"

Facing Luo Xiu’s interrogation, Li Yuanhao and Li Yuanfang were also a little panicked at this moment. Even though Luo Xiu’s cultivation was nothing in the whole Li family, at this moment, there is Tianshan faction watching outside, Luo Xiu can influence their lives and deaths. Therefore, the two of them are actually a little panicked about Luo Xiu's problems at this moment, not to mention that the Li family did something wrong.

Seeing the two of them like this, Luo Xiu knew that his guesses were inseparable. Someone in the Li family had deliberately arranged this, so Luo Xiu no longer wanted to say anything, waved his hand, implying that there was nothing to be angry about, so he was very angry. It calmly looked at the people of the Tianshan Sect. Today's Tianshan Sect does not know that Luo Xiu brought them here. The purpose of this is only for the disgusting Tianshan Sect, so I have no idea where the so-called secret realm is. There was also a trace of mockery in the people's eyes, and the expression of undue beating made everyone in front of the Tianshan Sect daring to be angry but not to speak.

No way, just like what Luo Xiu said earlier, although Tianshan faction is extremely strong externally, there are many internal factions and internal contradictions are very serious. Therefore, because of this force, the relationship between Li family and Tianshan faction is caused. A worse situation is really about to happen. The person who takes the lead will definitely die without a burial place, and even the family he belongs to may follow.

Therefore, facing Luo Xiu’s mocking look at this moment, all of these people in the field were a little bit angry but did not dare to speak. The more important point was that they knew very well that the power of their tongue had no effect at all. Since Luo Xiu could not be killed, it would be meaningless to talk nonsense with him here. Instead, he began to tell the few people they had brought. The Tianshan Sect brought five people over, three more than Luo Xiu, but Luo Xiu is not at all worried about the safety of the two people he brought, because he has already set up some special magical powers on the two of them. As long as someone affects their lives, these magical powers will naturally fight back, so Luo Xiu is watching these as if he was watching a good show. He was confident that once he entered the secret realm, someone would dare to take action against Li Yuanfang and Li Yuanhao brother and sister, Luo Xiu was sure that his arrangement would definitely leave them dead.

"Hehe, the old man has only one person, and I have to protect my two subordinates. You have seven people, so you can open this secret realm by hand. The old man's words are still placed here, enter the secret realm, life and death are in peace, you should not I really thought that the Li family sent the old man here alone, just to protect the two juniors! Where is the tacit understanding between the two parties, I must be thinking of letting the seven of you join forces to beat me and give your family those The old ancestors exasperated. After all, I did kill the three of you. Although the three ineffective guys are nothing, but the thunder apes I killed are definitely the lifeblood of your Tianshan faction. They were lost all at once. Hundreds of people, if it’s me, I will feel distressed, so I can fully understand the anger of your Tianshan faction, but what should I do, I am the Li family’s Keqing, what do you do...?! An elder of Tianshan School, Luo Xiu had a playful smile at the corner of his mouth at the moment, and said in annoying words that almost made the other person vomit blood.