Technology Communication System

Chapter 1319: Self-destructed road base

Even so, he still felt helpless in his heart and tried to contact the system in his body. He didn't expect that even the system in his body could not do anything about it. Such a serious injury made Luo Xiu feel his scalp numb. At the same time, a feeling of fear lingered in his heart, causing him to put away his pride at this moment, and he never dared to underestimate the people of this world.

No matter how he pretended to be indifferent before, but after he really suffered such a terrible injury, Luo Xiu first began to reflect on what he had done, and shook his head helplessly, lamenting what he had done before. For him at this moment, the kind of pain that he encountered in front of him penetrated into his soul and his bones, and it made him reborn from the inside out. The pain in his body is still second. This experience is truly real. He was reminded to make him realize that he was no longer the powerful existence that was rampant in other worlds.

Knowing that at this moment, Luo Xiu has the time to look at the strange space he is in. What particularly attracts his eyes is the sky above his head. A sky curtain made up of blue light is like a hood, which will cover Rosius’s The space is covered. It feels very weird. Apart from that, there is nothing else. The whole world is like being in the underwater world. It feels so weird. Luo Xiu took a deep breath, the world of this space. The concentration of vitality is also a bit weird. Although there is also the vitality of heaven and earth, it seems that the vitality of heaven and earth here lacks some kind of activity, and it is lifeless.

The power of the soul came out, and he explored in all directions. The soul power swept across the world. Luo Xiu was speechless, because he found that the region he was in at this moment, regardless of the vitality of the world, but the strange thing is , No plant was found here, and the earth was bare as a desert. If the earth under his feet was not sand, he thought he had come to an endless desert. Although I don't know where this place is, but the soul power has not found any danger for the time being, Luo Xiu did not continue to explore, instead he recovered his soul power.

No way, he found that he couldn't continue to use his soul power to explore the surrounding environment. The injury on his body seriously affected his performance. At this moment, Luo Xiu felt powerless in his heart. This was an extremely strange thing. You know, judging from the degree of his control over his own soul, this is an extremely abnormal situation, but it actually appears on his body at this moment, how can he not let him feel the hair in his heart? Based on his understanding of his own strength, he definitely wouldn't have such a situation before. Obviously, the injuries he suffered this time were far more terrifying than he thought.

Next, what he needs to do is to recover his injuries as much as possible. At this moment, he misses the special recovery ability of the system in his mind. However, it is a pity that he does not know the injury he suffered this time. Something special, or something, anyway, the system in his body is also powerless to his injury at the moment. Feeling the intense pain in his body that affects his soul all the time, Luo Xiu feels aggrieved in his heart at this moment, but also feels death. The threat of elimination.

Looking at the almost battered body everywhere in his body, Luo Xiu was extremely depressed at this moment, and he couldn't believe it. He forcibly endured a combined blow from those people, and he was tempered by the Heavenly God Body Refining Technique. The body was unable to withstand the combined blow at all, which made Luo Xiu's heart faintly vigilant, and also put away his contempt for this world warrior.

At the same time, he couldn’t help feeling a little fortunate. He was not arrogant enough to stay and fight the five people. If he stayed and smashed with them, Luo Xiu couldn’t imagine how miserable his ending would be. What kind of consequences will be, even if his strength can be temporarily raised to the level of the Emperor, but facing five guys who have been practicing at the level of the Emperor for many years, he does not think he has any chance of winning, and the chance of survival is almost zero. .

At the same time, Luo Xiu felt the severe pain coming from all over his body, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice. He had practiced the Celestial Body Refining Technique before. Otherwise, the consequences at this moment would be even worse, if it weren't for the Celestial God. Body training tactics, he had already been blasted into flesh at this moment.

Even so, the current Luo Xiu can still feel the wailing of cells that are dying all over his body. Such a strange situation makes him feel very bad, even for Luo Xiu at this moment. In other words, he actually felt it, a little scared, and at the same time he was nervous, he also vaguely felt a bad feeling.

At this moment, Luo Xiu is a little rushed. He can't describe the tension in his heart at this moment. Based on his past experience, Luo Xiu can't help but feel a little weird. Judging from the degree of his control over himself, even if he receives a joint blow, he Definitely, Luo Xiu's body wouldn't be so vulnerable to a single blow, however, at this moment Luo Xiu's body told Luo Xiu very clearly.

Luo Xiu himself even faintly felt the aura of decay and death. In any case, this could not give him any fluke. Obviously, the situation was worse than he expected. The injury he suffered this time was much worse than expected. It was much higher, and the body was already dead. This was simply the first time that Luo Xiu had suffered serious injuries before, but he didn’t know how to deal with such a fatal injury as before. , What is even more weird is that his body is unable to recover at this moment. This is simply telling Luo Xiu brightly that he can only choose to wait for death if he doesn't think about it.

And this is not worse. It is worse. He doesn’t know why the death breath in his body suddenly appears. He has checked his body, and the forces that penetrate into his body are easily assimilated by the system. It was dropped, but there were constant cell necrosis inside the body, and there was no possibility of rebirth. The dead energy directly affected Luo Xiu’s cell regeneration ability, and he had never seen such a terrifying method. .

It’s extremely rare for this situation to happen to him, but there is no way. With his superficial knowledge of the world, Luo Xiu couldn’t find the reason at all when faced with the situation before him, because he was very concerned about the world. I'm not very familiar with it at all. Although I have added some common sense of cultivation in the Li family, it is very helpless. The more I understand, the more I feel the weirdness of this world. Although the entire Cangwu realm is mainly based on martial arts practice, some are proficient in spirit The powerful existence of power can still directly rely on the terrifying spirit power, and he can't resist at all when suppressed.

Just like now, Luo Xiu doesn't know where this power is in his body, because his soul power has searched all over his body, and he has not found the source of this strange death energy. It is just the abnormal condition of his body. It was not enough to attract his attention, and it made Luo Xiu feel more frightened, but he actually felt the approach of death.

Because the dead energy in the body is constantly increasing at this moment, making Luo Xiu's body dead, even his soul power has become heavier now, he is a little slow, his reaction is not as quick as before, and his thinking is even more affected. , This kind of weird means of attack almost caught him by surprise.

But even if he wanted to break his head, he didn't want to understand, what means did the Li family have that could be so weird that it quietly ruined his origin avenue. Although some people in the Tianshan School are proficient in soul techniques, they should be lethal. Without such horror, the body that was tempered with his Heavenly God Body Training Art could not prevent the generation of this dead energy, and the powerful soul power was powerless in this situation, which made Luo Xiu a little crazy. But he had to take this situation seriously. At this moment, Luo Xiu was very sure that he was really on the line of life and death. If he was not careful, he might really die here. At the thought of that terrible consequence, Luo Xiu's whole body was not good.

At this moment, Luo Xiu regrets a bit. He shouldn't have been so procrastinated before. After discovering the intentions of the Tianshan faction and the Li family, he should directly kill those people and leave, because he said more nonsense. , He actually fell into the cliff of death like this, Luo Xiu was extremely depressed at this moment, and at the same time he was also struggling in his heart. For him, he found that even abandoning his current body is no longer possible. That kind of death aura has already invaded his soul. If he doesn't want to get rid of it, what awaits him will be a mortal ending.

"System, is there any way to get rid of this dead energy in my body, otherwise, I guess I will have to wait for death. I have tried all the exercises I have practiced, and there is no one. If you can help me, it depends on whether you can help me get rid of this lifelessness. Otherwise, we can only wait to die here!" In desperation, Luo Xiu chose to ask the system in his mind. After all, for him now In terms of his own spirit power, he has no effect at all, he can only rely on the strange ability of the system.

"Actually, the lifelessness of your body comes from your body's origin. The secret method of the Qianshan School only serves as an introduction. For your current situation, there is no good way at all. If If you want to completely eliminate this dead energy, you can only start with your origin, but you have previously advanced to the level of saints. It is a trick to use the origin to advance. Therefore, the strange supernatural powers of the Tianshan School can successfully give your origin Destruction, therefore, the way to get rid of death is actually very simple, as long as you abolish your current realm and disperse the origin of your fusion directly, although doing so will make your cultivation base fall, but there will be nothing. The sequelae, it just depends on your reluctance! Also, this system forgot to tell you that if you disperse the original avenue of your fusion, you will never be able to integrate the same original avenue in the future, it is this system If you re-engrave a Dao of Origin for you, you won’t be able to integrate into it successfully, so if you want to break through the level of the saint, you have to rely on yourself! Whether you want to do this or not depends on you. The system only provides opinions and does not give you any pressure. Make your own decision!" The system was silent for a while, and when Luo Xiu was a little impatient, he spoke in a leisurely tone.

And at this moment, Luo Xiu heard the system say so, he was taken aback, and then he smiled bitterly. While feeling a little stunned, he also showed a trace of hesitation. For him, after the system reminded him, he understood what the system said. Later, he suddenly woke up. The source of death might be that his own source had a problem, and it was very simple to solve this problem. It was enough to dissipate the original source road of his integration. It was just the consequence of doing this. In fact, it is very scary. Luo Xiu almost cut off his path forward. It is almost impossible for Luo Xiu to successfully advance to the Saint level again based on his own cultivation. Unless he can change his fate again, he can only stay in his life. Wu Zong level.

Luo Xiu had never thought before that he would encounter such a difficult decision. For him, his previous practice was smooth sailing. However, when he was about to reach the peak of the entire universe, the appearance of the Tianshan Sect and the Li family made Luo Xiu would suffer from such an extinction disaster. There is no choice of retreat. Luo Xiu hardly chooses him. He can only reluctantly dissipate the original source avenue that he merged. However, in spite of this, his heart is unwilling. Still making him hesitate.

Luo Xiu gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind. Time is not waiting. He must solve the dead energy in his body as soon as possible. The longer he drags it, it will only make the situation in his body worse. Since he can no longer keep the current situation. Realm, then simply make a decision. After gritting his teeth, Luo Xiu stopped paying attention to the system, and straightforwardly began to close his eyes and adjust his breath. After making all preparations, he suddenly reversed the attack and dissipated himself. It was easy to integrate the successful origin avenue. In just an instant, Luo Xiu's cultivation base fell rapidly, from the original sage peak to the Wuzong peak.

What followed was the imbalance of power in the body. Even if Luo Xiu's meridians were now destroyed and his dantian was damaged, this violent power still made him vomit a lot of blood, almost vomiting all the blood in his body. Clean, Luo Xiu stopped then, lying down on the ground slumped, closed his eyes and started to check the situation inside his body.

What gave him some comfort is that after removing this dead energy, the reaction in his body was very direct. Although the Tianshen Body Refining Art still failed to recover his body, his injuries did not continue to deteriorate. While Luo Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. This experience simply caused him to fall from the clouds to hell.