Technology Communication System

Chapter 1334: The situation is weird

More than ten days passed in such a hurry. During these days, Luo Xiu stayed in front of the teleportation formation for a certain period of time every day, and the rest of the time was to go out of the city to kill the monsters. The number of monsters gathered here is terrifying, and it is impossible to kill. At the same time, Luo Xiu’s performance also fell in the eyes of some caring people, so that some people who had thoughts about him also put away their thoughts. Everyone knows that at this time, no one dares to move Luo. Xiu, after all, he is really trying hard to kill demons when everyone else is thinking about his own interests.

This made the people who used the tracking mark on Luo Xiu's body to feel a little bit distressed. There is no way. Luo Xiu's appearance at the moment is too surprising to them, because in everyone's behavior and habits, like him After this kind of casual cultivator got so many spirit stones, he would definitely try his best to leave here.

After all, this is a monster wasteland, with so many spirit stones in his body, and it is known to many people. There will definitely be someone who will be malicious to him, but Luo Xiu is doing the opposite. This guy is not only Thinking of it, he even went out of the city to kill the monsters alone, and he could explain it once or twice. He went out almost every day, every day at a fixed time, so he had to let these people with ulterior motives have some doubts in their hearts.

Some people wonder if Luo Xiu did this on purpose. The purpose is to lure others to take action against him, but there is no evidence. Therefore, many people who have thoughts about the spiritual stones on Luo Xiu have temporarily suppressed their hearts. Greed, there is no real bad luck for anyone to find him, not even temptation.

The days were calm, Luo Xiu stayed patiently in this wasteland city and waited for more than 30 days. Just when he thought he was about to run out of patience, the first group of people to enter the secret realm came out, Luo Xiu It was almost immediately blocked at the secret realm exit, and a huge sign was erected, which said that the price of various genius treasures was negotiable, and at the same time, it did not shy away from anyone's weird eyes and shouting, the scene For a while, it seemed very cheerful.

It’s just that the expressions of those people who came out of the secret realm are a little gloomy, but their faces are ugly to the extreme, and many people are even more gloomy and can drip water, especially the guys from the major forces, all of them are ugly to the extreme, Luo Xiu I don't know why, I feel relieved inexplicably, and the trace of regret in my heart is gone.

It’s not difficult to tell from the expressions of these people that their gains in this industry should not be great, and even suffered a lot from it. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the extremely ugly expressions of these people. This situation also makes The only regret left in Luo Xiu's heart disappeared without a trace. He is also very lucky now that he didn't follow in. Although he had already made up his mind not to enter these secret realms rashly, but after waiting for so many days, all kinds of things in his heart The strange thoughts also made his xinxing appear shaken.

Now, seeing these people's expressions, Luo Xiu was relieved and inexplicably relaxed a lot. Hearing those people surrounded by people and discussing topics in a low voice, Luo Xiu was inexplicably born with a weirdness. It feels like he knows that what he was worried about before has happened. After all, these secret realms are sub-plane worlds that are still being bred. The internal resources are so easy to get, Luo Xiu is a living example. .

You know, he was seriously injured before, and when he entered that secret realm, he didn't see anything, but because he wanted to heal his injuries, he didn't care about searching for geniuses and treasures there. Now he wants to come. I didn't start to search for resources before, but a very wise choice.

At the very least, don’t worry about the rejection of this piece of heaven and earth, and the backlash of the laws of heaven and earth, for him at this moment, no matter what kind of situation, if it really happens to him, the fun will be great, and watching Each of these people's expressions were extremely stinky, but a little sympathy was born in his heart.

Although I don’t know why these people have such expressions, it’s not difficult to see that their trip to the secret realm should not be very rewarding. Otherwise, they will not have this expression, but his thoughts have not been refreshed in his heart for a while. , Suddenly, Luo Xiu saw people from these major forces appearing at the exit of the teleportation formation at the same time. Then three people walked out of the teleportation formation and attracted Luo Xiu’s attention. There was no way, as long as the eyes were not blind. I can see that something is wrong. Compared with the people who came out before, the three people in front of me are smiling at this moment, and the happy expressions on their faces are simply undisguised.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xiu couldn't help but look weird. Obviously, the expressions of these three guys showed that they did not get nothing, but a lot. It is not difficult to imagine what happened in the secret realm. Luo Xiu learned from the conversations of some people that the secret realms that the major forces chose to open this time were not random, but the three designated secret realms. These three secret realms are the largest among hundreds of secret realms.

The reason why only three secret realms will be opened this time is to attract more casual cultivators to come. Otherwise, if all of the hundreds of secret realms are opened and they have been searched, how can they attract those? I came here in a casual repair. After all, in the monster wasteland, the overall strength of the human side is still a bit weak. Although the wasteland city has been built, the number of monsters here is really terrifying. In a short time, I want to eliminate the monsters here. , It’s impossible. With these secret realms here, it’s impossible to calm down here, so Luo Xiu saw the appearance of these three people, and understood in his heart, it was obvious that the three of them should have done something amazing inside. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the leaders of the major forces are waiting for them outside.

More than a dozen high-level superpowers appeared at the exit of the teleportation array at the same time, attracting the attention of most people in the entire Wasteland City for a while. Obviously, something extraordinary happened in the secret realm. I just don’t know what it is. Today's Luo Xiu can completely imagine the unconcealable thirst for knowledge in the hearts of these people, no matter where they come from. Looking at it, Luo Xiu couldn't judge why they were so exciting.

"System, let me monitor the conversations of these people, and can you tell what they are hiding? I always feel that these three people have shown a bit of exaggeration, a bit unreasonable, and even if they get great benefits, they will not be too big. There are such unbearable performances. How can they be disciples of the top ten superpowers? Such performance is a bit embarrassing!" Looking at the three arrogant guys, Luo Xiu somehow felt something was wrong and couldn't help but ask in his mind. system.

"Hehe, if you change to you, you can't help but laugh. These three guys should have got the specific position of the innate spirit treasure among the three secret realms, and have a chance to get involved in the innate spirit treasure! You said they can Can you bear this excitement? I can't help it, OK!" The system's words, like a thunderbolt in the sky, made Luo Xiu's whole person a little confused, three innate spirit treasures! How is this possible.

Immediately, Luo Xiu saw three pictures. The pictures showed the specific situation of these three innate spirit treasures. I knew I had to spread the news when I moved here. Otherwise, things will change greatly, and the situation will change. Moving in an unknowable direction, a weird smile appeared on his face and he started to act.

Then, in the next few days, an explosive news came out inexplicably. Among the three secret realms, there was an innate spirit treasure that was gestating and was about to mature. Such an explosive news came out almost instantly Aroused public opinion, and most importantly, the news said that the three disciples of Dongxuancheng with smiles on their faces were the three who had received the recognition of Lingbao. The news of such an explosion made all the big The forces, especially those who are jealous of these innate spirit treasures, have different ideas in their hearts.

It's just that the development of things went beyond Luo Xiu's expectations. Don't look at the news spreading all over the sky. Many people and many forces are eager to try, but it's really just news circulating and nothing substantive happens. Originally, Luo Xiu thought that these people would fight, but the result was surprising. These three guys who were recognized by the Innate Lingbao, they died of blood and blood after leaving the secret realm shortly after they left the secret realm. This suddenly happened. The news of, it’s just a bit creepy. Some other people who originally had plans for these three innate spirit treasures are all close to each other. Many people feel that they are scared after a while, and they have a feeling of aftermath. .

"System, you must know what happened in the past two days. The host is a little confused. Why did this happen? It shouldn't happen. Since the three spirit treasures have already recognized the master, why is Dongxuancheng? Will these three guys die suddenly because of too much blood loss?" When the news came to Luo Xiu's ears, he was a little dumbfounded, and a little dumbfounded. He couldn't help asking about the system in his mind. After all, he hadn't He had obtained Xiantian Lingbao, and once he was fortunate enough to form a contract with Xian Linglong Tower, but there was no such thing as a sudden death due to excessive blood loss.

"It should be the law of heaven and earth. As for the specific reason, this system is not sure. It should be related to the world where the three innate spirit treasures are located. After all, the three disciples of Dongxuancheng are not those three worlds. Native creatures, they are just outsiders. In order to get the approval of Lingbao, it is estimated that they have used some disgraceful means, such as the same principles as those encountered in the secret realm you were in. They should have adopted certain Yin Evil things directly deface the Xiantian Lingbao. In this way, this kind of thing will happen, it is not difficult to understand!" Although the system is upside down, Luo Xiu understands the meaning of the system's words. Obviously, This matter is clearly related to the attribution of the innate spirit treasure. Those guys in Dongxuan City used some disgraceful means to cause the matter to become what it is today.

Time passed slowly in this way. This is already the tenth day when the news of Xiantian Lingbao spread throughout the city. In these days, the news that the master of Lingbao died violently and violently was spread all over the world. During this period, people kept coming and going. In those three secret realms, even some of Emperor Wu’s wallpapers forcibly sealed their own cultivation bases. They went in and took a look, but after everyone came back, their faces were very ugly. Although some people looked happy, they didn’t spread the spirit again. Bao acknowledged the Lord's message, and even Luo Xiu himself put out the idea of ​​fishing in troubled waters.

Because of his identity, Luo Xiu has no access to the top ten influencers at all, and therefore has no way of knowing what was released by someone deliberately, let alone what he didn’t know. What he knew, although his guess and the system coincided with each other, Luo Xiu knew that there must be something in it, and even he couldn't be sure about it! Luo Xiu watched the people of the great powers continue to enter and exit the three secret realms, and even the promise of allowing other casual practitioners to enter the secret realm afterwards was abolished, which proves that these three secret realms have other influences. It's the plans of those big forces.

And there is one thing that Luo Xiu just discovered, and that is that none of the loose cultivators who have been teleported in before have come out! The things in this are somewhat intriguing. For Luo Xiu at this moment, he is really curious about what is hidden in these three great secret realms, the three innate spirit treasures, even if they are really precious, they don’t know how many years it will take to use them. Is it necessary to keep things secret? Luo Xiu smelled something wrong from this.

It’s not easy to make things clear. In order to avoid being noticed by others, he doesn’t want to be too high-profile at this time, lest there be extravagance, and he has been enthusiastic about killing monsters during this period, and even a little reluctant to think about it. Increased, for the use of some magical powers of killing and cutting, on the contrary, it has become more and more handy.

At the same time, Luo Xiu also discovered one thing that made him happy, that is, as the mastery of his own power becomes higher and higher, the speed at which the beasts are slain will be faster, and the level of the beasts he slayed will change The higher the gain, the more resources he can get, and he can also use the increased points to exchange more resources to feed back his already exhausted body. Because with the passage of time, he found that in order to heal his injuries, he had dissipated the original source road, which did not have no effect on his body source, but the impact was very unobvious. Now Luo Xiu has realized his previous decision. The serious problems caused, are trying to find all kinds of natural treasures to nourish the body.