Technology Communication System

Chapter 1355: Scrape

Therefore, when he first saw that the entire hill was filled with herbs, Luo Xiu was very excited, even a little crazy. It is true that these things are simply a windfall for the existence of Luo Xiu's cultivation. In other words, the many spiritual grasses that are more than ten thousand years old here are simply invaluable.

Not to mention a lot. The spirit grass that is not in the small world in his body is also found here. This makes Luo Xiu more and more looking forward to this secret realm. The more important thing is that the things here are really small for him. The evolutionary development of the world is good, and it’s more than that. Luo Xiu also found that he couldn’t refuse the spiritual things in front of him at all. Even this hill developed by people, in Luo Xiu’s view, was simply Tailored for him, if possible, Luo Xiu even wanted to move the entire hills away.

It's just that he just thinks about it. With his current strength, he can't do it at all. If he didn't dissipate the origin road, there would be a little possibility, but now the small world in his body has become complete, and he also He can only continue to cultivate the spirit grass and elixir that he has dug up. As for the others, I can only think about it for the time being.

While Luo Xiu was thinking about the mess, the more he thought about it, the more he felt a little helpless. He was also extremely depressed at this moment. At this time, the system controlled a robot to walk out of Luo Xiu's small world, right He said: "The host, the elixir that is more than ten thousand years old has basically been transplanted, and some of them are mature and cannot be transplanted. They have already been picked, and they are all sorted and placed in your small world. But the host, you have to make some trade-offs, and there is not much time left for us!"

"What do you mean? How come I don't quite understand what is meant by that the time left for me is running out, I haven't finished digging it yet! With so many robots helping me, it can be done soon, and the time you said is not enough , Does it mean that we want to explore other places as soon as possible?" Luo Xiu was a little taken aback, and seemed a little cautious about the inexplicable words of the system, and couldn't help but ask.

"It's true that there is not enough time. The system left a lot of detectors in the places where we passed. The signals from some detectors indicate that the whereabouts of other warriors have been found, so the host must be careful. , And the system also found that four people came straight to your location, but temporarily, they were blocked by some other things, so you have to be psychologically prepared. You have to face some risks, unless you change your breath and hide your soul fluctuations, otherwise, someone will come to your door sooner or later. After all, you still left some traces in the Li family! Those people are through this I planted your remaining breath, and after entering here, I discovered your existence! I told you a long time ago and made you pretend to be Chen Haotian. You are not happy. Now the trouble is big!" After that, the system stopped. After a moment, he glanced at the high altitude in the distance, his movements became stiff involuntarily, which seemed very funny.

"What's wrong?" Luo Xiu was taken aback for a moment when he saw the system's response, and hurriedly asked.

"The system now tells you that someone has already come here, so hurry up! No, it's too late to move down like this. It seems that the host can only find a way to pack the whole hill away!" The system heard Luo Xiu said so, looked at him seriously, and said.

"Really someone has come in! How many people have come in? Is there a Wudi-level existence, and, can you pass me a copy of the picture you saw, and let me see who and how many people are here? , Ha ha, why did they come in so quickly, why didn’t they have a fight! I’m not ready yet, they have already come in and grab food with me!” Luo Xiu was slightly startled when he heard the system say so. Asked curiously.

"There are a lot of people coming, don't talk about these nonsense, hurry up! In the end you have to leave it to yourself, don't waste time, there are still many places to explore! This system also wants to see, what is hidden here? What are you going to do? Make a decision quickly and don’t delay any longer! Here, this system can only control so many robots. No matter how many robots there are, signal transmission devices must be set up. The gains outweigh the losses, and it is easy to expose! How to do it, you make your own decision, this system does not intervene!" The system did not wait for Luo Xiu to finish asking, and then said.

"Of course, I pack all the things that can be taken away here. I have a small world, and I am afraid that I can’t take away everything here? Besides, it’s totally okay to have you direct these robots. In a very short period of time, the entire mountain was hollowed out. As for the transplantation of the small world in my body, I can take it slowly. It’s time to grab time. Don’t pay attention to these details. Some are not important. Spirit grass can be plucked directly, and only those with insufficient years can be kept here. After the big deal, the entire hill will be moved. Although it is not possible to move everything at once, it can be separated, one by one. Click to move inside! You have to know that this hill was developed into a spiritual field for planting medicinal herbs. What a price was spent in it. Now that the big benefits of this day are in front of you, the host cannot leave it to others. !" Luo Xiu seemed to take it for granted, explaining to the system in his mind.

The robot controlled by the system at the moment heard Luo Xiu’s words, he couldn’t help but waved his hand, and shook his head speechlessly. He glanced at Luo Xiu and continued to be busy. After the system left, Luo Xiu realized that the time was urgent, so No longer wasting time, he directly flew up and teleported to the top of the hills.

At this moment, he was standing high in the air, looking down on the earth below, but seeing the hills below, most of the elixir had been transplanted, and most of the remaining ones were insufficient years, but Luo Xiu looked at these, still Some unwillingness to give up, he knew very well that the most fundamental reason why the system did not pick these elixirs was that they were so large that they migrated into the small world in his body, which was of little significance.

Luo Xiu understood in his heart that he had taken something for granted before. At this moment, standing above the hills, Luo Xiu's gaze swept a little, and he already understood seven or eighty-eight in his heart, thinking of the big forces that might come over at any time. People, Luo Xiu knew that the situation was urgent, so he didn't hesitate to implement his own emptying plan! So he chose one of the places where the elixir was dense and the aura was strong, and his figure flashed under [新笔趣阁], and it fell on the edge.

Then he started to walk quickly along the edge of this spiritual field, and while walking, he also raised his foot and stomped on the ground. He couldn't see how strong he was, but the ground would sink slightly and a line appeared. A huge crack, after Luo Xiu walked around, the one hundred acres of hills had completely sunk, and it seemed to have been separated from the surrounding land. Luo Xiu squatted down and slightly rolled up his cuffs. , Poking his hands down along the edge of the crack, a golden light gushing out of his palm, extending along the crack, enveloping the entire hill.

Then, he took a deep breath, then mobilized all the strength in his body, slowly raised his hand, and drew in a low voice: "Close!"

The huge hilly spiritual field disappeared at the sound, Luo Xiu slowly exhaled the breath he was holding, his hands trembled slightly, and the whole person was in a state of excitement. He did not expect to take this piece from the hills. Things will go so smoothly. Originally, he was worried about his lack of strength, but he didn't expect that with the help of the law of time, he would easily move this million tons of things directly into the small world in his body.

At the same time, not far away, the system was instructing some robots to continue to clean up the elixir there. Seeing Luo Xiu so quickly began to hollow out the whole hill, he couldn't help but shook his head, revealing a strange look. With a look, he didn't expect Luo Xiu to really prepare and leave nothing to future generations.

"I knew it could be done this way, just move all in right from the beginning. Didn't you take off your pants and fart to do nothing!" The system came to Luo Xiu and couldn't help but shook his head speechlessly, watching He sighed faintly.

"You said lightly, do you know how much it costs me to just move such a hill? I feel like my body's strength has been hollowed out now, so quickly give me a reply and let me slow down. Yes, clean up the others and don't dig!" Luo Xiu spread his hands weakly, looked at the system in his mind helplessly, and couldn't help but slander.

Of course he also thought about moving all the spirit fields outside, but when he came, he knew that his strength was limited, and there was no need. After all, this hill was controlled by thousands of robots through the system for such a long time. Digging, he had already dug up all the valuable herbs, and the concentration of vitality in the small world in his body was not worse than here, there was no need to waste time in this place.

Moreover, after he cracked the time-distorting formation before, while the secret realm here gradually revealed its true meaning, he had searched all the pavilions that appeared everywhere, and everything in it could be worthwhile to reach the boutique level. He didn't pull down any of his magical artifacts, all of which were included in the small world inside his body.

With so many benefits, Luo Xiu certainly doesn’t want to waste time here. After all, there is a small world in his body. He can cultivate more geniuses and treasures in the following years. There is still a big secret in front of him. In some places, he didn't investigate clearly at all. Instead of wasting time here, it is better to keep going.

Besides, he also felt a little bit worthless. After all, compared with the things he had obtained before, even after a long time here, the spirit grass he got was just icing on the cake.

Immediately after Luo Xiu pushed his system to start recycling his robots, Luo Xiu kept moving to one place after another, taking back the robots distributed in various places on the hills. After doing all this, he looked around. , Looked deeper into the secret realm, where there were still many restrictions, and it was obviously not easy to want to pass.

Luo Xiu watched for a moment, his brows suddenly frowned, and he manipulated the delimitation compass to directly converge all his body auras, and at the same time suppressed the soul fluctuations, and the figure has gone up and down, and the person has disappeared in the hills. After that, while running, Luo Xiu also secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't move all the hills here into his own small world, otherwise, it would be a big trouble now.

At the same time, not long after Luo Xiu left, there were several figures flying in the distance from the high sky, among them the Thunder Array, Leiyang, Wuhan Yangmo Wushuang and others were among them.

Several people scrambled to fall down. The broad-faced man at the Yunxiao Gate opened his hands to stop the people behind him, and reminded him loudly: "Everyone, not only people from the major cities, but also a large part of the loose ball came in. Dancers, don’t look at their cultivation level, but they can play a very big role. These people are now united together, which is a big threat to us, so next we people We must stay together, otherwise, it’s really possible to get nothing."

"Xiao Canghai, stop talking nonsense, what do you want? Leader Lei hasn't spoken yet, what's the matter with you!" a core disciple of Tianshan faction frowned and said.

"Little Five, don't say that, what the leader is not the leader! That is already in the past tense, and now we are all in the same boat. If there is anything to take care of you as much as possible, you guys, don’t worry, I’m just I suggest that everyone unite and collect this spiritual medicine garden together. If there are other casual martial artists who want to get involved, we also need to fight together, how about?" Lei Yang waved his hand and motioned to Xiao Wu next to him to shut up, speaking very seriously. .

"This proposal is not bad, but the secret realm has been in dust for many years, and the harvest in the Elixir Garden must be amazing. Then how should we divide it?" Qingyungu's honourable middle-aged man asked at this moment.

"This is easy to handle. Isn't this hill has three layers? Everyone has 15 people in a team, divided into three teams, and you choose one of them. As for how to divide the people on each layer, you can discuss it yourself." Lei Zhen Glancing at the hill, he spoke very casually.

"Okay, that's it." After hearing this, everyone nodded and said.

After everyone agreed, they led their troops into the Spirit Medicine Garden, but after a while, a series of curses continued to be heard from the hills!

"What's the matter, how can it be poached away!" Someone yelled first.