Technology Communication System

Chapter 1378: Enter the cave

"Since Su Xianzi is so sincere, I am naturally willing to help. I don't know what Su Xianzi wants us to do. It is impossible to attract all the bugs in the entire valley at once, but if only incidentally, it is still There is no problem!" A gleam of joy flashed in the eyes of the hump-backed old man Sun Mingze, and he swallowed an aqua-blue long sword and a flying talisman before asking in a sharp tone.

Seeing what Suning took out, Luo Xiu was a little surprised, and at the same time looked at Jun Donglai and the others with a little pity, because at this moment, Mo Wushuang and others were also a little moved. Luo Xiu sighed in his heart at the degree of Suning's control over people's minds. At the same time, he also truly corrected his mentality and thoroughly realized the difficulties of the casual martial artist.

"In fact, the matter is very simple. Choose a few fast people among you. I have five thunderstorm blood qi beads here. After detonation, a large cloud of blood can erupt. The sand streamer is extremely sensitive to the power of qi and blood. Choose the right one. Time, if detonated in order, should be able to attract most of the sand streamers in the valley. Therefore, I need the help of five fast players." Suning saw this scene, the corners of his mouth cocked, and then quickly Convergence, then Suning waved her bare hand, and the palm of her palm flashed with blood, and there were five more blood-colored thunder-patterned beads the size of an egg, and the surface flashed with crystal blood.

Luo Xiu looked at the blood-colored bead, his eyes flashed, and his heart felt as if he saw a sea of ​​blood. Therefore, Luo Xiu turned to look at Jun Donglai and his eyes were full of pity. The thunder pattern round bead contained extremely abundant power of qi and blood, and even a trace of the law of blood, the power that burst out must be extremely powerful.

"Xianzi Su's move is to prepare for disaster. Although your consideration is thorough, this thunderstorm blood bead is indeed the best thing to attract these insects. This matter is covered by me and we will definitely help you. It's proper." Sun Mingze, the hunched-back old man, took a blood bead and patted his chest to promise, completely opposite to the cold attitude before.

Seeing the hump-backed old man Sun Mingze is so humbly and respectful, other people feel a little contemptuous in their hearts, but some people are envious. They are really self-aware and know that even if they have this idea, their strength is not allowed. After all, this is a drop. The trading of the head, what strength one has, they are still a bit compelling in their hearts.

Looking around, after Jun Donglai pondered for a moment, he also stepped forward to take a thunderstorm blood bead, a blue exquisite shield, and a flying talisman.

Immediately there were three more casual martial artists who thought they were fast enough to escape, and each received a thunderstorm blood bead, weapon, and flying talisman. Amid Luo Xiu's strange gaze, a few of them made eye contact.

Except for the hunchbacked old man Sun Mingze and the other five people, the other people who planned to leave saw that nothing happened to them, so they flew straight to the exit, choosing to leave this place of right and wrong immediately. This is also the trick for these people to save their lives. Those people who flew outside, looked inexplicable one by one, and quickly withdrew their eyes.

"So, do you have any questions. If you don't have any, then I will ask the five fellow daoists. I hope you can keep your promise, otherwise...!" When the others walked away, Suning's beautiful eyes flowed, smiling with a smile. Said to the five hunched old men.

"This is natural! Su Daoyou don't worry, let me do it first." The hump-backed old man Sun Mingze glanced at the few people from Jun Donglai, and flew towards the distant valley first. After a few breaths, with a huge muffled "bang", it came from the valley, and then everyone saw that above the valley, a large cloud of thick blood was emerging at this moment, as if dripping in clear water The ink is normal, and the blood cloud is scattered at high speed.

At the same time, the countless golden sand streamer insects in the valley seemed to explode, and the originally orderly valley suddenly became chaotic, and countless insects flew up at high speed, and at the same time, flames were sprayed from the mouth, and the blood cloud disappeared in a few breaths.

And Luo Xiu saw the humpbacked old man emerge near the valley, and then turned into a bright escape light, on which a special blue light appeared, flying towards the distance like an electric jet, much faster than before.

Seeing this scene, the insect swarms near the valley squeaked, and a large swath of golden sand streamer worms immediately followed, accounting for about 10% of the total number of valley insect swarms.

At this moment, after the short mountain in the distance, Suning saw this scene with a hint of joy on his face, and then Meimu immediately looked at the other four people around him.

Jun Donglai got up directly, did not say much, his body rose from the ground and flew towards the distance at high speed. At the same time, a layer of aura engulfed his figure, hiding his breath, and approached from another direction completely. Worm Valley is lively.

Then, when he was about to return to calm in the valley, he, like the humpbacked old man, once again released the thunderstorm blood beads, which attracted the attention of many Jinsha streamers, and immediately appeared and fled. Suddenly, a large group of Golden Sand Streamer worms tracked away, and the number was much larger than that of the hunchbacked old man.

"Quick! Next one!" Suning hurriedly urged upon seeing this. It was planned before that Sun Mingze and the five of them would lead away the golden sand streamers in the valley one after another. The five must be very consistent and move fast. It would be troublesome if the swarms of insects that had been tracked before returned.

"Take care, everyone!" A stray martial artist shook his body, turned into a white light, and shot out. He quickly reached the vicinity of the valley, threw a bleeding bead to detonate, and then also led away part of the insect swarm. The remaining two followed the same pattern, using blood beads to draw away part of the insect swarm.

It’s just that even though the five people have led away five batches of insects, at this moment, although the insects in the valley seem to be much scarce, there are still more than half of them, but there is no way. The number of insects introduced by the fifth person is obviously much less. It can be seen that these remaining bugs cannot be led away at all.

"It's now, let's go!" Even though Suning feels helpless with the current situation, she also knows that there is a rare opportunity now. She waved her hand and drank from her mouth, once again offering the yellow sand-like magical weapon, and she raised it. , It turned into a yellow cloud and enveloped more than ten people, including Luo Xiu. In a flash, everyone merged into the ground, and everyone quickly approached the valley from the ground quietly in a way of escape from the earth. After just a few breaths, everyone stopped in front of the valley.

No way, the situation in this valley is more thorny than they thought. There are also many sand streamer insect nests under the valley, even more than the number of sand streamer insects on the ground at this moment. Even if Suning is arrogant and powerful, at this moment Also his face was gloomy, and he didn't dare to stop approaching the valley easily.

"You fellow daoists have seen it now. Although you chose to stay, I am very grateful, but the situation in the valley ahead is unknown. I can only help you get here. The next path is your own. "Suning's face was solemn at the moment, and she said helplessly, and at the same time she pulled back the yellow magic weapon.

Since the others chose to stay, they naturally had their own means, and they nodded their heads instead of following Suning and others to explore the valley.

"Good luck, everyone." Suning's voice fell, and he waved his hand, a touch of blue covering the whole body, and then saw her body twitching around, the blue light flashing on the body surface, the body directly turned into three water blue shadows , Flew out of the ground and swiftly shot towards the valley.

Seeing this situation, other people couldn't help but notice the situation in the valley, and at the same time, Mo Wushuang turned his hand and sacrificed a cyan talisman to stick it on his body, and then muttered a word, the cyan talisman immediately merged into his body. He saw countless cyan runes appearing all over his body, and his body immediately turned into a translucent shape, and then shot out, following Suning and the others into the valley.

The speed of the people of the Tianshan School is extremely superb. Suning must have used some secret method. Seeing this situation, Li Minglin of the Li family also changed his face and stopped watching. The yellow glow flashed on his body, and a thick layer of khaki appeared. Stone armor, covering the whole body.

As soon as the stone armor appeared, Li Minglin seemed to have really become a stone sculpture, without the breath of living creatures. However, he did not choose to rush directly, but just continued to lurch underground, using a kind of magical power similar to earth escape, and marching towards the valley.

The remaining ten or more free-cultivators seemed to be a small group that had already known each other, standing in a circle at this moment, a pale youth raised his hand, and a golden light flew out from his hand, turning into a piece of gold. Wooden stele. The wooden stele is more than ten feet in size, and is inscribed with a golden animal head pattern. The whole body emits bright golden light, and there is a wave of time law in the golden light.

Then Luo Xiu saw that these seven or eight casual cultivators put their hands on the golden wooden stele, and the golden light on the wooden stele immediately flourished, covering all the scattered cultivators in it. However, the golden wooden stele turned quickly, and the huge wooden stele and the casual repairs suddenly disappeared in the void, and then turned into a golden shadow, flying towards the depths of the valley.

"This is... Void Shenmu!" Luo Xiu was very surprised, looking at the few casual Xiu who disappeared before him, he was a little surprised.

The Void Shenmu is the same as the Kunwu Shenmu used in his demarcation compass, which contains the power of the laws of time and space. The number is so scarce that it can be encountered here.

Luo Xiu saw that the others were preparing, and did not continue to delay here. The thunder light flashed on his body, and under the sway, it turned into a looming silent thunder light, following the group of casual practitioners. As soon as the group of people flew out of the ground, although they used their magical powers to conceal their own breath, there were too many bugs in the valley, and there was no space left, so it was inevitable to encounter some bugs.

The disturbed insects immediately rushed towards the light, masks and other objects that everyone turned into. At the same time, they made a squeak in their mouths. With a "boom", more and more Jinsha streamer insects were summoned and flew immediately The shot came, and it rained down toward everyone.

These golden sand streamers are really powerful. No matter what kind of secret technique Luo Xiu and the others perform, what kind of shape they transform into, they are firmly grasped by them, and they quickly form golden insect **** around several people, rolling and biting. , There was even more golden flames from his mouth, madly devouring everyone's body protection supernatural powers.

At this moment, Luo Xiu was also inevitably entangled by insects. The lightning he turned into was also caught by countless insect swarms. Clouds of golden flames rained down, causing Luo Xiu's body guard to weaken rapidly.

Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly raised both hands, and the golden thunder light in his palm was flourishing, and golden arcs shot out, forming a thick golden thunder net around him. Strong laws of thunder and lightning rolled in the thundernet, and the nearby void trembles.

However, under the golden flames of these insects, these incomparable lightning laws have no effect. Under the impact of the flames, they melted and disappeared quickly, and the golden thundernet quickly became thin. Luo Xiu's face sank at this moment, and his hands were empty. One catch and one citation.

He saw two thick golden lightning shoot out from his palms and merged into the golden thunder net around his body. The thunder net immediately lit up and immediately returned to its original thickness.

Then, Luo Xiu continuously released golden thunder and lightning in the palms of his hands, maintaining the thunder net, and at the same time, he quietly released a law of time mixed with it. Luo Xiu was surprised to find that with the help of the law of time, the speed of the elimination of the golden thunder net was immediately reduced, and he barely resisted the erosion of the flames of time.

Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing what happened to other people around him, Luo Xiu speeded up decisively, and did not try to shake away the insects, but directly took the insect swarm lying on him. It flew quickly into the deep valley.

When other people saw this, they stopped slaughtering the golden sand streamer insects, and they all followed the same pattern, flying to the depths of the valley, and soon came to the black cave.

In just a short distance, the worm **** around everyone have accumulated to the size of more than ten feet. Under the influence of this, the speed is also greatly reduced. Among the various worm balls, countless golden flames hit from all directions, more than one. At the beginning, it became more than ten times violent, and almost formed a sea of ​​fire, enveloping everyone to burn fiercely.

Luo Xiu and the others used all kinds of defenses to withstand the impact of the golden flames, and the power in their bodies gushed out like a tide, and they quickly consumed more than half, but fortunately they had already rushed to the cave.

Luo Xiu looked around, uttered a low drink, and stretched out his hands. The golden thunder light flashed on the surface of his body. Four golden thunder dragons flashing with dazzling thunder light suddenly appeared. The terrifying law of thunder and lightning is far better than the golden thunder net before, and the space where Luo Xiu goes is shattered. In addition to the law of thunder and lightning, as before, he also secretly mixed the power of the law of time. The four thunder dragons threw out like electricity, and rushed to the worm ball around their bodies.

There was a loud "boom" in the Thunder Dragon, the golden thunder light burst into the sky, and the surrounding worm ball was torn apart. Then Luo Xiu's figure was like electricity, and with a "swish", he shot out from the scattered insect swarm and sank into the black cave.