Technology Communication System

Chapter 1380: Sandworm

The hot billowing magma, like the churning hot pot bottom material, emits a crimson flame, illuminating the entire cave into a crimson color. At the same time, the endless fire attribute power mixed with the power of the law of time creates something strange in this special cave. A special energy balance.

Luo Xiu noticed that above the crimson magma lake, there was a red platform that was excavated manually, and he could still see that the end of the crimson platform was connected to another channel, but because the spirit power was limited, the channel inside It was also pitch black, with dark red rays faintly shining from inside.

Looking along the line of sight, everyone’s faces were different, but no one said anything loudly, and the other half of the cave was a clearing. The ground stood with sharp red stone pillars, like stalagmites. .

At the same time, the group of people swept their gazes inside the cave and looked at the stalagmites at the same time. Because on the three largest stalagmites, there are three dark red insect nests that are several feet high. Each insect nest is shining with flame-like light, and it exudes a time law fluctuation.

These three laws of time are extremely powerful, but they are not condensed. On the contrary, they are scattered, surging in the cave space. The red flame in the magma fluctuates with the force of the three laws of time, up and down, and the entire void also buzzes rhythmically.

Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling a little hot at this moment. Looking at the three insect nests from a distance, his pupils shrank slightly, and his heart felt like seeing a rare treasure. Even with his concentration, he couldn't help feeling a little warm at this moment. It was the three huge insect nests in front of him that gave him a huge impact.

If he guessed correctly, these three insect nests should be the birthplace of all the sand streamers on the second floor of the demon tower in this town, and the sand streamers outside the cave dare not enter here, perhaps by some rules. Limit is to treat this place as some kind of holy land and dare not enter.

And Luo Xiu knew in his heart that the cave in front of him and the three insect nests in the cave seemed undefended, but as the mother nest of hundreds of millions of insects, this "sacred land" seemed peaceful, and it would certainly not be completely defenseless. .

In addition, the power of time radiated from these three insect nests, plus its existence here for so many years, has turned itself into a very rare time beast, no wonder the power of the law of fire and time here The power of the law is so strangely integrated, in a certain balance, it turns out that everything is because of these three insect nests.

At the same time, when Luo Xiu was looking at the three insect nests, Suning, Mo Wushuang and others, just like Luo Xiu, carefully observed the surrounding environment, especially those who are casual cultivators. At this moment, their eyes were even hotter. There was a bit of greed in his eyes, but no one dared to act rashly.

But before Zhongbao, there was never a shortage of greedy people. Accompanied by the sound of three whistling and breaking through the air, among the martial artists, three figures flew out almost at the same time, rushing towards the three insect nests respectively.

One was a gray-haired youth, the other was an old man in black robes, both of them were from the casual group, and the other was the Jin Huatian.

"Brother Jin, Fellow Daoist Qi, don't be reckless!" In the casual repair group, You Huaming's expression changed and he cried out, but it was too late.

The gray-haired young man and the black-robed old man had already flew near the worm's nest, each emitting a light, trying to wrap the worm's nest, just trying to lift it up. Jin Huatian on the other side also flew to another insect nest and fell more than ten feet away, stepping on the ground.

The power was instilled into the ground, and then the power of the law of the earth surging out, the ground near the insect nest was shining yellow, and a stone giant condensed from crimson rocks emerged. It was more than ten feet high. A rock The big hand grabbed to the worm's nest and suddenly pulled upward.

However, it is very surprising that these three insect nests were all raised, without any defensive power, and no insects came out to attack the three people. Speaking of the insect nest, the three did not encounter any difficulties. .

The three of Jin Huatian were startled at first, and then they all looked overjoyed. They put their hands on their hands to mobilize the power in the body, and they burst out with all their strength. They wanted to completely collect the worm nest into the storage space, but at this moment, the sudden change occurred. ! The crimson light on the three insect nests suddenly flourished, but the power of the law of time that originally permeated the entire cave suddenly retracted and gathered near the three insect nests.

Immediately afterwards, the balance between the power of the law of fire and the law of time in the cave was instantly broken, and the calm magma lake suddenly became turbulent, and the violent power of fire was like a flood of floods. Generally rushed to the three people crazy.

Even the location of Luo Xiu and the others was affected by this force, but because of the distance, everyone was limited. But even so, the sudden rise in temperature in the cave still made many people very uncomfortable. Adaptation, especially those with weaker cultivation bases, are sweating profusely at this moment. This is just the beginning, and a bigger storm is still brewing, as if the balance of power has been broken, making the entire cave's vitality completely lost. Constraint, the balance between the two forces is broken, and the consequences are more serious than everyone imagined.

Almost in an instant, with the three insect nests as the center, three vortexes of dark red light and shadow appeared in the surrounding void within several tens of feet, and the three of Jin Huatian were enveloped in it.

Although the three of them were prepared for this scene, they were not rushed when they saw this scene. They were about to use their means to resist, but the movements of the three of them suddenly stagnated, the movements seemed to have entered a slow motion state, and the three seemed to fall In the quagmire, the action was slowed by more than a million times.

At this time, in the eyes of Luo Xiu and others, Jin Huatian and the three were in this dark red light and shadow vortex, as if they were in slow motion, indescribably strange.

At this moment, Luo Xiu suddenly felt an extremely powerful breath of life emerge. He suddenly raised his head and saw a seemingly unusual place on the top of the cave roof. Suddenly, a light flashed, and he outlined a grinding disk the size of shape.

Luo Xiu was shocked when he saw this, and Suning and the others followed Luo Xiu's gaze to look there. Then, everyone took a breath, and the expression on their faces became extremely frightened.

I saw that the size of the millstone was like a giant sand streamer, and even its body structure was roughly the same as the outer sand streamer, except that there was a flame-shaped pattern on the beetle's shell, making it even bigger. Several times.

At the same time, everyone present had a weird feeling the moment they saw this bug. This huge sand streamer entangled here, as if it was integrated into this small world, making everyone including Luo Xiu. , I didn't notice any breath before.

The giant female worm had a mouth, and three red flares shot down like electricity from it, pulling out the afterimages, wrapping them at Jin Huatian at an incredible speed. The gray-haired young man and the black-robed old man had no time to react at all, their bodies were pierced by the crimson fire light, and they were directly transformed into two fire men, who were burned by the raging crimson flames.

The bodies of the two quickly melted and turned into ashes in an instant. Jin Huatian's strength is much stronger than the gray-haired young men. Under the yellow light on their bodies, they propped up a small half-meter-diameter area of ​​the law of the earth. The power of the law of time is wrapped up and shot backwards.

But the red flame speed was so fast that he couldn't completely avoid it, and his left arm was still pierced. Luo Xiu saw a group of crimson flames emerge on the man's arm, blazing, and half of the man's arm was directly turned into ashes.

As the crimson flame burned, the speed of spread was so fast that it was about to follow his arms and spread to his upper body. Jin Huatian's complexion changed drastically, his feet retreated, the light of his right hand flashed, and the long knife slammed down and slashed towards his shoulder. .

But he was still in the dark red light and shadow of the insect nest at the moment, his actions were slow, he was obviously a step slower, and his heart was very anxious. At this moment, a golden sword shadow came like electricity, and with a "pouch", it chopped on Jin Huatian's shoulder and cut off his left arm shoulder-to-shoulder. As soon as the left arm left Jin Huatian's body, it was swallowed by the scarlet flame with a chuckle, and quickly turned to ashes. A few hundred feet away, Luo Xiu silently retracted the flying sword.

Jin Huatian breathed a sigh of relief, and the yellow glow on his body lighted up again. The speed of the inverted shot increased sharply, and he instantly flew out of the area of ​​the Worm Nest. He nodded in gratitude to Luo Xiu, and then took out a healing pill. under.

In an instant, I saw the blood and granulation intertwined at Jin Huatian's broken arm. After a while, a new arm grew. Luo Xiu couldn't help but shrink his pupils slightly when he saw this. In this martial arts, In the prosperous world, there is even this kind of broken arm rebirth pill that only monks can refine, which really shocked Luo Xiu's heart.

At the same time, when Luo Xiu was thinking about this, the giant female worm entrenched on the top of the cave was looking at Luo Xiu angrily, making an angry cry, and then saw its tail move and plummet from the top of the cave. And down, fell on the head of the stone man summoned by Jin Huatian.

Then I saw two pairs of claws exposed under its body. The red flames flashed on the claws, and with a light wave, several half-moon-shaped red light blades flew out of its claws, and each light blade emitted a strong law of time. Fluctuates with the law of fire, easily slicing the huge stone man's body into several pieces.

The stone man's body collapsed immediately, and it turned into a pile of rubble with a bang. The three insect nests flickered and fell back to the original place. The giant female worm crouched on a stone, looking at Luo Xiu and others, her small eyes flashed fiercely.

Seeing this situation, the faces of other people in the field were not very good, especially Jin Huatian, he could be said to have directly lost a competent subordinate, not to mention, and also wasted a precious pill, which is extremely precious to be able to amputate limbs. The pill for rebirth was nothing more than the current situation, he couldn't help thinking about other things. After all, he no longer had the ability to act.

"Everyone, you guys have seen it! Presumably this should be the mother bug of the Golden Sands Streamer. Being able to manipulate the law of time and the law of fire proficiently, and the power of the two laws is so perfectly integrated, it feels a bit weird. The strength of this female insect is many times more powerful than the average insect swarm!" Suning also narrowed her beautiful eyes when she saw this scene and raised her voice to remind.

Just as Suning’s voice just fell, the female insect entrenched on the platform suddenly looked towards Suning, as if she could understand her words, showing an angry look, and then she saw her body move and suddenly turned into a crimson phantom. , Rushing towards Suning like a whirlwind.

During the flight, I saw his two front paws waved, and two half-moon-shaped light blades shot out swiftly, one of them slashed towards Suning, but the other slashed towards Luo Xiu next to him, and the two half-moon-shaped lights The speed of the blade was incredible, and it appeared in front of the two in a flash.

Luo Xiu couldn't help being a little funny, he didn't insist on this light blade, his figure flicked left and right, the bounding compass started, and then disappeared from the spot out of thin air, the next moment he appeared more than a hundred meters away, let the mother worm see this The situation could not help but stay.

At the same time, although Suning’s cultivation base is high, she doesn’t have the teleportation artifact like Luo Xiu’s delimiting compass. Although she faces the light blade, she doesn’t panic. She floats a little behind her feet and backs quickly, barely pulling away. Distance, while waving his right hand.

Seeing in front of Suning, there was a sound of water, and a piece of blue water emerged in front of him, turning into a blue vortex, turning rapidly, and the surrounding void was also moved.

The scarlet light blade sent by the female worm slashed on the blue vortex, and was slightly resisted for a moment, but it immediately broke through, and the blue vortex was cut open with a "chill" sound, and it continued to shoot forward.

However, the Crimson Light Blade was also deflected a little by the blue vortex, brushing Suning's body and flying over, and slashed into the ground with a "pouch", punching a black hole in the shape of a light blade, and the darkness inside did not know how deep it was. Seeing this scene, the other people's complexion changed greatly, and they all moved away from the mother worm.

"Calm down! We have so many people here. I'm afraid of what a bug will do! Let's do it together, don't give it a chance to breathe!" Suning was also annoyed at this moment, and was almost split in half just now. A few drops of cold sweat appeared on her smooth forehead, and she snorted.

"Yes, if everyone is not working together at this time, then it is really my biggest mistake. Everything will be discussed after we have solved the bug. Everyone has seen it. That passage is likely to be the higher-level passage leading to the Town Demon Tower! What are you still hesitating!" Mo Wushuang spoke out to boost his morale at this moment.

Everyone present at the scene is considered to have a high level of cultivation. At this time, there are chasing soldiers before they are blocked, and naturally they have understood their own situation long ago. Before Mo Wushuang said this, he shot all kinds of long-range attacks. With a powerful attack, Qi Qi swept towards the Golden Sand Streamer. At this time, Luo Xiu also sacrificed the five-element flying sword condensed by the law of time. The flying sword formed a flying sword in mid-air that exuded colorful colors. , The extremely powerful Five Elements Consummation strength caused the surrounding void to tremble slightly.