Technology Communication System

Chapter 1387: Suddenly changing system

In this way, he went all the way to the highest level of the town demon tower. Here, he finally saw the legendary treasure, the magic lamp condensed by the law of time. The first sight of this thing, Luo Xiu's heart Just fell in love with this thing, which made him feel a little dazed.

At this time, the magic lamp is as if it has not changed for thousands of years, still burning quietly, exuding the power that belongs to time alone, as if the whole world is incompatible with it. In this special space, Luo Xiu actually gave birth to It is an illusion of looking at a long-lived life body.

For Luo Xiu, this was a bit weird, but at the same time he felt a deterrent from the depths of the soul. Now he can completely imagine what the magic lamp of time in front of him means to him, Thinking of the power of the law of time that he possessed, Luo Xiu gritted his teeth and stepped forward, ready to communicate with the magic lamp of time to see if he could use it for his own use.

Because at the first time he saw the magic lamp of this time, Luo Xiu knew that he had to spend a long time and a great price to get the recognition of this treasure easily, and even had to wait for thousands of years. This is undoubtedly what Luo Xiu did not want to see.

It’s just that for the time being, for him, facing this thing, he really has no good way. No matter where you look at it, Luo Xiu today doesn’t have the advantage that can be crushed to get this time magic lamp. Therefore, as soon as his soul power came into contact with the magic lamp of time, a huge force of resistance radiated from the magic lamp of time, smashing Luo Xiu's soul power directly, making him a headache. He lay his head on the ground.

This kind of encounter made Luo Xiu feel extremely uncomfortable, and even gave birth to the urge to hit and die here. This feeling is very strange. It seems that the magic lamp at this time can not only control the power of time, but also control him. Mind, this made him more vigilant, and the systematic answer also made him deeply aware of what he was doing before. After understanding the power of the magic lamp at this time, Luo Xiu became more careful. A lot.

Although he still can’t help this treasure of time, he can move freely here. This is also of great benefit to Luo Xiu. At least he doesn’t need to constantly run the power of the law of time in his body to fight against this time. The magic of the magic lamp, this undoubtedly gave Luo Xiu more sufficient time to study this treasure.

"System, I have been here for several years, and I have not gained anything. If I continue to do this, I will definitely go crazy, and it seems that the owner of the magic lamp is still there, so I can’t take this thing away. Is there no way at all? If you really persist in this way, Mo Wushuang and the others will definitely find it, so for me, the previous advantages will be gone!" Luo Xiu kept on for more than three years He is studying the magic lamp of this time law, the more he studies, the more he feels his insignificance, and at the same time he realizes the seriousness of the problem.

If you want to get the real recognition of this magic lamp of time, it is impossible for every thousand years of time. This is simply unbearable for Luo Xiu. The ghost knows when the guys below will catch up. Once they find it here , Then everything he planned before will be completely useless, and Luo Xiu is also a little unwilling. After studying for so long, he feels more and more that with this little time magic lamp, he will no longer explore any world. Suppressed by the law of heaven and earth, and even for him, with the protection of the law of time, it will be a common thing to travel through the void and even rise to a higher world. As long as he is willing, he has time. With the two great treasures of space, he can come to any world almost instantly, provided that he has the spatial coordinates of this world.

"Things are not as complicated as you think. When you collect this thing directly, take it directly with you for refining from time to time. Presumably, it is not difficult to solve this with the inheritance you have obtained, and you must not forget that you are in that hall. The inheritance obtained not only has the power of the law of time, but also the master's understanding of the power of the law of time for a lifetime. This is the greatest treasure for you. Your kid is begging with a golden rice bowl, you know, now Is there anything else to say? If you don’t have it, do it quickly! Take this thing with you, you can slowly refine it, your kid wants to eat fat all at once, so why don’t you kill you! With this treasure of time, plus the delimitation compass on your body, you boy will have time and space, and the two supreme magical instruments will no longer be a problem for you to travel through billions of worlds. For you, it is simply Adding wings to a tiger!” The system’s words were full of temptation, which made Luo Xiu deeply realize that he had unknowingly accomplished a realm that many people could not achieve in a lifetime. Looking at the magic lamp of time in front of him, Luo Xiu's heart became more and more. It's hot.

Regardless of how much of the system’s words meant to confuse him, but after really thinking it over, Luo Xiu found that things were really just like what the system said, as long as he could really take this time’s magic lamp as his own. Yes, successfully refining, then all his future dangers will no longer be a problem.

Even Luo Xiu unexpectedly came up with a very bold idea, that is to improve his strength as soon as possible. In this way, he will try to enter as many advanced planes as possible, and based on his understanding of the system, the system After so many years of calculation and deduction, the problem of spatial coordinates has been roughly and completely solved. For Luo Xiu, it is simply a special ability to firmly grasp all potential uncertain factors. He will be strong enough to make anyone feel frightened.

"I probably understand what you mean, but you are sure if I can really do what you said, will everything next to me be solved by these two artifacts, in fact I don't want to be in this world for long? Staying, after all, the martial arts of this Cangwu world is prosperous, and it has great drawbacks for practitioners of the magical system like me, and the most important thing is that the rules of heaven here are also very restrictive to me. You are welcome. If you are not careful, you may be buried under the catastrophe. This is not a situation I would like to see, so if the system you can be sure, later, when I travel through other planes, it can help me provide space coordinates, then I took the risk and gave it a try. After all, if I really want to get the magic lamp of this age, I still have to take a certain risk. Until I see enough benefits, I cannot take such unnecessary risks, even if this thing is right. It’s no use for me to be a treasure. I guess, even when I take away the magic lamp of this time, the demon tower in this town will be completely out of control. At that time, it will be sealed in the demon tower in this town. What kind of scene will the monster beast look like? Ha ha, I don’t have to think about it! At that time, I will not only offend the Tianshan School and the Li family. At that time, how many people in the entire Cangwu world will be able to If you can tolerate me, those are two things, so this kind of risk must be considered carefully before I dare to take the risk. Otherwise, everything can't be calculated so perfect. Therefore, the system is accurate. If you are sure , Then I'll do it right away!" Luo Xiu was extremely cautious at this moment, even if he had dealt with the system for so many years, he still felt that this was the most important time in his life.

This time, if he can successfully realize all his previous assumptions, it will be a leap in his life for Luo Xiu, and it is no exaggeration to say what his future and his cultivation path will be. In this way, I can't imagine it at all.

Moreover, he agreed to the grand plan of the system to spread the power of science and technology to the entire universe. He hasn't taken any action yet. Even if the power of science and technology has been spread out in some small worlds, it is just a taste. This thing, if the two divine treasures of time and space can work together, it will be of infinite benefit to his journey through. At that time, many things will no longer be so difficult, and it is not an exaggeration to say , Then it may be possible to completely solve all his demands.

"Don't worry, everything is in control of this system. The reason I didn't tell you before is just because the timing is not ripe. As early as three years ago, I had successfully calculated the rules of space operation of this universe and concluded that it can The way to completely solve the space coordinates! So about this, you don’t have to worry at all, and you are not afraid to tell you, even if you think naively, this system can help you do it, provided that you have the ability to travel through the past, after all It also needs a strong power as a foundation, and your current strength, tsk tsk, to be honest, it is still a bit unable to keep up with the mainstream! Not to mention that your strength is not even reached by the martial sage, and the sage level can completely control the two majors. The power of the artifact, for you right now, it takes a long time for you to take this step, so for the time being, you just think about it, but you don’t have to worry too much, even if you take this away. The magic lamp of time, the demon tower in this town is still useful in a short period of time, but there will be some uncontrollable changes! Of course, once discovered by the big forces in this world, the magic lamp of time is on you, and those things your kid worry about It will all happen to you, so for the time being, there is not much time left for you. There are only three or four days. This time must be enough for you to accumulate enough strength to forcefully attack the martial sage level, and This system has a tricky method, it depends on whether you dare to take this risk! If you really dare to take this risk, this system can assure you that you will be promoted to the saint in the shortest possible time, and this time absolutely not There will be the situation that the previous power system is immature, and even the origin of the Dao will collapse, and it can tell you that in this prosperous plane of martial arts, once you are promoted to a saint, you will be rejected by the laws of the heavens in this world, even if you At this moment in this special secret realm, this kind of repulsive force will also appear. At that time, as long as you don’t resist and follow his will, you can completely leave the world. As for entering the void of the universe, how do we move next? At that time, you can play it at will. This system can guarantee you in advance!” It seems that Luo Xiu is worried. The system at this moment is simply responsive. What you say is no longer important, important. It was the content of the words that made Luo Xiu feel a little dumbfounded. For the first time in so many years, the system has been so sweeping. It can be said that he feels unbelievable when he has a conscience.

Every time the previous help system was either perfunctory or plausible, and sometimes even made some obstacles, it made Luo Xiu miserable. Now this scene just shattered his eyeballs.

Even Luo Xiu had a faint inconceivability in his heart. When he looked at the system with that kind of suspicion, he felt unacceptable. Even at this moment, Luo Xiu was wondering whether the system was showing compassion. What's the matter? This makes Luo Xiu a little unbelievable, the system is happy.

"Host, this system probably understands what you are thinking, but you don’t have to worry. The reason why you didn’t help before is just because you are at a low level. Let me tell you this. Many methods of this system can only Help you when you are the weakest, or when you are the strongest, the help you can provide during this period of time is almost limited, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is not as good as yourself The hands-on is straightforward. For so many years, this system has been groping for the rules of this universe. Ever since it came to this universe, especially after you wandered around in various worlds over the years, this system has actually collected enough data. With the support of huge data, it will be easy to simulate any kind of ability you want with my computing power. It is no exaggeration to say that with this system, you will have everything! This system Although it is called a technology communication system, it is actually incorrect. As long as I have enough data support, enough three-dimensional models and enough reference objects, I can calculate anything the host wants to see. Let me tell you this. At that time, from your perspective, it is very likely that you will not be able to keep up with some of the ideas of this system. You will not use some of the functions I provide, so it is not that I will not tell you, but That's the situation!" As if seeing what Luo Xiu was thinking, the systemic words made Luo Xiu's eyes wide open, but he was also a little dumbfounded, and even gave birth to an incredible feeling. As far as he was concerned at the moment, the scene that happened before his eyes made him feel so tranced.