Technology Communication System

Chapter 1443: Blackhand appeared

"Senior, we have already prepared the things you need. Please do your best, senior!" Then Luo Xiu noticed that one person walked out from the crowd, holding a palm-sized universe bag in his hand, waiting until he would After the Qiankun bag was handed over to Xing Ming, Xing Ming looked up at Luo Xiu, then stepped forward, handed the Qiankun bag to Luo Xiu, and said seriously.

Reaching out to take this Universe Bag, Luo Xiu just wanted to say something, but suddenly, Luo Xiu suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky above his head. He couldn't help showing an incredible expression on his face, because he was at this moment. , I actually felt an extremely powerful evil soul power suddenly locked him, and the owner of this soul aura seemed extremely cruel and cruel, and Luo Xiu also discovered that it seemed that because his existence was completely exposed, that locked his soul aura , Did not conceal the Sen Leng killing intent at all, and more importantly, the evil aura contained in the soul hardly concealed it.

There was only one thing that made Luo Xiu quite puzzled. It seemed that the power that locked his soul seemed to contain extremely powerful evil nature, and the soul aura was extremely mixed, as if it was not issued by a single person, and more importantly, Luo Xiu From this evil and mixed soul breath, it is obvious that the mixed soul breath is composed of several independent existences. Although this powerful soul power comes from different people, what they practice The exercises are extremely uniform, but in some special places, he can obviously feel that he is extremely powerful and directly locks himself in, without affecting other people around him.

So he did not hesitate, the huge soul power wanted to soar into the sky, and went straight to the group of people who locked him, but Luo Xiu suddenly thought of something as soon as the soul power was released, and Luo Xiu quickly After taking it back, it is indeed that this evil soul power is strangely capable of assimilating the soul power of others, which makes Luo Xiu feel a little weird.

Then, before he had another reaction, he suddenly saw a thick cloud of black mist coming towards him. The speed was almost jaw-dropping. It was almost a moment of effort, that powerful and evil spirit breath. , Suddenly began to come to the surroundings, endless soul pressure swept the world, the moment Luo Xiu was hit by this evil aura, he felt that his whole person was in a state of ecstasy.

Such a majestic and frightening huge soul power, and the evil degree of its soul aura, made Luo Xiu feel a little numb in his scalp. The evil of this soul aura has an impact on Luo Xiu that is beyond imagination. Terrible. For Luo Xiu at this moment, he looked at the scene in front of him in amazement. In the endless void, a ripple of black space visible to the naked eye was wrapped around him, and the violent soul pressure wrapped evil nature. The power of rushed into his body instantly, trying to intrude into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu did not dare to neglect, he hurriedly packed his mind, arranged a soul power defense array in his own Dead Sea, and then locked everything in himself, and then ran the Eighteen Arhats Body Refining Technique, closing the pores of his body at the same time. , Glanced at the other people around, couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, confessed a few words hastily, and prepared to go straight to the source of the evil energy.

There is no way, whoever sees such a condensed and powerful evil soul power invade his mind, he will react this way, and Luo Xiu can't help but feel a feeling in his heart, and now this evil soul sends out Such a terrifying breath rushed towards his soul, and a look of shock appeared in his heart.

Seeing the people of Huaxianzong still surrounding him casually, they knew nothing about what he was encountering at the moment. More importantly, as he intercepted part of the soul of the soul, Luo Xiu looked at him. Looking at the top of his head, Luo Xiu couldn't help his eyes condensing, his face was dignified, and he stomped the ground under his feet, and his whole body instantly rose into the sky. His body instantly rushed towards the black light that blasted him at a super high speed.

This group of black light not only contains a powerful soul attack, but also has an extremely terrifying material destruction attack, which seems to be an extremely strange and evil force, and even possesses extremely terrifying infectious power. Because where the black light passes, the world's vitality is undergoing unknown changes, and where the black light passes, the spatial ripples continue to expand.

When Luo Xiu saw the ripples passing by, there were spatial cracks in the whole world, one after another like shattered mirrors. The countless spatial cracks were like the torn picture, which is so impressive. Feeling the shock, everyone in the Huaxianzong looked up at Luo Xiu rising up into the sky in a daze.

At the same time, noticed the riots among the elders of the Huaxianzong in this scene, everyone turned their eyes to the great elder Xing Ming, and the blood-changing sword in his hand, to Luo Xiu suddenly After leaving, the faces of many people in the crowd became ugly, but more people gritted their teeth and cursed loudly. Then, when they saw this weird sight above their heads, all the elders of Huaxianzong knew it. The words and speculations Luo Xiu said earlier have been proved from the side.

Therefore, after realizing the seriousness of the problem, the first reaction of Xing Ming and others was to look at the magic sword in their hands, and then everyone worked together and quickly prepared for the seal. After doing this, everyone started Discuss how to unite all the forces of the entire magical world to jointly deal with the coming storm. Because they are absolutely a catastrophe of world destruction to the magical world. From the terrifying power contained in the black ripples in the sky, it can be seen what kind of powerful enemy they are facing today. .

At the same time, as the black ripples were quickly approaching Huaxianzong, the blood-changing sword in Xing Ming's hand also made a buzzing sound, seeming to be ready to leave his control at any time and rise to the sky. I was prepared for a long time, and I was shocked at this moment. At the same time, I hurriedly called out my own magic weapon and directly suppressed it, and more than that, and directly activated the powerful formation to temporarily seal it in the altar.

After doing all this, he let out a sigh of relief and said loudly: "Everyone has seen the current situation. Now there is nothing to argue about. Obviously, the previous senior did not lie to us, the various kinds of **** swords. The performance has proved that we are indeed being calculated by others. It can be said that now we have reached the critical moment of life and death. Now that the predecessors have left and dealt with the attacks of the people behind them first, then we must find ways to contact other forces. Tell them the truth about what happened here, test the attitudes of those big forces, and try to find out all the unstable factors completely!"

Xing Ming is not a fool. Since Luo Xiucao confessed a few words, he can't wait to fly up, which can explain the seriousness of the problem. At least this moment is extremely critical, especially for them who are in charge of the Huaxianzong. In other words, every second and every second is crucial. It is very possible that Luo Xiu can't deal with those behind the scenes, and even Luo Xiu's eager departure before, is likely to escape.

For all these factors, they must consider the uncertainty. Therefore, for the current situation, the entire Huaxianzong has almost no retreat. After all, it can be seen from the previous performance of the Huaxian Sword and Luo Xiu that they Huaxian Zong has been completely exposed to the eyelids of the people behind the scenes, even if they are now waiting to die, I believe the group of guys behind will not let them go.

To some extent, this has eliminated the possibility of them continuing to pretend to be ostriches, and for today’s Huaxianzong, the entire world has become this way. For them, it is more advantageous. , So taking this opportunity to pull more people into the water is the most important thing, because only when the number of people go up, the pressure they face will also decrease.

Just thinking of what Luo Xiu said before, everyone inevitably beats a drum in their hearts. After the previous change, Luo Xiu left without saying goodbye. They knew that Luo Xiu's words were definitely not alarmist. For this reason, for the current situation, they actually have the contradictions in their hearts. Of course, the most important thing is that if they want to pull more people into the water, they must have enough time and patience to persuade other forces. The time needed is uncertain, but the elders of Huaxianzong felt the urgency of time and also realized the seriousness of the problem.

At least for them, no matter from which point of view, Huaxianzong has no retreat. Therefore, Huaxianzong has no choice at all. There is only one way to go to black. What Huaxianzong will face next The risks are already visible to the naked eye, and the most important thing is that they must speed up the pace of lobbying other forces. At the very least, they must unite all the forces that can be united before the next millennium war to avoid uncertainty. The factors appear.

At the same time, temporarily pressing the elder of Huaxianzong Yigan who was busy there, turning his eyes to Luo Xiu's side. At this moment, Luo Xiu's situation is actually very delicate, especially when his body is flying higher and higher. As he keeps getting closer to the black field, the power surrounding Luo Xiuzhou's body is getting stronger and stronger. As the power in Luo Xiu's hand continues to increase, the endless thunder is like a torrent of sky, frantically rushing into the air. In the black domain that rushed towards him, the moment when the two touched, the whole world was dark, and then a huge and incomparable sound echoed in the whole world.

At this moment, Luo Xiu even tried his best to shoot, but when his lightning law collided with this black and strange field, the strange confrontation made him feel uncomfortable. He did not expect it. This kind of attack from the black hand behind the scenes is so strange. This power attribute is evil, and it is not the power of the immortal cultivator. From this level of power, he can also see the evil of this power, which he has never seen before.

This also made Luo Xiu more and more vigilant. After all, this kind of attack has never been seen before. It is not only weird, but also full of uncomfortable feelings that is extremely unbearable in his opinion. It is really impossible for him to describe it in words. At this moment, Luo Xiu had never felt such evil powers. The moment these evil powers invaded his body, with his current physical strength, he had a sense of lag, which was incredible. Even if he closed his body pores the first time these weird energies invaded his body, and then released the power of violent thunder to swarm all over the body instantly, sweeping away these black powers, but this uncomfortable feeling is still It cannot be erased, and even over time, there is a more unbearable feeling.

At this moment, Luo Xiu forcibly suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in his heart. He looked up at the sky with a big hole broken. Luo Xiu seriously released the powerful spirit power to sweep all the places. He couldn't help but sigh. He knew that the guy who dared to trouble him with such a big fanfare would definitely block all his escape routes. At the same time, he also understood that he was really in trouble this time.

Because from all the signs and the feedback of his soul power probe, the weird black domain that was locked and attacked him just now is obviously not something that a person can send out. Sure enough, when his soul power is swept away , The whole sky is the situation after the black field is broken, of course this is just the lingering power of the combined attack. And when he truly discerned the situation in the black realm by relying on his extremely powerful soul power, Luo Xiu couldn't help but be a little surprised, and saw nine men shrouded in black robes in a barren mountain. , Is forming a big formation with a weird formation, and at the same time gathers a huge soul power to firmly lock him.

At this moment, everyone’s hands are emitting strange black powers. The nine powers converge, and then they gather into a thicker and larger black power, attacking him through the formation, seeing this scene, He withdrew his soul power, and then sighed, separated by a world, he couldn't do it if he wanted to affect them.

At the same time, Luo Xiu couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. At the same time, he understood that the water in the magical world is really deep, and things are not that simple. Sure enough, when he lifted the seal of the **** sword, these The revenge attack from the black hand behind the scenes came so fast that he was a little caught off guard, but it also gave birth to a strange feeling.

Originally, he was still thinking about how he could leave quietly, but he did not expect these people to take the initiative to attack him. Looking at the huge black hole vortex like a funnel, Luo Xiu speeds up again, and he rises into the sky in an instant. With a wave of his hand, a huge and incomparable law of thunder wrapped in endless vitality, gathered into a thunder dragon, and instantly blasted into the black vortex black hole.