Technology Communication System

Chapter 1445: Daming House

In this way, the Netherworld Realm will have the opportunity to go further. This is some information that Luo Xiu obtained through the soul search, and the nine people who besieged him are the sons of the Palace Master of the Da Ming Palace and his men. Luo Xiu also knew from the memory of the two of the strange evil attributes in this world that this is the legendary spirit!

Luo Xiu directly killed the two people with his hands. Looking at the nine people he had killed, he also felt a little tricky at the moment. After thinking about it, Luo Xiu looked at the closed space channel and looked at the strange metal in his hand. Bowl, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. After killing the nine people, in order to avoid being seen by others, he straightforwardly chose to destroy the corpses, and then carefully hid himself with the help of the bounding compass.

Moreover, Luo Xiu has already sensed it. He is in this world at this moment, and he can do it anytime he wants to get out of this world. With Luo Xiu's strength, there is no problem, and with his current physical condition, In this world, his strength is greatly suppressed, not to mention that his cultivation level cannot be improved at all. Originally, he wanted to stay in the magical world for a while and practice well, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. , Before he had time to make other preparations, he was hooked from the Great World of Divine Soldiers. Although this also had something to do with his initiative, Luo Xiu’s current thoughts have changed. What is hidden in the Underworld Realm? Luo Xiu didn't care what was wrong. Because in his spirit power induction, he saw something that made him feel incredible, that is, in this person’s memory, there is a record of the so-called immortal world, and it seems that the immortal world belongs to the same universe as the underworld world under his feet. Among the planes, this discovery made Luo Xiu a little bit incredible.

As early as the time Luo Xiu left from the Nine Heavens Sanctuary, including the subsequent world of gods and demons, Luo Xiu had already understood that the so-called immortal world was nothing more than a higher latitude world space. However, when he left these two big names In the memory of the strong, after summarizing the information obtained from the search for souls, Luo Xiu was surprised to find that the so-called three realms refer to the three realms of heaven, earth and man, and the great world of gods and soldiers that Luo Xiu was in before belongs to the human world. And this Underworld Realm is the Earth Realm and the Demon Realm, and the Human Realm is divided into countless Zhoutian Great Worlds, many of which Luo Xiu has traveled through.

For example, the world he is in now. The Netherworld Realm also belongs to a very special big world. It is also a big world in the so-called earth realm. Luo Xiu found the so-called immortal realm from the memory of these two people. It is the highest ruling class of all worlds of all sizes and dimensions. Luo Xiu suddenly realized that when he saw this place, it turned out that the great world that he had been searching for for so many years was the so-called immortal world.

Just thinking that he has now been promoted to the level of saints according to the law of time, and the so-called immortal world is not too attractive to him. However, when the memory he found from the soul search was digested, he was a little surprised to find that this so-called immortal world, unexpectedly It's very similar to the clues he got about the great world before.

Combining his previous experience in the chaotic space, Luo Xiu already had a bold speculation in his heart, and even had some other alternative ideas about the Underworld Realm he was currently in. Of course, this idea belongs to the idea, Luo Xiu is very clear in his heart that he is still prepared to keep a low profile before he has a thorough understanding of the world. After all, among the group of people he killed just now, there are a few guys with uncomplicated identities. If their whereabouts are exposed, they will definitely be in big trouble, after all, this is not conducive to his next actions.

This discovery gave Luo Xiu an inexplicable sense of panic in his heart. There is no way. He has been wandering in this chaos for so many years. What he has always hoped is to find a way to return to the great world. However, he has been disappointed again and again. When Luo Xiu heard any news of the Great World, his first reaction was not joy but a little panic. For Luo Xiu today, this situation is actually the most dangerous.

Because he suddenly woke up, he unexpectedly had something similar to a heart demon in his mind without knowing it. This is absolutely impossible in Luo Xiu's path of cultivation, and now he appears strangely on his body. , For Luo Xiu's whole person now, it was an extremely huge influence, and therefore Luo Xiu at this moment could not help becoming more cautious.

For this Underworld Realm, Luo Xiu at this moment is also more and more guarded. After all, he can't talk about how familiar here. Today, Luo Xiu seems to be in this Underworld Realm, Luo Xiu's first reaction It’s just that this is not a world suitable for his survival, and from the memories of those two people, Luo Xiu also knows that this is a world ruled by evil gods, and their tentacles have been extended to all worlds, and the magical world is just them. One of the enslaved worlds.

Moreover, through searching for the souls of the two, Luo Xiu finally learned some of the conditions in this world. Similarly, he also understood why the magical world developed into what it is now, and he also knows the reason why the magical world Becoming the most important reason today, while lamenting the sinisterness of these people, Luo Xiu had to seriously think about his next actions!

Especially when Luo Xiu digested some of the information obtained from the soul search and found that the ruler of this world Cthulhu used strange control methods for these plane worlds controlled by them, Luo Xiu became more cautious. Obviously, this so-called Underworld Realm is not the kind of evil and **** world he thinks, and the ruler here is not the brainless villain in the novel.

Not to mention other things, just because of the special nature of the magic weapon world, the ability to choose the appropriate way of use shows the maturity of the ruler of the underworld world, because of the special nature of the heavenly origin of the magic weapon world. That magic weapon world was used by Cthulhu to cultivate magic weapon.

What’s even more frightening is that this evil **** still knows how to develop sustainably, because Luo Xiu discovered that the ten great soldiers that appear in the great world of great soldiers are actually replaced every thousand years. Although the ten great soldiers still have that name, But it is no longer the ten great soldiers of a thousand years ago, and because of this, when Luo Xiu learned about this, he couldn't help showing a surprised look. No wonder he always feels that the battle between good and evil that takes place every millennium, and the main reason why the ten great soldiers cannot give birth to the spirits, is because of what!

Luo Xiu looked at these weird-looking weapons beside him, and the expression on his face looked a little inexplicable. These were all taken off from the nine people. If his eyes were okay, there would be bones here. Knives, dragons and so on, among them there is a weapon similar in shape to the blood magic sword, but it is obviously not the one he had seen in the magic weapon world before.

And the appearance of these magical soldiers also confirmed his speculation from the side, and made Luo Xiu really interested in this world. No matter where you look at it, the magical weapons at this moment are all affected by this. The Netherworld Realm was eating to death. Next, Luo Xiu even had a bad feeling, because he killed the nine people directly on the spot, which would cause some more uncertain chain reactions, and may even cause The entire magic weapon world was strongly suppressed and purged.

Of course, the above are just Luo Xiu’s speculations. Luo Xiu still has to find some people with a higher cultivation level to understand the more specific information about the Nether Abyss Realm. The memories he has obtained by searching for the soul now, although there are many This information from the Underworld Realm, but to be honest, a lot of it is of little use to him.

Because he clearly realizes that no matter which world this Underworld Realm extends their tentacles to, its essence is to plunder the origin of the world. To a certain extent, it explains a lot of problems, the same, for today As far as Luo Xiu is concerned, he is almost certain that he has a lot of things to be busy next, not only the affairs of the magic weapon world, but also his own problems, because he hastily killed the nine men in black. Especially among them, there is also the son of the Palace Lord of the Da Ming Mansion. The direct consequences caused are very serious. Firstly, the great world of magic soldiers will be cleansed, and secondly, his own existence will definitely be exposed to the leaders of these powerful forces. This discovery made Luo Xiu almost annoyed that he had picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelon.

It’s just that what Luo Xiu is worried about at the moment is how strong the strong in the Underworld Realm is. If he rashly shows up, he will definitely attract these guys’ strong shots and endanger his own safety. In order to avoid this happening, he digested After searching for the memory of his soul, Luo Xiu still found a little helpless, that he had found nothing.

And it’s not just that, what makes him feel a bit trickier is that this world actually has a terrifying existence like a realm master, which makes Luo Xiu inevitably give birth to the illusion that he is inevitable, and he knows according to the memories he got. , This evil **** is still at the same level as the nine Dao ancestor level guys in the great world.

Although a super power at the Dao ancestor level may not care about Luo Xiu's life or death, he may not even be able to find his existence, because after all, there are too many different classes, but there is one thing that Luo Xiu must consider, that is This evil god's way of life is not like an evil and powerful existence at all, which makes Luo Xiu feel a bad feeling in his heart.

Obviously, once the palace master of the famous mansion really ventured over to the evil **** because of the death of his son, he might have nowhere to hide! What's more important is that this evil **** can make use of every world he masters according to local conditions, which makes Luo Xiu a little unbelievable and gives birth to admiration. Of course, it is more to be on guard!

And thinking of the current situation of the great world, Luo Xiu also feels a little speechless at this moment. The fact that humans are good at infighting, even things related to the living environment, is still inevitable, and through his memories , Luo Xiu knows the entire Great Wild World, and now wars are raging, which is far more chaotic than the Great Great World Luo had known before.

More importantly, in Luo Xiu's eyes, this evil **** is really an extremely wretched guy. In order to reduce his sense of existence, he even split his body directly into countless parts, the purpose is to cover up his Dao Ancestor level strength. The truth of this, and from the current situation, this guy's disguise was perfect, and he hardly attracted any attention from the nine Taoist ancestors in the great world.

When he realized this, Luo Xiu knew that he would have to be as low-key as this person in the future. At least he would not dare to reveal where he was before he had not thoroughly figured out how to leave the world safely. The ghost knows what special hobbies this evil **** has.

Let’s not talk about anything else. It’s just that the entire prehistoric world today has been swallowed up and invaded by countless worlds large and small by Mimi in the Underworld Realm. It is enough to explain that he is completely unaware of this situation. The horror of this evil god, the ability to quietly master so many large world planes, and that each world is still developing in an orderly manner, is enough to show how much this evil **** attaches to its own secrets.

At the very least, let alone other things, being able to control hundreds of large and small worlds in a row without causing any waves is enough to show that this evil god's ability to conceal himself from doing bad things is definitely reaching the point of perfection. And these are enough to explain a lot of problems. Let’s not discuss anything else. It’s just that the entire world of today’s prehistoric **** has no awareness of this evil god, which is enough to show how harmful this evil **** is. Therefore, for Luo Xiu Before he could fully understand how terrifying the power of this evil **** really is, of course he had to bear it low-key.

But the most critical point is that Luo Xiu today is completely unable to imagine that the thousands of worlds he has traveled around or seen are under the control of this evil god, which is even bigger than the entire prehistoric world. . Thinking of this mess in his heart, Luo Xiu completely reversed his mind.

After tidying up this battlefield, Luo Xiu concealed his whereabouts quietly and headed towards the Daming Mansion where the nine people were. From his memory, Luo Xiu knew that these nine people who came to besieged him belonged to the same force named the Daming Mansion. , In this Daming Mansion, nine of them are just a small team in charge of one of the thirteen worlds, and their presence here is actually the request of the son of the Daming Mansion.

Because these planes include the Great World of God Soldiers, the reason why Luo Xiu was besieged by them is actually very simple. It was because Luo Xiu broke their good deeds. The Blood Transforming God Sword is the three that will be taken back this time. One of the magic weapons, in addition to the chemical magic sword, the Qinglian Immortal Sword is also in it. The reason why Luo Xiu's existence will be discovered by them is also because Luo Xiu opened the sacrifice formation in advance.