Technology Communication System

Chapter 1453: Corpses everywhere

Luo Xiu couldn't help but sighed. The expression on his face was not very good. Obviously, his pale words could not explain anything. Therefore, Luo Xiu prepared for the next dose, so he looked at Li Tianba seriously. , Asked in a calm tone: "Palace Lord, you should be ready, then I don’t know if we can let me and the two princes go to the Great World of Shenbing first. We will never cause trouble, just Go in and have a look, and quietly inquire about the news. If things are really what I have previously speculated, then we don’t need to venture in. This will not only avoid a large number of killings, but also bring us incalculable causal backlash. It is also very possible for us to completely control the world around us! Since we were able to firmly control the magical world ten thousand years ago, it is not that we have lost control of this world! After all, all this is our speculation. Only by inquiring and checking in person can we get the real news!"

After Luo Xiu said these words, he also looked at the two Li Yuan who had been silent beside him. At this moment, the two of them also looked at Li Tianba seriously and agreed. After all, they both I am a little cautious. At this moment, seeing my Lao Tzu behave so resolutely and extremely cautiously, it is obvious that he is not ready to let them take risks. This is completely different from their previous plan, and therefore, at this moment. The two showed sufficient caution, and at the same time made due response to the current situation.

"Well, the three of you must be careful. This time, regardless of whether you have gained or not, I will only wait for you half a year, and you must be back within half a year. Whether you have collected enough resources, it must be within half a year. Return, because once the Lord of God does it, it is absolutely earth-shattering. Although it can’t destroy the great world of great soldiers at once, it will let you people who do not belong to the great world of great soldiers be completely rejected by the great world of great soldiers. It may be teleported into the chaotic void! At that time, you definitely don't want to try to experience it!" Hearing Luo Xiu's words, Li Tianba pondered for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement. Li Yuan, who was standing beside him, revealed at this moment. With a happy smile, Luo Xiu looked at these two silly forks and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. Obviously, the future of this famous mansion must not be too good. These two people looked like the kind of brainless guys. .

Of course, thinking so in his heart, Luo Xiu's face pretended to be extremely surprised and delighted. The expression on his face is definitely a smile from the heart. For him at this moment, this is actually the best. Yes, because as long as he is given the opportunity to enter the magic weapon world, he has a method, and some reasons are to persuade these guys in the Daming Mansion to no longer destroy the magic weapon world as before.

The three did not hesitate anymore, and then came to the Zhuan God Hall at a very fast speed. Here, Luo Xiu saw the host of the Zhuan God Hall, the guy named Xuan Yi Taoist, this Xuan Yi Taoist was There are very famous guys in the entire Daming Mansion. Not only does their reputation spread throughout the North Territory, but even the sacred land of Mount Chiao is also rumored about this person, and not only that, this person is also very important to the entire Underworld Realm. The significance of, at the very least, in the rumors, his master is the one who can directly crush half the path to death with one finger.

After seeing the gift with this mysterious Taoist, Luo Xiu and others stood quietly beside him, waiting for him to prepare to open the space channel. Although he was very calm, in fact, Luo Xiu was still a little nervous inside. The way, as far as the current situation is concerned, no matter where you look at it, only here in the entire Da Ming Mansion today can he be treated with care.

After entering the space passage easily, Luo Xiu breathed a sigh of relief and directly took out the bounding compass, wrapped the three figures in, signaled to the Taoist Xuanyi, and then directly landed in the magical world. In a wilderness.

After discerning the direction, Luo Xiu didn't want to do anything at the first time. Instead, he looked at the two people around him seriously and asked: "Two princes, shall we act separately or are we all together? Two days later, we Converge here, summarize the news we inquired, and see if the world has really born a strong person above the half-walking monarch. If there is, then we must report to the palace lord as soon as possible. No, we have to figure out where the person who killed the little boy before came from!"

"Brother Han, I think we should act together. After all, being with you, we will not be noticed by others. After all, we are not from this world. Here, the power we can use is very limited. There is a realm, but to be honest, the power that can be mobilized is almost 0! Therefore, everyone should stay together to be safer." Li Yuan is the one who speaks. At this moment, he also changed his previous arrogance and his whole person Become a lot more serious.

"Yes! My eldest brother is right. In this case, it is better for us to act together, and it can also reduce some accidents. If one of us has a problem, then we will have the strength of the remaining two. It is almost impossible to save him!" Li Yuan's words are also an influence on him.

Luo Xiu could not help feeling helpless at this moment, but seeing the two brothers like this, knowing that the two brothers were suspicious of him, and then he thought about it and agreed, and then led the two of them all the way to the northwest, quickly And to go, there is the location of Huaxianzong. As early as when he chose the place to enter, Luo Xiu had already considered it again and again, and easily locked a place not far from Huaxianzong. Therefore, he chose Huaxianzong. It’s self-evident that Xianzong’s coming near is self-evident. Luo Xiu is willing to play a double act for these two people to let them know the truth of the facts, so that he can avoid really being hit by the evil god. See the situation.

Next, Luo Xiu did not use the moving ability of the bounding compass in front of the two of them, but only used the function of masking the breath, leading the two of them to fly forward, and he had already noticed that at this moment. The faces of Li Yuan and Li Hao are not very good-looking. Obviously, the rules of heaven and earth in this magical world have a great suppressive force on them. Since the monks of the Underworld Realm are in this world and their power is suppressed, then he next There is a lot of room for maneuvering, and at least Luo Xiu now has no worries about his identity being exposed.

And the most important thing is that he can already get in touch with the people of Huaxianzong here. While flying with the two of them, Luo Xiu quietly used his powerful soul power to directly move towards Huaxianzong. The location extends away.

At this moment, Luo Xiu also quietly separated two divine senses during the flight of the two people at this moment, monitoring the every move of the two people around him, he could obviously feel the tension of the two people around him, but he did not What to say, he himself is not worried at all. What is more important is that he is now eager to know if he has been in the Underworld Realm for so long, whether this Immortal Huazong has contacted other forces and reached a consensus on cooperation. .

What Luo Xiu didn’t expect was that when his soul power really entered the Huaxianzong’s sphere of influence, what he saw in the divine soul made him feel a little numb in his scalp. They were all dead, and the corpses were everywhere, and Luo Xiu could still feel the resentment remaining on the corpses. The intensity was simply jaw-dropping. Although there were no wounds on the corpses, Luo Xiu felt it. There was a sense of horror, and the most important thing was that after his spirit power penetrated into these corpses, he found that these dead corpses had an extremely obvious characteristic.

All the corpses had no obvious trauma. The whole body was normal. Only the brain became a paste. Such a strange way of death also made Luo Xiu feel a little shuddering. Obviously, the death of these people should be Suffered a large-scale mental shock, and looking at the death toll and the scope of the impact, it was definitely a powerful existence at the same level as him. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain everything in front of him.

"Two brothers, things have changed a little bit. Not far in front of us, there are a large number of mortal deaths, the number is not less than one million. Is it possible that someone in your famous mansion will enter this world first, otherwise, such a large population will die. It’s impossible for a monk in this world to do it so easily. Although a large number of killings is okay, it is absolutely impossible for a mental attack like this to appear in this world. I have analyzed the practice of this world before. System, I found that you are all people who can completely control the world, so what do you think of things here?" Withdrawing his mental power, Luo Xiu looked at the two Li Yuan beside him, and asked with an unprecedented seriousness. .

Because even he feels a little puzzled now, he really did not expect that this kind of large-scale mental attack would appear in this world. This situation made him feel an ominous feeling, as if someone from the famous mansion had stepped forward before them. , And the purpose is very simple, it is to kill a lot, and then through the killing to nurture his divinity, this situation also made him feel inexplicable anger.

"Really? Why is this? Let's speed up and go there to see who did it. It shouldn't be possible! My father has been tightly controlling the space passage into the magical world, unless someone is like Like my younger brother, he has the spatial coordinates to open up to this world, but this is unlikely. That spatial coordinate is in the hands of my Li family!" Li Yuan looked at Luo Xiu with a bit of amazement and said.

Luo Xiu stopped speaking and took the two of them all the way to hijack, and soon came to a huge city, but the city today is quiet, there is no movement at all, the whole city is dead. Luo Xiu stood in the void, looking at the corpses on the street in the middle of the city, all kinds of tragic scenes in this house, could not help but feel a little scalp numb, although he himself had caused mass killings, but never With such an intuitive feeling, there is always a difference between doing it yourself and seeing what others do.

"Brother Li Yuan, this is it! The two princes can take a good look at this scene, what exactly is it? According to the information I got, it is not difficult to see that the entire city was killed by mental attacks. As far as I know, this world does not have this powerful mental attack magical power at all, and due to distance, I don’t know what happens in the next city, but I’m going to check it out first. First, please check the real reason for these people’s deaths. Alas, I didn’t expect this to be the case. I had known it before, so I shouldn’t have ventured in before! I didn’t take advantage of it, but instead caused a commotion! If we don't kill the real murderers of these people, then we can't explain it clearly. After all, as I said, this world doesn't have this kind of terrifying magical power with powerful attacks and killing so many people at once! Luo Xiu sighed helplessly, waved his hand to indicate that Li Yuan and the other two were waiting here, he was going to take a look elsewhere.

After he finished speaking, he ignored the shocked Li Yuan and the two of them, and flew straight ahead. At this moment, Luo Xiu already had a bad feeling in his heart, because he entered the magical world this time, and there was no last time. The feeling of freedom in the world of magic soldiers, as if the entire world of magic soldiers today is repelling him. This kind of force rejection is similar to being in the Nether Abyss realm. Although it feels very strange, Luo Xiu knows , Under this situation, he still needs to figure out what happened here, otherwise, he would not be reconciled.

Luo Xiu flew all the way, and as he deepened, the sights he saw along the way made his face look ugly, because in the wild forests, the original monsters could no longer be seen. When passing through the Rock Mountain , Although he could also feel the demonic atmosphere there, he could no longer see the information that the demonic energy rushed into the sky.

Seeing this, Luo Xiu still didn't understand. This place was definitely patronized by people. At least all the monsters here were slaughtered. Thinking about this, Luo Xiu speeded up, shot towards Panshi Mountain, and looked into Panshi Mountain. The sight that arrived made his face extremely gloomy.

If it was before, he was just guessing, then the deaths of these monsters are almost the same as those of the dead, and this has to make Luo Xiu truly realize that there are really powerful existences who are good at soul attacks and have entered this world. Therefore, Luo Xiu released his soul power with all his strength and stretched out in all directions without reservation.

Standing on the top of the rock mountain, the sights seen from the soul power made Luo Xiu's face more difficult to look. Within a radius of millions of kilometers, all the creatures were killed by people and their souls were so terrible. Even he couldn’t do this. This discovery made Luo Xiu’s expression ugly to the extreme. When he tried his best to extend his soul power to Huaxianzong, he was relieved that there were still living people in Huaxianzong. Signs of activity, and the powerful life magnetic field emanating from there, it is not difficult to find that there are still many people there.