Technology Communication System

Chapter 1457: Space cracks appear

Of course, the current Luo Xiu is almost certain that he was definitely fooled by Li Tianba before, but in this situation, it is impossible for him to really trouble Li Tianba. After all, there is a difference between the two. The strength gap is actually quite large.

At this moment, he looked at the huge spatial crack that appeared in this spatial rupture in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel cold sweat on his forehead. At the same time, he felt heart palpitations, especially when he sensed huge spatial fluctuations spreading far away. , The endless vitality above his head gathered, Jie Yun may appear at any time, this scene made Luo Xiu's mouth twitch.

No way, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't imagine who had such a terrifying strength that could tear the space barrier of a big world in an instant, even if Luo Xiu possessed a bounding compass, he would do his best to stimulate the power of the bounding compass. , It can't do this, even if Luo Xiu's strength is raised to a few more realms at this moment, it is impossible to have such a ruinous scene in front of him!

The only thing that can give Luo Xiu a sigh of relief is that he has no life threat for the time being. At the same time, he can be sure that no one will continue to expand the size of the crack in this space at this time, and no one will choose to enter the magical world at this time. , After all, the energy shock caused by the dispersal of such a strong spatial force is definitely not something ordinary monks can handle! Now, only the kind of spatial passage that the three of them walked in before was safe.

The situation in front of him, even if he is lucky, but with such a big momentum, it is obvious that there is a problem. There are people in the Underworld Realm that are no longer ready to take care of the magical world. , Definitely came to destroy this world!

This scene alone tells everything. People who enter this world through this method don’t even care that their unscrupulous shots will affect others. They do so, they are not ready to come in. They use this method. It's like entering a stranger's home, there is a door to come in, but choosing to smash the wall this bad way will definitely incur a fierce reaction from the world origin of the magic weapon.

Sure enough, even if it was just a huge crack in nothingness, it still gave people a huge oppressive force, and as the crack portal slowly formed, there were already layers of thunderclouds surging and dark clouds around the portal. Overwhelmed, the black was crushed as if irritated, and it formed above the crack in the space at an alarming speed, as if the sky was sinking. Such a situation made Luo Xiu feel a little dumbfounded, but he couldn't help but feel a little scalp. My mouth twitches.

This scene made Luo Xiu feel like he was in the apocalyptic world. This situation is like the destruction of the world. Together with Luo Xiu's thunder law condensed the original core, it gave him an extremely clear sense of the thundercloud formed under the starry sky. The extremely terrifying power contained makes Luo Xiu's heart tremble.

At the same time, the expression on Luo Xiu's face suddenly changed. Under the induction of his spirit power, an extremely powerful mental power extended out to the magic weapon world through the crack gate of space. Luo Xiu saw this. , I couldn’t help but also followed by a breath of cold air, because the spiritual power was far beyond his imagination, and even the evil power contained in it almost touched Luo Xiu’s soul power. It fell apart! Then he didn't dare to ignore it, and ran straight away, his speed instantly increased to the fastest speed, and while he was running, he did not forget to directly use the bounding compass to cover Li Yuan, Li Hao and the two ran together.

No way, Luo Xiu doesn't know how strong the master of this powerful mental power is, but the terrifying mental power detected in his direction alone is stronger than the sum of all the spiritual power in Luo Xiu's body. This is simply Refresh Luo Xiu's three views.

You must know that the soul in his body is the color of nine colors, and the soul's resistance to spiritual power is absolutely beyond imagination and toughness, and it is such a special and powerful soul body that trembles under this soul power, and What made Luo Xiu even more unexpected was that the divine soul power produced by his special soul body was not as good as the mysterious power behind this gate, only one of the soul power released. This discovery made Luo While Xiu was a little speechless, he also felt the danger and his own insignificance.

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Luo Xiu perceives the terrifying energy behind it from this deep malice. Not to mention other things, it's just the spiritual power in Luo Xiu's soul power induction. The wailing of the souls of countless undead contained therein is enough to make him collapse. If he hadn't cut off the soul power that invaded the sea of ​​consciousness in time, Luo Xiu's appointment at this moment would be extremely miserable. Even so, he still feels how lucky it is to survive.

No way, as a monk wandering through the heavens and the world, Luo Xiu is cautious and accustomed. However, even he did not expect to encounter such an unprecedented fatal crisis in this magical world, and the cracks in the head That frightening scene made him feel a little numb in his scalp, and even for Luo Xiu at this moment, he was a little confused until this moment.

No matter he wants to break his head, he can't imagine that there will be this scene before him. Whether it is the huge space crack or the devastating endless thunder on the space crack, every kind of celestial phenomenon has been given. His great shock made Luo Xiu involuntarily vigilant. At this moment, facing the scene in front of him, he had only one thought, and that was to escape quickly. The farther he escaped, the better.

Luo Xiu was sure of the terrifying sight in front of him. If he really dared to ignore the exploration from the master of the ancient spirit, what awaited him was definitely the end of a lifetime. He looked at the two people around him in the same way. With a ghostly expression, Luo Xiu's expression on his face became very exciting, and he said with a heavy tone: "Two people, it seems that you should know something. At this time, what else needs to be kept from me? ?"

"If my speculation is correct, we can only do this for our Lord God, and only he has such a terrible means, but isn't it right? My father has already made a promise to us before, why Regardless of the life and death of the three of us, let the Lord Divine Master directly do it, what is the reason!" Being pulled by Luo Xiu, Li Yuan's face was not good, but his words were full of doubts.

It’s really because Luo Xiu has discussed with Li Tianba before. When the three of them return, they will determine the next method of action. Whether or not to ask the Lord Lord to do it yourself, it will be up to Luo Xiu and the three of them. The information came back, but in this situation, Li Yuan and the others just passed back what happened here, and they attracted a direct attack from the Lord Lord. This definitely made both Li Yuan feel. While I was caught off guard, I also felt a crisis coming.

"Tsk tusk! How do I know what your father is thinking? Maybe he is not ready to let the two go back alive, maybe! The ghost knows what your father thinks, and how he talks to God Lord. The adults communicated, and how did you persuade the Lord God to act personally? We don’t know what's in it, so the situation is now clear at a glance. I was completely given up by him! And the only thing I'm sure about is , If we don’t want to leave this world anymore, the three of us will all die here. It’s not difficult to see from the size of the cracks in this space. Our Lord Lord may be preparing to descend into this world and destroy this space barrier at the same time. , With the help of the World Extinguishing Thunder Tribulation to directly destroy this world, it is possible, tsk tsk, it’s such a great spirit, a terrifying strength, and a deep calculation!" Luo Xiu said with an angry expression on his face. .

Luo Xiu also seemed a little frustrated at this time, and he didn't expect the Nether Abyss realm master to be ready to lift the table with a disagreement. This approach is a bit rascal, and even makes people feel powerless, because he is strong enough. , I don’t pay attention to these things with you at all.

"[文馆] The ghost knows what our Lord God is going crazy, I even wonder if my father is also crazy with it? Where is this to investigate, this is definitely here to run The goal of destroying this world is really true, I don’t know how to say it, but let’s escape as soon as possible, how far we can escape! By the way, Li Hao, father didn’t give you two spaces Move the talisman? Quickly take them out. I think those two things should be able to send us out of this world. No wonder my father will explain this way when we follow along!" Only when Li Yuan's words fell, he began to alert Luo Xiu. After breaking free from his hands, the two brothers both looked at Luo Xiu with a vigilant look. Their eyes were full of faint defensiveness. Luo Xiu was stunned when he saw the situation, and he suddenly thought of something, some of his face was gloomy, and he shook his head silently. Let them leave the defensive circle of the demarcation compass.

"Don’t worry, the two princes. I’m not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately. When the two act together, they take great risks. Therefore, it is no wonder that the two brothers have To get out of this dangerous place, the two of you, please leave first to see the energy spilling speed of the crack in this space. I estimate that in the near future, the real body of the Lord God will be able to come here, without me saying more, once If the Lord God really descends into this world, the terrible disaster caused by it is definitely not what the two want to see, let alone what we can imagine. At that time, there will be problems in the space of the entire world. I still have to say whether this escape treasure can work or not! Of course, I hope that after the two return, they can tell me the ancestors of the sacred land of Chichi Mountain sincerely, and the benefits will be indispensable for the two sons. Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Luo Xiu couldn't help but stunned for a moment, but Luo Xiu suddenly thought of something, his expression became a little playful, he shook his head blankly, and said indifferently.

At this moment, the two of them didn’t know that if Luo Xiu was still indifferent, it would be the deadliest for the entire Underworld Realm. Luo Xiu’s magnanimity at this time was definitely calculating something. ! In the same way, Luo Xiu at this moment of course knew what the two were wary of, but Luo Xiu really didn't think about grabbing the so-called escape talisman in their hands.

The ghost knows whether these two people intentionally expressed it like this, or whether the talisman in the hands of these two people can really successfully take him away when he is teleporting back, or will it be Really encountered that Li Tianba, you must know that with his current strength, he really does not pose any threat to that person. Although he can kill the two people in front of them, there is no good thing, why should he waste it? These times.

Besides, I don’t look at what critical moment is now. The cracks in the space above the sky may be completely split at any time. At that time, the ghost knows what terrible things will happen, and there is this time. It’s better to think about how to safely escape from the magical world. Seeing this, the magical world is definitely over. The master of the gods is probably ready to come in real form, which proves that he definitely doesn’t want to let this world come. Continue to develop

"Then Young Master Han, take care, my brothers should take one step ahead. After all, you have seen the situation here. Obviously, something has happened. Even if my father made up his mind before, he was not prepared to keep this god. Bingda World, now that we have agreed to us, we will wait until we go back to make a conclusion, but now that this situation occurs, it is clear that my father should not be able to withstand the pressure from the gods! Of course, is there any deeper level in this? The inside story is in it, this is not something we can know, but I’m sure that the changes here should have little to do with my father! Alas, after all, it’s no way. There is nothing special and valuable in the production! Although there are some special things in the Shenbing Great World, to be honest, if I can swallow the world of this world, the benefits that you and I can get will be It's the biggest!" Looking at Luo Xiu in front of him, Li Yuan looked a little embarrassed at this moment, but when he saw Luo Xiu's appearance at the moment, he put the expression back, and his tone returned to a powerful young man. The original look.

"Hehehe, it doesn’t make sense to say this now. Since the two have the removal amulet given to you by the palace master, then you should leave first. This son has a way to leave by himself, and I also want to know what happened here. Does it have anything to do with your famous mansion? This son really has a long experience this time!" Luo Xiu's expression became extremely exciting, waved to the two of them, and watched the two tear open the jade in his hands without expression. The symbol is sent away.