Technology Communication System

Chapter 1458: Channel open

After Li Yuan and the two of them completely broke out in Fulu's power, the space barriers in that area were torn apart, and then the two disappeared. Luo Xiu once again focused his eyes on the faint huge space crack above his head, looking at the almost At this moment, Luo Xiu couldn't help but his expression became serious for the giant void light gate that was about to take shape.

Because he found that no matter how much he overestimated the strength of the person who shot, he still underestimated the strength of this person. It is really the speed of this space crack and stability, which is indeed beyond his imagination, although it seems that he and Li Yuan are both People communicated for a long time, but in fact, it was only half a cup of tea. In such a short period of time, he was shocked to find that the spatial force fluctuations spreading around the spatial crack had stabilized. . In other words, the crack light gate at this moment has been completely solidified, and at the moment the light gate solidified, the endless thunder above the sky also bombarded the light gate like a gust of rain, but Luo Xiu watched As a result of the endless thunder bombarding the huge light gate, the spatial light gate remained motionless, and his scalp numb for a while.

Not only that, Luo Xiu actually discovered that while the giant light gate was attacked by the thunder, it seemed that the light gate was also absorbing the power of lightning. Similarly, visible to the naked eye, Luo Xiu discovered that the light gate was still expanding. This discovery It also made Luo Xiu stunned. Obviously, this light gate was enough to expel thousands of people, but it was still expanding. There was something wrong with it, but soon he seemed to have thought of something, and his face became a little ugly. , This is obviously not opening a space channel, but directly smashing the space barriers, allowing the heaven and earth vitality from the Underworld Realm to enter this world.

When he thought of this, Luo Xiu was really eye-opening. It seemed that the endless thunder above his head was not so nervous. Obviously, it is not the first time that people in the Underworld Realm have done this kind of thing. Obviously, Underworld Realm. It’s not the first time for people to do this kind of thing, so it’s easy to deal with the backlash from the origin of the heavens. What’s more, in the entire process of destroying the magical world, no master has come forward and can do things. Being so beautiful, Luo Xiu was amazed, but he also really realized how different he was from those super masters.

Suddenly, Luo Xiu seemed a little shocked and stunned on the spot. It was really hard for him to imagine what kind of existence it was that could make such a big movement, and even calculate everything so perfect. You know, The magical world is not some of the intermediate or small worlds he has experienced before. The heavenly rules of this magical world are extremely powerful, and the origin of the world is still very strong. It is not that other worlds are on the verge of destruction and want to destroy this world. , The difficulty is conceivable, not to mention other things, it is just a backlash from the origin of the endless universe, which can not be handled by ordinary masters, and the scene he is seeing now gives him a shocking feeling. Luo Xiu couldn't come back for a while.

"Host, don't look, what are you still doing here, or find a way to leave. Under this circumstance, the danger of staying in this world is far beyond what you can get, even if the origin of the magical world The core actively destroys the origin of the heavenly path, and the world origin power emanating from this world will have no other end, and will only be completely swallowed by the underworld world! And judging from the energy fluctuations revealed by the energy monitor of this system at this moment, this Once the space door is opened, the endless death energy from the underworld can instantly destroy the power of this world. Even the origin of this world will definitely be rushed to pieces in an instant!" Just as Luo Xiu was stunned. When looking up at the huge spatial light door, the system in his mind urged a little.

Luo Xiu regained his senses in an instant, and then his mouth became a little astringent. In fact, without the need for system reminders, Luo Xiu also discovered the seriousness of the problem. Not to mention other things, it was just the intense spatial fluctuations emitted by the giant light gate in the sky at this moment. And the endless black thunder of the space light gate that seemed like the sky was falling, it was enough to explain the urgency of the situation at this moment.

I saw the sky full of thunder bombarding and falling, the giant light gate seemed to have an extremely strange power, corroding the surrounding space barriers, while the space light gate opened, the endless black and red dying air was like a flood of flooding. Generally rushed into the magical world.

This turned upside down scene was shown in front of Luo Xiu, which made Luo Xiu inexplicably feel a sense of insignificance. There is no way. For Luo Xiu at this moment, the scene that he saw in front of him was brought to him. That shocking impact was definitely something he had never seen before. It was almost a huge energy collision between the two worlds. The terrifying energy shock wave that broke out almost instantly destroyed the giant light gate. At the same time, it also disrupted the flow of heaven and earth in the entire magical world.

The torrent of energy in the sky rushed to unknown places. Luo Xiu also felt his own insignificance and helplessness at this time. He felt an extremely terrifying force pressing down on his head, making him bear the burden. The defensive light of the magic lamp of time was directly shattered by this terrifying force in an instant.

What made him even more unprepared was that Luo Xiu was shocked to discover in this situation, it seems that the origin of the gods of the magical world has a certain advantage, and it is just such a wordy discovery, even from the celebrity world. There is energy rushing towards this side, but in addition to the super speed at the beginning, the power of the magical world at this moment is not much worse than the energy rushing from the celebrity world, and even the two actually show A stalemate situation.

This discovery made Luo Xiu a little stunned, but he couldn’t help feeling a little shocked. You must know that Luo Xiu knew the true details of the magic weapon world, especially, he had stayed in the magic weapon world several times. Years, I knew the specific situation of the Shenbing Great World very well, and of course I became even more aware of what caused the current situation.

Similarly, looking at the reaction of the will of the Great World of Divine Weapon, Luo Xiu couldn't help being a little bit unbelievable. Even the Great World of Divine Weapon relied on the consumption of the source, and released a large amount of heaven and earth vitality to resist the endless death from the impact of the Nether Abyss. He was very angry, but the sight he saw in front of him made him a little calm and unable. The two were basically evenly matched, which made Luo Xiu feel inexplicably uncomfortable. Because Luo Xiu understands in his heart, it is obvious that even if it explodes with all its strength, the magic weapon world is still a little disadvantaged. Whether it is the Daming Mansion or the master of the Underworld Realm, they underestimate the magic weapon world. The determination of Heaven's Will to break through the cauldron and sink the boat, or because of his chaotic entry into the great world of God's soldiers, some changes have taken place in the great world of God's soldiers that Luo Xiu didn't know about.

Realizing this, Luo Xiu has given birth to the idea of ​​leaving this world. It is really dangerous and extremely dangerous in the great world of magic soldiers. Especially when Luo Xiu is in this place at this moment, it can be said that it is completely reduced to the collision of the will of the two worlds. In the central area, a world-shattering scene appeared.

What's more important is that the situation that occurred above this high sky also instantly attracted the attention of all the large forces in the entire world of magic weapons. At this moment, in Luo Xiu's spirit induction, whether it is Qinglian Jianzong Or the Withered Bone Sect and the Poisonous Dragon Sect of the Huaxian Sect, there are countless top masters flying towards this side with their magic weapons.

Just looking at the powerful people who are flying here densely, Luo Xiu knows that they are here only to die. Don’t look at the current world of heaven and earth between the Underworld Realm and the Great World of God Soldiers. Yes, but Luo Xiu has been in the Nether Abyss Realm, he can be 100% sure that the magical world is not good at all, because the magical world is insufficient.

Obviously, the great world of the gods is inevitable, not to mention other things, just that the **** master of the underworld realm completely opened the space barrier, which means that the endless spirit of death in the underworld can enter this magical weapon without hindrance. The big world, quickly assimilating the world’s vitality, and even the ultimate assimilation of the world origin of the great world of the gods, such a powerful and terrifying means of aggression without the slightest smoke, it is almost let Luo Xiu be used to seeing the destruction of the world. Guys, can't use words to describe the shock in his heart.

Even when Luo Xiu listened to Li Tianba's attitude towards the great world of divine soldiers, Luo Xiu still felt a little unbelievable in his heart. Even though he had expected it before, the scene that really happened before his eyes was still It made him feel an inexplicable shock, and Luo Xiu's mind was unstable in shock. At this moment, looking at this scene of world destruction and thinking of his previous plans, Luo Xiu at this moment inexplicably feels that he is a frog in the bottom of the well. At the same time, he is a little speechless in his heart, lamenting how much he was before. He was innocent, and facing the ups and downs in front of him, his helplessness could not be described in words.

However, as the system said, even if he is not weak now, he can only say nothing in the face of the collision of the energy of the two worlds and the almost irreversible situation! Therefore, he pondered over and over again, and directly used the delimitation compass, rushing towards the huge space crack light gate with full power.

If it were before, Luo Xiu would definitely not dare to do this, but now that the explosion period of the energy collision between the two worlds has passed, he now rushes in. Although it is dangerous, it is also in the scope of his tolerance. The more important thing is , At this moment, he has already achieved success in body refining, coupled with the terror defense power of the magic lamp of time, he believes that even if it is a little dangerous, it is still within the scope of his endurance. More importantly, Luo Xiu understands that if Luo Xiu wants to forcibly tear apart the space barrier of the magic weapon world at other locations, and he is bound to use even greater power, and as a disciple of the sacred land of Chichi Mountain, in the magic weapon world, he has no such ability. At that time, the power of the system must be used, and it will definitely attract the attention of the strong from all sides of the Underworld Realm, which he does not want to see.

And it's not just that. In fact, there is one thing that Luo Xiu has always been guarding against, that is, his current identity is a core disciple from the sacred land of Chichi Mountain, rather than Luo Xiu who can mobilize the vitality of the world of the gods. , At this moment, the identity of the cold five aggregates is his amulet. At this time, if his strong strength is exposed, it will only attract the attention of all forces and make his next actions unpredictable. trouble.

Of course, there is another point that the reason why he chose to leave the magical world from here is to hope that the foreshadowings laid before can help him avoid some troubles. At least not to mention, it is only Li Yuan and Li Hao that the two brothers can Returning smoothly, Luo Xiu didn't care about them.

Of course, what’s more important is that Li Tianba knows to equip his two sons with space shifting symbols, but he alone misses them. If there is no calculation, Luo Xiu would not believe it. Obviously, Li Tianba It seems that there is also a different kind of plot for the sacred land of Mochi Mountain. Of course, it is not ruled out that the idea that he is really planning to kill Luo Xiu is in it, which also leaves him no choice.

And because of these circumstances, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling a little bit angry. The reason why Luo Xiu chose to return to the celebrity store was to inquire about his sins. He also reflected at this moment that he is facing the destruction of the magical world. Helpless, then we must find a way to profit from this.

And now the magic weapon world is about to be destroyed. He wants to stay here anymore, he will only die with the world. Although I don’t know how the magic weapon world will end, Luo Xiu knows that two worlds with different power attributes, power will happen. The collision, even if the quality of the heaven and earth vitality of the Underworld Realm is a little higher, but at the same time of assimilation, it is bound to produce some uncertain changes. At that time, the whole world of Shenbing will definitely have some unexplainable natural disasters.

In this case, he should stay away from this vortex as much as possible. Although Luo Xiu went back alone, many things were unclear, but he was the core disciple of the sacred land of Chichi Mountain. He was given by Li Tianba of the Li family. It’s a pit. If you don’t find the place back, it’s not in line with the style of his holy land disciples. Therefore, relying on the ability of the bounding compass to cover the breath, Luo Xiu directly used the secret method to pass through the crack light at a super speed. door.

He turned a blind eye to the endless thunder over his head. If he said that before, Luo Xiu might still be resisted by the thunder in the sky. However, as his control of the law of thunder became higher and higher, Luo Xiu seemed to be at this moment. Put yourself in the mother's body, don't want what is comfortable. A thunder attack of this magnitude would not have any effect on him, and it could even replenish the power consumed by him.