Technology Communication System

Chapter 150: Qingyun Continent (middle)

"At that time, we really didn't think so much. The reason for this is because Senior Brother Liu told us to do this before we came. As for the reason, I am not very clear. At that time, a few of us gathered outside the sect and headed straight. I came here, and then I met three girls. In fact, I don’t know exactly what it was because of, and why it was such a coincidence. (Chinese website www.8⒈ZW.COM" that person saw Li Qingyun’s face cold. His expression hurriedly explained.

Luo Xiu on the side really saw the clues, and he could tell from his words that this person was indeed not the mastermind, but Luo Xiu could be sure that this person was definitely hiding something. However, he didn't take it seriously. Instead, he stunned the person again, and then picked up a Haoqizong disciple who came with Liu Hao to make it according to law.

After asking four people in a row, the answers were almost the same as the answer of the first person. Luo Xiu curled his lips and knocked this person unconscious again and reached out to grab the sixth person. However, at this time Luo Xiu's movements stopped and he Looking at the sky to the east, in that direction, a huge spirit boat appeared very abruptly. Luo Xiu could clearly sense that there were many people who practiced the same techniques as the five men in black. The existence of human beings can be felt from a long distance, the power of qi and blood rushing towards the sky, Li Qingyun, who was standing with him, also sensed the change in that position, raised his head and looked there, and then their faces changed greatly. Li Qingyun took out a palace magic weapon, threw the five men in black directly into it, and then threw in all the seven Liu Hao from the Haoqi Sect, turned around and took the three women in as well. In the magic weapon, he then glanced at Luo Xiu, saw him shaking his head, and stood with him watching the flying spirit boat.

"Brother Li, we may be in big trouble this time. Seeing that the way these people appeared just now is exactly the same as the teleport we used. When did the cultivation world have these powerful spirit boats? The current cultivation world is simply The chaos is getting more and more chaotic. The Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Sealing Array is about to collapse, and all kinds of ghosts, ghosts, and snakes have emerged. Luo Xiu smiled at Li Qingyun beside him.

"Junior Brother Luo Xiu, just run away if the situation is wrong for a while. These people are not something we can handle. With so many bizarre experiences in the cultivation world, I have never seen such a weird spirit boat." Li Qingyun looked solemn. Instructed Luo Xiu.

"Got it!" Luo Xiu looked as serious as he looked at the anxious Lingzhou, and faintly agreed to him.

"System, can you scan this spirit boat for me? Why do I feel shocked when I see them? Where are these people from? Have you discovered how they suddenly appeared in this position?" Secretly Luo Xiu began to ask the system in his mind.

"Sorry, host, this system is temporarily unable to scan any data about this spirit boat. There is a very powerful electromagnetic radiation wave outside this spirit boat, which isolates the scanning rays of this system, and at the same time, the system just mobilized it. The satellite data shows a blank. As for the traces they have just appeared, this system has captured them. It is also a space jumping technology, but their technology is a bit more mature than the terrain federation where this system is located. Scanning the genetic charts of the five people in black, according to the above genes, they have an 86.75% probability of coming from other star regions, and they have very high muscles in the inner skin around their bodies. The group, and the outer skin of their body contains melanin inside all humans on this planet. It is very close to the human being called black in the Earth Federation where this system is located, but it is very different from them. I don’t know if the host has Without paying attention to their eyes, the pupils of the five eyes are red, similar to blood red, very similar to the descendants of the Horned Demons and humans, but they can control their emotions autonomously."

"In other words, my previous guess is correct. These people are indeed from other civilizations. Can you know where they came from? Oh, by the way, you can't determine where they are from these things. I want to place my hope on the five arrested people, and hope that Brother Li Qingyun can search for some useful information later. By the way, although you can't scan the inner structure of this spirit boat, can you be sure of them? Does it have a very powerful attack power!?" Luo Xiu suddenly thought of their weird way of appearing. If the spirit boat they were riding in had such a powerful attack power, Luo Xiu would have to be careful.

"Unsure!" The system's answer also made Luo Xiu understand one thing, everything can't rely on the system too much, as his cultivation level continues to deepen, the system's help to him is limited to some auxiliary functions.

"Junior Brother Luo Xiu, let's go up!" Li Qingyun saw the spirit boat flying in their direction. He didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly got up and pulled Luo Xiu to fly into the air. The void was suspended in the air, waiting for them to approach.

In the blink of an eye, the spirit boat had already arrived in front of the two of them. At this time, Luo Xiu could already see the outline of the spirit boat. The front end of the spirit boat looked like a strange monster. The whole body of the spirit boat was dark red, and there was a hideous monster in front of it. Head portrait, but neither Luo Xiu nor Li Qingyun have seen such a monster. His entire appearance is not the kind of spirit boat that Luo Xiu saw in the realm of comprehension, but an oval shape. The middle of the boat appears slightly wide, and the sides are narrow like an aircraft carrier.

It's just that a three-storey building stands on top of it. At this time, there are more than a dozen black-clothed men standing at the bow of the ship. These dozen black-clothed men are very dark all over, only their eyes are dark red. It is surprising that their heads are indeed their heads. Their heads are not black, but a kind of golden yellow, with a little curl and muscle knots. From the position of Luo Xiu, these dozens of big men With blood on the top of her head, the abnormality she had sensed just now also came from these dozen big men.

In the middle of these black-clothed men, stood a young man about twenty-four or five years old. The young man was dressed in white and a long fiery red head was particularly dazzling. Although the black man wore a white robe with a fiery red head. The head looks very weird. But Luo Xiu could feel a very noble breath from this person.

Although his cultivation base is not very strong, and the blood qi on his head is not so dense, Luo Xiu can still sense from this person's temperament that his origin must be extraordinary. Therefore Luo Xiu is also very sure that this group of people and The five blacks caught just now were not this big six human beings. As for where they came from, Luo Xiu was also very curious.

"Brother Li, what should we do?" Luo Xiu, who didn't know how to speak, shifted the topic to Li Qingyun. He was also not sure whether the group of people could understand what the planet said. Luo Xiu said that there were more than one hundred languages ​​in the Earth Federation.

"Who are you guys, what are you doing here?" Li Qingyun shouted directly to the people over there. He knew that he couldn't run away from the spirit boat in front of him, because as the spirit boat approached, both of them felt very strange. Luo Xiu's breath locked the two of them. Although Luo Xiu didn't have much knowledge, he could easily understand the meaning of this breath at this time. (To be continued.)