Technology Communication System

Chapter 1505: Weird worm

The huge array mask that had been shrouded in the entire Lingshi Mine disappeared. This made Luo Xiu's expressions ugly. Almost coincidentally, the two chose to speed up and move towards the spirit. The location of the quarry was shot away.

In fact, Luo Xiu’s soul power had already ascertained the specific situation here before, but he didn’t take the initiative to speak because he didn’t know the specific situation here before, plus the soul power swept the entire mining area and found nothing. Tell your findings. He didn’t say anything. What I saw right now clearly showed that there was an accident in the Lingshi Mine. At least there were no people alive. This is an indisputable fact. This discovery also made Luo Xiu aware of his previous experience. It was still too careless, and as the distance approached, Luo Xiu was a little uncomfortable with the strong **** breath in the air. The tragic situation here was more impactful than he had imagined before, and it also made Luo Xiu felt some inexplicable heart palpitations.

And as he kept getting closer to the spirit stone mine, Luo Xiu’s uncomfortable feeling in his heart became more and more intense. At this moment, Luo Xiu was already sure that something was wrong with the spirit stone condition, otherwise, it wouldn’t. There was such a situation, and as he got closer to the spirit stone mine, Luo Xiu had a feeling of turning and running at this moment, and this feeling was so strong that he actually had the idea of ​​turning and running. .

"Elder, something is wrong! We have to be careful. I always have an inexplicable sense of crisis. Beware of being ambushed! You must know that this kind of intuition can hardly go wrong with my level of cultivation. There is really something wrong with the mine that we didn't even think about. If something like this should happen, it will be a big trouble!" Luo Xiu's tone became solemn and he said seriously.

At this moment, Luo Xiu's complexion became extremely dignified. It was indeed the scene in front of him, which made him feel too weird. He looked at the spiritual stone mine in the distance, as if he saw a black hole, it was devouring him. All the vitality around, this made Luo Xiu inexplicably feel a sense of fear, and while holding Situ Lingyun, he revealed the strange feeling in his heart.

"Xuanming, did you find something? Why do I feel okay? Just tell the truth about what you have. It's about this time, so don't worry about other things. Now that you have seen something wrong, then What should we do next? I think you should have some ideas. How to do it, the old man will listen to you!" Situ Lingyun also seemed to feel that something was wrong, and couldn't help but look at Luo Xiu and said.

As Luo Xiu and the two approached the spirit stone mine, the dangerous feeling in their hearts became clearer and clearer, and the silent spirit stone mine at this moment puts them a lot of pressure. You must know that they are always here, this spirit stone In the mine, there are thousands of disciples stationed all year round, not to mention, there are thousands of miners who are mining, there are so many people here, in the past, every time the sect disciples came here, it was very lively, plus mining The clanging sound that came out was endless, as in the current situation, the whole area was so quiet, it was beyond belief between the two of them.

Now that he has realized that there is a problem in the spirit stone mine, even if Luo Xiu is a master of art, he did not choose to rush in immediately. Standing not far above the spirit stone mine, Luo Xiu's soul power is unscrupulous at this moment. Released, but as he saw the situation, his face became more difficult to look, because the whole spirit stone mine was full of dead corpses, and many people wearing the costumes of Qiankun Palace disciples were extremely miserable. Even the corpses on their bodies were already densely packed, and the time of death definitely exceeded ten days.

After looking at Situ Lingyun at each other, Luo Xiu also saw the prudence in his eyes. Therefore, after both of them looked solemnly and nodded, they both moved towards the inside of the Lingshi Mine at the same time, seeing what they saw along the way. The sight made the two of them very worried, because judging from the death of these people and the reaction of their bodies, the time of these people's death absolutely exceeded a month. During such a long time, there was no information here. Knowing that there is a formation shrouded here now, not only the traces of the formation are not seen here, but the foundation of the formation has been completely destroyed. This scene is somewhat intriguing.

"Elder, they are all dead! And all their blood has been extracted, the method is extremely strange, many people have no wounds on their bodies, which is a bit scary! Who do you think this is? The situation here is comparable to us Any kind of situation that we have thought about before is going to be bad. This is not what we think. The tragic scene here makes us a little unprepared. Haha, if we knew this was the case, we should rush as soon as possible. Come, maybe we can still catch the murderer. Under this situation, let's look for it separately. The corpses of the elders of Yuan Ping and the son of Xue Wuming. If you can't find their bodies, it proves here. The situation is what they did, so we can still have a way to solve this. If the death of these people is not what they did, then our trouble will be great!" Luo Xiu sighed, there was no more in his tone. He was calm and calm before, and he was helpless, and for him now, he really did not expect that both of them were ready to clear the door, but he would be greeted by a scene of a dead body. .

Even though he had various worries before, but what really happened to him was so tragic that Luo Xiu felt anxious grief, not because he had a strong sense of self-substitution, but because he was real. It feels like the situation here is a bit out of his control.

The deaths of so many people in the Lingshi Mine made his previous clean-up plan frustrated, but compared to his previous thoughts, Luo Xiu felt a sense of emptiness inexplicably, probably because of his calculations. Luo Xiu had a feeling of being overwhelmed. After all, he was not a wicked person, how could he accept all this calmly.

"I've probably seen it. If these people died for more than a month, the essence of their bodies was extracted by others. It should be directly ingested at the same time as they died, and more importantly, Here, I didn’t see the bodies of Yuan Shuo and other elders, which proved that they should be the ones who did the shot. Even though my Qiankun Sect’s various cultivation techniques are countless, none of them is. It needs to be large and precise. Looking at it like this, it is obvious that there are other people behind the scenes. This situation is a bit troublesome!" Situ Lingyun's complexion became extremely dignified, and the cautious expression on his face at this moment, Almost can explain everything.

And Luo Xiu also heard something different from his words, but he thought about it carefully and felt that he was led into a certain strange circle. Thinking about this, Luo Xiu did not give up his release. Soul power, after looking around the entire spirit stone mine again, his body moved and his whole person disappeared. When he reappeared, he had a few more things in his hand. These things were a few broken weapons and three men in black. Corpse.

"Elder, look at this, I think this place has been attacked. It is not difficult to see from these things. The people who attacked here seems to be this group of people in black, but I don't understand how they broke through the formation defense. Yes, I have checked it, the formation of this spirit stone mine is completely destroyed, and it is almost impossible to open it in a short time. This is a bit weird. After all, we only delayed a few days. It is impossible to break the formation in such a short time without the help of internal personnel!" Luo Xiu frowned deeply, and said with a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

Even if he feels a bit tricky now, the scene he saw before his eyes really made him feel a little weird, but he also felt the deep malice from this world. More importantly, from his inference, Obviously, there must be someone inside the spirit stone mine who helped betray this situation. Ordinary attack methods can break it. Without the help of people inside the spirit stone mine, it is impossible to easily break the spirit stone. The defensive array of mineral veins.

"In other words, it is possible that Yuan Shuo and the others have fled here, and another possibility is that some of them are dissatisfied with the death of Yuyang Sect Master, and they have a heart of resistance, so they will leave us with this. The deputy mess, no matter what kind of mess, must find out the truth. In fact, I am more worried about what happened to Yuan Shuo and they were forced to leave here. This is the most important thing!" Situ Ling Yun looked at the broken blades in Luo Xiu's hand, then looked at the three corpses, waved his hand to remove the masks on the faces of the three men in black, and couldn't help sighing.

The three corpses in front of them are unremarkable in appearance and have no distinctive features at all. Moreover, they have been dead for a long time, and it has long been impossible to distinguish the attributes of the exercises they practiced. The only thing that can be seen is that there is one on their neck It has the same mark as a multi-legged worm, but this tattoo is just a little special, and there is no other thing that can explain the identity.

It's just that when Luo Xiu was about to say something, he suddenly raised his head, his expression changed rapidly, his complexion became extremely dignified, and he directly pulled Situ Lingyun into the air and rushed quickly. In the midair, an extremely terrifying black shadow shrouded the two of them directly. Luo Xiu was shocked. No matter the three seven twenty one, he burst out with all his strength in an instant. The Thunder Law controlled the big Yin Yang magnetic cannon to be the strongest. The gesture directly bombarded out.

Even if it exposes his true strength, it is really that this black shadow is too terrifying, and the sudden appearance of the black cloud that is so large that it almost obscures the sun is absolutely rushing to kill him. , At this time, how can I care about the small things of hiding power.

Sure enough, when his powerful yin and yang magnetic cannon hits this terrifying huge black shadow, Luo Xiu only felt that he was hitting cotton with a punch, without any resistance at all. I couldn't help being taken aback, and hurriedly pulled Situ Lingyun to flash to the other side, looked up at the black canopy that was constantly pressing down, and then in the black canopy, there were endless black and brown bugs flying down, and you could see Those little bugs swiftly penetrated into the corpses, and then the corpses were like zombies, standing up one by one, opening their white eyes without black eyeballs and looking at the two standing positions of Luo Xiu, Luo Xiu Seeing this, he couldn't help but look at Situ Lingyun, his expression really became solemn.

Because whether it is this huge black canopy or the frightening scene at this moment, it shows a big problem, why this giant canopy can withstand the powerful attack of his saint level without any His changes, as well as how the black-brown bugs flying out of the black sky curtains manipulated these corpses made him feel a deep malice.

At this moment, Situ Lingyun didn’t care about being entangled with the scene he had seen before. After feeling Luo Xiu’s incomparably powerful attack, he looked at the scene in front of him cautiously, revealing something. A helpless smile came. From his smile, Luo Xiu saw the freedom and relief, which surprised Luo Xiu, and looked at Situ Lingyun with some unkind eyes.

"Elder, what the **** is this? Looking at you like this, you seem to know this thing. What can I say quickly? I really want to find a way to solve it. If it drags on like this, we will all die here!" Luo Xiu was a little anxious. Looking at the corpses that quickly surrounded him.

He waved a few attacks and knocked these corpses into the air, but failed to smash them. In this case, Luo Xiu didn’t understand why these corpses also inherited the black dark cloud’s ability to absorb damage. . This made Luo Xiu a little unsightly. From Situ Lingyun's performance, he could clearly detect the panic in his heart. However, this old guy didn't speak, and Luo Xiu was a little anxious to curse.

Luo Xiu saw Situ Lingyun take a deep breath, and said with some solemnity: "These guys in the Southern Territory should have done it. This should be a Gu worm. If I guess right, It should be the kind of diamond worms, but this number is a bit scary! And from the performance of the diamond worms on the head, it is not difficult to see that these diamond worms should be existences with unique special abilities. As you can see from above, these bugs seem to be extremely hungry now!"