Technology Communication System

Chapter 1506: Mid-Volume!

"Gu worm!? Elder, are you sure you read it right, these things are Gu worms!? How could this be? You know my attack just now, but it is far beyond the average saint powerhouse, such a powerful attack, unexpectedly failed to kill A worm, you told me these are Gu worms! What a joke!" Luo Xiu frowned deeply and asked with an incredible expression on his face.

It was Situ Lingyun's answer that made him feel a little unbelievable. With so many Gu worms, Luo Xiu was dumbfounded! If so many are really Gu worms, with his powerful attack at the level of a saint, even if there are countless worms sharing his attack power, it is absolutely impossible to receive his punch without damage. It was peaceful, and even the worm cloud didn't even produce a single ripple. How could this not shock Luo Xiu?

"Yes, don't be so surprised! These are Gu worms, but these gu worms are a bit special. Alas, how can I tell you? We may have cognitive problems. If these gu worms attack the spirit stone mining area, Then Elder Yuan Shuo and the others gave up the Lingshi Mine, which is undoubtedly the most correct choice. It just makes me wonder why they did not ask for help from the sect, or whether they are in the same situation as ours. If this is the case, then this Things can be extremely tricky, no wonder Tianyin Church chose to retreat so easily, that's how it is!" Situ Lingyun's expression became extremely solemn, and he said helplessly.

While blasting the Gu worms that rushed towards them one by one, he also opened his mouth to explain to Luo Xiu that with the relentless attack of the two of them, the two of them also realized the seriousness of the problem. These worms can absorb Their attacks, and as the number of attacks absorbed, the aura on the insects became stronger. This discovery made Luo Xiu feel frightened.

If it is really because of this reason, it is undoubtedly something he does not want to see. From the scene that happened before him, Luo Xiu can feel how terrifying the pressure these bugs have brought to him invisibly, and also Not only that, Luo Xiu has seen something wrong after this period of powerful attacks. Attacking these bugs. If he focuses on a few of them, his attack can still be effective. With a ranged attack, the intensity of the attack would not be able to directly kill these black bugs.

After realizing this, Luo Xiu decisively abandoned the previous physical attacks and directly used the law of thunder to summon thunder in the sky. He did not expect to cause large-scale deaths and injuries to these gu worms, and directly blasted them in all directions with a tyrannical force. Go, at this time, he can't even care about hiding his own strength. Compared with the dangers that may be encountered, he has already thought of a solution for a little follow-up trouble.

Sure enough, with Luo Xiu's unbridled release of thunder in the sky, the powerful thunder power engulfed endless terror and destructive power, and the direct bombardment caused large-scale killings, smooth and frightening. The violent thunder power, crazy The output made Luo Xiu's complexion a little pale.

No way, there are really too many bugs, overwhelming, if it weren't for his intensive thunder law and the strength of his own saint, he would have died here at this moment. Even so, he feels bad now, no It's just the pressure brought by these bugs, and among the sky bugs, some Gu worms have stronger body hardness.

Under the thunder of the sky, countless insects were killed on the spot, but the black insect cloud in the sky did not show any tendency to decrease. A denser insect cloud came on, as if a black cloud covered the sky. This scene made Luo Xiu a little dumbfounded. He didn't know how to describe the speechlessness in his heart. For him, Luo Xiu felt his own consumption at this moment and couldn't help but sigh, even if he didn't. It is recommended to expose the true cultivation base, but looking at Situ Lingyun next to him, with the same ugly face as him, and knowing that if these insects continue to attack, they will become more passive and things will become worse.

"Elder Situ, I can't go on like this! There are too many of these Gu worms, and they are already a bit hard to fight. The power in my body consumes a lot. Even with the supplement of heaven and earth vitality, it can't make up for the huge consumption. The spiritual power in it is too late to be dragged down like this, and it is bound to be directly besieged and killed by these insects! Although the combat effectiveness of these insects is not strong, so many golden immortal level Gu insects attack at the same time, It has a great impact on my strength!" Luo Xiu is also very helpless at the moment, even if he makes a full shot, facing the overwhelming worm tide, his scalp is tingling.

He really didn't expect that the physical strength of these Gu worms was so terrifying, and these individual strengths have golden immortal level worms, such a dense number, such a huge ethnic group, it is simply better than anything Luo Xiu saw. For a race, collective action is even more frightening.

Even if Luo Xiu can hold it right now, it's only because of the heaven and earth vitality he can mobilize, and can maintain his powerful attack, but as these gu worms continue to swallow the heaven and earth vitality in the surrounding air, Luo Xiu believes that even his The power of the soul is strong enough to mobilize the continuous power between the heavens and the earth, but sooner or later, he will not be able to continue to persist. At that time, he will really be besieged and killed by these insects.

No matter how confident Luo Xiu was before, but when he was really besieged by so many bugs, he still underestimated the monks in this world. If he said that before, Luo Xiu might still be complacent because he had hidden the cultivation of the saint. , However, the appearance of these insects gave him an impact that crushed all his illusions almost instantly.

And the most important thing is that Luo Xiu gave birth to an unpleasant feeling inexplicably. If the owner of these worms were really going to die here with him, then he could hardly imagine that behind these worms, What a powerful existence his master is.

Luo Xiu doesn’t believe that a quasi-sage can come up with such a huge family. These insects only refining them into their own Gu worms, they need a lot of soul power, not to mention, such a huge number, since After dealing with these insects, Luo Xiu killed more than 10,000 insects, so many insects were killed and injured, without any sparseness of the insect cloud in the sky, which undoubtedly made Luo Xiu feel a huge pressure.

"Then what do you do now? With such a dense number of Gu worms and such a defying aura, my strength is limited, and it is unrealistic to want to rush out, but to my surprise, it is your kid's strength, you Obviously you are a saint, and when you cultivated the lightning magical powers, such powerful lightning magical powers, what else is your kid hiding from us, in this situation, no matter what we have before, you can't die now Here, so you escape first, the old man will help you hold these things!" What Luo Xiu did not expect was that Situ Lingyun's focus was obviously completely different from what he had shown before.

At this moment, Luo Xiu was also speechless. This old guy had reached the point of life and death, and he cared about his hidden cultivation base. While making Luo Xiu angry, he also felt a little helpless. It was his own clear consciousness. Under this situation, if he didn’t explain, Situ Lingyun might really let him leave here regardless of the situation. In that case, it doesn’t match Luo Xiu’s plan. Now Luo Xiu has been exposed. With the sage's cultivation base, then he doesn't mind really revealing his true identity. Of course, if he can establish himself in the Universe Sect as Xuanming, that is what he expects most.

"Elder, when is this? You still care about this. Regarding the cultivation level, I didn't intentionally conceal it. Sect Master Yuyang did not let me reveal it. If you know Sect Master Yuyang, they refine this blood. If Changfan would have an accident, I would never let them insist on refining this acquired spirit treasure. Hey! Sect Master asked him at the beginning. When I went to that world with the two elders Yuanshu, I used to follow Sovereign mentioned that my cultivation level is about to break through, but I am also surprised. In that small world, my cultivation level has directly crossed the quasi-sage to the realm of saints, and because of the particularity of the cultivation method, plus Because of the world’s rules of heaven and earth, the origin road I condensed is not as powerful as the saints who are promoted in this prehistoric world, but it has the attack methods of saints, so it is able to help Lin Qing advance to the quasi saints. In order to avoid my own problems, I carefully conceal this, but the situation here no longer allows me to hide my strength, so it will be exposed, but this way I can’t help it. If I knew it would be the case. , I can’t let the elders take the risk anyway!” Luo Xiu couldn’t help feeling a strange feeling in his heart, but facing Situ Lingyun’s problem, he had to give an appropriate explanation. . There is no way. Under the current situation, if he really ignores Situ Lingyun's thoughts, God knows how this elder will make up his mind. Although it may be nothing to Luo Xiu now, but after returning to the sect It is hard to say what uncertain factors will bring him.

"Okay, elder, let's not discuss this for now. The top priority now is to find a way to rush out. As for what you said, it is not necessary to open a path for me. I have a way to bring the elders together. I rushed out, but I was worried that once I rushed out, we may face a more uncertain unknown danger. Once that time, anything that happens may bring us a catastrophe. Don't guard it!" Luo Xiu sighed, and before Situ Lingyun was talking, he couldn't help but explain.

As for the reason for saying this, the reason is also very simple. The behind-the-scenes can control so many Gu worms to besiege them, and such a fierce and undaunted look is enough to explain many problems. Therefore, Luo Xiu at this moment is also I felt that my scalp was tingling for a while. There were really too many Gu worms, so much that he had already developed a sense of powerlessness, and he couldn’t even kill them. It was impossible to imagine the master behind these Gu worms. How powerful.

While explaining to him, Luo Xiu's hands kept moving. The powerful thunder law was made full by his luck. The endless vitality of the world was forcibly mobilized by Luo Xiu. The violent attack was like a torrent, spraying on the boundless black cloud in front of him, black. The moment when the worm cloud collided with the golden lightning, the counter-shock force brought to Luo Xiu also made him feel extremely uncomfortable. If his body strength was not strong enough, Luo Xiu at this moment faced these worms. , That is simply a lamb to be slaughtered, even so, the amount of vitality he mobilizes now is much less than before.

If it weren’t this place, it’s a vein of spirit stone, the heaven and earth vitality here itself is far beyond the ordinary place, so Luo Xiu can hold on for such a long time. The vitality is almost gone.

But even with such a huge amount of heaven and earth vitality, facing Luo Xiu's crazy extraction speed, he couldn't hold on for too long, so that at this moment Luo Xiu had to mobilize a large amount of soul power to spread wildly outside. Extracting the vitality of the heavens and the earth from the greater distance between the heavens and the earth, the speed of extracting the vitality of the heavens and the earth is now much faster than the speed of replenishing the vitality of the heavens and the earth.

Under such circumstances, when Luo Xiu faced the weakening of the heavens and the earth, the thunder attack he instigated was no longer the same as before. He had the ability to kill these insects in seconds. At this moment, although Luo Xiu can also launch The Thunder Law attacks, but the damage it can cause has been much less than before.

After realizing this, Luo Xiu instantly changed his attack method in Situ Lingyun's surprised eyes. The Wan Jian Jue was activated by him for the first time, and he saw that the sky and thunder instantly turned into countless lightsabers, like a flying sword. Similarly, directly rushing towards the worm cloud in the sky, although the speed is not very fast, the attack power that each lightning can explode is much stronger than the previous thunder attack.

Coupled with Luo Xiu's powerful sword intent, every attack of Luo Xiu at this moment has extremely powerful lethality, but there is one thing that Luo Xiu cannot bear. That is the consumption of this ten thousand sword art, but it is comparable to the law of thunder. It is also terrifying, and because the worms in front of them must be dealt with in the same way, the consumption is imaginable. Although these gu worms alone are not strong enough to kill, if you want to block the siege of all the worms, you can do it by relying on the law of thunder alone, but the Ten Thousand Sword Art cannot do this. This is the first time before Luo Xiu , The real reason for choosing to use the Thunder Rule is that only the combination of the two can completely solve the immediate crisis.