Technology Communication System

Chapter 1508: King Gu Worm

"Okay, just do as you say. If you succeed this time, I will definitely help you improve your smart program. During this period of time, after refining this acquired **** long sail, combined with this The special structure of the acquired spirit treasure, I have a bold idea. If you build your body into an acquired or innate spirit treasure, will your functions become more powerful, plus the powerful intelligence of the system, the system It is very normal for you to even become an innate treasure one day!" Luo Xiu was delighted with the confidence promise of the system. If it was exactly what the system said, as long as the Gu Worm King was killed and everything could be solved, he would really be grateful, so he would say the above words.

Then Luo Xiu looked at Situ Lingyun and said to him: "Elder, in the next period of time, I hope you can take care of yourself and I will give you this defensive spirit treasure. For my own safety, I want to try to see if I can kill the few insect kings hidden among these insects, because only in this way can the situation of being besieged by these insects be solved, in case something happens to me, elder , You directly exploded this acquired spirit treasure and forcibly broke through!"

After Luo Xu said these words, he lifted his control of the settlement compass. After the temporary authority was activated, he handed the delimitation compass to Situ Lingyun's hands. Then he looked at Situ Lingyun with an extremely serious expression, and said seriously: "Elder, this is already the case. I don't complain about some things. The death of Sect Master Yuyang really has nothing to do with me, and I didn't expect that this time the spirit stone mine will encounter such a situation, so, Everything can only be said to be a coincidence. Even the situation at this moment, I am not sure if it is a coincidence. Whether it is the death of Elder Yuan Shuo and others, or the death of Sect Master Yuyang and the current situation, I feel very stressed, so if we leave alive this time, I will not hesitate to retaliate against the three major forces including Tianyin Sect!"

The reason why Luo Xiu has not forgotten to say the above remarks at this time is actually very simple. It is reasonable to sell miserably or to sell, and he believes that Situ Lingyun must have doubts about him. But under the premise that he can't confirm whether his own strength can beat Luo Xiu, he will of course pretend to be ignorant, for fear that this person really has any calculations against him in private. Therefore, Luo Xiu wants to prevent Situ Lingyun from dying in vain. Here, letting this series of coincidences become reality will only be more and more disadvantageous for him.

Because of Luo Xiu’s remarks, Situ Lingyun who made Situ Lingyun open his mouth several times, but was unable to say anything. Regarding Luo Xiu’s remarks, Situ Lingyun actually had some mixed feelings in his heart, but Because Luo Xiu's appearance at the moment made him feel a little unacceptable, but Luo Xiu's words seemed to remind him.

No matter how unresponsive Situ Lingyun was, he understood why Luo Xiu had said these words at this moment. This kid made it clear that it was at this time and did not forget to wash away his suspicion, even though Luo Xiu did this. , There are some deliberately such suspicions, but to be honest, Situ Lingyun believed Luo Xiu's explanation. After all, when this matter is about the survival of the individual, Luo Xiu can still maintain a spirit of dedication and sacrifice, which is enough to show that Luo Xiu has some other careful thoughts on the Qiankun Sect, but it does not prevent him from really not harming the same family. I'm here.

After realizing this, for Situ Lingyun at this moment, he can think of many things. Although there are still some things that he does not understand, Situ Lingyun believes that, just give him In time, he can find out the cause quickly.

Although the current Qiankun Sect has gotten rid of the critical situation, Situ Lingyun also deeply knows the existence of Luo Xiu and the significance of treating the entire sect. Therefore, the Qiankun Sect at this moment cannot be separated from Luo Xiu. As long as he is clear, then other problems are not a problem! Besides, Luo Xiu did not secretly count on Xue Yuyang's suspicion. Since he exposed the cultivation level of the saint, Situ Lingyun can be sure that Luo Xiu is 100% innocent.

"Be careful, the old man doesn’t know about other things. The old man only knows that your kid is willing to risk death in order to save the old man. This is enough to prove your innocence. As for the matter of hiding your strength, if you If you really have any intentions against us, one of us is counted as one. With your strength, no one can live for long! So you don’t have to worry about what we will question you. There is an old man in this situation. It’s impossible. If you didn’t expose your cultivation level this time, maybe the old man might still have doubts about you, but now, in order to save the old man, you can still take care of the overall situation, and you have not left me to run away, it is enough to prove that you are right. The loyalty of the sect, therefore, I don’t care what others think of it, but here, I believe you will never be the one who killed the sect master and several elders, so you don’t need to be like that!” Situ Lingyun took the compass Control, and then looked at Luo Xiu very seriously, with a touch of solemnity in his tone.

Although I don’t know how many of Situ Lingyun’s words are true or false, Luo Xiu is actually not in these words. What really makes him feel comfortable is the attitude of this person, since he admitted himself without hesitation. Judging from the previous suspicions and the doubts about Luo Xiu's identity, Situ Lingyun was still upright and aboveboard.

Moreover, Luo Xiu also believes that Situ Lingyun’s words are actually very reasonable. It is not that he feels good, but that Luo Xiu recalls it carefully and cannot help but praise his performance during this period. , Because in dealing with many things, he made a subconscious choice, considering the most favorable idea of ​​Qiankun Sect. He did not expect that under the wrong circumstances, he could unknowingly remove his suspicion. Now, for Luo Xiu, that is definitely the most unexpected gain! At this moment, he also felt very speechless in his heart. Under this situation, in his opinion, there were many places that revealed his true identity, but now it became his most perfect explanation.

Of course, the more important point is that Luo Xiu’s attitude towards Situ Lingyun at this moment can show that facing the siege of these insects, he can maintain such a sincere treatment of the elders of Qiankun Sect, which is enough to show Luo Xiu’s disposition. Not the kind of ungrateful person, so as long as he shows enough loyalty and strength, for the entire Universe Sect, absolutely no one will doubt his identity at this time.

Of course, there are some places that actually make Luo Xiu feel very dissatisfied. It's just that due to his own strength and identity, he doesn't have much to say, especially the most critical point is that the disappearance of Xue Wuming and others is more able to sit. Shi Luo Xiu's identity is fine. At this time, no matter how violently he responded, it would not arouse Situ Lingyun's suspicion. This alone was enough.

And because of the situation of the Qiankun Sect, other aspects are nothing else. The only thing is that Luo Xiu is actually intolerable, that is, being treated as a fool. In this case, no matter when you start, he will treat Honghuang In terms of the superficial knowledge of the world, people in this prehistoric world may think that the rich resources of the prehistoric world are not as intriguing as other worlds he has experienced.

Although there are some practitioners who are extremely cruel, but these people are some people who practice evil ways and go crazy, so they can do this kind of conscience. Therefore, even if they treat Tianyin religion, Luo Xiu at this moment is also It's not shouting and screaming, so for the Universe Sect to treat himself like this, even if he knows that Situ Lingyun's words are mostly comforting, he feels comfortable inside.

"Elder, you can wait here for a while. Remember to act by chance. There are some medicines that restore mana. You must hold it first. You must keep yourself safe. If you have any problems, I will go back alone. , Then my identity problem, but I really jumped into the river and I can’t clean it up. The previous suzerain and their deaths, I can say that it was an accident. If there is any accident with you, elder, then I will have a hundred mouths. , I don’t know exactly what happened! So if you can, I hope you can protect yourself, elder! Boy, I’ll be there!” No matter what purpose Situ Lingyun said, Luo Xiu said this at the moment. He didn't plan to worry about this anymore, he looked at Situ Lingyun very solemnly, and said in a very serious tone.

At this moment, Luo Xiu's expression was extremely serious. More importantly, the number of Gu worms that besieged the two of them did not decrease in the slightest, on the contrary, they more and more desperately attacked their defensive covers. He knew that he should not entangle again. These are the reasons why I said my worries so bluntly, and I also wanted to prevent the old fellow Situ Lingyun from doing something because of his words.

"I know, then you must be careful. Only if you are alive can you completely get rid of the situation of being besieged by the three major forces. If the people of the three major forces know that I will not only have a quasi-sage, but also A saint, ha ha, I think that at that time, no one will make our minds. Whether it is the crisis in this spirit stone mine or other places, it will be automatically solved in an instant. I think of that time, my Universe Sect Without restraint, the skyrocketing strength can only happen overnight!" Situ Lingyun saw that Luo Xiu said these things so bluntly, shook his head, and said with a very serious tone.

Then Luo Xiu faced this situation and couldn't help but nodded seriously. Although he knew that there would be no problems with his trip, he still wanted to show a hard fight in front of Situ Lingyun. Process, otherwise, solving this problem too easily will only make Situ Lingyun more suspicious of him, which is actually detrimental to Luo Xiu's many actions in the future.

Then Luo Xiu no longer hesitated. With the help of the system, he made serious preparations, because the system was unable to lock the insect king among these Gu worms for the time being, and because of this huge swarm, there was not only one king class. Gu worms, so if Luo Xiu wants to completely solve the threat of these worms, he must instantly kill five king-level monsters in a short time.

Even with Luo Xiu’s current strength, he wants to explode five super attacks in a short period of time, and instantly kill five king-level Gu worms, he will inevitably be exhausted, so he is trying to recover the power he has consumed. , And he is also preparing to take out the Four Swords of Zhuxian. Under the current circumstances, if he uses the Four Swords of Zhuxian, the efficiency of killing king-level Gu worms may be much more efficient. After all, with the sharpness of the sword, it can be easily broken. Open the carapace defense of these king-level Gu insects.

Of course, there is one thing that Luo Xiu has to consider, and that is whether the emergence of the Zhuxian Sword Array will bring greater harm to him, because according to his understanding, in this prehistoric world, the innate treasure has already disappeared. Knowing how many years, Luo Xiu has a complete set of innate treasures in his hands, but the innate treasure time magic lamp is only an auxiliary spiritual treasure, and its influence on the world law is still very limited.

But this set of Zhuxian Sword Formation in his hand is another situation. If the Zhuxian Sword Formation is really exposed, it will be a fatal threat to many saints, not to mention, once the entire prey In the world’s major sacred places, if you know that Luo Xiu has a complete set of killing soldiers, it will have a great impact on the situation of the entire prehistoric world. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important situation is, Today’s Qiankun Sect up and down does not know that he has such a set of innate treasures. If he exposes these innate spiritual treasures in front of Situ Lingyun, then Luo Xiu’s identity problem, even if it is No matter how much they believe, they will be suspicious.

After all, even if Luo Xiu's luck is against the sky, it is impossible to just follow Yuanshu to the small world and have such a huge harvest. This is not clear at all, and the most important thing is that Luo Xiu's previous Those words, and these powerful innate spirit treasures that he revealed at this moment, had a big contradiction between the two, and this situation was the most troublesome place for Luo Xiu.

Only after thinking about it again and again, Luo Xiu decisively chose to use the Four Swords of Zhuxian, because he knew very well that he wanted to kill five king-level gu worms in an instant. With his strength, if these king-level gu worms gathered together , He can easily complete the kill, but the position of these king-level Gu worms is changing at any time, which means that the difficulty of killing them instantly increases geometrically, and he wants to solve these kings without any accident. Grade Gu worm, the only thing Luo Xiu can think of is to use the sword formation advantage of the Zhuxian Sword Formation on a large scale.